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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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StoOgE said:
If you can't get 6 players, don't bother.
Balogna. The base games plays fine with 5 after ports and I imagine if he's getting the reissue the changes will only support this more. With very light rule tweaks, 4 player games are also great.
Score another satisfied King Of Tokyo player : )
Played the Godzilla game as well at a board gaming night last night, and even if the board/pieces are minis and beautiful, they fucked up the rulebook so bad it breaks any fun it could have had. Such a bummer.
Gunstarheroes said:
Played the Godzilla game as well at a board gaming night last night, and even if the board/pieces are minis and beautiful, they fucked up the rulebook so bad it breaks any fun it could have had. Such a bummer.

That's a shame, I was so excited for this game; I almost pre-ordered it before reviews or impressions were out, super glad I didn't. Care to elaborate at all? Any redeeming qualities in the slightest?


I heard the Z-man Walking Dead game wasn't so great either. Gonna wait on a few more reviews but what I've read doesn't instill hope. I expected the Cryptozoic Walking Dead to be a turd, but not this one...


The designer posted on BGG that Toy Vault would be publishing a new, revised version of the rules to the Godzilla game, so hopefully that will fix the problems.


Anybody table Gears of War yet? My copy showed up Thursday, but I might not get to it for a while.

For tactics nerds: I comes with a punch-out bar for determining line-of-sight.
I'm just gonna put this right here...



StoOgE said:
Will do. It's going to be a tough sell to get another player to jump in with me. But it only takes 1 other player and I love the books.. so it's a bit of a no brainer when the reprint hits.

If you want a teaching game on my collector's edition, it could be arranged. Scheduling is tough between my work + my wife's teacher training, but it could be done if you don't mind a late night at it & coming out to the burbs in Pflug'ville ;)
Up in Orlando for hurricon, sold all my old junk and then went and spent it all at Cool Stuffs store up here lol

Got Fleet Captains, Fortune and Glory, third Bang expansion, and The Walking Dead. Also one a copy of Monkey Lab in a raffle at the con lol


BattleMonkey said:
Up in Orlando for hurricon, sold all my old junk and then went and spent it all at Cool Stuffs store up here lol

Got Fleet Captains, Fortune and Glory, third Bang expansion, and The Walking Dead. Also one a copy of Monkey Lab in a raffle at the con lol
Glad you could swap out some of your old games for new stuff. I was considering going over to the con today, but then I remembered I have to go over and help my mom out with an event she's having at her store this weekend.

The main reason I was gonna go was for the flea market thing. I didn't see anything on the play list that looked interested, and actually there's really not a whole lot of games on my wishlist right now. It would've been a bunch of impulse buys if anything. That could be really good or really bad. Guess I'll have to wait till next year, unless there's another con around Central Florida.
Captain_Spanky said:
Right well that's Dreadfleet foolishly ordered. Please be good please be good pleasebegood.

As long as you know your getting basically a miniature war game. From the turn description they put out, it really is not a board game.


Any opinions on the follow-up versions of the Pokemon Master Trainer board game? I played the original for the first time at a friends house last week and it was surprisingly neat, so I've been curious about the other versions.
Neverfade said:
Balogna. The base games plays fine with 5 after ports and I imagine if he's getting the reissue the changes will only support this more. With very light rule tweaks, 4 player games are also great.

What kind of rule tweaks?


AstroLad said:
Tried out K2 today -- pretty awesome lightweight racing/risk-management game.

Yep, enjoyed it at BGG.Con... Shame it's taken so long to make it out over here; seems a little expensive for what it is too.


Hail to the KING baby
fenners said:
Yep, enjoyed it at BGG.Con... Shame it's taken so long to make it out over here; seems a little expensive for what it is too.
There was a big sale on it at CSI recently, which was where I got it. Components-wise it's quite similar to Snow Tails.
So during downtime at Hurricon, we did whip out Star Trek Fleet Captains to give it a try. Game was pretty interesting. From our first impressions, it's not a fast playing game especially with all the components it has which adds on a fairly hefty set up to the game so it's a game that lot of it needs to be set up and organized before play IMO. Game has tons of tokens too and they are all punched out and just tossed in one bag, so yea you got a giant mess of a bag to sort through. Also a common complain I saw online and do agree with, is that for the price the cards and tiles included are very thin and flimsy. They are not going to break easy because its a durable material, but they made them so skinny that it feels cheap. Contrasts with the high quality ship components you get.

Gameplay is pretty simple, there is alot of rules but it plays smooth once you get it down and it's extremely fluffy game. Basically you got a random galaxy you create and the two sides will explore and as you discover new locations there is chance for random encounters basically taken from episodes of the various Trek series... like infestation of tribbles! Now the other part of the game is a form of galaxy building though not as extensive as you find in other games as you really only want to go after, claim, and build up on select planets, which often means you will have places of frequent conflict. Combat is of course another component as you do get points for taking out the other sides ships. You have a VP total you have to reach to win and you get VPs in many different ways. The main source of VP's though are missions you get and will travel around the board trying to achieve while of course you can completely ignore the other player in most cases when doing missions, some will force you to engage your opponent by taking a territory from them, or damaging an opponents ship.... etc

We really enjoyed it and of course we were at a con and the game being new, everyone kept interrupting with questions and many were giving it OooooOOs and ahhhhs because it looks fairly robust on the table with all it's pieces. Trekkies were drooling over it. It has lot of replayability and customization involved too so players should be able to get good amount of enjoyment out of it. Game has a "standard" config but throughout it constantly tells you to play it as you see fit when setting up like the shape of the galaxy, size of the fleets, and VP totals. If you are looking for something quick and easy to play, this might not be a good choice though. Star Trek Expeditions might be a better option for a quicker play Trek romp.

Also got to play a large game of Battlecry at the con hosted by Richard Borg himself! Great guy, instead of using the board game as usual, the components were replaced with fully painted miniatures and historical recreation of the battle on a this fancy board. Was lot of fun and we the South won!



joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Lost Cities is a great light two player game. If you both haven't played many boardgames it's a good start. With Lost Cities you each play an explorer trying to complete the best expedition. During your turn all you do is play a card and then draw a card. Of course there are other rules but the game play basically boils down to that. My fiancé and I can get a few games in about 20 minutes so it's a fast one too.

Pillars of the Earth: Builder's Duel is also an excellent two player game. It's a bit more involved than Lost Cities but it's not much harder. Each player is racing to try and complete a building in front of them. During the game you are influencing different craftsmen in order to give you matierals or perform various actions. The thing that neat about Builder's Duel is that each player has their own set of action cards that only they can use. Each is different than the other so there are different strategies to playing each character.

Finally, Roll Through the Ages. RTTA is a civilization dice game. It plays a lot like Yahtzee, in that you are rolling a set of dice three times and keeping what you want, but the choices you make are infinitely more interesting. You can build more cities which give you extra dice, hate when your neighbor rolls pestilence protect yourself by researching medicine. Super fun game that can even be played by yourself.

All three games come in small boxes and are pretty cheap.
Huge thanks for this! Three great recommendations... I think I'll start with Lost Cities as it arguably looks the most interesting of the bunch, like that it's a quick one too - a perfect way into this :)


Gaaraz said:
Huge thanks for this! Three great recommendations... I think I'll start with Lost Cities as it arguably looks the most interesting of the bunch, like that it's a quick one too - a perfect way into this :)

yeah lost cities and ticket to ride are both pretty awesome light games to get into


Hail to the KING baby
BattleMonkey said:
Also got to play a large game of Battlecry at the con hosted by Richard Borg himself! Great guy, instead of using the board game as usual, the components were replaced with fully painted miniatures and historical recreation of the battle on a this fancy board. Was lot of fun and we the South won!
ha! that's awesome. nice pic too. <3 borg
BattleMonkey said:
star trek fleet captains impression
Pretty much my impression as well, although it sounds I like it more a bit. My fiance and I are about 80% way through our 1st game, it was getting late though so we left it on the table and will finish soon. After reading the rulebook I was rather intimidated by the vast amount of different actions you can take, but in practice the game is much simpler than that. Also, a player can be subject to Analysis Paralysis, since everything you can do in your turn (movement, actions, etc) can be done in any order, and even hop around from ship to ship in-between as well. Actually performing your actions doesn't take much time at all, though.

Big thumbs up from me, it's a lot of fun. I do like how you can take your strategy in any direction you want. Don't want combat? Do science or build installments instead. Want to do ONLY combat? Go for it, have fun! It really is "make your own victory" where if you're weaker or getting screwed in 1 aspect, you can easily shift gears, go for something else, and still stand just as much of a chance at winning as the other player.

Looking forward to playing more of it.


Gryphter said:
Pretty much my impression as well, although it sounds I like it more a bit. My fiance and I are about 80% way through our 1st game, it was getting late though so we left it on the table and will finish soon. After reading the rulebook I was rather intimidated by the vast amount of different actions you can take, but in practice the game is much simpler than that. Also, a player can be subject to Analysis Paralysis, since everything you can do in your turn (movement, actions, etc) can be done in any order, and even hop around from ship to ship in-between as well. Actually performing your actions doesn't take much time at all, though.

Big thumbs up from me, it's a lot of fun. I do like how you can take your strategy in any direction you want. Don't want combat? Do science or build installments instead. Want to do ONLY combat? Go for it, have fun! It really is "make your own victory" where if you're weaker or getting screwed in 1 aspect, you can easily shift gears, go for something else, and still stand just as much of a chance at winning as the other player.

Looking forward to playing more of it.

$100 RRP is a lotta cash... What's the quality/quantity of the pieces? How does it look to scale?
fenners said:
$100 RRP is a lotta cash... What's the quality/quantity of the pieces? How does it look to scale?
the whole game setup is rather large, it takes up most of my dining room table and this is only for 2 player setup! the figures are really nice but their build quality is hit or miss. for negatives, there can be glue showing on the bases, and the biggest issue (for me at least) is that the "Clix" part of the figures, not all of them twist easy. on BGG there's talk of opening them up and filing them down, which I will be doing later this week. there's 24 figures total and about 5 of them need filing down on my end.

I have 2 things to say about the cards and tiles. the colors, layout, images, etc are all excellent. the actual paper they used is PISS POOR. Sleever or not, these cards must be sleeved. the tiles I believe are even thinner than the cards, but luckily they just sit on the table and not in your hand. they do get shuffled though.

I read that they skimped out on the cards and tiles to keep the cost down; I figure it's the 24 ship figures that cost the most here. But damn, for $100 MSRP, I think things could be better (you'll find lower prices online, of course). I personally would be willing to pay more than I did to get components of expected quality.
fenners said:
$100 RRP is a lotta cash... What's the quality/quantity of the pieces? How does it look to scale?

I paid 70 from Cool Stuff actual store (same online). The ships and amount of stuff you get is impressive. The quality of the hex tiles and cards is very thin and flimsy though sadly. It's a stronger plastic like material that should be durable but it's the most common complaint everyone seems to have with the game. It takes up quite a bit of space but as I mentioned before, the game is designed to be customizable so you create the shape/size of the galaxy you play on. Make it skinny and more wide to the sides for example if you want quicker combat while keeping amount of game real estate on the table. Ships themselves don't seem to actually be in proper scale to each other though, some are close but some feel off like the Sovereign class Enterprise just seems tiny

Gryphter said:
Pretty much my impression as well, although it sounds I like it more a bit.

I really enjoyed it, look forward to playing it more and really think they nailed the look and feel of Trek with the whole thing. Also really like how they used the clix in this game as it makes much more sense in the scheme of things and adds complexity to the game. Many were afraid the clix were going to be handled like all other clix games where you simply click the dial once every time you take damage and it lowers or changes your stats. the whole dials with alert status they did is real cool IMO.

Yea once you get past initial overwhelming nature of the game, you really see how quick and simple it is. As I mentioned before I think set up is a big time sink so getting lot of it set out before you meet up will be a big help. Since you normally only have 3 actions at the "standard" game setting things do move fairly quick.

The one complaint I've seen also brought up is that one can have quite a bit of downtime but yea there is alot of thinking ahead a person has to do such as what you are going to set your power setting too.

Yea they cheaped out on the cards and such, the ships also were originally going to be fully painted too but they had to also drop that to keep costs down. It's unfortunate as the paint jobs they did on the ships that came with Expeditions was exceptional. Though they are not hard to paint really, most just need some minor detail work and a wash and they look good just like that.

AstroLad said:
ha! that's awesome. nice pic too. <3 borg

Borg is awesome jolly old dude. He just hanged around the entire con chatting up with anyone, signing stuff, and running various events of his games. Was funny he had a box of crap he was selling off dirt cheap that was from prototypes he worked on and stuff people just sent him for building games. He had a bunch of random plastic soldier sprues that some companies had sent him and told him "make us a game using these components" lol
Sooo, I played Intrigo for the first time yesterday.

Seems to be pretty underrated at BGG. It is one of the more cutthroat games I've played in awhile (reminds me of Citadels, in that regard). You set up a board, and place victory tokens (in 5 colors) around the board, as well as money. You draft for "plot cards" (family members of player families, plus a neutral family, with values between 2 and 4), and then place plot cards to try and win tokens/money. The trick is that you win the cards by your FAMILY being the one with the highest number touching that spot on the board, even if another player actually played that card there.

It gets cut throat when you through in Influence cards. Kill/move family members. Kill/move tokens/coins.

First to amass 1 token of each color, or 4 of one color wins. Takes about 45-60 mins, maybe less if you aren't learning as you play. I loved everything about it except the very, very end game. If we were playing the rules right (I think we were), there may be nothing you can do the last round of the game but king make between two other players. That was my situation, so I flipped a coin, and my wife got to win. :\

If we did play it right, I may have to house rule something there, as boo to that.
I want to hear more about it first, not always crazy about these modernized remakes of old games which still try to be friendly to the casual gamers. Battleship Galaxies to me was very similar. Cool design, but the game was pretty meh.
I kind of like the concept, but I don't really like direct conflict territory control stuff like Risk much anymore, so I doubt I'll play it.

Give me some sort of Dominion Legacy or Agricola Legacy or something, and I'm game. Though I think that any of these legacy things need to be un-doable. No permanent stickers, and no tearing up of cards. I like the concept of no-resets, but still think resets should be possible at some point.


platypotamus said:
Sooo, I played Intrigo for the first time yesterday.

Seems to be pretty underrated at BGG. It is one of the more cutthroat games I've played in awhile (reminds me of Citadels, in that regard). You set up a board, and place victory tokens (in 5 colors) around the board, as well as money. You draft for "plot cards" (family members of player families, plus a neutral family, with values between 2 and 4), and then place plot cards to try and win tokens/money. The trick is that you win the cards by your FAMILY being the one with the highest number touching that spot on the board, even if another player actually played that card there.

It gets cut throat when you through in Influence cards. Kill/move family members. Kill/move tokens/coins.

First to amass 1 token of each color, or 4 of one color wins. Takes about 45-60 mins, maybe less if you aren't learning as you play. I loved everything about it except the very, very end game. If we were playing the rules right (I think we were), there may be nothing you can do the last round of the game but king make between two other players. That was my situation, so I flipped a coin, and my wife got to win. :\

If we did play it right, I may have to house rule something there, as boo to that.

Cool! I'm a big fan of Citadels. I remember checking this game out at the store a few times (shamelessly attracted by the cool art on the box/theme though, haha). Never seen it played but it certainly sounds like fun. Seems a bit rash to go on one impression but I may have to check this out now. I really like the idea of "drafting" the plot cards each round.
Dreavus said:
Cool! I'm a big fan of Citadels. I remember checking this game out at the store a few times (shamelessly attracted by the cool art on the box/theme though, haha). Never seen it played but it certainly sounds like fun. Seems a bit rash to go on one impression but I may have to check this out now. I really like the idea of "drafting" the plot cards each round.

Yup, that part was cool. Leads to some agonizing decisions at times. Keep the should-score 3-power card of your own family, or the almost-definitely-will-score 4-power of your opponent, so that you can screw them out of scoring with it. I kind of expected the drafting mechanic existed purely to increase your chances of getting your own family members into your hand, but after the first round it was clear that that wasn't going to be the case any longer, haha.
UK readers - High Street boardgame deals ahoy!

The Works is stocking boardgames (i.e. not just the usual Hannah Montana Monopoly or High School Muical Cluedo tie ins).

In an interesting development it seems the initial sale was a success so it might be a regular thing and not a one off

Looks like distributors are clearing old stock but there are some decent games in there (Queen, Rio Grande) - such as Cuba, Notre Dame, Royal Palace especially at the blanket price of 7.99 UKP (which converts into something like 12.50 USD)

I've picked up Notre Dame (and Click Clack for the twinbots).

It will be interesting to see what comes of this.
At the start of the week the table in my local shop was piled with eurogames and crappy movie/tv tie-ins.
At the end of the week only the crappy stuff was left.


I've been interested in Super Dungeon Explore for a while as well. I don't think I can sell my wife on playing due to the anime theme. Plus, I've got Dungeon Run already pre-ordered and that one sounds really fun and has some interesting mechanics. I haven't gotten around to reading the SDE rules yet, so I'm not sure if there's anything "special" or "different" to make it worth it.
Wow, the new FF version of Hey that's my fish! is ultra cheap ($8 at most online retailers). I guess I'm gonna grab a few as presents.

Also, this:
Jay Tummelson at Rio Grande Games has posted one of his infrequent newsletters that update what you can expect to see from the U.S. publisher. The news falls into three buckets:

—Titles due out in October or November
-----Friday, Power Grid: First Sparks, Power Grid: The Robots, Salty Dog, South Pole, Stone Age: Style is the Goal, and Puerto Rico Anniversary Edition.

—Titles due out in early 2012 (or possibly December 2011)
-----Arctic Scavengers, Cavemen, Carcassonne: The Falcon, Those Pesky Garden Gnomes, Rattlebones, Credit Mobilier, Mogul, Monster Factory, and several others.

—Digital versions of existing games
-----Says Tummelson, "We have ... licensed Dominion's digital rights, and we expect it will be available in various forms by the end of the year. Race for the Galaxy will also appear in digital form in early 2012."

The Stone Age expansion also includes "The new huts".


First tragedy, then farce.
I really don't get the First Sparks thing... and PG is my favorite game.

The Robot however, that looks like it will make a nice addition to the game.


First tragedy, then farce.
Also, I'm pretty pumped for the special edition of Puerto Rico. I think I'm gonna pull the trigger on that one. Great game, really ugly. This seems to give it a nice component set which will make it less antiseptic of an experience


Saint Nic
Cathcart said:
omg seriously how cute is this? I haven't tried the demo so the game might suck but holy crap those minis. Damn you, Robert Florence. I should just send that guy my credit card and get it over with.


Super Dungeon Explore is pretty awesome. I got to play the demo at Gen Con two years back and a more full demo this past year. Two of my friends pre-ordered it. It's pretty much a dungeon crawl one-shot game. Think of like a more fast paced Descent.

Also, Descent 2nd ed. is going to be balls awesome.
nicoga3000 said:
Also, Descent 2nd ed. is going to be balls awesome.

I'm not sure on that, some of the ideas I've heard rumored for the rule changes didn't excite me like going with random defense values like Gears of War which make combat a whole more more chaotic and random. I'll wait for the final book to judge and hopefully the upgrade pack does what its meant to do well.


Super Dungeon Explore looks like the kind of game I'd like. What do the dungeon tiles look like? I'm assuming nothing like what's on the website.
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