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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Hail to the KING baby
Neverfade said:
So is quarriors. It's just not fun. :)
nah not really. well if you think quarriors is ooberlight then there isn't even a category light enough for KoT

quarriors feels sort of light but there's lots of little rule wonkiness to it and often the kingdom cards merit a minute or two of explanation each


I played Ascending Empires for the first time this weekend. It's a space exploration game with a disc flicking mechanic. Here's a pic I shamelessly lifted from the 'Geek:


You build a fairly large board with four quadrants of space, all full of planet discs turned face down. There are four different types of planets, each with a corresponding tech tree, and then there are asteroids which don't offer tech advances but which can be settled. Your goal is to travel from planet to planet by generating small disc-shaped ships, which you then flick at the surrounding planets. From there you can establishing research centers to advance the tech tree, build up colonies and cities for end game victory points, or sadly shake your head and not finding the type of planet you wanted and keep flicking your ship around the galaxy until something more promising turns up. There is incentive for you to explore throughout the galaxy, both in terms of advancing tech trees and point bonuses for establishing bases in each quadrant of the board, so pretty quickly you come into conflict with the other players. This involves sending your ships to assault their planets and also flicking your pieces to ram the other players' ships. It's a pretty good time, with turns going by very quickly and a suitable amount of groaning when your carefully aimed shot winds up going off the map. I'm not rushing out to buy the game, but I'm looking forward to playing my pal's copy again sometime soon.

For anyone near the Research Triangle in North Carolina, UNC's gaming club is having it's fifth Arkham and Pie event this Saturday. People bring pies of all sorts (plus other desserts and snacks) and multiple sets of Arkham Horror are on hand. Then an entire day is spent loading up on sugar and trying to defeat unfathomable horrors. If you're in the area and would like to drop by, drop me a PM and I'll give you the skinny.

FnordChan, contemplating bringing a chocolate chess pie
How is the 2nd expansion to Twilight Imperium? It's a fav of our group but we always are hesitant of when to play cause of how long it can take, and fear another expansion making things take even longer or cause bloat.

Would really like to get the Gears of War board game, but no one in our group likes the franchise other than me lol.


BattleMonkey said:
Would really like to get the Gears of War board game, but no one in our group likes the franchise other than me lol.

Judging a board game based on their dislike of how a video game plays seems incredibly short sighted.

Edit: Disliking the theme itself seems equally arbitrary, given how easily the majority of elements could be replaced. The whole thing IS kind of generic, for lack of a better term.
Neverfade said:
Judging a board game based on their dislike of how a video game plays seems incredibly short sighted.

Edit: Disliking the theme itself seems equally arbitrary, given how easily the majority of elements could be replaced. The whole thing IS kind of generic, for lack of a better term.

Depends on the game, many are very thematic or a large selling point of the game is the theme/setting. Many popular games I think really wouldn't be regarded as high if they didn't have the franchise attached to it... like the Game of Thrones board game.
Neverfade said:
Judging a board game based on their dislike of how a video game plays seems incredibly short sighted.

Edit: Disliking the theme itself seems equally arbitrary, given how easily the majority of elements could be replaced. The whole thing IS kind of generic, for lack of a better term.

Theme is very important IMHO, I'd rather play an abstract than a poorly pasted theme (the reason why I've yet to own a knizia game).

Even if the game is quite generic, it's not marketed as such so I can understand some initial backslah
BattleMonkey said:
How is the 2nd expansion to Twilight Imperium? It's a fav of our group but we always are hesitant of when to play cause of how long it can take, and fear another expansion making things take even longer or cause bloat.
I'm going to be honest, I've only ever played TI with both expansions. We don't incorporate everything but we do use the new races and new plastic (Flagships, tanks). We have been talking about maybe using the Representative rules but it seems like it will add way too much to the game. As far as the new races I've played the Ghosts of Creuss. Interesting race that can lock up wormholes. The flagships special ability is nice because it acts as a "D" wormhole meaning you can warp ships from your homeworld to the Flagship in one move.

Is it worth it? Since I've only ever played with it I can't really say for certain. I dig the flagships and the new races seem neat but there is also a lot of stuff we left out that I don't know if it's worth the extra cash.
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
I'm going to be honest, I've only ever played TI with both expansions. We don't incorporate everything but we do use the new races and new plastic (Flagships, tanks). We have been talking about maybe using the Representative rules but it seems like it will add way too much to the game. As far as the new races I've played the Ghosts of Creuss. Interesting race that can lock up wormholes. The flagships special ability is nice because it acts as a "D" wormhole meaning you can warp ships from your homeworld to the Flagship in one move.

Is it worth it? Since I've only ever played with it I can't really say for certain. I dig the flagships and the new races seem neat but there is also a lot of stuff we left out that I don't know if it's worth the extra cash.

Well is it all mostly listed as optional? Most of the rules in the first expansion ended up being optional anyways outside of the new races


BomberMouse said:
Even if the game is quite generic, it's not marketed as such so I can understand some initial backslah

I didn't mean to say the game had a poorly implemented theme, only that the mechanics would work well with any given space marines vs sentient alien life setting. It does a well enough job with the theme, I just think it's silly to go "well I don't like THIS space marine vs sentient alien life form game because his name is Marcus Fenix!"


Thumbs up for Elder Sign.

Arkham without the fiddly bits is a good way of describing it.. Still has the atmosphere, the feeling of impending doom, the evolving "storyline" that every game of arkham seems to develop.

Choose an encounter, decide which items you'll use & roll the dice. Match symbols up against a row on the card to "beat" that row; no rows left? You won. Every 4 player turns, you get a new Mythos card causing nasty stuff to happen immediately & on-going until the next mythos card. You've got a GOO to face up against, just like in Arkham. You've got stamina/health just like Arkham. Common/Unique/Spells/Allys etc. Collect monster trophies & turn them in etc.

Dice rolling & matching up against rows reminds me a /little/ of Risk Express (a comparison I've read elsewhere) but still feels very Arkham-y.

It'll make a good substitute for Arkham - easier to teach/grok, faster to play & just a little bit lighter. I really enjoyed it.


Hail to the KING baby
Wooooow . . . the new Flying Frog game Fortune & Glory retails for $100.

I'm usually one in favor of paying more for higher quality, but that's impressive even by Fantasy Flight standards



Squeaked a solo win (playing two characters) in Elder Sign against Hastur. Accidentally played a mask monster that locked two green dice. I don't want to actually go up against that bastard. Yuck.

Fortune and Glory looks like it could be fun, but I'm incredibly hesitant due to a) not liking their other games and b) the complaints about the adventure deck being incredibly small considering how many you go through in a game.
AstroLad said:
Wooooow . . . the new Flying Frog game Fortune & Glory retails for $100.

I'm usually one in favor of paying more for higher quality, but that's impressive even by Fantasy Flight standards

Our group has enjoyed their games, they make excellent thematic games but I really don't see why this game is $100. With FFG $100 games you at least are getting generally tons of plastic figs. The plastic coins seems like a huge waste if that is what is pumping up the cost.

And really while it's nice in concept, hate those glossy game boards they use, can be difficult to read depending on lighting.


Hail to the KING baby
BattleMonkey said:
Our group has enjoyed their games, they make excellent thematic games but I really don't see why this game is $100. With FFG $100 games you at least are getting generally tons of plastic figs. The plastic coins seems like a huge waste if that is what is pumping up the cost.

And really while it's nice in concept, hate those glossy game boards they use, can be difficult to read depending on lighting.
It is a ton of plastic figs and lots of other little knick-knacks but yeah Frog as awesome as they can be has nothing on Flight in terms of aesthetic appeal. Happy to have LNOE and many expansions, but I think I'm good with that.


I also picked up Fortune and Glory yesterday. It's supposed to be a Christmas present, so I'm not supposed to open it just yet. However, I might be able to convince my mother to "give" it to me early. I think I'll try to hold out because I've got Earth Reborn to play this weekend, as well as Dominion and a couple others.
XShagrath said:
I also picked up Fortune and Glory yesterday. It's supposed to be a Christmas present, so I'm not supposed to open it just yet. However, I might be able to convince my mother to "give" it to me early. I think I'll try to hold out because I've got Earth Reborn to play this weekend, as well as Dominion and a couple others.

Shaggy big pimpin'

I think 7 Wonders is next up on my list because I don't think I could sell Fortune and Glory to the group of people I force to play games with me. Same with Elder Sign...I just don't think they'd be in to the Lovecraftian theme.
Got a chance to play Lord of the Rings the LCG the other night, and overall I enjoyed it. It took a while to get a feel for it, and I don't think I'm enamored as some I've seen on the 'Net with it, but it was an enjoyable little co-op experience.

Overall, I thought the game did a pretty decent job of pacing so that it never seemed like we were overwhelmed, nor did it seem like we were steamrolling our way to victory. There was always generally some interesting decisions to be had, and there was a lot of room to discuss how to play the hands and abilities to maximize the cooperative effect.

However, I can't say that it really got its teeth into me. Part of the problem is that, going forward, I know this is supposed to be one of those things where you look through all the available cards and concoct different ways to come up with powerful, original decks. That's not really my thing. For example, I like playing Magic the Gathering, but I loathe drafting decks. As such, I'm not really sold on the whole Living Card Game aspect of it. Basically, we played two of the quests, and I understand that there's a third. I'd play said quest, but beyond that, I don't know if it's really the kind of experience I want to go back to again and again, just because I know where this road leads.


Hail to the KING baby
Played a game of Innovation with my wife last night and it was jawesome as always. First it seemed like I would run away with it because I teched up so fast and left her in the dust. But then I sort of sputtered a bit and didn't have a clear end-game strategy and she was able to steal a 10 from my hand and catch up in tech and it seemed like she'd win because she had so much more infrastructure (cards) in place from her hanging out in the earlier ages longer than I did. But I ultimately squeaked out a win one turn before my she was about to by forcing a Draw from 11 and winning by a couple points in my score pile.

Has anyone tried team play? Pretty interested since I love the 2p version so much and it would be great to have a similar experience with 4.
My box with Fortune & Glory, Elder Sign, Gears of War, Rune Age, and King of Tokyo came in today. They are now on my giant un-played pile that includes Catacombs + all expansions, Ascension expansion, Penny Arcade: Gamers Vs. Evil!, Letters from Whitechapel, Chaos in the Old World + expansion, Cthulhu Gloom, and Battleship Galaxies. :E

I will say this, Quarriors is pretty awesome!
I had my first real encounter with a player that suffers from analysis paralysis tonight. A 3-player game of Dominion took an hour and a half. And it wasn't even a learning game :(


Doublethink said:
I had my first real encounter with a player that suffers from analysis paralysis tonight. A 3-player game of Dominion took an hour and a half. And it wasn't even a learning game :(
Welcome to my world. (Not an AP sufferer myself, but several people around me are).
Doublethink said:
I had my first real encounter with a player that suffers from analysis paralysis tonight. A 3-player game of Dominion took an hour and a half. And it wasn't even a learning game :(

"Do I use my smelter to turn my ducats into some other kind of ducats so I can buy an even better smelter. Nah. Well, maybe. Nah, well...it could help me."



I'm down to one unplayed game in my collection! OK, it's not a big collection but still things had been piling up for a while so I was pretty happy to get almost everything played. And I was even happier to finally play Space Alert! Man, I've been wanting to try this game since before the summer began. We had a five player setup and just did the training missions. We didn't do all that well, actually (failed two of the three training missions) but then we talked about it a bit afterward and everyone seemed pretty convinced that we'd do better the next time. When people are already talking about next time right after a game I think that's a pretty good sign.

Woot, Space Alert!


Cathcart said:
I'm down to one unplayed game in my collection!

Jealous. I have far too many unplayed games... Worse for me are loved games that don't get played anywhere near often enough. My issue is time.


Yeah, there are a lot of great looking games I've wanted to pick up (Fnord's post about Ascending Empires didn't help, I really want to try that) but every time I think about getting a 4-5 player game I think "well if I get this it means less chances for us to play Chaos, Battlestar and Space Alert and then it's a bit easier to pass on. I had this idea of playing Merchants and Marauders for talk like a Pirate day last week but man, we've only played Chaos like four times. I can't get another four player game now.

Anyway, I might pick up the Game of Thrones reissue because a bunch of my friends are getting into the show now. But that's it! No more 3+ player games this year.

2 player games are another story, though. I'll definitely pick up War of the Ring but I know that'll get played because I have one friend who I play a lot of 2 player stuff with outside of our normal game night. Same thing for A Few Acres of Snow as soon as I can get it at a decent price.


Hail to the KING baby
timers! honestly timer makes roborally quite fun and i think it would work with most games where AP is a problem.
Any Floridians going to Hurricon? Small time con up in Orlando but it attracts lot of hardcore gamers and the best part is the gaming flea market with people buying and selling their stuff, tons of great deals to be had.


BattleMonkey said:
Any Floridians going to Hurricon? Small time con up in Orlando but it attracts lot of hardcore gamers and the best part is the gaming flea market with people buying and selling their stuff, tons of great deals to be had.
Didn't realize it was so soon. I might have to check it out just for the flea market.
Cathcart said:
I'm down to one unplayed game in my collection!

I've got 4:

Game of Thrones (haven't had a willing group with enough time to play)
Intrigo (not really sure why)
Red November (happening soon)
Tikal (recent trade acquisition, haven't even read the rules yet)
XShagrath said:
Didn't realize it was so soon. I might have to check it out just for the flea market.

Yea next weekend. Got two friends going who are going to be selling stuff, one who is filling up his pick up truck with old rpg books, miniatures, and board games for sale. I might pick up a table to sell if they are available depending if I find enough junk to sell off. Right now I might just be sharing a table with a friend. It's only $10 apparently to get a table space at the flea market.


Cyan said:
My old board game group went defunct for a long time because of an AP guy we couldn't get rid of... rendered games almost unplayable. Or at least unenjoyable.
You need some Space Alert up in there!


BattleMonkey said:
Yea next weekend. Got two friends going who are going to be selling stuff, one who is filling up his pick up truck with old rpg books, miniatures, and board games for sale. I might pick up a table to sell if they are available depending if I find enough junk to sell off. Right now I might just be sharing a table with a friend. It's only $10 apparently to get a table space at the flea market.
Free to attend?


Just finished playing my third game of Quarriors. I was a bit sceptical during those first two games, but wow, the bug has bitten hard now. What an awesome, fun little game this is.
Quarriors is awesome...I can't wait for the new expansion.

If I'm going to get one game what should I get:

Elder Sign or 7 Wonders. I was also thinking about Dominion but then I'll want to get all the expansions...poor grad student etc.


Elder Sign, but then again I hate Quarriors and think 7 Wonders is useful for what it is, but horribly overrated. So I guess you shouldn't listen to me.


Hail to the KING baby
Affeinvasion said:
Quarriors is awesome...I can't wait for the new expansion.

If I'm going to get one game what should I get:

Elder Sign or 7 Wonders. I was also thinking about Dominion but then I'll want to get all the expansions...poor grad student etc.
Depends on whether you are into Lovecraft or playing a nice light game that's suitable for a bunch of players. Vastly different games!

Just played Quarriors for my third time last night too and digging it much more than my first couple plays as well. Helps to have three players of course. Also this game we have Death Incantation in play which helps keep some of the crazier creatures in check somewhat.
Just placed my pre-order for Game of Thrones - I'm excited!

I think I can sell it to my friends since it's similar to Risk, which they like, and it's Game of Thrones which they like.


Played 7 Wonders Leaders, Lords of Vegas and Chaostle today. Didn't like Chaostle that much except for the part where I got to be a unicorn.
Have been playing a crap ton of pandemic, what would be the next suggestion for a game after this one. All of us have played the base version of Catan so I would like a different suggestion.
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