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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Hail to the KING baby
Flying Toaster said:
Have been playing a crap ton of pandemic, what would be the next suggestion for a game after this one. All of us have played the base version of Catan so I would like a different suggestion.
What kind of game are you looking for?
Co-op vs. competitive (lots of direct attacking vs. little)
Preferred or disliked themes
Honestly anything that can get about 4-6 people having fun. Complexity and an upward learning curve would be great and expansions are a bonus but not needed. We just like to play games that take a few hours to complete and can include our normal DnD group. I am up for anything except candy land.


Flying Toaster said:
Honestly anything that can get about 4-6 people having fun. Complexity and an upward learning curve would be great and expansions are a bonus but not needed. We just like to play games that take a few hours to complete and can include our normal DnD group. I am up for anything except candy land.
Oh you're so going to love Arkham Horror.
Flying Toaster said:
Honestly anything that can get about 4-6 people having fun. Complexity and an upward learning curve would be great and expansions are a bonus but not needed. We just like to play games that take a few hours to complete and can include our normal DnD group. I am up for anything except candy land.

Seems like Fantasy Flight is the perfect company for you.

Played a 2P game of Airlines Europe, it's clearly not designed for two but I enjoyed a lot what I played. There's clearly a potentially awesome game if played with 3 or 4. The only downside is that this game is a colorblind guy's worst nightmare. I had a really hard time telling orange from red and green, brown and purple apart.

Also played a 3P game of Rattus, it's growing on me. It's fast, cute, cheap and small. Theme feels a bit pasted on but it's serviceable (although it's a bit awkward as a family game). I want to play a few more games before throwing in the expansion but the new roles are great.
Got to do Elder Sign this weekend, had a great time. Some of the rules seem a bit iffy though and in need of faq, the official forum has lot of people scratching their heads it seems on interpretations of various things right now. Also is it true that the game is too easy as others are claiming? We won on our first game.

Picked up The Resistance and one of the hard to find Bang! expansions

Cathcart said:
So who is preordering Dreadfleet?

I will be, it's expensive but the components look amazing and if it's the same quality as what GW did with Space Hulk, it will be worth it.


Dreadfleet looks great but uh, 5' by 4' for the (admittedly great looking) playing surface? Where the hell am I gonna put that thing? I'm too old to play games on the floor. Man, it would have been a great game to have around for Talk Like a Pirate Day, though.

Edit: I just checked and I might be able to fit that on one of my tables provided there isn't much else that has to go in your playing area. Looks like there isn't. Crap.
Cathcart said:
Dreadfleet looks great but uh, 5' by 4' for the (admittedly great looking) playing surface? Where the hell am I gonna put that thing? I'm too old to play games on the floor. Man, it would have been a great game to have around for Talk Like a Pirate Day, though.

Edit: I just checked and I might be able to fit that on one of my tables provided there isn't much else that has to go in your playing area. Looks like there isn't. Crap.

Well GW gamers are used to big playing surfaces and most game stores will have space as the common wargame space is 6x4


Yeah, but for a boxed board game it's still pretty big. Although in the end it probably takes about as much space as something like StarCraft or TI. Man it really does look great, though. Especially if you have a pro painting team spiff it up for ya.
Cathcart said:
So who is preordering Dreadfleet?

I'm finding it hard to justify putting down £70 for something that I have the vaguest idea of how it plays. Space Hulk was a known entity so they didn't need to build much hype for it, but they should be putting on introductory games in-store for this. The contents do look great though.
Cosmic Schwung said:
I'm finding it hard to justify putting down £70 for something that I have the vaguest idea of how it plays. Space Hulk was a known entity so they didn't need to build much hype for it, but they should be putting on introductory games in-store for this. The contents do look great though.

They are putting out some more info on it including 10 minute video recently about it. GW stores should have demos going on if you have one near you. The limited qty thing is the worst part though as it scares people into buying it instead of waiting to try it.
BattleMonkey said:
They are putting out some more info on it including 10 minute video recently about it. GW stores should have demos going on if you have one near you. The limited qty thing is the worst part though as it scares people into buying it instead of waiting to try it.

There wasn't any games going on at my local store this weekend, and if the new policy of not sending any stock to the stores until just before release applies to this too then there won't be any until the day of release. The video was cool but it didn't really give much away on how it would play.

Unless the resellers go crazy, I'm not too worried about it being limited. It doesn't have the nostalgia appeal of Space Hulk and the relatively complex models and 98 page rulebook could be a little off-putting to anyone who doesn't already play any GW games. Also, the models can't be used in any of GW's other games unlike Space Hulk's.
Donated to the Carnival Kickstarter:


Then bought Lifeboat:


and The Resistance:


Can't wait to try them out! Finally got a group together to play Arkham Horror, which has now become my favorite game!
platypotamus said:
Looking at "the hotness" on BGG tonight, I noticed Donald X has a new game coming out:


EDIT: and Vlaada! http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/97207/dungeon-petz

EDIT AGAIN: Donald has 2?! What is this, I don't even- http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/107529/kingdom-builder

Yeah, nefarious looks good but the actual art is hideous. Vlaada has many games in development it seems, including the new mage knight game.

Speaking of games in development, I'm actually interested in the new prehistoric Agricola and Power Grid.


I kickstarted Carnival back when it first went up there. Looks like a nice little light game that I can get my family to play. This is the first game I've donated to. Hopefully they don't run into any production issues and can still get it out by Christmas, like they hope.

Also, picked up my own copy of Dominion yesterday. I had been borrowing a copy from a friend for the past couple of weeks. Because the game has so much shuffling, I went ahead and sleeved all the cards as well, effectively doubling the cost of the game. I need help!
Pick up 7 Wonders and play a few games with my kids. They love it, wife on the other hands think there are too many cards to track.

Few quick questions, first the combat phase, so do you get two victory tokens if you beat both the players to your right and to your left? And if you loose to both then you get 2 X -1 token?

So when you play card that give you coins (yellow commerce card) do you get the coins as soon as you play it?

Also how long do you wait for a player to decide if they want to keep what card. Our game go pretty fast but we are not very strict about card being play. ie everyone just put down a card and move on. I know we suppose to put it face down and reveal all at once, but it's a friendly games with my kids how important is it in competitive setting?


You get one token per combatant. Either points or a -1. The max -1 you can get per round is 2 (one per side).

For commerce cards you get the coins on the spot.

It is a best practice to hold cards down and reveal simultaneously to prevent people from changing minds, etc. You could make decisions (around military or the green set collection) based on your neighbor's move. For example if you saw your neighbor putting down a gear you could decide to use a gear to build your wonder rather than pass it to them.


antiquegamer said:
Pick up 7 Wonders and play a few games with my kids. They love it, wife on the other hands think there are too many cards to track.

Few quick questions, first the combat phase, so do you get two victory tokens if you beat both the players to your right and to your left? And if you loose to both then you get 2 X -1 token?

Yes, yes.

So when you play card that give you coins (yellow commerce card) do you get the coins as soon as you play it?


Also how long do you wait for a player to decide if they want to keep what card. Our game go pretty fast but we are not very strict about card being play. ie everyone just put down a card and move on. I know we suppose to put it face down and reveal all at once, but it's a friendly games with my kids how important is it in competitive setting?

We keep everyone "in sync" - you reveal your card at the same time, do the action etc all at once. This keeps people a little more honest/correct for things like bonuses based on other people's cards (e.g. income for brown cards - if someone builds a brown at the same time as you play a card, you don't get that extra piece of income, or using resources people just built - another no-no).
Thanks guys for the rule help. I can see where revealing card about to play would be a problem, hmm...may be that's why my daughter always win, she is a sly one and probably wait to see what I and her brother play before putting down her card.

Also I assume you don't have to pay for the card until it's reveal so other can't guess what you are building or needing to buy from them.


Well I stopped by the FLGS and preordered Dreadfleet at lunch. So I guess I'm getting that. I mean, come on, look at those boats! I just want to set it up and take pictures of it. If I'm lucky I'll have it all painted and ready to go for Talk Like a Pirate Day, 2012. Probably not, though.

Also came really close to picking up King of Tokyo. I like the idea of a 30m 6 player game about giant monsters stomping around Tokyo. Someone tell me why I should buy it next week when I pick up the boats. Is it good with six players or does it bog down?
I likely will be getting Dreadfleet as well, but going to order it online that will give me a discount. Can't sell direct online but if you ask through email you can get pretty much any GW product or 20-25% off
Cathcart said:
Also came really close to picking up King of Tokyo. I like the idea of a 30m 6 player game about giant monsters stomping around Tokyo. Someone tell me why I should buy it next week when I pick up the boats. Is it good with six players or does it bog down?
How many people do you typically play with? The game is super light but still loads of fun. 4 players or less the game typically takes 20-30 min, but with 5-6 it's more like 45 min. The rules are insanely easy so newbies can and will have a fighting chance even their first game. It can get silly fun smashing your friends or laughing at someone who fails to roll healing hearts when they desperately need to.

I highly recommend it, but remember it is a very light game. We end up playing 2, 3, even 4 times per night since it's so quick and easy but still yields a high amount of fun.


Typically 3-5 but I already have a lot of 3-5 player games that are fun for 30 minutes. Still, it's not uncommon for us to have six people and I've only got a couple of games for that situation and only one (7W) that isn't a 2+ hour game. So the six player thing would fill a niche and that's what got my attention. I mean, besides giant monsters stomping all over Tokyo.

The other thing is that most of the 6P games I have (Power Grid, Dominion, Arkham, Battlestar) are all games that really aren't great (or just flat out boring) with six, usually because they start to drag on or the difficulty changes or whatever. Cool as it looks, if KoT is one of those games that's really only good for 4-5 but technically it supports 6 I'll probably hold off for now.

I think one of the things that makes 7W and RoboRally fun even with a lot of people is that the turns are all simultaneous and there's less waiting for other people. Not really sure how KoT plays, though.


Hail to the KING baby
It is quite awesome with 6 players. Even more so than with 4. 5-6 is best imo; it's really made to be a 4-6p game. Every roll can impact others so you're never zoning out.


Can anyone please recommend a board game (available in the UK) that's good for two players? I've got my girlfriend Lord of the Rings Risk, and hope to get Disney Monopoly sometime, but they probably need more players than just 2 ;o



Uh, there's like a billion of those. How about some more information about what kind of games you're into? Is your girlfriend new to gaming or are you both super geeks who are up for a challenge?

If she's new maybe try something like Carcassonne, it has little mans. You could also try Dominion, a deck building card game (they're all the rage these days) that's pretty easy to learn and has a ton of replayability. I'd also recommend Samurai, a cool tile placement game which can be played equally well with 2-4 players, has a lot of depth to it but is fast to learn and just looks cool when you set it up on the table. That's always a plus.


She has a passing interest (she loves monopoly, and risk, but owns neither game right now) and I have zero interest, so somethnig newbie friendly but interesting would be great :) Thank you

On a side note, we played a couple of games of Carcassonne on my phone and we both utterly hated it, although I wouldn't instantly dismiss it as a board game because of that...


Carcassonne is hit or miss. My group loved it and we played a ton of it for a year or so back in like 2005. But then we got sick of it. Still, we got our money's worth. Samurai is also available as an iPhone app and you can play Dominion online at isotropic to try it out.

So OK, gotta get this budget under control. I'm getting Dreadfleet and War of the Ring and quite possibly the Game of Thrones reissue. Oh and A Few Acres of Snow, I want that one. And I guess King of Tokyo because you jerks are making me buy it. But that is it. That's all of the games I'm buying this year, I have too many of the damn things.


Edit: Wait, she loves Monopoly? bailout.gif
Gaaraz said:
Can anyone please recommend a board game (available in the UK) that's good for two players? I've got my girlfriend Lord of the Rings Risk, and hope to get Disney Monopoly sometime, but they probably need more players than just 2 ;o

Lost Cities is a great light two player game. If you both haven't played many boardgames it's a good start. With Lost Cities you each play an explorer trying to complete the best expedition. During your turn all you do is play a card and then draw a card. Of course there are other rules but the game play basically boils down to that. My fiancé and I can get a few games in about 20 minutes so it's a fast one too.

Pillars of the Earth: Builder's Duel is also an excellent two player game. It's a bit more involved than Lost Cities but it's not much harder. Each player is racing to try and complete a building in front of them. During the game you are influencing different craftsmen in order to give you matierals or perform various actions. The thing that neat about Builder's Duel is that each player has their own set of action cards that only they can use. Each is different than the other so there are different strategies to playing each character.

Finally, Roll Through the Ages. RTTA is a civilization dice game. It plays a lot like Yahtzee, in that you are rolling a set of dice three times and keeping what you want, but the choices you make are infinitely more interesting. You can build more cities which give you extra dice, hate when your neighbor rolls pestilence protect yourself by researching medicine. Super fun game that can even be played by yourself.

All three games come in small boxes and are pretty cheap.
My Miniature Market order for Star Trek: Fleet Captains and the Gears of War board game were delivered just now, too bad I'm at work til 5. I know a few people here reported they have Gears but haven't tried it out yet, is there anyone who has played it? I'm hoping to do at least the solo mission this weekend.


First tragedy, then farce.
worst game of Shadows over Camelot at game night.


Winning not a single quest.
A non-traitor hording all of the grail cards and not going on the grail quest, taking 10 minute turns to decide to go on quests that they don't have the cards to complete and then taking 10 minutes their next turn to figure out they done goofed the previous turn.
Several non-traitors blindly accusing people of being the traitor as soon as possible sealing defeat. We literally put 3 black swords up in 2 rounds because of erronious traiter naming.. and the people doing the naming? All loyal.

It was supposed to be a 5 player game. Then things went wrong. 3 people showed up and asked to join. Our 5 player game would have been fantastic. We were all really into it and making great decisions.

One of the 3 that joined had played the game once like 12 months ago and preceeded to interject rule interpretations throughout the game.. getting none of them actually correct so that I had to go and look up the rule I just explaiend and show her that I was right. Explenation of rules took nearly an hour because of her taking over and giving out wrong rules.

One of the others was this high dude who had never played before who went to talk to his friend during rule explenation and then kept asking us what to do on his turn.

The last was the girl mentioned above. Everyone thought she had to be the traitor. Turns out, she was just really really stupid.


First tragedy, then farce.
Cathcart said:
So OK, gotta get this budget under control. I'm getting Dreadfleet and War of the Ring and quite possibly the Game of Thrones reissue. Oh and A Few Acres of Snow, I want that one. And I guess King of Tokyo because you jerks are making me buy it. But that is it. That's all of the games I'm buying this year, I have too many of the damn things.

Game of Thrones is amazing, but you really need 6 players willing to put 3-4 hours into the game. It's brilliant though, theme is great if you like the book. If you can't get 6 players, don't bother.

I think I'm going to pull the trigger on war of the ring.


Hail to the KING baby
StoOgE said:
The last was the girl mentioned above. Everyone thought she had to be the traitor. Turns out, she was just really really stupid.
I love SotC when everyone plays in the spirit of the game. It's lighter and less intimidating than BSG, and has a less nerdy theme, which makes it (just barely) a game you can play with casuals. But it seems incredibly easy for a traitor to win. I think there is a BGG thread on this.


I can get six people. They're all watching the show now and loving it, should be an easy sell :D
AstroLad said:
Ugh, you can make such a cool game based on MGS sneaking and the MGS universe in general. Stupid reskins.
I know but like, dat box.


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
I love SotC when everyone plays in the spirit of the game. It's lighter and less intimidating than BSG, and has a less nerdy theme, which makes it (just barely) a game you can play with casuals. But it seems incredibly easy for a traitor to win. I think there is a BGG thread on this.

It's easy enough to lose without a traitor at all if people aren't really playing well.
BattleMonkey said:
I likely will be getting Dreadfleet as well, but going to order it online that will give me a discount. Can't sell direct online but if you ask through email you can get pretty much any GW product or 20-25% off

Is that from a UK store or US? I wouldn't mind a hefty discount!


StoOgE said:
Game of Thrones is amazing, but you really need 6 players willing to put 3-4 hours into the game. It's brilliant though, theme is great if you like the book. If you can't get 6 players, don't bother.

I think I'm going to pull the trigger on war of the ring.

War of the Ring is a fantastic game experience. Every time I've played it, it's a different story & love love love the asymmetrical tension of it.
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