Hosted a game day on Saturday and we got through a fantastic amount of games -- all quite successfully.
Ascension Storm of Souls: Got back into this now that I've finally bothered to learn the best way to shuffle sleeved cards. Unfortunately the Ascension sleeves aren't quite as nice as my Dragon Shields on my Netrunner decks but they work. It's funny how just the prospect of shuffling a 100+-card deck will make you stay away from a game (hellooooo Race for the Galaxy). But it's a fun quick game.
Last Night on Earth: Hadn't played this in a while, so it was fun to get it out. And we were going to have 5-6 which is where LNOE really shines. I got stomped because we played Escape in the Truck and the Heroes got insanely good pulls but it was still fun, and due to the power of certain Zombie cards you
always have a chance. Definitely going to learn more scenarios for the next time though.
Alien Frontiers: Literally had not even punched my original copy but I'd played this a few times at game nights and liked it quite a bit save for the analysis paralysis in the later rounds. Felt the same about it this time as well. Really fun mechanics and quite good if you have a group that can move at a fairly brisk pace and is comfortable making turns without reviewing every single permutation first (which we did). The Holographic Decoy (prevent attacks) completely saved me. AF is a lot more of a social game than I think people give it credit for, since the game really often comes down to whose materials & cards get raided. It's also a swarm-the-leader kind of game, but my Decoy and rolls protected me by the time that happened.
No Thanks!: Another recent acquisition. Fun super-light card & poker-chips game. Tokens give you the ability to pass on a card that's out or you have to eat the card but you get the tokens paid to it by others. Pretty basic and also quite social.
Flash Point: Fire Rescue: Ended the night on this. Had a good time though the real rules (non-family) are a lot finickier than I thought they would be. Definitely going to give it another go as it feels like Pandemic but more urgent because you have firefighters and kitties instead of this weird abstract global puzzle. (I like Pandemic.) Ghost Stories is still my favorite co-op by far though.