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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Have you guys generally had a positive experience joining games in the public invite list (on yucata)? I've only ever played in private games, but sometimes when I don't have any turns to take I get tempted. I'm always worried that it's expected to be a live game and if I can't stick around to play it that I'll annoy people.


platypotamus said:
Have you guys generally had a positive experience joining games in the public invite list (on yucata)? I've only ever played in private games, but sometimes when I don't have any turns to take I get tempted. I'm always worried that it's expected to be a live game and if I can't stick around to play it that I'll annoy people.

People wanting and expecting a live game typically will say that in the game name to let you know ahead of time from my experience.
I have Battlestar Galactica complete and in very good condition. Only played once.
It's just not easy to get a game going with the amount of people this deserves.
Anyone interested in it? I'd be open to trades of other games, perhaps.
I can take pictures.
platypotamus said:
I just noticed while browsing around on there that yucata has tourneys too. Going to have to get into the next one...

I think they can go on for years. There was a message about a RTTA tournament which only lasted 6 months. Asynchronous play + 100s of entrants is going to take a while.
superrobot said:
I think they can go on for years. There was a message about a RTTA tournament which only lasted 6 months. Asynchronous play + 100s of entrants is going to take a while.

That's cool, I don't have anywhere to be
platypotamus said:
Have you guys generally had a positive experience joining games in the public invite list (on yucata)? I've only ever played in private games, but sometimes when I don't have any turns to take I get tempted. I'm always worried that it's expected to be a live game and if I can't stick around to play it that I'll annoy people.

The only frowned on thing you can do with a public invite is to take all of someones invites for a particular game.
Also some of the higher ranked players will not want to play 'workers' for fear of losing mega-points if they lose, but they usually put the ranking restriction in the invite.
Otherwise I've never had problems, only the invite list moving when I click and I end up in a game of Captain Kidd or Morris when I wanted to play something else.

Public invites I make usually get hoovered up quickly.
Other Yucata games to consider:

Black Friday, once you work out the rules is good fun
but once someone is well ahead it's probably over. Invites coming!

Has anyone tried Yspahan or Tally-Ho


I've stopped playing online games (Pinochle on Yahoo, TTR on DoW, BSW) mostly because after a while, people become more interested in protecting their ranking than actually playing games. Not to mention some will go as far as to cheat to maintain a good record. Honestly, I wish ranking is done away with altogether.

With that said, please invite me on Yucata. I'm wary of joining public games because I don't know how the community is, and I don't know how people react to a newbie (not necessary new to the games) playing with them. Except Yspahan, I refuse to play that broken game...


New game at game night last night: Olympos.

Designed by the guy behind Small World/Vinci, and it shows... It's been called a "civ-lite" game, though it's only lightly one... You have a board of ancient greece, split into different regions, each region producing a resource. Control the region, produce that resource. Tech tree is randomly generated using a bunch of tiles & preset board with costs/bonuses on it (so each game, different techs cost different resources). Tech are basic rule breakers - bonus swords for fighting, discounts for different things, free resources, etc. Additionally, there's a set of wonders worth big VP. So a tech might cost 2 resources of gold, 1 resource of wood etc.


The 'twist' is that it uses the time tracking mechanism from Thebes - each action costs time - movement on the board is one unit per movement, two for an attack etc, discovering a tech costs *7*. This is a quick game, 90 minutes, so you don't have /that/ much time to build up/conquer on the board to control the resources you want to generate tech. That 7 units of time for a tech *hurts*.

On the board, attacks are automatically won by the attacker - it just costs him more time depending on attack strength vs defence. Loser gets a time discount token as compensation.

Additionally, there's the concept of Zeus tokens. Certain techs + locations give you a token with zeus on it. When key locations on the time track are passed for the first (and last!) time, a Zeus card is flipped - if it's "Good" the benefit goes to the person(s) with the most zeus tokens; if it's bad, it goes to the person(s) the least. These can suck ;)

We messed up a bunch of minor/major rules the first play so we aborted & restarted after about an hour... And I'm glad we did - it felt more natural & better balanced when playing it properly ;)

It really reminds me of Small World's board + conquest in how deterministic it is, combined with a loose tech-tree + resource grabbing. Everyone enjoyed it, will likely play it again this weekend at BoardGameBash.


Nice, fenners. I'm not sure what's wrong with me but I really didn't like Small World the one time I played it. I'd be willing to give it another try but Olympos looks pretty cool, I think I'd be more interested in that.


Has anyone played Elasund?

My friend and I got a quick explanation of it at Gen Con and it sounded interesting, but we never got to actually sit down and play it.


Has anyone heard much about the gears of war boardgame due out at the end of August? I'm mighty tempted by it and was wondering what some of the boardgame vets in here thought if it.


ultron87 said:
Has anyone played Elasund?

My friend and I got a quick explanation of it at Gen Con and it sounded interesting, but we never got to actually sit down and play it.
It's been a while, but I've played it several times. My friend bought it a few years back, when our boardgame experience was mostly limited to Catan.

Despite the subtitle "The First City of Catan", it doesn't have too much in common with Catan except that your production is based on a die roll (and the 7 lets you move the pirate/robber).

I'd like to play it again some time. Maybe I'll tell my friend to bring it to our meetup tonight.
Ubersnug said:
Has anyone heard much about the gears of war boardgame due out at the end of August? I'm mighty tempted by it and was wondering what some of the boardgame vets in here thought if it.
It looks fairly interesting. It's a completely co-op game so no PvP, keep that in mind if you were looking to play against your friends. The game also reminds me of the Space Hulk card game that came out last year. The main mechanic for that game was that you played as a team and the mission was randomly generated through mission cards. All your actions were handled through action cards and the enemies spawned from events. It was a decent system and should translate well to a full board game.


First tragedy, then farce.
fenners said:
Everyone enjoyed it, will likely play it again this weekend at BoardGameBash.

Speaking of which, I'm still not 100% sure about going this weekend. My house is still under repair and I have a Forex licensing test Wed and life keeps getting in the way of me getting anything done.

I'd really like to get some gaming in this weekend though. So far this month I've played Killer Bunnies and that's it. :/


Got a chance to look at my new copy of Quarriors over lunch. The build quality on my set appears to be good, better than I'd been expecting from some of the posts on BGG. The dice are functionally great: they roll well, nice weight, a good size for rolling a handful at a time; all in all close to the quality of standard Chessex gaming dice. There have been reports on BGG of "misprinted" dice, on which the white dye in the etching on one or more faces of some dice was missing, or the white dye covered an entire face. After a quick perusal I have not detected that issue (though I can't be certain I got a good view of every face on each of 130 different dice).

My only concern with the dice is the readability issue; some of the numbers on the dice faces are tiny, particularly at the corners of the creature dice. I could read them, but not always easily. Some "4"s look like little triangles, some "3"s look like "B"s. If you absolutely cannot make out the print you can work it out by looking at the "Wilds" cards, which have an image of each die face printed at the bottom; very handy, but also clunky. I've been trying to think how they could have avoided this issue. They're trying to squeeze so much gameply information on the surface of these little dice; it's hard to know what they could have done other than simplify the game mechanics radically or adopted some kind of code or symbolic system ala Race for the Galaxy, with the Wilds cards used as a memory crutch for interpreting the symbols. If those are the options I think I prefer the tiny numbers.

The "Wilds" cards are of moderate quality. They're nowhere near the quality of finish of Magic the Gathering products and such, or of Dominion; maybe something like the cardstock and print quality of the Agricola sets. You wouldn't want to shuffle them constantly, but you don't have to.

The packaging is absolutely fantastic. I'm happy to get a tin for once; it's less likely to get gradually crushed under the glacial action of my growing boardgame collection. The box has vacuum-form plastic partitions; the lower partition is just a deep well filling more than half the volume of the tin cube and holds the dice. The upper sits tight above the dice and holds the cards and the scoring tokens snugly in place. Above this rests the scoring board, the instructions, and the dice bags, neatly filling the tin with no jiggle room. After spending most of my boardgame allowance on FFG titles through 2011 it's nice to do business with a publisher who gives a damn about providing an excellent storage solution. The dice come separated by "suit" in little zip-lock bags, very handy of you intend to keep each type sorted for easy setup. The whole package is vastly more portable than many of my other boardgame options... that alone will help it hit the table more frequently, assuming our gaming group likes it.


Evlar said:
Got a chance to look at my new copy of Quarriors over lunch. The build quality on my set appears to be good, better than I'd been expecting from some of the posts on BGG. The dice are functionally great: they roll well, nice weight, a good size for rolling a handful at a time; all in all close to the quality of standard Chessex gaming dice. There have been reports on BGG of "misprinted" dice, on which the white dye in the etching on one or more faces of some dice was missing, or the white dye covered an entire face. After a quick perusal I have not detected that issue (though I can't be certain I got a good view of every face on each of 130 different dice).

My only concern with the dice is the readability issue; some of the numbers on the dice faces are tiny, particularly at the corners of the creature dice. I could read them, but not always easily. Some "4"s look like little triangles, some "3"s look like "B"s. If you absolutely cannot make out the print you can work it out by looking at the "Wilds" cards, which have an image of each die face printed at the bottom; very handy, but also clunky. I've been trying to think how they could have avoided this issue. They're trying to squeeze so much gameply information on the surface of these little dice; it's hard to know what they could have done other than simplify the game mechanics radically or adopted some kind of code or symbolic system ala Race for the Galaxy, with the Wilds cards used as a memory crutch for interpreting the symbols. If those are the options I think I prefer the tiny numbers.

The "Wilds" cards are of moderate quality. They're nowhere near the quality of finish of Magic the Gathering products and such, or of Dominion; maybe something like the cardstock and print quality of the Agricola sets. You wouldn't want to shuffle them constantly, but you don't have to.

The packaging is absolutely fantastic. I'm happy to get a tin for once; it's less likely to get gradually crushed under the glacial action of my growing boardgame collection. The box has vacuum-form plastic partitions; the lower partition is just a deep well filling more than half the volume of the tin cube and holds the dice. The upper sits tight above the dice and holds the cards and the scoring tokens snugly in place. Above this rests the scoring board, the instructions, and the dice bags, neatly filling the tin with no jiggle room. After spending most of my boardgame allowance on FFG titles through 2011 it's nice to do business with a publisher who gives a damn about providing an excellent storage solution. The dice come separated by "suit" in little zip-lock bags, very handy of you intend to keep each type sorted for easy setup. The whole package is vastly more portable than many of my other boardgame options... that alone will help it hit the table more frequently, assuming our gaming group likes it.

I have a couple of mis-printed dice, which aren't great, but since you can always refer to the card you can always deduce which side you're looking at.


Even though my copy hasn't arrived yet, someone brought Quarriors to our group last night and I had a chance to play. Biggest issue is just trying to wrap your head around what you can do during your turn, but that's a symptom of just about any game where there are cards and texts to be read. I liked what I played and I'm looking forward to playing again.

Also played Dominant Species again last night and pulled off a nice win. DS games are averaging about 3 hours for us (usually with 4 or 5 people) which is fine by me. It's such a great game and it reminds me a lot of Twilight Struggle as you try and manage your opponents and the events the game throws at you.
Black Friday - Yucata

I've started a couple of non-ranked games on Yucata.
I hope this helps in case some of you are a bit lost as to what is going on:

It's a Stock Market game.
Everyone starts off with a portfolio of shares (a number of different coloured briefcases randomly assigned) and no money.
The objective is to increase the value of your portfolio by
buying the right shares (briefcases) at the right time (low!),
and selling them at the right time (high!)
before the market crashes (global economic meltdown! sell sell sell).

At the same time you are trying to buy as much silver as possible.
The winner is the player with most silver at the end.
The end of the game is triggered when the value of silver has reached 100 (it starts at 20).
Any remaining shares that are owned are automatically converted at market value to buy silver.

During the game there are limits on the number of shares you can buy or sell and the number of silver bars you can buy.
There is also a maximum number (beginning with 2) of loans you can hold.
These limits are specified on the card in the Wall Street Journal part of the board.
Also listed is the number of briefcases that will be taken out a bag to determine the price adjustment for the shares. This changes as shares rise in value.

At the top of the board is a 'market' containing the shares which are available to buy.

When the game starts all of the 5 different coloured shares cost $7 (low) and every player can take out up to 2 loans (essentially starting with $20 or $40 dollars).
There is also a black bag containing a randomly chosen mix of briefcases.

Each player in turn has the option to either buy, sell, pass or buy silver.
When you buy a share you also place a share of the same colour on the share purchase table.
When 3 shares of the same colour have been bought the price of the share goes up.
Buying silver and 'Pass' are similar but affect a silver purchase table.

When you sell a share you take briefcases off the sales table and the value of the share goes down.
Once a purchase table is full or 5 shares are sold a price adjustment occurs.

In a price adjustment shares are pulled out of the black bag. The more shares of a colour come out the better it is for its price.
During the game black briefcases will go into the bag. When they get pulled out they are subtracted from each of the coloured briefcases, which can cause the value to drop if there are enough.
After the adjustment the briefcases from the purchase or sales table that triggered the adjustment are placed into the bag.
You also pay interest on your loans, which you can cover by taking out more loans or selling shares.

You can see what is in the bag by hovering over one of the '?' spaces.
In another '?' space you will also be able to see the recent history of price rises.

Each player (other than the start player) has a special card that they can play once per game which allows them to do extra things.

Simple Strategy

Buy the share of which there are most of in the bag (while it is cheap).
Cash out in a particular share when you think the number of black cases v the number of cases of a particular colour is too many.
The luck of the draw may mean that you cash out too early, as the price keeps rising.

The price of silver rises during the game so don't leave it too late.
superrobot said:
Black Friday - Yucata

I've started a couple of non-ranked games on Yucata.
I hope this helps in case some of you are a bit lost as to what is going on:

Super glad the game is non-ranked because I'm intimidated as hell and pretty sure I'm screwing up already, haha.


platypotamus said:
Super glad the game is non-ranked because I'm intimidated as hell and pretty sure I'm screwing up already, haha.
Same here. I'm just going with the flow for now and hoping to start to understand it at some point mid-game.
Neverfade said:
Quarriors and RuneAge at home and I'm in the middle of one of two consecutive 14 hour shifts. Just wanna plaaaaaaay!

My Leaders expansion for 7 Wonders that I mentioned not playing yet 2 weeks ago, despite buying a month ago?

Still in shrink wrap :(


Hail to the KING baby
platypotamus said:
My Leaders expansion for 7 Wonders that I mentioned not playing yet 2 weeks ago, despite buying a month ago?

Still in shrink wrap :(
Hey I just played that at work twice yesterday!


superrobot said:
Black Friday - Yucata

I've started a couple of non-ranked games on Yucata.

One of the worst rule set ever written. There were so many mistakes, certainly didn't help with trying to understand it.


Hail to the KING baby
platypotamus said:
Yeah well, the jerk store called, they're running out of you!

(is it awesome?)

actually it just helps give a bit more structure to individual strategy which is nice. added complexity and playtime is minimal
Zalasta said:
One of the worst rule set ever written. There were so many mistakes, certainly didn't help with trying to understand it.

If there's one game that needed the Universal Head treatment it's this one.
It took a loooooong time before I worked out where the black cases came from - or went to.
Hang on.... where do they go to.....dammit!!!
kryptikjoker said:
So jelly that you have a game group going at work. No time at my work to fit in a game of anything.

Yep me too.

I still can't fully understand egizia or black friday on Yucata. People usually compared Egizia to Stone Age but IMHO Stone Age is way way easier to explain.

The revised edition of Red November is in stock in a few stores, is anyone interested on this one? I'm not too much into coop games but this one seems simple and silly enough to give it a try.


I really want dominion intrigue, but Amazon wont ship to New Zealand for that product.

We have stores here, but the standard price is over US$60 :(

But ig uess that would be worth it for all the fun we would have!


Hail to the KING baby
BomberMouse said:
Yep me too.

I still can't fully understand egizia or black friday on Yucata. People usually compared Egizia to Stone Age but IMHO Stone Age is way way easier to explain.

The revised edition of Red November is in stock in a few stores, is anyone interested on this one? I'm not too much into coop games but this one seems simple and silly enough to give it a try.
I have the small-box -- it's a pretty fun game -- basically puzzle-solving with lots of random disasters thrown in. Was definitely worth the price dunno if it's been jacked up with the big-box version though.
AstroLad said:
I have the small-box -- it's a pretty fun game -- basically puzzle-solving with lots of random disasters thrown in. Was definitely worth the price dunno if it's been jacked up with the big-box version though.

On my FOGS the revised edition is $20 while the old one was around $17. I'd have preferred the small box though, space is becoming an issue for me.

mrkgoo said:
I really want dominion intrigue, but Amazon wont ship to New Zealand for that product.

We have stores here, but the standard price is over US$60 :(

But ig uess that would be worth it for all the fun we would have!

It's usually cheaper to buy from other online stores anyway. I can recommend boardsandbits and miniaturemarket and most gaffers seem to like coolstuffinc (it doesn't ship ww though).


Full werewolf off the buckle
Anyone tried the "Heroica" games under the LEGO label? I just saw a commercial for them, and they seem great for kids having only a play time of 10-20 minutes. I imagine that set up would be much longer than that, though I guess that's sort of the point with a LEGO product.

Here's a link to the main set's BGG page:

Seems sort of neat how you can combine all of the sets. Why, I bet even your local big box store would carry this since it's LEGO. I read a review on the BGG forums saying that the rules are dead simple and it's easy to make your own, so that's certainly something to think about, too.
Horseticuffs said:
Anyone tried the "Heroica" games under the LEGO label? I just saw a commercial for them, and they seem great for kids having only a play time of 10-20 minutes. I imagine that set up would be much longer than that, though I guess that's sort of the point with a LEGO product.

Here's a link to the main set's BGG page:

Seems sort of neat how you can combine all of the sets. Why, I bet even your local big box store would carry this since it's LEGO. I read a review on the BGG forums saying that the rules are dead simple and it's easy to make your own, so that's certainly something to think about, too.

Lego games are usually pretty disapointing but the heroica line looks like the definitive dungeon-lite for kids. The only downside IMO is that it uses microfigs instead of minifigs. Huge wasted oportunity. These'd have been awesome as characters:


I'll definitively get one if they ever get released here.


Hail to the KING baby
omg <3 <3 <3 Innovation. Expansion is epic -- introduces so many new strategies and is now even less predictable since the card sets change game to game. even the black icons serve some very important functions now

Horseticuffs said:
Anyone tried the "Heroica" games under the LEGO label? I just saw a commercial for them, and they seem great for kids having only a play time of 10-20 minutes. I imagine that set up would be much longer than that, though I guess that's sort of the point with a LEGO product.

Here's a link to the main set's BGG page:

Seems sort of neat how you can combine all of the sets. Why, I bet even your local big box store would carry this since it's LEGO. I read a review on the BGG forums saying that the rules are dead simple and it's easy to make your own, so that's certainly something to think about, too.
I'm not big into these types of games and Heroica didn't change my mind at GenCon.

I had eight kills as the mage (the other two were warrior and Druid) and only lost because I detoured to pick up shiny treasure and they didn't, conveniently using the path I carved open.

Too simplistic for my tastes. Weapons are completely unnecessary (see my kill count), potions seem broken, and there are some questionable rules out there (you can roll sixes to go through locked doors, wtf?)


This is bit of a long shot here but are there any board game gaffers from Scotland? Specifically around the Glasgow/Paisley area? Was just wondering if anyone knew of any local clubs or gatherings of similar minded people. A good few of my friends like to get together and play some boardgames but its getting quite difficult to arrange a time when we are all available. Having somewhere to go or meet new players would be great.
Ubersnug said:
This is bit of a long shot here but are there any board game gaffers from Scotland? Specifically around the Glasgow/Paisley area? Was just wondering if anyone knew of any local clubs or gatherings of similar minded people. A good few of my friends like to get together and play some boardgames but its getting quite difficult to arrange a time when we are all available. Having somewhere to go or meet new players would be great.

this - http://snipr.com/ukfaq - UK FAQ on BGG wiki page lists clubs

Also could be worth flinging a message in here - maybe something useful could turn up.

I ended up with an extra copy of the base game for A Game of Thrones. I am either going to sell it or trade it and I figured I'll give you guys a crack at it. The copy I have is in very good condition. Take a look at my wishlist on BGG or make me a cash offer. I realize the reprint is on the way but here's your chance to get a copy now.


Horseticuffs said:
Anyone tried the "Heroica" games under the LEGO label? I just saw a commercial for them, and they seem great for kids having only a play time of 10-20 minutes. I imagine that set up would be much longer than that, though I guess that's sort of the point with a LEGO product.

Here's a link to the main set's BGG page:

Seems sort of neat how you can combine all of the sets. Why, I bet even your local big box store would carry this since it's LEGO. I read a review on the BGG forums saying that the rules are dead simple and it's easy to make your own, so that's certainly something to think about, too.
The rules are very simplistic and rely far too much on random rolls of the dice (LEGO's game philosophy is that randomness evens the playing field, so kids don't get frustrated or angry). Truth be told, it is a mildly enjoyable game. We play with my kids (aged 3 and 6) and they enjoy it quite a bit. There's a lot of complicated things happening, with multiple goals, rules, and things to keep track of, but they've all been simplified down to the point that a 6 year old can play without help.

So, as a parent, I think the rules are good for kids. It warms my heart to see my daughters traveling through caves and killing orcs rather than arguing over which My Little Pony was cuter. With all four sets put together, it create a much more interesting experience that requires a bit more planning and cooperation. Each set has unique items and rules, but not enough to be overwhelming for kids.

I don't think I would recommend it to an adult that didn't love LEGOs and that wasn't willing to create their own rules. The rules, as is, aren't deep or strategic enough to keep adults interested. You really need to customize the rules (there's a thread over on Eurobricks for Heroica house rules, but I haven't seen any full conversions made available)

Frankly, with just a couple changes and all the sets put together, the game can be pretty fun with kids. I hope they release more Heroica sets in 2012, with Advanced Heroica rules, because there is a lot of potential. If nothing else, the building blocks are literally there to make whatever dungeon crawl experience you want.

For the record, my house rules:

- Fully cooperative game. Usually, the one who defeats the boss wins. But we play together to defeat all the enemies on the board together. There's no winner, and there's no real way to lose, but the kids still enjoy it.

- In the caves, there are blocks you can't get past unless you roll a specific thing on the dice. After all four of us getting stuck for about ten turns, we decided to treat the boulders as enemies that didn't fight back that you kill and remove from the board.

- There's not enough gold on the board, so there is very little buying of weapons (the weapons aren't that awesome, but the kids like to collect them in their backpack). So we said you can sell the enemies you defeat for 1 gold each. Also, you can typically only buy weapons, but we also allowed the kids to buy potions - but can only have a max of one each in their pack.

EDIT: The LEGO Heroica website has rules you can download.


Anyone here with experience on speeding up BSG games? I played one this weekend that went 6+ hours. Hard to convince your friends to invest that much time in a sitting.


joelseph said:
Anyone here with experience on speeding up BSG games? I played one this weekend that went 6+ hours. Hard to convince your friends to invest that much time in a sitting.

Did everyone know the rules? I feel like we can usually knock one out in around 3 hours. I can't imagine what would make it take six.

Though that's just for the base game. I hear the Pegasus expansion makes things take longer.
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