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The Mooch's replacement could be Stephen Miller


Sources for Axios are saying Stephen Miller could be the next White House Communications Director: https://www.axios.com/who-will-be-t...or-after-mooch-stephen-miller-2469535517.html


Stephen Miller, the Trump senior policy adviser who just tangled on-camera with CNN's Jim Acosta, is under consideration for White House communications director, top Trump sources tell me.

The effort to find a Mooch successor is still in the name-gathering process, and Miller is not the top contender, the sources said.

But Steve Bannon likes the idea of Miller for the job, and Miller was the hero of the West Wing after he attacked Acosta as a "cosmopolitan" for his views on immigration.

When Miller finished that press briefing, his colleagues high-fived him, according to Sebastian Gorka, a national-security aide who's a favorite of the president's for his over-the-top TV hits.

The super-key point: Trump cares primarily about how people perform on TV. He's totally uninterested in the behind-the-scenes, unglamorous planning work of a comms director.

Miller is proudly hardline nationalist, and a favorite of the Trump faithful:

As a top aide to then-Sen. Jeff Sessions, Miller was a central player in ginning up opposition to the "Gang of 8" bipartisan effort at immigration reform.

He has a "Rainman" ability to recall immigration statistics.

When Miller worked in Sessions' office, he was effectively an adjunct of the Breitbart editorial team. He'd work closely with Julia Hahn — then Breitbart's immigration reporter, and now a White House colleague — on stories favoring nationalist immigration positions. A former colleague of Hahn's said Miller "mentored" Hahn.

Miller was famous for bugging reporters at all hours with his story pitches, and seemingly had a direct line to Matt Drudge. The running joke was that the Sessions office had a permanent lease on at least one of the prized top-left Drudge links.


He'll need to keep his person suit moisturized and ready if he's going to be in front of the camera that often. Probably have to fill in his basement to prevent the snooping media from stumbling upon his shrine to the Great Old Ones.


They would have to cancel the briefings because there is no way he would last. He's inexperienced and terrible.


I enjoyed his faux outrage at Jim Acosta's criticism of the legal immigration reduction. Looking forward to future instances of Miller's desperate attempts to feign emotion.
Really want this to happen. The sight of this rabid serial killer dude going HAM on journalists daily is the only thing that can replace the loss of the Mooch for late night comedy. Plus, it'll be funny when he gets fired in 3 weeks.


It would just be a daily yelling match, and then Miller would be ripped apart every time for lying. Not that it matters to the Trump faithful. They don't give a shit about who's right.


How long do you think it will take before Miller goes on a racist tirade live on national television?
I think we might be at a negative number of days, if you consider his tirade against the Statue of Liberty and what it stands for counts as explicit enough.
Seb Gorka for Deputy Press Secretary

Anyway, isn't the comms director supposed to be mostly an off-camera job, like, directing communications strategy and shit? Huckabee Sanders will be the one giving the daily briefings. Though I suppose it's safe to assume that the Mooch's stated strategy of repairing relationships with the press is not going to happen, lol.
"If you tell a lie enough times, it eventually becomes the truth" Joseph goebbles circa 1930
Pretty much the trump school of thought so it makes sense they get a goebbles lookalike for their press secretary.
At least we could poke fun at Scaramucci with Samurai Jack memes!

This guy is just plain garbage with nothing good. Mooch had the name at least!
I honestly believe that the Founding Fathers would be greatly disgusted and disturbed at who the Electoral College put into the White House.
Fully agree on this.


Thats how you go full fascist, and thats not even a joke. His 2 main public appearances were aggressive disasters. Its scary because they might actually be able to pull some short term fascism while the repubs look concerned for a month or two.
Thats how you go full fascist, and thats not even a joke. His 2 main public appearances were aggressive disasters. Its scary because they might actually be able to pull some short term fascism while the repubs look concerned for a month or two.

I'm fucking shook by the possibility of this. His most famous " THE POWERS OF THE PRESIDENT ARE ABSOLUTE" shit was one of the scariest moments of the beginning of Trump's presidency.


It will accelerate Miller getting the boot when he crashes and burns, so I'm all for it.

So far he hasn't had to do anything but wormtongue shitty policy into Trump's ear.


Went into this thread not expecting the bombshell that this guy is 31. Goddamn, now I don't feel too bad about bum hair situation.
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