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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Yesterday (after waking up groggily from my horrible experience from playing Die Macher), I got together with my group again and finally got to play Space Alert which was brought down from an out of town friend.

Man, what a great, fast paced, chaotic, intense game. It really is the only cooperative boardgame I've played where you don't seem to have that usual issue where one person tells everyone else what to do. The game is much too chaotic/fast-paced to allow that happen. Everyone has to be on their toes and being responsible for themselves and knowing where everyone else is and what they're doing.

For those who have not played it, it is from the same developer as Galaxy Trucker and Dungeon Lords (I also got to play those recently and love them both as well). You and your allies are on board a spaceship and have ten real-time minutes to survive before you warp away with the data you have collected. In those ten minutes, a CD plays that instructs you with the incoming threats (enemy spaceships or ship-invading aliens). In order to surive you must place down actions on cards which allow you to either move or interact with an item (laser, shields, reactor, computer, missles, etc...). Accurately planning out each action in the correct order and happening at the correct time along with all of the other players actions will typically ensure survival after ten minutes. Bad coordination will result in delayed actions, trying to fire lasers when you have no energy to power them, firing a weapon before you can actually see the enemy yet, etc.. etc...

Its a hard one to explain and you just really got to play it for yourself or watch a video of it in action.

The expansion is about to release in the US and, as typical for an expansion, adds lots more of everything. However, it also adds an RPG experience for your character where the spaceman you play as actually gains experience the more times you play and live through encounters allowing you to gain specializations and better abilities and Achievements (yes, just like on XBOXLive) for achieving fantastic, or laughable moments during the course of your career.

I definitely plan on buying the base and expansion for my local group.


Thanks for everyone who gave me some feedback on Agricola as a two player game... My wife and I picked it up a couple of weeks ago and have been extremely satisfied with it. I think it may easily become her favorite two player game (finally kicking the Carcassone variants off that slot).


Neverfade said:
I've hated every Chvatil game I've played thus far, so despite the cool social aspect, I stay away from it haha.

I dunno. What specifically did you not like about his games? I think the only thing I would say it shares with Galaxy Trucker and Dungeon Lords is how the game kind of feels like you're breaking down a puzzle to its turn by turn elements in order to overcome said puzzle.

Kind of like the incoming heroes in Dungeon Lords and how you have to send your traps and monsters in the most efficient way possible to lose the least amount of rooms.
Founding Fathers now on yucata!

Should I just irresponsibly send invites willy-nilly, or is this too complex of a game for that sort of thing?

Already sent invite to a few of you that I know wouldn't mind


platypotamus said:
Founding Fathers now on yucata!

Should I just irresponsibly send invites willy-nilly, or is this too complex of a game for that sort of thing?

Already sent invite to a few of you that I know wouldn't mind
From the creators of CM08? Sounds cool.


Hail to the KING baby
platypotamus said:
Founding Fathers now on yucata!

Should I just irresponsibly send invites willy-nilly, or is this too complex of a game for that sort of thing?

Already sent invite to a few of you that I know wouldn't mind
just saw this . . . AWESOME.


MichaelBD said:
I played Heroscape for the first time yesterday. A friend has a pretty expansive collection and 4 of us go together to play. We randomized the map (just threw tiles together really) and had at it 2 on 2. Loving to roll dice certainly makes it an appealing game from the get go and throw in some Marvel superheroes and I had a "why haven't I done this before" type feeling.

Though with the system being discontinued and too many games already in my collection, I'm going to try to simply enjoy what my friend has as opposed to trying to get my own set together.

Yeah, Heroscape gets crazy expensive when you first start, but then it levels off when you realize you don't need multiples of every squad, nor do you need all the pricey expansion sets. I'm glad I bought all I did, because it's a game that will basically be a great game forever with all the stuff I have for it.

Although getting to play for free is awesome!


Does anyone have a suggestion for a decent co-operative board game for my buddies and I to play?

We've done a lot with various Risks, Munchkin, Starcraft, Zombies!!, San Juan, Catan and about a dozen other games, but after playing Pandemic we're all looking for another game that gets us playing on the same team - ideas?

PS. We've already tried pen and paper RPGs but find that our attention doesn't hold to it enough to build up cool story arcs over several months - so that's probably out of the window


IamMikeside said:
Does anyone have a suggestion for a decent co-operative board game for my buddies and I to play?

We've done a lot with various Risks, Munchkin, Starcraft, Zombies!!, San Juan, Catan and about a dozen other games, but after playing Pandemic we're all looking for another game that gets us playing on the same team - ideas?

PS. We've already tried pen and paper RPGs but find that our attention doesn't hold to it enough to build up cool story arcs over several months - so that's probably out of the window

What about the recent D&D co-operative boardgames? One session games through dungeons etc, all co-operative with the monsters moving semi-automatically etc. Sounds like what you're wanting - co-op, generating a loose "story" without the baggage of a campaign.


fenners said:
What about the recent D&D co-operative boardgames? One session games through dungeons etc, all co-operative with the monsters moving semi-automatically etc. Sounds like what you're wanting - co-op, generating a loose "story" without the baggage of a campaign.

I hadn't even heard of them! Will have to take a look, but it sounds pretty perfect, thanks!

Happy to hear more suggestions, of course - we have a rather big appetite for board/card games.


IamMikeside said:
Does anyone have a suggestion for a decent co-operative board game for my buddies and I to play?

We've done a lot with various Risks, Munchkin, Starcraft, Zombies!!, San Juan, Catan and about a dozen other games, but after playing Pandemic we're all looking for another game that gets us playing on the same team - ideas?

PS. We've already tried pen and paper RPGs but find that our attention doesn't hold to it enough to build up cool story arcs over several months - so that's probably out of the window
You should scroll up a bit and read Artadius' post about Space Alert. Also look into Arkham Horror. It's kind of an RPG in a box that's like Pandemic but harder and with Lovecraft.


Hit up Origins this past Saturday, and picked up:

The Hornet Rat (Chaos in the Old World expansion): Looks to be super awesome, it adds optional upgrades and ruininous power cards for all existing Powers, plus of course the Horned Rat and his minions, which all have really nice sculpts. Well worth the money and I'm really looking forward to getting this back on the table.

Ascension: Return of the Fallen (Ascension expansion): Got to play this Saturday night after Origins since my friend bought it for her base set, very fun addtion to the set. I like the Fate mechanic a lot, and the new Heroes and Monsters have some crazy effects. You can also play 6 players now, which we did on Saturday and had a great time. Two first time players tied for first in Honor, which was pretty cool. You can also play this as a stand-alone, two player game if you don't want to buy the base set too. Nice touch!

Gary Games were also selling all the previous Promo cards (minus the Rat King, since it's a BGG exclusive - which I ordered today) for $2 each, discounted sleves when you bought the expansion, and the pre-order expansion Promo card for free. Got the game, plus sleeves (and plenty of extras) plus the promos for $49. Not bad at all!

Cornicopia (Dominion Expansion) - Didn't get a chance to play this, but it looks interesting to use every so often. The Tournament cards and associated Prizes are nuts, and all the regular Kingdom cards give bonuses to the type of player that likes a few of every card in their deck. Even without playing it's infinetly better than Alchemy, but I'm honestly not sure how often I'll play it, since it adds a layer of complication than base Dominion just doesn't have (which is one of the many reasons I like Dominion so much.)

Grimoire - I had NO idea this Japanese game was picked up by Z-Man Games until I walked by their booth and saw someone buying a copy. I freaked out a bit because I was REALLY interested in it when Tom talked about the Japanese version on The Dice Tower a few months back. I happily handed over my $20 and almost skipped away with it! After most of the people left on Saturday night we played a three player game and had a blast. Super simple to learn and play (even after a night of drinking!) and most of all, a real blast. Advancing the spell track and looking up the next spell to see that it's going to fuck you if you don't counter it, was absolutely hilarious. The abilities the Companions give are really nice, and I like how you keep your treasure cards hidden once you claim them.

I also got to play in a demo of Star Trek The Deckbuilding Game - They had paste-ups of this at the BanDai area, and holy crap was this a ton of fun. I was sad when they told me it wouldn't be out until later in the year: I was ready to hand over my cash! Lots of twists on the DGB format, and a real nailbiter at the end of the game. Can't wait to get my own copy!
IamMikeside said:
Does anyone have a suggestion for a decent co-operative board game for my buddies and I to play?

We've done a lot with various Risks, Munchkin, Starcraft, Zombies!!, San Juan, Catan and about a dozen other games, but after playing Pandemic we're all looking for another game that gets us playing on the same team - ideas?

PS. We've already tried pen and paper RPGs but find that our attention doesn't hold to it enough to build up cool story arcs over several months - so that's probably out of the window
Arkham Horror is a bit on the heavy side but once you understand how the mechanics work it's not really a hard game to play. I also kind of like Lord of the Rings by Reiner Knizia. It's an older game and is ball crushingly hard but it's simple to play and had can be found for fairly cheap. I also recommend getting the Friends and Foes expansion. It really fleshes out the game and it feels like it should have been included in the base game.

Battlestar Galactica is a semi-cooperative game. There are hidden traitors that are trying to stop the group from winning. The game mechanics themselves are so-so but they serve the game well enough. The game really isn't about the mechanics it's about the player interaction and that part of the game is really fun.
IamMikeside said:
I hadn't even heard of them! Will have to take a look, but it sounds pretty perfect, thanks!

Happy to hear more suggestions, of course - we have a rather big appetite for board/card games.

Descent: subtitles here are all the same sort of thing. Dungeon Crawlers, just not using any D&D IP. Not fully co-op though... one player plays the "overlord" and tries to kill the rest of the players with monsters and traps and such. Probably don't need both Descent and a D&D, but you may want to look into the Descents too.


Cathcart said:
You should scroll up a bit and read Artadius' post about Space Alert. Also look into Arkham Horror. It's kind of an RPG in a box that's like Pandemic but harder and with Lovecraft.

joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Arkham Horror is a bit on the heavy side but once you understand how the mechanics work it's not really a hard game to play. I also kind of like Lord of the Rings by Reiner Knizia. It's an older game and is ball crushingly hard but it's simple to play and had can be found for fairly cheap. I also recommend getting the Friends and Foes expansion. It really fleshes out the game and it feels like it should have been included in the base game.

Battlestar Galactica is a semi-cooperative game. There are hidden traitors that are trying to stop the group from winning. The game mechanics themselves are so-so but they serve the game well enough. The game really isn't about the mechanics it's about the player interaction and that part of the game is really fun.

Thanks for the suggestions guys - as already looking at Arkham Horror and I was reading something about Space Alert on Rock Paper Shotgun so I think you've convinced me on both of those - will have a looksee at the others and see what I fancy :)

platypotamus said:
Descent: subtitles here are all the same sort of thing. Dungeon Crawlers, just not using any D&D IP. Not fully co-op though... one player plays the "overlord" and tries to kill the rest of the players with monsters and traps and such. Probably don't need both Descent and a D&D, but you may want to look into the Descents too.

OK - I'll just see what scenario looks most appealing and go from there, then :)


Getting Tanto Cuore in the mail today, excited! The mechanics sound awesome and I'm shameless enough to be A-OK with the theme. Glad I ordered the Promo cards from BGG when I ordered the Ascension promo, my friend got them and they are pretty sweet.
I've been getting into Arkham Horror recently, and have bought all the small box expansions, should I get the Innsmouth or the Kingsport expansion next? I have heard that it's best to get them all in order, but Dunwich is just impossible to find at a reasonable price. So far the only option would be to pay £100+ to have one shipped from ebay US, which is crazy.


Innsmouth is pretty difficult, maybe get that last. Kingsport is a little boring but if you're clever about combining it with the small boxes it's cool.

Uh, I don't know. Have you checked all of the game stores around you? I found Dunwich at a store last month for the regular price. Otherwise, wait for a reprint. Every small box expansion is still enough Arkham to last a long time unless you're playing four games a night.


Cathcart said:
Innsmouth is pretty difficult, maybe get that last. Kingsport is a little boring but if you're clever about combining it with the small boxes it's cool.

Uh, I don't know. Have you checked all of the game stores around you? I found Dunwich at a store last month for the regular price. Otherwise, wait for a reprint. Every small box expansion is still enough Arkham to last a long time unless you're playing four games a night.

Yep. And Dunwich /will/ get reprinted.
fenners said:
What about the recent D&D co-operative boardgames? One session games through dungeons etc, all co-operative with the monsters moving semi-automatically etc. Sounds like what you're wanting - co-op, generating a loose "story" without the baggage of a campaign.
+1 to the D&D board games, there's 2 of them but same mechanics, Castle Ravenloft and Wrath of Ashardalon. Take note that the difficulty can be brutal, but I think it adds to the feeling of fighting for your lives
Yeah I might just wait a while and see if it gets reprinted. I'm going to London soon so I'm hoping I might see it there, the two other stores I go to don't have it unfortunately.
Any suggestions for good detective/investigation games for two players? As I mentioned, my fiancee hates fantasy (still going to try LotR LCG), we are going to try CoC LCG, but I'm thinking what else is there.


Castor Krieg said:
Any suggestions for good detective/investigation games for two players? As I mentioned, my fiancee hates fantasy (still going to try LotR LCG), we are going to try CoC LCG, but I'm thinking what else is there.

Isn't Mr. Jack two players? Sherlock Holmes vs Jack the Ripper might be right up your alley!


Charmicarmicat said:
Yeah I might just wait a while and see if it gets reprinted. I'm going to London soon so I'm hoping I might see it there, the two other stores I go to don't have it unfortunately.
I'd be really surprised if the reprint wasn't available around the time Miskatonic and Pharaoh are released later this year.

When you do start mixing expansions don't forget the anti-dilution method!

Castor Krieg said:
Any suggestions for good detective/investigation games for two players? As I mentioned, my fiancee hates fantasy (still going to try LotR LCG), we are going to try CoC LCG, but I'm thinking what else is there.
What about horror? Fury of Dracula can be played fairly well with two player. One player plays all four investigators and the other plays Dracula. Another suggestion, but it's not entirely a detective game is Confusion: Espionage and Deception in the Cold War. The theme is pasted on and inconsequential but basically it plays like Stratego if you played with your pieces facing your opponents. The object of the game is to retrieve the briefcase and make it to your opponent's home row. Each piece has a unique movement that get's randomized in the beginning of the game so you do not know exactly how your pieces move. Half the game is trying to figure that out while the other is trying to get the briefcase to the other side. It's a neat deduction game that's really easy to teach and play. Fury of Dracula is definitely the hardest of these two games so keep that in mind.


First tragedy, then farce.
Castor Krieg said:
Any suggestions for good detective/investigation games for two players? As I mentioned, my fiancee hates fantasy (still going to try LotR LCG), we are going to try CoC LCG, but I'm thinking what else is there.

You just described Mr. Jack.
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Another suggestion, but it's not entirely a detective game is Confusion: Espionage and Deception in the Cold War. The theme is pasted on and inconsequential but basically it plays like Stratego if you played with your pieces facing your opponents. The object of the game is to retrieve the briefcase and make it to your opponent's home row. Each piece has a unique movement that get's randomized in the beginning of the game so you do not know exactly how your pieces move. Half the game is trying to figure that out while the other is trying to get the briefcase to the other side. It's a neat deduction game that's really easy to teach and play.

I just watched this review: http://boardgamegeek.com/video/6903...enstrikes-confusion-espionage-and-deception-i

The game looks incredible, when is it out?

Also, thanks for Mr. Jack suggestion, I will check it out as well.
Castor Krieg said:
I just watched this review: http://boardgamegeek.com/video/6903...enstrikes-confusion-espionage-and-deception-i

The game looks incredible, when is it out?

Also, thanks for Mr. Jack suggestion, I will check it out as well.
You can buy it directly from the publisher or wait until August until other retailers will have it.

The problem with buying it from the publisher is it's $60 while other online retailers will have it for a lot less. However if you can't wait for it to come out at least there is an option.
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
You can buy it directly from the publisher or wait until August until other retailers will have it.

The problem with buying it from the publisher is it's $60 while other online retailers will have it for a lot less. However if you can't wait for it to come out at least there is an option.

They also don't ship to Europe. I will wait when local distributor picks this up, can't wait.


Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer is up on the iOS App store. It's crazy awesome, only $5, Universal, online asynchronous multiplayer (up to 4 people), local play via the computer AI AND pass and play for four people on one iPad/iPhone.

Only $5 frigging bucks! What a steal!
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Did you guys see this?


It looks like Fantasy Flight changed the Chinese leader from Mao to Wu Zetian in Civ. I know there was a bit of a dust up that he was included but I would never have thought they would have secretly removed him from the game. This is supposedly the latest printing of the game.

EDIT: It actually might be from the European print run.

FFG didn't do it, the change was made by Sid Meier in Civ V, I guess all Civ games from now on will follow that. Also, props to FFG for getting Tang dynasty clothes right.


Man, I love this thread--though my wallet doesn't.

Anyways, I just made my first order from CSI. I picked up Twilight Imperium, the BSG Pegasus expansion and Lost Cities, and I have a couple of quick questions:

1) How much time should I devote to learning TI? Could a relatively experienced group get the gist of it in an afternoon?

2) I've heard that Pegasus is a mixed bag, and as a result, certain components should be used and others disregarded. What's the optimal mix?

Oh, and please add me to iOS Carc; my name is Short Round. Thanks!


Stairs said:
1) How much time should I devote to learning TI? Could a relatively experienced group get the gist of it in an afternoon?

2) I've heard that Pegasus is a mixed bag, and as a result, certain components should be used and others disregarded. What's the optimal mix?
1) The gist? Sure. I taught and played a 6 player game (none had played before) in 7 hours. Learning the game yourself and communicating that is the challenge. It's not a particularly difficult game, just complex.

2) Treachery/ new skill cards are good, new characters, Pegasus board, new crisis cards. Cylon leaders are a mixed bag, we don't use them. New Caprica sub game is shit.
Castor Krieg said:
FFG didn't do it, the change was made by Sid Meier in Civ V, I guess all Civ games from now on will follow that. Also, props to FFG for getting Tang dynasty clothes right.
Yes and no. While Civ V does have Wu Zetian as the Chinese leader, the original FFG boardgame uses Mao.


Neverfade said:
1) The gist? Sure. I taught and played a 6 player game (none had played before) in 7 hours. Learning the game yourself and communicating that is the challenge. It's not a particularly difficult game, just complex.

2) Treachery/ new skill cards are good, new characters, Pegasus board, new crisis cards. Cylon leaders are a mixed bag, we don't use them. New Caprica sub game is shit.

Thanks for the response, dude.
GAF, for someone jumping into Thunderstone - should I get base set from 2009, or Dragonspire? I'm also trying Dominion, but I read Intrigue has more complex cards, so for Dominion I'm getting the first core set. I wonder how does it work with Thunderstone.


Castor Krieg said:
GAF, for someone jumping into Thunderstone - should I get base set from 2009, or Dragonspire? I'm also trying Dominion, but I read Intrigue has more complex cards, so for Dominion I'm getting the first core set. I wonder how does it work with Thunderstone.

I hate Thunderstone with a burning passion, but from what my Thunderstone loving friends say, Dragonspire is the better base set. It also has nice chips for EXP instead of the cards.


Dominion is the superior game to Thunderstone without a doubt. I'd start with Dominion base set and if you like it go
from there and forget Thunderstone.

This could just be my undying hatred for the 'me too!' deck building bangwagon but the originator did it best here.


Neverfade said:
Dominion is the superior game to Thunderstone without a doubt. I'd start with Dominion base set and if you like it go
from there and forget Thunderstone.

This could just be my undying hatred for the 'me too!' deck building bangwagon but the originator did it best here.

I like DBG's a lot, but Thunderstone just rubs me wrong.

IMO, Ascension takes the simplicity of Dominion with the monster killing of Thunderstone and combines them both into something that feels awesome and fun. Thunderstone just feels like a complicated for complication's sake version of Dominion. Often in the beginning you'll have no money and not enough to kill a monster, so you just end up sitting there, or you take another crappy base card.

Although, I just got Tanto Cuore and if you don't mind the theme it adds some interesting things to the Dominion mechanics.


Neverfade said:
The next and only other deck builder I'll buy is Quarriors. I've learned my lesson. :)

But Ascension is so much fun!

EDIT: Ooooh, but Quarriors does look good! Might have to get that.

EDIT 2: Huh, it also looks a lot like Elder Sign, which also looks awesome.


Neverfade said:
I used to own it. Not enough meat on the bones for me, personally.

The new expansion adds a lot to it, I used to be middling about the base set when compaired to Dominion, but the addition of the expansion makes it shine.

The Star Trek DGB is fuckin awesome though, at least look into it!
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