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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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I've played a few games of ascension lite and it's seriously fun, I like it a lot more than dominion, if only the theme wasn't so nerdy it'd be an instabuy for me but I know it'll never hit the table with it's current theme, at least the artstyle is nice and different.


Flynn said:
I love teaching Race For The Galaxy, but I get the impression that people hate learning it.

Yea, I think Im going to need to do some more research on it or have someone explain it in person because while I know somewhat what is going on now, I absolutely start to get crushed by the AI at about the midway point, so its clear that I am doing something wrong
superrobot said:
Have people found 7 wonders easy to teach/pick up. That's another one on my radar.

Super easy to pick up, and definitely lunch-time-capable. Possibly 2 games if you get efficient with set up and stretch the lunch long :)

CrudeDiatribe said:
We introduced Agricola to another couple a few weeks ago; they're young professionals that work a lot, married a year. They admitted the next morning that it caused a small existential crisis when they went to bed: "you have to work and work and work just to get food on the table and then you're expected to have babies and there's not enough time for everything!"

Sooooo true. It's why I hate the game as much as I love it.
protonion said:
I saw dozens in BGG but which of them are actually good for one person?


Space Hulk card game, works great as 1P. Brutal.


New LotR LCG, also works good 1P or 2P.


You can either play it by controlling all other monks, or you can use 3 other boards as neutral boards (there are rules for them). There is lots to do, however all rules and mechanics are VERY simple.

How text heavy is 7 Wonders? My fiancee doesn't speak Polish, however I can get Polish version for 20-30% cheaper than it would cost me to import English version. Then I could play with her + my parents.


Decided to give Dominion a try and put down RFTG, and I have to say, so far I like my choice. Dominion is a whole lot easier to learn and a lot of fun, and unlike Settlers, doesnt fill me with burning rage and frustration when some absurd rolling happens or I get butt reamed by robbers and a bunch of 7s - probably because there is no rolling!


Gonaria said:
Yea, I think Im going to need to do some more research on it or have someone explain it in person because while I know somewhat what is going on now, I absolutely start to get crushed by the AI at about the midway point, so its clear that I am doing something wrong

A couple thoughts regarding RFTG strategy:

Don't hang onto cards too long. If you get a card you think you want, but can't place it don't spend a handful of turns trying to work up to it. You're probably giving up better opportunities.

Explore is best used when you want to fish for a certain kind of card. Lets say you're all military and have a bunch of power, but no military planets in hand. Explore +5 is a smart play to fish for that card.

Keep an eye on what your opponent is doing. If you can reliably predict what their next action choice is going to be you're in a better position to get the most done in a single round.


Flynn said:
A couple thoughts regarding RFTG strategy:

Don't hang onto cards too long. If you get a card you think you want, but can't place it don't spend a handful of turns trying to work up to it. You're probably giving up better opportunities.

Explore is best used when you want to fish for a certain kind of card. Lets say you're all military and have a bunch of power, but no military planets in hand. Explore +5 is a smart play to fish for that card.

Keep an eye on what your opponent is doing. If you can reliably predict what their next action choice is going to be you're in a better position to get the most done in a single round.

I do usually do that. I think my problems lie in the trade, consume, produce realm since I am still rather unclear on what those things exactly do. Sure, I can play the game now with the help of that computer program, but I doubt I could play it without it because of me not really understanding the trade, consume, and produce functions - and how those exactly relate to settlements, cards, points, etc.

I think Ill try to find some youtube videos because watching someone play/explain it might be a good way to go.


Gonaria said:
I do usually do that. I think my problems lie in the trade, consume, produce realm since I am still rather unclear on what those things exactly do. Sure, I can play the game now with the help of that computer program, but I doubt I could play it without it because of me not really understanding the trade, consume, and produce functions - and how those exactly relate to settlements, cards, points, etc.

I think Ill try to find some youtube videos because watching someone play/explain it might be a good way to go.

The thing to remember about the Consume phase is that Trade and 2X Trade are both just bonuses you get for having selected the Consume action during the blind bid.

Anything listed in the $ portion is a card is a bonus or other effect you may take if you chose the Trade action during that round. Most are bonuses to the trade value of your particular card.

Otherwise everybody else gains the effects of the consume symbols marked as IV on the cards.

I think of consume as the final step in your machine's process:

Goods enter your tableau via the produce action (V) or if they're discovered on a windfall word during the settle phase (III). Consume is when you put those goods to use by processing them through the powers (IV) on your various worlds and developments.


Castor Krieg said:
Is it something you need to pay attention to, or I can just explain it once, and that's it?

Um, I recall having to personally have to reference the rules during scoring, but it's not like everyone needs a sheet telling them what each symbol means, they make sense in the context of the game.

Edit: I take that back, the guild cards do have a breakdown sheet, but thats probably something you could print off on boardgamegeek.


Flynn said:
The thing to remember about the Consume phase is that Trade and 2X Trade are both just bonuses you get for having selected the Consume action during the blind bid.

Anything listed in the $ portion is a card is a bonus or other effect you may take if you chose the Trade action during that round. Most are bonuses to the trade value of your particular card.

Otherwise everybody else gains the effects of the consume symbols marked as IV on the cards.

I think of consume as the final step in your machine's process:

Goods enter your tableau via the produce action (V) or if they're discovered on a windfall word during the settle phase (III). Consume is when you put those goods to use by processing them through the powers (IV) on your various worlds and developments.

Hmm, well, I seem to be getting better at it. I now know what everything does, and am starting to use trade when i need a ton of cards, consume when i need some points, etc, and am trying to use some strategy, problem is is that Ive only beaten that damn AI once, haha. Guess i still need to work on my strategy. Thanks for the advice
Gonaria said:
Hmm, well, I seem to be getting better at it. I now know what everything does, and am starting to use trade when i need a ton of cards, consume when i need some points, etc, and am trying to use some strategy, problem is is that Ive only beaten that damn AI once, haha. Guess i still need to work on my strategy. Thanks for the advice

It's a very tough AI. I probably win 1 out of 4 if I'm lucky or hit a quick produce consume engine in the first few rounds.


superrobot said:
It's a very tough AI. I probably win 1 out of 4 if I'm lucky or hit a quick produce consume engine in the first few rounds.

I was wondering about that since the games seem to end very quickly


joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
How was the game?

Sorry about the delay. I enjoy it, but its hard to put into words why. I couldn't point out a particular part that struck me as amazing. Action selection similar to El Grande, Basic auction mechanic in a ton of other games. Pretty standard. Positioning yourself so you get paid for transporting other people's oil is pretty cool.

Two things I did like: not knowing how much money I had compared to the other potential winner, increasing the suspense, and I never felt like I couldn't do anything. Sometimes I chose to have a less than stellar turn, but the action cards let you chose more bidding power, or more movement power (to scout for more oil to sell).

The worst thing I can say about the game is that it feels like a 30 dollar game and not a 40 dollar game. If this was published by rio grande and used cubes instead of plastic figures, nothing would feel out of place.

I wouldn't rush out to buy it, but next time you need a free shipping item, check it out.


First tragedy, then farce.
So, I got Cosmic Encounter and both expansion in last night.

1) Amazon packaging was horrid. Base games box was scuffed and dented pretty badly. One of the expansions box was actually crushed. Luckily components inside survived. FF game catelog didn't.

2) Artwork is pretty awesome on the cards. There are a couple I don't really care for, but for the most part, it's pretty dang nifty. The new version of the game still didn't correct an old error where it is obvious the artwork for virus and zombie were switched. Luckily someone on BGG has mockups that correct this issue.

3) Man, some of these alien powers are awesome. I've only played a couple of 5p games so I've seen 10 of the 90 powers in play, I can't wait to see some of them in action.. they just look like so much fun. Most of the ones I've played with had a minor change in strategy, some of them change the game completely. Bang! has player powers that can slightly alter gameplay.. but for the most part you still play the game roughly the same way no matter what your character is. The Alien powers really do affect your entire strategy for winning.

My favorite one is "The Claw" which lets you put a card face down. Anytime someone plays that exact card, you get to steal one of their planets and put it in your home system and any ships on it go to the warp. It's not going to happen a ton, but the planet counts as one of the 5 you need to win the game and makes it exceptionaly hard for other players to keep their special power.

Some other really cool looking ones are Leviathin that lets you launch a war world against an opponent (you literally get to send an entire planet through the jump gate for a +10 attack plus any ships on the planet). So cool.

4) components in this game are amazing. I've looked at some of the earlier versions.. and the stuff from the 70s, 80s and 90s is all pretty crappy looking. The Avalon Hill edition looked really nice, but it looks like that was a case of form over function with a lot of plastic crap that was cumbersome to use but looked awesome. The stackable ships, individual planets and lack of a true "board" just make the game scale so well.

5) Been reading a ton about future expansions. It looks like there are 3 more planned which will take the game to 150 aliens(!), 9-10 players (!) and should reintroduce some mechanics from older versions (Moons, Lucre, reverse planets, comets).. but from what I understand, these were pretty divisive mechanics.. I guess the up-side is if you don't like a mechanic you just don't play with that expansion. They are very much so like the Allhambra/Carcassonne mini-expansions where they can be combined in effectively any way you want.

6) I really like the connection to nerd history this game has. There is something nifty about playing a game that college nerds gathered around until the wee hours of the morning over 30 years ago and have been doing ever since. A lot of the games I did this with (Risk, Axis and Allies, Monopoly) are just not games I want to play anymore and very few games from bygone era's really hold up very well. It's nice to have a nice, light quick game that has effectively been in play since my parents were in college.

I think this is very likely to become our new go to party game. It takes about as long to play as Bang!, player interaction is much better and there is no player elimination.. so double bonus. Sadly, 2 members of my regular game group (girlfriends brother and sister-in-law) are moving to Dallas so game nights may be fewer and farther between. Though, I imagine road trips will be fairly frequent between us going there and them coming here.


I had been itching to play some more Glory to Rome. I had the chance to get in 3 games yesterday (2 2P and 1 3P); I really do like the game. It's a nice break from the speed of RftG (though it can also go pretty quick depending on the building combos). And regardless from what the majority of people seem to say on BGG, I like the colorful artwork.

I also got to play Innovation for the first time. I have this on a CSI order (just waiting for Quarriors to release before it will ship) so it was nice to get a play in. I really liked it as well and I'm looking forward to getting a copy. I had thought it would be more difficult to learn but it is pretty straightforward and it's just a question of maybe mulling over some of the card abilities.

And have I mentioned Famiglia before? It's by the guy who designed Power Grid and it's a 2 player card game where you are trying to recruit the best (i.e worth the most victory points) mafia family. It's a quick play so it's nice for filler or something to do while you wait for everyone else to show up. Plus it was only like $8 from CSI.


Brashnir said:
I quite enjoy Space Hulk: Death Angel in solitaire mode. Plus, it's cheap.
Personally I find trying to play any of the big coop games solo kind of frustrating. Juggling one role can be difficult enough for me but then adding on a few more means it's more an exercise in management than playing a game. But that's me and I'm still seriously eye-balling both Ender Sign and Gears of War:TBG because they have solo options.


First tragedy, then farce.
Le Havre and Agricola have good 1 person variants that play essentially like the multiplayer game, except you are gunning for high score instead of beating people.

I've actually played Le Havre solo when bored before and found it to be entertaining.

For the most part I find solo-board gaming to be a chore. I do it once or twice when I first get a game and "play" as different personas just to make sure I have the rules down pat.


Well this is great. Now I have to sit here at work for another three hours until I can go home and bust out Miskatonic and Black Goat (it was the only one I didn't have so I figured now's the time). Pretty psyched about that. I played a six player game of base + Dunwich last night with a few friends who were in town for a couple of days. I know six players, especially with 3 of them new, isn't ideal for Arkham but it turned out to be a blast. Everyone loved the game, the new players actually went out and bought a copy today. Now I can't wait to get back into a three player game with the new stuff.

Man, I <3 Arkham.

Guess that was a solid investment...

EDIT: LOL, then I just rolled a pestilence...
platypotamus said:

Guess that was a solid investment...

EDIT: LOL, then I just rolled a pestilence...
Pestilence seems to come up too often on Yucata. I've played both my iPhone version and my hard copy of the game tons of times and I rarely see it rolled.

So I finally got into google+ (thx Neverfade) did we ever start a BGGAF group there?

For everybody who is waiting for my turns in Yucata I'll make them on Monday, I've been gone all week. Sorry for the delay.


joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
So I finally got into google+ (thx Neverfade) did we ever start a BGGAF group there?

NP. Unless I'm mistaken, you just make another circle and add all your boardgame folks in there.


I've been trying to guide my play sessions into Dominion, as I really enjoy it, the people I play with really enjoy it, and the game design is as tight as hell.

I only own the base set, but I'm hoping to pick up Seasides and Prosperity later this year.

The problem is every game that we play turns into a drag race for Provinces, and there seems to be very little I can do to discourage it. Gardens and Witch have both helped in avoiding the 'drag race for Provinces' and have made the games more fun, but they're about the only ones.

If Smithy is on the table, everybody first or second turn buys it. If Village is also on the table, that's the other opening move in combination with Smithy.
Thief is poison. Everybody gets it, which essentially just slows the game down and delays the true start. There is no real strategy to avoid it, even Moat doesn't help enough.
The Council Room/Throne Room combo is always good fun.
TwiztidElf said:
The problem is every game that we play turns into a drag race for Provinces, and there seems to be very little I can do to discourage it. Gardens and Witch have both helped in avoiding the 'drag race for Provinces' and have made the games more fun, but they're about the only ones.

If Smithy is on the table, everybody first or second turn buys it. If Village is also on the table, that's the other opening move in combination with Smithy.
Thief is poison. Everybody gets it, which essentially just slows the game down and delays the true start. There is no real strategy to avoid it, even Moat doesn't help enough.
The Council Room/Throne Room combo is always good fun.

I think your problem will be alleviated a bit once you get some expansions going on, as the base set is a little more weighted in the direction of money->provinces than some of the others. That said, it sounds like your group may be pretty new to Dominion (Village is a very easy card to over-rate as a newb). Explore cards that no one else is buying, and see what kind of combos you can create.

The two cards I UNDERestimated the most when I first played? Chapel and Chancellor. The Chapel can be valuable even when there are no curses to cleanse. The Chancellor's seemingly worthless ability to discard your whole deck can be HUGE, especially early game.

No counter to the Thief? Try running a deck with no treasure cards. Not always feasible, but with the right Kingdom Cards out there, it can excel. The Smithy can be (slightly) dampered with the Witch or the Bureaucrat. Both of those can be quasi-countered with the Cellar.

Heck, cheat the next time you set up the game, and just deliberately choose the 10 cards that have gotten used the least in your group so far.

(ALSO: Cards with +1 buys can sometimes be used to deplete cheaper stacks quickly, before the Province race can really get going, though this plan can be pretty high risk)
Neverfade said:
NP. Unless I'm mistaken, you just make another circle and add all your boardgame folks in there.
Ah-so. I'll need to fool around with it when I get to my computer tomorrow. It doesn't seem like you can do much with the mobile site.
If you guys want to connect with me, I'm using the same avvie on there, and I'm in AstroLad's circle(s).

Or you can PM me with your email addy, either way. I don't think I know anyone's real name except Astro/Flynn who I circled already.

Well, and Joey Joe Joe Jr. Shabadoo's but we all agree that's a terrible name.


If you want to add me in Google+, I should come up if you search using my username (Choodi) or just go to Astrolad's page and look for the Super Mario Toad hat (first name Theo).


First tragedy, then farce.
sneaky77 said:
So how is google + as compared to others... you know besides the made by google thing

It has some nice advantages with the way friends are organized.

Think if Facebook groups worked the way groups in MSN messenger or AOL messenger worked. Actually put people into categories that you could then view as a category. The "circles" then intersect in certain spots where people may be members of multiple groups.

It also has a bit of twitter in that you can follow people and get them in your feed without them following you, which is certainly nice.

The chat function is also much improved over facebook.

The thing I like best is the photo system *is* picassa which I've been using offline for years because of the geotagging. I need to get more of my photos online, but it's pretty damned swanky.

To me, it's a definite step forward in social networking. If facebook would make their groups meaningful (and not even in a fancy visual way like this) and improve their chat client I think they would chiefly blunt what google+ has pulled off to this point.

The nice thing about google+ is they can really leverage some awesome things like google places, google maps, google lattitude into making this go well beyond what you are used to doing with social networking. that, and the whole +1 social search stuff actually being something people will give a shit about as opposed to the bing search.

Google Buzz was DOA and a terrible service that had no point. This is an improvement if people will actually make the switch.


I played (and won) my first game each of Carson City and A Game of Thrones (no expansions) last week and really enjoyed both of them.

Carson City is a cool game from 2009 about building an old west town with a combination of role selection, worker placement and tile placement with dice rolling to settle disputes. All of this happens over four turns and then the game ends. I haven't played Caylus but from what I've heard Carson City sounds like Caylus with dice and shooting, so that's pretty good. I sort of wonder if 4 turns is too few since the game ends just as you get your little empire going but then again the short game does keep the pressure on to not ignore victory points so it's probably just about right. Really solid, I liked it a lot.

124 is a pretty high ranking on boardgamegeek but unless it really breaks down after several plays I'm surprised Carson City isn't ranked even higher. I guess cathedrals > the old west on BGG.

A Game of Thrones is pretty great, too! We played with 4 people and half way through the first game it was obvious that you really need that fifth player, but I didn't mind because it was a learning game and hey, not having the Greyjoys around really worked out well for me (Lannister). I'd love to play some more with a full group or try that one four player expansion.

I'd love to buy both games but the one guy who would probably be around for Carson City hates it and AGoT has been out of print forever. Apparently it's getting a reprint soon so I may check it out then. In the meantime I need to get some friends watching the TV show to get them interested in it.

Oh right, and another quick Arkham report. Played a game with a friend and his wife today and we beat Eihort (brood token guy) with base + Dunwich boards down. We won in the final boss fight but we were using the epic battle cards. Those things rock! Glad I picked up Kingsport before it got hard to find. Looks like Kingsport and Innsmouth are out of stock a lot of places online. Hopefully they won't be gone for as long as Dunwich was.


First tragedy, then farce.
Yeah, without the greyjoys ships to worry about Lannister can pretty much do whatever they want. Stark would have an easier time as well defending the North via the neck.

Carson City is also a great game. I just find it to have gotten a bit dry as there seems to be really 1-2 strategies worth exploring in the game. The Indians (kind of) opens up a 3rd line to victory.
I actually just got Carson City a few days ago and I can't wait to try it out. I figured with how much fun I was having with Troyes that I could the designer's other game a shot. The giant dice really annoy me. I replaced them with two regular sized dice immediately.


I love me some Carson City; doesn't get to the table enough. I think the number of turns is just right - the last turn is usually a bloodbath of expansion & attacks, I don't think another turn would help, just make the rich, richer.


Hail to the KING baby
BomberMouse said:
Exactly my thoughs about the service, plus intant uploads for pictures is a great feature IMHO. So, is there a NeoGaf baordgames circle going on?
Yeah, I think I have about 10 or so BG gaffers on there already! PM me your name and I will add you to my BG circle (which is ~10 gaffers and ~15 other people right now). Been using it especially for instant upload, which lets me post and discuss games I'm playing really easily.

Sneaky you can send me your email and I'll invite you if invites are still open.

The giant dice really annoy me.
OMG. These are probably my favorite part of the game -- just ask stooge.


Is Dominion the most popular game on yucata? I've only just found out bout the site, and don't have a lot of board game experience. (catan, carcasonne, forbidden island, castle panic, smallworld)

I want to get into some games, but I hate to be the guy slowing everything down cause I don't know any rules.


Hail to the KING baby
Palmer_v1 said:
Is Dominion the most popular game on yucata? I've only just found out bout the site, and don't have a lot of board game experience. (catan, carcasonne, forbidden island, castle panic, smallworld)

I want to get into some games, but I hate to be the guy slowing everything down cause I don't know any rules.
Yucata doesn't have Dominion -- I'd say among gaffers some of the most popular games are Campaign Manager, Carcassonne H&G, Stone Age, Roll through the Ages, and a couple others. Don't worry about slowing anyone down -- with the new job I'm only able to take a couple turns a day myself.
AstroLad said:
OMG. These are probably my favorite part of the game -- just ask stooge.

The table I play on is on the small side, so you can't throw the dice too far. The big dice don't seem to roll well unless there's a lot of space. That and I can already see one of my friends throwing those things right into the game board and knocking all the tiles and pieces all over the place.

Also, PM'd you my e-mail. I need to start my board game circle. Other BG Gaffers, send me your e-mails so I can add you!


Hail to the KING baby
Doublethink said:
The table I play on is on the small side, so you can't throw the dice too far. The big dice don't seem to roll well unless there's a lot of space. That and I can already see one of my friends throwing those things right into the game board and knocking all the tiles and pieces all over the place.

Also, PM'd you my e-mail. I need to start my board game circle. Other BG Gaffers, send me your e-mails so I can add you!
Yes they are totally obnoxious but that's part of the fun!
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