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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Been grabbing board games like crazy the past few weeks ever since discovering an awesome local distributor here in Vancouver (Starlit Citadel).

Ha, I've actually compiled my list from Starlit Citadel yesterday too, because they're online-only they have some great prices :D Vancouver-GAF ftw. Anyway. Thanks for all the great responses, I'll try respond to them all :p

Civ is complex and long. It IS however great for 2 and 4 players alike. I'd expect a learning game of this with all 4 players to go about 4 hours.

Race for the Galaxy is quick and an excellent 2 player game, probably the most preferred way to play it for many folks. The only barrier here is iconography. Some people get baffled by it, but there's plenty of cheat sheets and it soon becomes second nature. A must have in my opinion.

Summoner Wars is quick, light, and very simple. Also chiefly 2 players.

LOTR LCG: I have very limited experience with this, but it is hailed as one of the better LCGs. It being fully co-op is probably a boon for teaching/helping with the game and not "being mean" if your girlfriend is one of those types.

Yeah I figured CIV was the longest/most complex of those games, but it's just that I LOVE the franchise... mhmm. :/ Maybe I'll hold back for a while, until I either find more friends to play boardgames with or get my gf to like more complex/longer games :p

I'm glad to hear RftG is best for 2p, that's what I read too. The reviews don't make iconology sound toooo bad, and I'm sure if we play it a few times we'll get through with it... And Summoner Wars/LOTR sound probably best, because the former is easy and short and the latter is coop so it's definitely less frustrating.

Howdy and welcome :)

When I brought out a few card based boardgames this was the one the nongamers went wide eyed to.

Lost cities and Dominion went over better..but if your girls willing to try RFTG, it is awesome or ya can't go wrong with Dominion

Thanks :) Sorry, but what do you mean by wide-eyed? Wide-eyed "oh god that looks amazing I want to play" or "that looks frightening let's not play that"? English isn't my first language so I'm sorry for not knowing some idioms :p

I know Dominion and was actually considering adding it to the list, but I'm not sure how much she'll like CCG's... but I guess it's the easiest and best so it's worth a try. :p What's the general consesus on which set/sets to get to start with? Base? Base+Expansions? Expansions/standalone only? and which ones? I've heard Prosperity was the best, but I've really only played the base myself...

I do not recommend #1 and #2. With your girlfriend (who isn't as into boardgames as you are) as your only gaming partner right now, you will just be throwing money away. Best thing for you is to find a gaming group nearby. If not, then look into the KOSMOS 2-player line. They are designed to be easy to learn and fast to play, specifically for people that are just getting their feet wet (or have no interest in getting into the more complicated mechanics). I have no experiences in #4 but it is not a short game by any means, it is also fairly complex from what I've seen. Unfortunately, I think all LOTR related games are pretty thematic and therefore takes a big investment in time and effort to learn the rules and play.

thanks for the feedback, I think I'll hold back with Civ for now until I know that it'll get some play, otherwise it'll just be frustrating for me to see it lying around I suppose :/ What are some of the best KOSMOS games and how do they play? What mechanic? I don't know any of them :x and the LOTR game didn't seem TOO complex from the videos I watched, plus it's coop and I pick up rules really fast, so I'd definitely be able to help... ;)

IMO Pandemic is the best 2-player game to use to introduce a girlfriend to board games.

Totally forgot about this, will consider adding it to my wishlist, it's a great game indeed.

RFTG is simple, there just an initial learning bump you have to get by with new players as the way it's designed often confuses people.

Summoner Wars is really simple game, made for 2 players primarily that is quick to teach and learn, but lots of expansion options and re playability.

I'm glad to hear this, because it looks extremely interesting and "different", with the 4X mechanics. Summoner Wars seems to be the one getting most recommendations out of the 4 on my list, so it'll definitely stay on ;) Plus I actually really want to play it, it seems to be a lot of fun, and you're right, once we'd get bored of the 6 teams (whcih probably won't happen...) we could just buy more.

In general, my vote would go to Ticket to Ride. It's simple to learn, the pacing is perfect, and -- though experienced players obviously have an advantage -- even a first-time player can be competitive and have some very satisfying moments.

I'm personally not a big fan of Ticket to Ride actually :p there's just too little happening in the game for me, if that makes any sense... :D

Civ is a great game, one of my favorites, but it can be complex and long. When I play with four experienced players it can take close to 3 hours. Two players is actually much shorter but there is still a learning curve so expect your fist couple two player games to take close to three hours as well. That being said if you are willing to learn the rules inside and out it's not that hard of a game to teach. Most of the complexity comes in the various win conditions and the interactions with your techs. Once you become familiar with that the game moves fairly quickly.

I'm not the biggest fan of RFTG. It's a good game in it's own right but the iconography is needlessly cryptic for beginners and teaching the game to someone is a bitch and a half because of it. If your girlfriend didn't like Innovation she will not like RFtG.

Lord of the Rings the card game is ok. It might be more exciting for former or current CCG players. I never was so the concept of deck building is lost on me. The system itself is interesting and not too hard to get a handle on.

If you are looking for good two player games that aren't too complex I would suggest taking a look at the Kosmos two player line. Games like Pillars of the Earth: Builders Duel and Lost Cities are easy to teach, lean, and play. Pillars takes about 45 minutes to play while Lost Cities will play in roughly 20-30 minutes. I also got a game called Hemloch recently that I really dig. Good two player area majority card game that plays in about 30 minutes.

If you want a short Civ building like game Roll through the Ages is one of mine and my wife's favorite game. It plays a bit like Yahtzee where players are rolling dice in order to score points though various means. You can use workers to build more cities which give you more dice or monuments which give you massive points. You sell goods to fund the research for technologies that will give you a special benefit. You also need to balance your food in order to make sure your cities don't starve causing you to lose points. It's a quick game that scales nicely and is very accessible to non gamers.

I was looking at Through the Ages (the card game) and was considering it, but then I saw how it's really long and best for 4p so I decided not to include it, since it'd probably only get very little play... but I love the civ-building mechanic, hence my love for Civilization. I looked at Roll through the Ages but had no idea if it was any good or not, but I think I might replace Civ with that, to still have a civ-building game but one that is way less complex, thanks :)

Boy that was a lot of feedback!

So my conclusions so far:

1) I'll probably hold back on Sid Meier's Civilization for now (with a heavy heart), and wait until I know for sure that it'll get some play... I might just replace it with Roll through the Ages, to still have a civ-building game in it to satisfy that need. :D Any more feedback on Roll through the Ages is appreciated, I don't know much about it or what to make of it :D

2) Race for the Galaxy will stay on my wishlist, despite probably being a bit hard to get by the Iconology... but it seems simple enough that I hope I can tackle that problem and try and make it fun. :p Plus, I love the theme.

3) Summoner Wars: One of my top candidates before, one of my candidates after, will definitely stay on my wishlist :)

4) LOTR: Still holding my opinion back on this, I'm hoping someone who's played it can post something on this :D Coop seems like a good idea to help fight frustration, plus the theme is really good... but we'll see, I'll read up a bit more on it on the Internet (or here, if more of you guys have any feedback on it :)), and if I like what I see, I'll get it.

Others: Might add Lost Cities to the list (have to get some info on what it is first though, don't know it), as well as Pandemic which I forgot about, and Dominion which I wasn't sure about... I'll have to see about that. :p

Thanks a lot again for the feedback, more feedback and suggestions of games that I might like would be much appreciated :)


Hail to the KING baby
Roll through the Ages is a lot of fun, but very light. You can play it online at yucata.de feel free to invite me to a game. You might also consider Innovation -- it's a bit tricky (though easier than RFTG to learn imo) -- but once you learn it it really has the feel of a light quick civbuilder to me.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Roll through the Ages is a lot of fun, but very light. You can play it online at yucata.de feel free to invite me to a game. You might also consider Innovation -- it's a bit tricky (though easier than RFTG to learn imo) -- but once you learn it it really has the feel of a light quick civbuilder to me.

Alright guys, I don't post here often (I'm not even sure if I ever have), so I'll just say hi first.


I'm an avid lover of boardgames, I just don't have too much time and people to play with, usually :( I've been trying to get my girlfriend to start playing more boardgams with me, and have had some success. E.g. Forbidden Island was a huge hit, Innovation.....not so much. She found it boring :/. iOS boardgaming has made me extremely happy, since it connects me to so many people and I'm getting some sweet sweet Ascension/Nightfall/Carcassonne/Hero Academy (yes I'm counting that, it's like a much simplified version of Summoner Wars) time in.

But anyway... I'm on the verge of just bulk-buying some games and I'm wondering what you guys think of the choices, both with regards to how good they are per se and if someone who's not thaaat much into extremely complex and long games (like my girlfriend) will like it too. And also, if they're not too long, we don't have 4h to play them :/ Also, if they're good for 2p games (since getting 4p together won't happen too often, but 2p is more possible) or not, that'd be much appreciated.

1. Sid Meier's Civilization - The Board Game.

-> Civ 2-5 are my most played PC games, love the franchise, have heard there is a board game and it's not terribad, must-buy for me. Please tell me this is good. :D

2. Race for the Galaxy

-> I don't know toooo much about this, but it seems to not be too long and space exploration sounds like a really cool theme.

3. Summoner Wars

-> Seems fairly "simple" to learn and play, and not too long, as well as being designed for 2p, so it seems like a perfect choice? Also, I love Hero Academy on iOS, which I've been told is similar, albeit a lot easier.

4. The Lord of the Rings Living Collectible Card Game Core Set

-> It's coop, so that plays into my positive experience with my gf and Forbidden Island, even though it's a bit more complex (which I find good. :p ). She also loves LOTR and so do I, so that might help her get through it, and the whole mechanics seem fun.

I've watched/read some reviews on them (mainly Dice Tower, no idea what his reputation on GAF is) and they all seem fun, as well as BGG ratings and stuff... But yeah, I trust GAF with some opinions. :)

So, please let me know what you guys think! Good/Bad games? Not too complex/long/hard to learn? Fun for 2p or only more?

Thanks a lot in advance. :)

;) I love Innovation, I just don't have people to play it with... Hence I'm waiting for that sweet sweet iOS port. I'll check out RTTA online, thanks! Also, you might want to change the link to the Carc-thread in the OP to the link to the iOS general boardgame thread. ;)


Just my two cents, Nightfall does almost nothing for me. It works fine on the iOS but my live games have been really clunky. Also if you get a bad combination of cards to purchase the game drags on forever. I've had a game last close to three hours once and that's just too long.
Hmm, appreciate the input, anyone else have opinions on Nightfall? This makes me a little weary about picking it up.
Thats great!

I just picked up some cardgame based addons recently and played our first game of Dominion with Prosperity.. quiet fun,definitely a worthy addition.
7 Wonders is my regular 4 players favorite card based game. Its agreat night starter and agood break after or inbetween more meater games.
I'd recommend 7 wonders to any group of 4 that likes lighter games like what you have in that pic..plus its feels different from the other card based games I see you have.

a light to medium worker placement game like Stoneage or Pillars of the earth might suit your group if they like lighter games
That's exactly what I wanted to pick up 7 Wonders for, glad it'll fit the bill.

I'll definitely keep those other games in mind, appreciate the recommendation!
Ha, I've actually compiled my list from Starlit Citadel yesterday too, because they're online-only they have some great prices :D Vancouver-GAF ftw. Anyway. Thanks for all the great responses, I'll try respond to them all :p
Yeah they're an awesome bunch of guys & gals running the place, super friendly when I do local pickups too. I always get a good chuckle whenever I head down there though. Took me awhile to find it initially.



So my brother is coming back form school and hopefully we get back to playing some Dominion and Ascension. We plan on picking up all the Ascension expansions and some Dominion ones. Seaside is the one i should pick up first?

Right now I'm leaning towards 2 player games. Looking at Summoner Wars since it looks perfect. What exactly is in the master set and what are the expansions like?

EDIT: I wish i knew another person who would plays bgs so i can order Tammany Hall. But i know it would never get played.


Fail out bailed
I'm so glad I stumbled upon this thread! My girlfriend and I have been playing a lot of games lately with her sister and brother in law. We've been going through games of Clue, Apples to Apples, and Monopoly.

I've been wanting to branch out more and bam! Here's this thread. Awesome. I went ahead and ordered a copy of Pandemic to see how well that goes over. If it's a success, I'm planning on picking up Ticket to Ride and Carcassonne. I can't wait for the weekend.

Fair warning, pandemic is fun but pretty dry. People of all sorts generally take to it IMO, but it never leaves us wanting more. Ticket To Ride, Catan, and Dominion are the sure thing gateway games IME.
Pandemic and Dominion are cool because they can be quite fun with 2 people. Ticket to Ride and Catan feel like the next logical step from traditional board games like Monopoly.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Missed this initially. Do you need a recommendation for a good divorce lawyer? Nevermind that she's only your girlfriend. DIVOOOOORCE!

LOL. I think it's just that the turns took pretty long because of the icons/getting used to all the cards, so it dragged quite a bit and felt like it lasted a long time. I'll keep trying. :D


So my girlfriend bought her brother Agricola, we played it a few times and everyone enjoyed it a lot. That was like 2 years ago. Haven't gotten them to play it since :( Everytime they want to play something it's just "let's play some cards" and their parents or other siblings can't even be arsed to learn the rules because it "takes too long". So it just sits there in their shelf, unused and unloved, when I would love to play it. What do I do GAF :(


So my girlfriend bought her brother Agricola, we played it a few times and everyone enjoyed it a lot. That was like 2 years ago. Haven't gotten them to play it since :( Everytime they want to play something it's just "let's play some cards" and their parents or other siblings can't even be arsed to learn the rules because it "takes too long". So it just sits there in their shelf, unused and unloved, when I would love to play it. What do I do GAF :(

Steal it.


thanks for the feedback, I think I'll hold back with Civ for now until I know that it'll get some play, otherwise it'll just be frustrating for me to see it lying around I suppose :/ What are some of the best KOSMOS games and how do they play? What mechanic? I don't know any of them :x and the LOTR game didn't seem TOO complex from the videos I watched, plus it's coop and I pick up rules really fast, so I'd definitely be able to help... ;)

List of KOSMOS 2-player games, the standouts are Lost Cities, Flowerpower and Balloon Cup. There are actually a couple of LOTR themed titles as well, but I can't vouch for their quality.
So my girlfriend bought her brother Agricola, we played it a few times and everyone enjoyed it a lot. That was like 2 years ago. Haven't gotten them to play it since :( Everytime they want to play something it's just "let's play some cards" and their parents or other siblings can't even be arsed to learn the rules because it "takes too long". So it just sits there in their shelf, unused and unloved, when I would love to play it. What do I do GAF :(

If you have new people who can't be bothered to learn rules, Agricola is not the game to badger them with. But you can get them to that point! Start back at step one and get them into some gateway games maybe? If all they want to play is cards, maybe try introducing them to a similar feeling game that might be new to them like Liars Dice. It's one of the easiest things to teach and they'll have faith that you can introduce new experiences that don't take 2 hours to learn. From there, perhaps one of the traditional gateways like Catan, Carcassonne, Ticket To Ride etc.
Fair warning, pandemic is fun but pretty dry. People of all sorts generally take to it IMO, but it never leaves us wanting more. Ticket To Ride, Catan, and Dominion are the sure thing gateway games IME.
Pandemic and Dominion are cool because they can be quite fun with 2 people. Ticket to Ride and Catan feel like the next logical step from traditional board games like Monopoly.

Thanks for the info. We'll see how well Pandemic goes over this weekend. And I'll take a look into Catan and Dominion.


Cool Smoke Luke
Latest batch of more CastleRavenloft Minis! Yah! ;-)
Heres Klak and some Kobolds ..
I'm pretty sure the Dip was getting too thick at this point since I'm noticing more settling on the sides of faces and tail then I did when I first opened the Can. Overall tho i'm happy with how they turned out since they're so small.

The can of Quickshade was about 3/4 full and I added one cap full of Varsal to it and mixed it alot to thin it out for the next project.

I did the FleshGolem next and I do find the thinner Varnish worked well.

Overall I think personally I like this one the best..it seems to have turned out closest to what I imagined before I started,more so then any other one so far.
Really wanted it to be more evocative of Classic Gothic Horror then pure Dnd Monster...the background photo helps heh.

Heres the plain painted version

Here's front and back finished.



Nice work as always!

Anyone getting Fortress America from FFG? Noticed it was in stock at CSI... I've never played the original, but I do love my ameritrash & this seems to be the classic. Dunno how often it'd get played though...
Anyone ever play Cold War?

Played it at lunch today and was pretty impressed. Fairly simple, 2 player game. Sort of a bluff-heavy Blackjack-mechanic driven game with a couple neat little mechanics. Battling over influence of territories, using spies each round that have effects based on who wins the territory, using media, military, economics, and I forget the last "suit" of cards to do tricky things. Might have to pick it up to play with the wife.
Anyone ever play Cold War?

Played it at lunch today and was pretty impressed. Fairly simple, 2 player game. Sort of a bluff-heavy Blackjack-mechanic driven game with a couple neat little mechanics. Battling over influence of territories, using spies each round that have effects based on who wins the territory, using media, military, economics, and I forget the last "suit" of cards to do tricky things. Might have to pick it up to play with the wife.
I owned it at one point in time. I didn't really think it was all that great. It felt too much like themed blackjack for my tastes and the theme didn't even shine through all that much.


Anyone ever play Cold War?

Played it at lunch today and was pretty impressed. Fairly simple, 2 player game. Sort of a bluff-heavy Blackjack-mechanic driven game with a couple neat little mechanics. Battling over influence of territories, using spies each round that have effects based on who wins the territory, using media, military, economics, and I forget the last "suit" of cards to do tricky things. Might have to pick it up to play with the wife.

I've played it a few times as a lunch game & enjoyed it.


Hail to the KING baby
Damn stooge your kickstarter is killin it. Must have exceeded your wilder expectations by now right? Hope this gives you guys the name recognition and capital to do more cool stuff going forward.


Well, my entire gaming group has now ponied up for the Tammany Hall kickstarter. Our last holdout threw in Wednesday when we explained he got all the stretch goals even he jumped in last minute.

This week we played The Impossible Machine, Santiago de Cuba, and multiple games of Coloretto, which was a big hit. We had fun forcing crap cards into each other's hands. Ideal for my group, who like their games with a good deal of player fuckery.
Yeah, it looks like the origins trip was fruitful. Way to go Stooge.

I played Mage Knight last night, that game is awesome. It's fucking hard and I'll need a couple more plays to get a handle on it but I really liked it.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
I received my replacement copy of Risk: Legacy from Amazon today. Thankfully it is actually in good shape, unlike the original. Seeing how it came in a box with absolutely no packaging materials, I am actually surprised that it was ok. Not sure why Amazon has got so cheap with packaging.

And StoOgE, glad to see your Kickstarter is doing so well. I already owned Tammany Hall, but I threw in for the upgrade option.
Played Mage Knight for the first time last night.

It was a lot of fun. Even during the down time we had beer, so hooray for beer. The card drawing system is interesting but in the introductory scenario you don't get to have a huge deck.

The introductory scenario is actually really great for introducing certain elements one at a time in a way that actually makes it exciting when something new pops up.

I had no idea how the game would have been scored until the very end, but I still had a blast even though I lost by like 20 fame. My issue was that I couldn't get to certain spots on the board. I killed a ton of rampaging monsters but they don't give you end-game fame and I was pretty much locked out of conquering keeps by the other two players.

The night/day mechanic seems pretty lame when you are reading about it, but it really does give a great tempo and feel to the game. I kind of want to get a black light or something to put on when it's night time so the board looks different though. :)

Will definitely play again...it took us like 4 hours to play the introduction, but it didn't feel that long at all. Highly recommended for hardcore gamers.


Cool Smoke Luke
It's good, but it's crazy niche. You have to be sort of into the theme and like puzzles to enjoy this game. I wouldn't play Mage Knight with just anyone.

thats exactly the impression I got about it.. its awesome but I already got a a bunch of long niche games that don't see the table all the often..do I need another one?


First tragedy, then farce.
Damn stooge your kickstarter is killin it. Must have exceeded your wilder expectations by now right? Hope this gives you guys the name recognition and capital to do more cool stuff going forward.

This is on the other side of crazy by a good bit at this point.

We were hoping to raise about 60K or so, which is where we were no longer losing obscene amounts of money. That 80K stretch goal was kind of my wildest dream at that point.

This is getting into some sort of weird twilight zone stuff.

Obviously I'm happy it's doing so well, but I'm really happy to see Tammany get attention of nothing else. I've never figured out why a bigger publisher didn't jump on this one.
Twilight Imperium, what a game. My friend has got the two expansion packs and man, it's so hard for me to be good at it right now, but daaaamn do I have fun.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Twilight Imperium, what a game. My friend has got the two expansion packs and man, it's so hard for me to be good at it right now, but daaaamn do I have fun.

I absolutely adore Twilight Imperium. My favorite board gaming moment was probably the 12 hour, 8 player game of it I played a few months back.


thats exactly the impression I got about it.. its awesome but I already got a a bunch of long niche games that don't see the table all the often..do I need another one?

I'm still in the learning process of the game, but from what I gather the difference is Mage Knight seems to present a solid singleplayer game that's actually worth a damn. I say that as a vehement anti-soloist.

So the upside is, you don't necessarily have to find more people to have an engaging experience. Hell, most of the impressions I see on BGG are fairly negative about playing with the maximum amount of players.
I absolutely adore Twilight Imperium. My favorite board gaming moment was probably the 12 hour, 8 player game of it I played a few months back.

Yeah, I've been in a few 6-8 hour games. We took a break one day to grab some McDonalds (as you do). As we discuss the game while we wait for food, the ma behind us asks if we are talking about Twilight Imperium. Completly gobsmacked that a)someone else would know about board games at McDonalds at the time we happened to be there and b)of all the possible board games he knew about this one!!

Really long game and as I said, I kinda suck, but wow it just never gets boring.
I'm still in the learning process of the game, but from what I gather the difference is Mage Knight seems to present a solid singleplayer game that's actually worth a damn. I say that as a vehement anti-soloist.

So the upside is, you don't necessarily have to find more people to have an engaging experience. Hell, most of the impressions I see on BGG are fairly negative about playing with the maximum amount of players.

It is actually a very compelling solo experience, but it is definitely best with 3 players...especially players who want to go light on PvP stuff.
It is actually a very compelling solo experience, but it is definitely best with 3 players...especially players who want to go light on PvP stuff.
We played three with no PvP. I can imagine PvP fun for people who are way into the game. The game was hard enough without PvP, I can only imagine how much of a pain it will be when you have your friend after you too.
We played three with no PvP. I can imagine PvP fun for people who are way into the game. The game was hard enough without PvP, I can only imagine how much of a pain it will be when you have your friend after you too.

I think it's somewhat necessary as a deterrent for players camping strategic spots that are difficult to get to otherwise, but if you are PvPing somebody every round it's probably a waste of time/resources for both parties...especially in a three person game. The third guy not involved in the PvP just says "thanks for wasting your turns, bitches!"


Cool Smoke Luke
Thanks :) Sorry, but what do you mean by wide-eyed? Wide-eyed "oh god that looks amazing I want to play" or "that looks frightening let's not play that"? English isn't my first language so I'm sorry for not knowing some idioms :p
Missed replying to this
umm.. kinda like this


Cool Smoke Luke
so I got the first addon for Race for the Galaxy: The Gathering Storm.

I've read the manual and theres not much different but I really like the addition of Most and first goals each game.

I've been playing RFTG AI offline for practice to get hang of it and I'm finding Military to be really hard to get anywhere with if you pursue it .
Seems like you'd really need all the stars to align to get anywhere down that path..

For those that play it alot is Military worth pursuing with just the first addon?


so I got the first addon for Race for the Galaxy: The Gathering Storm.

I've read the manual and theres not much different but I really like the addition of Most and first goals each game.

I've been playing RFTG AI offline for practice to get hang of it and I'm finding Military to be really hard to get anywhere with if you pursue it .
Seems like you'd really need all the stars to align to get anywhere down that path..

For those that play it alot is Military worth pursuing with just the first addon?

The more add-ons you add, the harder 'pure military is'. It was a fine strategy in the base game when the odds of good military draws were much better. It's a fine strategy to continue to use, with the right card draws. Like *everything* in Race, it's all about mitigating your draws. If you see your starting hand, decide a strategy & stick to it regardless of getting nothing for it in draws, you'll regularly lose.

It's perfectly reasonable to play military with base + Gathing. But it's going to be heavily situational, is what I mean.


Hail to the KING baby
I forget if 2nd or 3rd expansion introduced this (think it was 2nd), but I really like the setup where you get two start worlds -- one military one not -- and your starting hand and you can decide.


Cool Smoke Luke
If you see your starting hand, decide a strategy & stick to it regardless of getting nothing for it in draws, you'll regularly lose.

It's perfectly reasonable to play military with base + Gathing. But it's going to be heavily situational, is what I mean.

ya I might be going at this abit to much where the home world I start with is dictating the strategy I pursue.
I'll try being abit more fluid with selection.

Gonna have to look into the drafting play options..think thats the 2 starting worlds option Astro is referencing..seems like it will make the game longer but if the pay off is worth it thats ok.


Hail to the KING baby
it just gives you a choice between two start worlds so doesn't add much in terms of time (takeovers adds time, but that's optional and totally not necessary) -- it actually helps with the screwage problem too. but you need to second expansion to have enough cards i think
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