Thinking about getting some of the Munchkin games as a gift. Any recommendations? Do you need the original to play any of the others?
Any place I could get a good deal for Memoir 44 in Canada. I want to get it for my nephew, but don't want to spend $60.
I'm getting the X-Wing Core Set for X-Mas, and I saw that Amazon has all of the current expansions for $8 a piece. Should I see about getting some additional ships? I'm pretty sure I'm going to enjoy the game, but I'm not sure my friend that I normally play with will enjoy the idea of buying his own ships, and I don't really want to fund both sides. Would getting one each of the additional ships be enough to provide an enjoyable experience without going too overboard with things?
Not sure if Amazon ships outside of the US, but they have it for $40 - best price I've seen on it lately.
Edit: Just double checked, Amazon does indeed ship to Canada. For the record, Memoir would be worth the $60 regardless - I'm having a lot of fun with it. Currently trying to track down a copy of the Air Pack (out of print, but I think I found a coming / game store around here that has a copy).
Agricola is simple but can be tough to learn and scary to newbie players due to the poor rulebook and all the cards. Puerto Rico is very easy and straight forward to learn/play.
Cards Against Humanity is putting out a 30 card Holiday Theme Expansion for 5 bucks/Pay What You Want.
Puerto Rico is a fantastic game but for a group coming off of Catan I would recommend Lords of Waterdeep. No dice, will introduce your group to worker placement, very thematic, fast, and it is fairly cheap.
Puerto Rico is a fantastic game but for a group coming off of Catan I would recommend Lords of Waterdeep. No dice, will introduce your group to worker placement, very thematic, fast, and it is fairly cheap.
Stone Age is another good "next step" game but uses a lot of dice, probably more luck based than Catan. Fantastic game and theme though.
I think Puerto Rico is easy enough, I just don't recommend LowD due to it's theme which some more casual folks might not like. Had some folks over who just automatically were not into the game before we even started because of the whole fantasy thing and having D&D on the cover. PR is more casual neutral and I think Stone Age also works good in that sense.
Amazon gave me a special personal gold box deal of making netrunner $19 instead of $20. I bit. D:no free shipping unless you spend $25. that's why i didn't get itand posted it here so at least someone would get a deal on it
Yup, always be aware of whom you play with. Fantasy games are a HUGE turnoff for most people. I love catacombs but that games get so much little table time due to its theme and horrible artwork. Stone Age on the other hand is almost always a hit.
Is a generic European merchant skin really that much more appealing?
And I find folks not into DnD quickly reduce the game to VP acquisition and colored cube production with all theme stripped away. Is a generic European merchant skin really that much more appealing?
Am I alone in not enjoying Agricola that much ? I've had 4 games now and it just feels way over designed , also lacks much player interaction. It's as though it needs another couple of turns at the end and a few more in the middle.
Am I alone in not enjoying Agricola that much ? I've had 4 games now and it just feels way over designed , also lacks much player interaction. It's as though it needs another couple of turns at the end and a few more in the middle.
I seriously need to stop looking at these daily deals. Super Dungeon Explore for $45 (link). Anyone played this and know if it's good or bad?
Glue? I heard of the long assembly but I thought it was all snap together like parts. Not glue. Yup. I'm turned off. Thanks.Well you have to put the game together, which can be a big turn off for many board gamers. The miniatures need assembly/glue
It's as though it needs another couple of turns at the end and a few more in the middle.
Am I alone in not enjoying Agricola that much ? I've had 4 games now and it just feels way over designed , also lacks much player interaction. It's as though it needs another couple of turns at the end and a few more in the middle.
Exactly, the whole point of that end game is to feel the pressure of not having enough time to do everything you want.That's like saying Demon's Souls needs save points.
I'm ok with this. Considering the low price of the base game it seems like they wanted to get that out to market asap and sell the "rest" of the game later. Should be fun.
Exactly, the whole point of that end game is to feel the pressure of not having enough time to do everything you want.
I'm ok with this. Considering the low price of the base game it seems like they wanted to get that out to market asap and sell the "rest" of the game later. Should be fun.
Been enjoying the hell out of Escape: The Curse of the Temple. It's going to be great for casual gaming over Christmas. Short (10 minutes), addictive, tense, easy to explain to anyone in minutes and seemingly universally liked by everyone I've shown it to.
Well I've tried like 5-6 times to get into the Innovation expansion but it just does not ever stick. Seems to add way too text-heavy cards and mechanics that just gum up the works. Bummer. Hope the next one is better because I love the base game.
Have you read the rules? Looks great.
But then again, I like the first xpack.
They already updated the setup rules on BGG. Don't really find the new setup much more convenient though. Makes the gameplay clunkier too.Seems rare for me to be agreeing with Neverfade's gaming opinions and disagreeing with Astrolad's, but I also like the first expansion quite a bit. Really like the echo effects, in particular.
Do dislike the pain that setup becomes though. I hear the next expansion has improved setup rules.
Just saw the Carcassonne Mini expansions for the first time in the FLGS. Anyone know if they're worthy?
At this point, probably the last thing carc needs is another expansion. I love the game and the expansions seem cheap enough so I'll be buying them, unlike other games, these take very little space.
It seems Carc lost a good portion of its following after the catapult, iOS app and constante delays of the latest expansions.
Yeah I think I'll be sticking with my River and river 2, Traders and Builders, and Inn's and Cathedrals for my Carc experience. Gets a little bit out there beyond those, at least for me.
Anyone played the Uncharted card game that recently came out for Vita? Looking for some impressions but I might just bite since its only 5 bucks.
Anyone played the Uncharted card game that recently came out for Vita? Looking for some impressions but I might just bite since its only 5 bucks.
There's an OT hidden somewhere in the Gaming section. Let me see if i can find it
EDIT: Here it is
I also played Tzolk'in again. This time I felt more in control and actually almost won. Now that's a great game and on of my favorites this year.