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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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I might be moving to Indio in the next six months or so.

First off, why? heh, 6 months is right after the heatwave, its pretty nice after that til mid spring.

But yeah, the group meets in La Quinta which is right next to Indio. We dont have any gameshops in the valley, so all online shopping for us.


My haul for the week:

Can I just say that Lords of Waterdeep shouldn't exist? And if it did exist, it could not be as good as it is? Seriously...A D&D themed euro-game from WotC and its fantastic?! I'm fairly certain I've changed universes.

I've played it a few times but I don't think it's fantastic. It's a solid lightweight worker placement, but there's nothing new or different about it as far as I can tell. The cubes could as well be carrots, stone wood etc, and it'd make little difference to the gameplay. The theme is nice, but it's *completely* bolted on to a standard Euro.

I've enjoyed my plays, and I'm sure I'll play it again, but I think it's far from essential and is in danger of getting over hyped...

Also, I now demand that all games come with holding trays as nice as Waterdeep.

'Tis a good tray ;)

Got my traded copy of Fortune and Glory in the mail yesterday. Gloriously over the top ameritrash in the typical FFP fashion. Looking forward to getting it to the table. Also got a little two player card game that's getting some good buzz on BGG - Morels, about collecting mushrooms. Gloriously well put together for a small indie developer, with great art, great production values & a solid looking game in the style of Jaipur. Nothing revolutionary, but well put together. Again, over hyped like LoW, but this is something that will work well at lunch ;)
I've played it a few times but I don't think it's fantastic. It's a solid lightweight worker placement, but there's nothing new or different about it as far as I can tell. The cubes could as well be carrots, stone wood etc, and it'd make little difference to the gameplay. The theme is nice, but it's *completely* bolted on to a standard Euro.

I've enjoyed my plays, and I'm sure I'll play it again, but I think it's far from essential and is in danger of getting over hyped...

Not sure I can agree. Great games deserve to get hyped, and every time I've played this game (not my copy) people have really enjoyed themselves. It does borrow some pieces from Ticket to Ride in a way, but overall it works really well in having just the right amount of imperfect information. I really like what the buildings add to the game and I've played in games that had pretty crazy combos using cards at the harbor.

I will say that while I don't disagree that the theme could be different, sometimes a theme just fits really well and I feel it does here. I am a self-admitted theme whore though, so I prefer when a theme is something that interests me.


Finally got around to my copy of Hornet Leader and started up a campaign on the introductory scenario. Fun stuff.
How did you find your local group? The campus group here meets when I'm working in the lab so I can't go :(
Check out meetup.com or look at the regional game group boards on BGG. I found my group through BGG and it's great.
I've played it a few times but I don't think it's fantastic. It's a solid lightweight worker placement, but there's nothing new or different about it as far as I can tell. The cubes could as well be carrots, stone wood etc, and it'd make little difference to the gameplay. The theme is nice, but it's *completely* bolted on to a standard Euro.

I've enjoyed my plays, and I'm sure I'll play it again, but I think it's far from essential and is in danger of getting over hyped...

'Tis a good tray ;)

Got my traded copy of Fortune and Glory in the mail yesterday. Gloriously over the top ameritrash in the typical FFP fashion. Looking forward to getting it to the table. Also got a little two player card game that's getting some good buzz on BGG - Morels, about collecting mushrooms. Gloriously well put together for a small indie developer, with great art, great production values & a solid looking game in the style of Jaipur. Nothing revolutionary, but well put together. Again, over hyped like LoW, but this is something that will work well at lunch ;)
Fortune and Glory is indeed over the top. The game is a glorified press your luck game. There are no choices to be made you just roll dice and go. It's fun if everyone gets into it so pick your group wisely. Also use the fixed movement variant. The gam is already dice heavy, having to roll and move is a bummer.


First off, why? heh, 6 months is right after the heatwave, its pretty nice after that til mid spring.

But yeah, the group meets in La Quinta which is right next to Indio. We dont have any gameshops in the valley, so all online shopping for us.

I live in Apple Valley right now so Indio is an upgrade. I will miss my gaming group though.


I live in Apple Valley right now so Indio is an upgrade. I will miss my gaming group though.
Oh god yeah, totally will be an upgrade. We have actual stores here in Indio. No gaming stores though. How we can have a comic book shop and no game store is beyond me


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Oh god yeah, totally will be an upgrade. We have actual stores here in Indio. No gaming stores though. How we can have a comic book shop and no game store is beyond me

There's exactly one store here (North Vancouver) and it's a comic book store that has like...10 boardgames. Luckily, Vancouver has a muuuuch bigger selection. -phuh-


There's exactly one store here (North Vancouver) and it's a comic book store that has like...10 boardgames. Luckily, Vancouver has a muuuuch bigger selection. -phuh-

Not that I'd buy at MSRP anyway, but similar situation here. There's a shop that mainly (understandably) caters to Magic players and 40k/etc painters, but has a paltry couple wal-mart shelves of stuff like Munchkin Quest and Lord of the Fries. Even if the selection were also hypothetically better, what would keep me away are the hairy eyeballs that get thrown your way as you walk in not equipped with a neckbeard and a deckbox.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Not that I'd buy at MSRP anyway, but similar situation here. There's a shop that mainly (understandably) caters to Magic players and 40k/etc painters, but has a paltry couple wal-mart shelves of stuff like Munchkin Quest and Lord of the Fries. Even if the selection were also hypothetically better, what would keep me away are the hairy eyeballs that get thrown your way as you walk in not equipped with a neckbeard and a deckbox.

There's some really nice stores in Vancouver, with awesome service, but they sell at MSRP... they even have open games that you can play, it's pretty cool. I don't usually buy there though, but it's nice to look at and for the selection and input. On the other hand, there's an online-only store with a pickup location that sells everything for like 30% under MSRP, it's great :D
We're lucky to have a really great game store here. It's worked really hard to cultivate a bright, open, atmosphere while still having a basement area for gaming. It's really gotten down how to appeal to gamers and families and keeping away the creepy. Great staff helps as well. I usually buy from there if I'm in town (which isn't often) and there's something I'm after as I like to support a local business that offers a social area as well. It's a nice place. Usually a few quid more than online but they have more costs, and they do provide a free social gaming area which is great. It's nice to have a community focal point like that to meet new people :)

Dropped in yesterday to volunteer for free RPG day on Saturday and ended up picking up the new Quarriors! expansion, Quarmageddon. No new mechanics but lots of interesting new creatures and spells, pretty much what you want from a deck builder expansion. I usually only get one for each game and this has certainly scratched the itch. Can't wait to play it.


May contain jokes =>
I feel bad not supporting local stores, but I don't have the luxury of paying MSRP for stuff at this point.
I feel bad not supporting local stores, but I don't have the luxury of paying MSRP for stuff at this point.

When it's a couple of bucks difference I don't sweat it. If it's a fiver or more then I'll go online. Stuff seems to be less discounted online over here than in the US though.


May contain jokes =>
When it's a couple of bucks difference I don't sweat it. If it's a fiver or more then I'll go online. Stuff seems to be less discounted online over here than in the US though.

Yeah in my experience here in the US it's more commonly a matter of twenty bucks or so.


Cool Smoke Luke
Not that I'd buy at MSRP anyway, but similar situation here. There's a shop that mainly (understandably) caters to Magic players and 40k/etc painters, but has a paltry couple wal-mart shelves of stuff like Munchkin Quest and Lord of the Fries. Even if the selection were also hypothetically better, what would keep me away are the hairy eyeballs that get thrown your way as you walk in not equipped with a neckbeard and a deckbox.

Ok I genuinely laughed at that! That's exactly how I feel going into BlackKnightgames to look at boardgames and pickup supply's for painting them.

I just figured it was because I was "An Old Guy" an was being selfconcious.
Yeah in my experience here in the US it's more commonly a matter of twenty bucks or so.

For the big games yea. For smaller things the discount is obviously not so much. Any big board game I will buy online to save money, but small things like a card game and such I'm fine with just picking it up at the local game store. I feel bad for game stores, I know how much they pay for those games and how it's almost impossible to compete with online, but if I bought locally I wouldn't have nearly as many games in my collection.


Cool Smoke Luke
When it's a couple of bucks difference I don't sweat it. If it's a fiver or more then I'll go online. Stuff seems to be less discounted online over here than in the US though.

ya I've mostly used Fungamecafe(great prices for Ontario) and bought things in $200 chunks to get the free shipping.
I feel bad not buying at the local store but all priced out it ends up being about 40 to 50 dollars cheaper...its just to much to say no to.
Every game is 10 to 20 cheaper then local.
My group and I played a few games of Infiltration last night. We like!! It's a fairly simple game, playable in about 30-40 minutes. It has a really fun element of pushing deeping into the "building" to collect more points, but still leaving yourself enough time to escape before the coppers show up! A couple of the wins last night were down to the wire, with the players escaping with only a single turn left. Made for some fun moments.

Yesterday I also got an email from Cardhaus about my 2-month old Eclipse preorder. Seems like it should finally go out this week! So excite for that one.
If you can point me to the game that mixes the multiple elements used in Waterdeep, by all means do. An appropriate answer is not, "Well this from this game, and that from that game." I'm talking all in one, total package. Thanks!
Isn't it just standard worker placement fare? Keep in mind I've never played Waterdeep but it strikes me as just that. Place worker, get cube, turn in cubes for points. If that's the case Pillars of the Earth does exactly that.

EDIT: Caylus also has the same feel. It also adds buildings that other players can use.


Isn't it just standard worker placement fare?


LoW isn't a horrible game. It just an unnecessary one.

Something like Carson City is pretty similar and infinitely superior due to actual interesting twists.

Edit: And Dominant Species as well. Way more engaging, and more thematic through its mechanics. And that's even having to cube-push.


If you can point me to the game that mixes the multiple elements used in Waterdeep, by all means do. An appropriate answer is not, "Well this from this game, and that from that game." I'm talking all in one, total package. Thanks!

Total package? Come on. You know very well what we mean - Waterdeep is a standard worker placement game with the usual tweaks/twists that every game tries to do to stand out.

To me, it's a reworked Caylus. Buy tiles for other people to use. Place workers on tiles, giving benefits to the owner. Buy cubes. Convert to victory points.

I *like* Waterdeep. I just don't think it's essential to own or revolutionary, or particularly evolutionary. There's gazillions of worker placement games in the past few years.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
So I'm looking into buying summoner wars. What exactly does the master set contain?

Board, 6 factions, instructions, box containing compartments for up to... 9(?) factions(to fit expansions, good thinking), damage tokens. Source: bought the game 2 days ago :lol


Hail to the KING baby
Now now, lets go back to shitting on Quarriors

Haha exactly. I didn't love Waterdeep but I really can't knock it. If you have Stone Age and maybe one other worker-placement game, you almost definitely don't need it, but still there's quite a bit of good to it to mitigate the uberlightness:
-Plays a bit faster than Stone Age.
-Nice aesthetics and theming (even if the game itself is really an abstract -- they should have thrown in some dice chucking!).
-A very solid gateway worker-placement game if you're not a hardcore gamer.

I can understand how it turned off lots of hardcore gamers though. There's not too much there there.


Board, 6 factions, instructions, box containing compartments for up to... 9(?) factions(to fit expansions, good thinking), damage tokens. Source: bought the game 2 days ago :lol
Haha, buying in anticipation of the iOS version too?
Everything you need, good value and game. Like a simplified wargame in card form. The two army expansion packs are also nice

So the expansions are basically single decks for a faction minus the Guild Dwarves vs Cave Goblins and Phoenix Elves vs Tundra Orcs which consist of 2 decks of separate factions?
So the expansions are basically single decks for a faction minus the Guild Dwarves vs Cave Goblins and Phoenix Elves vs Tundra Orcs which consist of 2 decks of separate factions?

Expansions come in two flavors. Reinforcements and Armies. Army decks generally are a complete stand alone army in deck form to add to the game. The expansions you mention are special 2 player starters that include two seperate complete army faction decks in one pack. The reinforcment packs contain new cards that can be used and combined to customize other armies, lot of neutral cards and such like mercenaries that can be added to the game.

You can play the game well by just using the straight pre built army decks, it woks fine. But the rules have full army customization rules also so players can build up their own unique force to go against opponents. If you plan to play with friends and basically own the whole thing, you will probably want to stick to the basic pre built armies and not start custom making armies


Expansions come in two flavors. Reinforcements and Armies. Army decks generally are a complete stand alone army in deck form to add to the game. The expansions you mention are special 2 player starters that include two seperate complete army faction decks in one pack. The reinforcment packs contain new cards that can be used and combined to customize other armies, lot of neutral cards and such like mercenaries that can be added to the game.

You can play the game well by just using the straight pre built army decks, it woks fine. But the rules have full army customization rules also so players can build up their own unique force to go against opponents. If you plan to play with friends and basically own the whole thing, you will probably want to stick to the basic pre built armies and not start custom making armies

Ahh, i see now. I didn't see the white text underneath the name of the pack that listed army or reinforcements. Should i buy the game first (I have high doubts me and my bro wont like this ) and wait on any of the 2player sets and expansions or is there something i should buy right away?
The master set sells out alot so I would just get that, the decks are easier to get. They have gone through several printings of the master set since it's such a good deal.

With the 6 included armies in the set that should satisfy you for some time, while the extra army decks are easier to come by.
Heh I like to play it a bit too, but I can see the hate for it. My GF adores the game so I keep buying it.

I can see how people would be disappointed if they'd got swept up in BGG hype (which is never a good plan, let's be honest) but taken on it's own terms it's a fun, appealing, light game with enough depth to make repeat plays a lot of fun. AND ALL THE PRETTY DICE IN THE WORLD


I'm getting really pumped for the next Dominion expansion. It will include 35 kingdom cards. THIRTY FIVE!!! Apparently releases in August...
Lords of Waterdeep was my gateway into worker placement games and even I found it underwhelming. Not terrible, as others have said, but nothing fantastic either. I always feel like my options are too few, literally and strategically, and that games are too similar. I can't imagine there ever being a "Oh my god, can you remember that one game of LoW it was insane" moment or memory. Most people that I've introduced it to enjoy it, so I think it is a good stepping stone but if I had the choice now I'd have chosen Stone Age. Lords of Waterdeep does have a fantastic box insert and components though.

I'm getting really pumped for the next Dominion expansion. It will include 35 kingdom cards. THIRTY FIVE!!! Apparently releases in August...

I finally got around to putting all of my expansions in one box last weekend. Makes mixing and matching so much easier, it has injected new life into the game for me. I was going to pass on more, but I know I won't be able to help myself.


The master set sells out alot so I would just get that, the decks are easier to get. They have gone through several printings of the master set since it's such a good deal.

With the 6 included armies in the set that should satisfy you for some time, while the extra army decks are easier to come by.

Alright, thanks! Buying SW and LoD now!


I'm convinced Mike Elliot spiked Eric Lang's drink with some rohypnol. It boggles my mind-brain that the guy who created the near perfect Chaos in the Old World had a hand in the unappetizing Quarrior's pie.
Haha exactly. I didn't love Waterdeep but I really can't knock it. If you have Stone Age and maybe one other worker-placement game, you almost definitely don't need it, but still there's quite a bit of good to it to mitigate the uberlightness:
-Plays a bit faster than Stone Age.
-Nice aesthetics and theming (even if the game itself is really an abstract -- they should have thrown in some dice chucking!).
-A very solid gateway worker-placement game if you're not a hardcore gamer.

I can understand how it turned off lots of hardcore gamers though. There's not too much there there.

To be fair, I do understand where you are all coming from. It certainly isn't the deepest game ever, but as I'm currently teaching my son to play all these games, things that work as solid gateway games are really big winners in my book. And I do find theme to be important. If a theme is boring, its much harder for me to get my son and sometimes even others interested. If I asked my son if he'd like to play a game with a D&D theme or a survive in the stone age theme, there is a clear winner each time.

I never meant to imply "best game ever!" just that, for what it is, it works extremely well and I still say that I never expected a euro-game published by WotC to be even good.

OK, now everyone back to shitting on Quarriors, which wore itself out after two games in our group.
Just played a game of Quarriors with the expansion at a friend's last night. The dice are more readable now, and they've updated the rules a bit. Some of the new cards and dice are pretty great, but Defense still rules in this game.
Sorry for the double post, but I didn't want this ruined by my talk of Quarriors.

I just got playtesting materials for Serpent's Tongue, that crazy kickstarter card game with the spoken aloud spell incantations. Will edit this post with impressions.

Edit: The cards look really cool, but they will definitely change. I'm mostly excited by the fact that they are huge (4x6).

The rules themselves don't look too difficult, but the terminology will be a hurdle for new players. As I will not be printing out all of the cards and the booklet you store them in during the game, I will just look out for gameplay impressions from other people.


Hail to the KING baby
So stoked. Changed locations for our game night last week and now we have like 16 people coming. This was my baby! When it was just me and a couple other new employees a year ago. :D

goes to show i think, don't hesitate to try to start your own game night if you have a decent pool of potential gamers to ping to join (even non-gamers). there is a long-standing wed game night here but it started way late (not good for folks with families like me), they played terrible games (imo -- BGG stuff but really not quality), and i just didn't dig the vibe overall. so problem solved :D

now that we have so many people and such a wide variety i know i can play pretty much anything i want monday night and find the right group to play it with (well as long as it can be played within three hours :p)

feel like the world is literally my oyster


Would anyone be willing to create a short list of "can't miss" boardgames released in the past 6 months?

I'm already familiar with LoW and Tammany Hall. I've found Boardgamegeek rankings can be a bit misleading and hyped while this thread tends to recommend things closer to my tastes.


Neo Member
Anyone who's had a chance to play Divinare? Rob Florence has been raving about it in his cardboard children column. And even though I greatly enjoy his reviews, our boardgame tastes don't necessarily coincide.


Would anyone be willing to create a short list of "can't miss" boardgames released in the past 6 months?

I've enjoyed Rex, Infiltration, and now Fortress America is re-released. Of course these are all super AT, so if you're into Euros moreso then YMMV.
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