Sooo, I played
Intrigo for the first time yesterday.
Seems to be pretty underrated at BGG. It is one of the more cutthroat games I've played in awhile (reminds me of Citadels, in that regard). You set up a board, and place victory tokens (in 5 colors) around the board, as well as money. You draft for "plot cards" (family members of player families, plus a neutral family, with values between 2 and 4), and then place plot cards to try and win tokens/money. The trick is that you win the cards by your FAMILY being the one with the highest number touching that spot on the board, even if another player actually played that card there.
It gets cut throat when you through in Influence cards. Kill/move family members. Kill/move tokens/coins.
First to amass 1 token of each color, or 4 of one color wins. Takes about 45-60 mins, maybe less if you aren't learning as you play. I loved everything about it except the very, very end game. If we were playing the rules right (I think we were), there may be nothing you can do the last round of the game but king make between two other players. That was my situation, so I flipped a coin, and my wife got to win. :\
If we did play it right, I may have to house rule something there, as boo to that.