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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Hail to the KING baby
One random thing I noticed on Thunderstone: If you have a Dungeon bonus, you have to click on the Hero to get it, even if it seems like it would be an automatic one (+X attack for X monsters in hand).


Full werewolf off the buckle
You know, I'm having a great time with Carcassonne, and intend to buy it for iOS once I'm able, but there is something about Thunderstone I'm just not getting. I've downloaded the rulebook and peek at it again.

I just keep sending the default dudes into the dungeon, giving them a sword, and letting them die at the hands of pretty much every living thing they come across.

The only monster I've successfully beaten was when I took a turn in the village and bought a mage or something. It just seems like some turns there are just NO monsters you can possibly beat.

I guess I just need to re-examine the rules and keep on truckin'.
sneaky77 said:
damn.. the most I've ever had is 11

Me too, I'm currently only playing 4. I'll send you some invites, in fact I'll over invite (ie, send more invites than spots avalaible) so if someone is already overwhelmed with games feel free to ignore them.

BTW I'm carno on Yucata.


Hail to the KING baby
oh wow carno, looks like i'm gonna have to learn some new games :p

Horseticuffs said:
You know, I'm having a great time with Carcassonne, and intend to buy it for iOS once I'm able, but there is something about Thunderstone I'm just not getting. I've downloaded the rulebook and peek at it again.

I just keep sending the default dudes into the dungeon, giving them a sword, and letting them die at the hands of pretty much every living thing they come across.

The only monster I've successfully beaten was when I took a turn in the village and bought a mage or something. It just seems like some turns there are just NO monsters you can possibly beat.

I guess I just need to re-examine the rules and keep on truckin'.
I forget -- have you played Dominion? It's very similar to that and actually quite simple once you get past the intimidating interface. Basically every turn you can either gear up (Village), fight (Dungeon), or rest (destroy one card). Read the combat part of the rules -- basically you need to have a combat total equal to or greater than monster's health, but your total can be reduced if you don't have enough light or by other factors. Monsters give you points (as do some heroes), which are what win you the game, but they also clutter up your deck a bit making it harder to get a good party together, which is why it's important to level up your heroes when you can (by going to the village).

I think most of us are pretty new to the game so don't feel overwhelmed or anything at all.


AstroLad said:
One random thing I noticed on Thunderstone: If you have a Dungeon bonus, you have to click on the Hero to get it, even if it seems like it would be an automatic one (+X attack for X monsters in hand).

Yeah, there will be some instances where you DON'T want the dungeon effect to happen which is why it's not automatic.

For example, if you have enough attack to kill anything in the dungeon and you have a card which has a Dungeon effect to draw another card. No need to do that. Or like the Tyrian's ability to destroy food for extra attack. Might not want to do that if you don't need to.
AstroLad said:
oh wow carno, looks like i'm gonna have to learn some new games :p

Ha, me too :p, actually I only sent invitations of games I though looked easy to learn or I already knew most of us already played. Since I invited most/all of the active users, there's no harm on declining an invitation.


Hail to the KING baby
I do need to learn Thurn & Taxis some day though -- probably the biggest game on Yucata I don't know how to play.


Awesome! Gaming overload!.

I hope everyone else is as clueless as me about some of these games. I hate reading rules so most of the time I just work it out as I go. Hahaha.

I give away so many easy points...


Full werewolf off the buckle
choodi said:
Awesome! Gaming overload!.

I hope everyone else is as clueless as me about some of these games. I hate reading rules so most of the time I just work it out as I go. Hahaha.

I give away so many easy points...

HA! Don't feel bad, I was playing Carcassonne with this guy who was yelling at me about these obscure rules and telling me how wrong the moves I was making were. I felt like an ass, but I read the rules and it wasn't so much "rules" stuff he was telling me, but more "advice stuff".

Judging from the site, English probably wasn't his first language so while he meant for me to hear "It isn't wise to put your meeples right here as I've placed my meeple on the sacred icon and you won't score points here", what I read was "RULES SAY YOU CANT PUT HUNTER HERE WHILE I HOLD SACRED ICON :mad: ". While he meant to say "You should exercise more discretion with the placement of your meeples. With a bit of skill you can maximize your score!", I read "STOP PUTTING ALL YOUR HUNTERS NEAR THE RIVER YOU KNOW YOU DONT GET POINTS FOR FARMERS IN THE MEADOW...".

lol It's been a learning experience, to be sure. I really can't wait to pick up Carcassonne on my iPod with the supposedly excellent voiced tutorial!


Hail to the KING baby
Carc on iOS is actually original Carc and the one on Yucata is Hunters & Gatherers, which is both different and very slightly more complicated.


Full werewolf off the buckle
AstroLad said:
Carc on iOS is actually original Carc and the one on Yucata is Hunters & Gatherers, which is both different and very slightly more complicated.

Yeah, I saw the difference. I just assumed it would be a theme change sort of like all those different versions of Monopoly. There's a few different versions of Carc, right?

Honestly, I was sort of concerned learning on this version might be a bad idea just on the off chance that there were some severe differences. I'm not terribly crazy about the prehistoric setting of Hunters & Gatherers, but you know what they say, "Any carc in a storm"...


Hail to the KING baby
Yeah base is the one with all the expansions. There are also about four or five spin-offs, including H&G. Honestly base is better than H&G but H&G is still fun.
Cathcart said:
They also announced the second edition of Descent

I wonder how long it'll take them to announce Arkham Horror Second Edition. I guess that cow is still giving them milk so there's no need for that yet.


Hail to the KING baby
so i just did a hangout with 3 other people playing games live on yucata and it was great. also a really nice way to teach new games. we should organize some live gaf games at some point :p


Full werewolf off the buckle
Hey, any of you guys ever tried Horrorclix? I was just poking around online and found out that, though it is currently discontinued, the stuff is still readily available and dirt cheap.

The figures look really neat, and it seems like the gameplay might be pretty fun. I see the BGG rating isn't the greatest, but is it worth looking into?
Horseticuffs said:
Hey, any of you guys ever tried Horrorclix? I was just poking around online and found out that, though it is currently discontinued, the stuff is still readily available and dirt cheap.

The figures look really neat, and it seems like the gameplay might be pretty fun. I see the BGG rating isn't the greatest, but is it worth looking into?

The clix games are all pretty meh. I would only play or get if you were a big fan of the stuff or some of the licensed movie stuff. Lot of the figs are pretty ugly too heh
every time I read this thread I get angry that I have no friends who play/or would be interested in playing board games. I try to get them into it but never works.
KingHenrik30 said:
every time I read this thread I get angry that I have no friends who play/or would be interested in playing board games. I try to get them into it but never works.

Join yucata.de and play some games with us then. If you are willing to play some more simplistic games, I'm pretty sure you'll find a wide range of games to play with you family/friends.


Hail to the KING baby
BomberMouse said:
Join yucata.de and play some games with us then. If you are willing to play some more simplistic games, I'm pretty sure you'll find a wide range of games to play with you family/friends.
yeah it is pretty insane the amount of gaming you can get done on yucata.de. it's pretty much like a nonstop gaming convention.

and if people jump on board with my g+ hangouts idea then we'll even have the more social element too :p


Full werewolf off the buckle
Speaking of Yucata, I'm FINALLY getting a grasp on Thunderstone! I kept losing all of my fights because I would equip like one dude with a weapon or even just send out one dude instead of buying more because I didn't get that it isn't just that one dude fighting, it's the whole party's stats you need to worry about.

Probably a dumb mistake to make, but now that I got it I've killed a few mobs and everything, so I'm pretty happy with myself.


Hail to the KING baby
Oh wow I just noticed they fixed the problem where you couldn't back out after you went into the dungeon. NICE
Do you folks have any recommendations on great RPG-crawler games? On vacation, I played Talisman and enjoyed that, and have been reading about Castle Ravenloft, Descent (new edition announced at GenCon), and the rest. Would like anything that is similar or if you have any extended impressions, I'd love to hear them.
BomberMouse said:
Join yucata.de and play some games with us then. If you are willing to play some more simplistic games, I'm pretty sure you'll find a wide range of games to play with you family/friends.

Ok, I'll definitely try that - thanks!

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Oh hell yes. At GenCon this year I picked up two games for $50 each:
-Which Witch, which seems like a casual kids game that my dad always raved about, so thats his Christmas present.

-A complete, no pieces missing version of HeroQuest. Fuck yeah
Welp got in my preorder for Quarriors before it was too late. Between heroclix and other games I want to play my video game budget has been essentially reduced to zero.


Played my first game of Quarriors this weekend. The game is pretty fun and fairly easy to grok if you've ever played a deck building game before. There are a couple of unclear the rules about play but otherwise you'll be able to pick it up quick.

One of the things I like about the game is the method for thinning your dice. Every time you score (have a creature that survives a round of play) you also have the opportunity to dump one of your dice.

Some people we played with complained that one creature was over-powered, but that's because they didn't buy one of its dice.

I think you guys are going to dig this. I can answer question if anybody has them.


Hail to the KING baby
why yes, i have been playing a lot of yucata.de recently



Oh, nice thread! I didn't realize there was a board game thread. I'lll have to take the time to catchup and read the thread later. /subscribe


soldat7 said:
Saw a copy of Troyes at a local game store. I like the art and theme. Any good?

I have decent first impressions from my first learning game. I like the way it uses dice. And interchangeable roles (via different cards) seems like it would give the game that Agricola replay value.

Want to play again. So that's a good sign, right?


First tragedy, then farce.
soldat7 said:
Saw a copy of Troyes at a local game store. I like the art and theme. Any good?

The game is a lot of fun. The closest things I can think of are Alea Iacta Est and Kingsburg for mechanics, but the game is much more involved than those.


Had a blast at my first GenCon. Played in the DnD 4.0 Open Championship, did a Northsaga Pathfinder campaign with the creator, and played a ton of board and card games. Enjoyed the Ram Brewery but wasn't so hot on the Hentai dubbing. I will definitely be going back next year, has anyone gotten VIG before?


First tragedy, then farce.
Gryphter said:
What's the best way to sell my unwanted games? ebay? the buy/sell/trade forum here on gaf?

Not sure that anyone really uses the GAF thread for games, but you can try that. Ebay will work fine, you can also list them on BGG's marketplace.

Your best value would be doing a math trade on BGG and exchanging them for something you might actually want. You usually can get decent value for your trade there, the cash markets seem to be for bargain hunters.


Gryphter said:
What's the best way to sell my unwanted games? ebay? the buy/sell/trade forum here on gaf?
Do you keep an up to date trade list on BGG? I'm always in the trading market and would be interested in seeing what you have!


Flynn said:
Played my first game of Quarriors this weekend. The game is pretty fun and fairly easy to grok if you've ever played a deck building game before. There are a couple of unclear the rules about play but otherwise you'll be able to pick it up quick.

One of the things I like about the game is the method for thinning your dice. Every time you score (have a creature that survives a round of play) you also have the opportunity to dump one of your dice.

Some people we played with complained that one creature was over-powered, but that's because they didn't buy one of its dice.

I think you guys are going to dig this. I can answer question if anybody has them.
Can you give an estimate of speed of play: Downtime within each round and length of games?
kryptikjoker said:
Do you folks have any recommendations on great RPG-crawler games? On vacation, I played Talisman and enjoyed that, and have been reading about Castle Ravenloft, Descent (new edition announced at GenCon), and the rest. Would like anything that is similar or if you have any extended impressions, I'd love to hear them.

Are you looking for ROLEPLAYING or a dungeon crawl?

Both those titles (Castle Ravenloft/D&D boardgame and Descent) are almost strictly dungeon crawl with no character roleplay and just smashing monsters over the head. When I say no character roleplay, I mean that it isn't a part of the game itself; you are free to roleplay it out yourself but there aren't any rules to help you with that like in actual D&D/RPGs.

I recommend Castle Ravenloft/D&D boardgame for quick, less than 1.5 hour games that require no dungeon master (the game will still beat you up hard). Descent will work great if you want to play for about 3 hours and have a person who wants to play the antagonist as the dungeon master.

Both are tonnes of fun and I'd wouldn't hesitate to try either.
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