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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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We played several rounds of Poison yesterday. Really fun little game that is super quick to teach and play.

Also finally got a copy of Sentinels of the Multiverse and played some more, fantastic coop card game. It's pretty tough game to fine as it keeps selling out now, only can find the old edition of the game but the one you want is the Enhanced Edition. Again it's a great game that I think many looked over because of it's crappy art.
A guy in my group recently picked up Sentinels and all the expansions. We've played three times already, we got creamed once but the other two times we beat the villain. I love this game and so far my favorite character is Wraith.


Got a chance to play Glen More and Power Grid last night with five players. Both games were really excellent.

I had played Power Grid a couple of times with two players. After playing with five, I don't think I'll bother playing 1v1 again. The game is different and much more compelling with more players, especially when resources start getting scarce.

And Glen More is tons o' fun. The group picked it up quick and both times we played it went really smooth. There is a surprising amount of decision making involved in what looks like a light-ish game, but we didn't have a huge problem with analysis paralysis. Highly recommended. I've only played it with four or five, but it looks like it'd be good with two as well.

Next game night we're going to tackle Mage Knight. Looking forward to it.


You got Moxie, kid!
We've covered both games quite a bit in the Miniature gaming thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=389064

As for sweet spots though... not really going to have one as with miniature games your going to want to continually expand the games as variety is a major part of the games. X-Wing is good but needs more variety at this point since it only has 4 ship types.

For Wings of Glory it's often best to just stick to one plane per player when doing more than 2 player games.

Thanks for the help!


I held the Summoner Wars master box lovingly in my hands the other day at the FLGS. The only thing holding me back is the fact that my wife won't touch it and I never play with just two players otherwise (always 4 to 5). Has anyone done the 2v2 thing with a second board? Any thoughts?

I've also been pondering Eclipse for a long time now. I think the main holdup for me here is the length. My group plays a couple of longer games (Axis & Allies mainly), but they're few and far between these days. We almost always do three or four shorter games in a night rather than one biggun. Any thoughts? I've read a lot of good stuff about the game but I'm still hesitant. I'd love to hear from someone who just hates it. :p


Hail to the KING baby
I held the Summoner Wars master box lovingly in my hands the other day at the FLGS. The only thing holding me back is the fact that my wife won't touch it and I never play with just two players otherwise (always 4 to 5). Has anyone done the 2v2 thing with a second board? Any thoughts?

Ever consider buying Master Set & one of the two-faction boxes (that comes with a paper map) and doing a little 4p round robin or something? SW is so fun. I just bought basically the entire set of all the factions even though yeah I only get to play it a few times a month at most.
I held the Summoner Wars master box lovingly in my hands the other day at the FLGS. The only thing holding me back is the fact that my wife won't touch it and I never play with just two players otherwise (always 4 to 5). Has anyone done the 2v2 thing with a second board? Any thoughts?

I've also been pondering Eclipse for a long time now. I think the main holdup for me here is the length. My group plays a couple of longer games (Axis & Allies mainly), but they're few and far between these days. We almost always do three or four shorter games in a night rather than one biggun. Any thoughts? I've read a lot of good stuff about the game but I'm still hesitant. I'd love to hear from someone who just hates it. :p

Find Eclipse plays much faster than any of the A&A games


I held the Summoner Wars master box lovingly in my hands the other day at the FLGS. The only thing holding me back is the fact that my wife won't touch it and I never play with just two players otherwise (always 4 to 5). Has anyone done the 2v2 thing with a second board? Any thoughts?

I've also been pondering Eclipse for a long time now. I think the main holdup for me here is the length. My group plays a couple of longer games (Axis & Allies mainly), but they're few and far between these days. We almost always do three or four shorter games in a night rather than one biggun. Any thoughts? I've read a lot of good stuff about the game but I'm still hesitant. I'd love to hear from someone who just hates it. :p

You wont be disappointed by Eclipse. Get it.

Speaking of Space empire building, I really gotta try and plan for another session of Twilight Imperium. Last time we played it was over a marathon 10 hour session. It was exhausting, but damn it was fun.
I've also been pondering Eclipse for a long time now. I think the main holdup for me here is the length. My group plays a couple of longer games (Axis & Allies mainly), but they're few and far between these days. We almost always do three or four shorter games in a night rather than one biggun. Any thoughts? I've read a lot of good stuff about the game but I'm still hesitant. I'd love to hear from someone who just hates it. :p

Eclipse isn't anywhere near Axis & Allies length. The first game of it might take a group 4 hours, but nowadays my group gets through the game in about 2.5-3 hours. And it's fantastic fun -- a really elegant design for a game with a lot of interesting tactical decisions to make.


Bought Forbidden Island for my girlfriend's christmas gift and it will be our first tabletop game. Good call? Hopefully we'll have fun with it and be able to justify buying more of these
Bought Forbidden Island for my girlfriend's christmas gift and it will be our first tabletop game. Good call? Hopefully we'll have fun with it and be able to justify buying more of these

It's good, but very light. Make a good gateway into moving into more difficult coop games. If she likes it, you might want to then move into Pandemic or such.


It's good, but very light. Make a good gateway into moving into more difficult coop games. If she likes it, you might want to then move into Pandemic or such.

That's pretty much what I'm thinking :) we've been meaning to make a boardgame collection, as we already own Stratego, Creationary, Clue and a couple of other casual ones... but we've been wanting to try more complex stuff for a while now, and I've seen pretty favorable reviews for Forbidden Island as a gateway into the more elaborated games :p


Fireblend, your next assignment is to pick up Ticket To Ride. It's the ultimate gateway into the 'designer' game world.

Speaking of co-op, any love for Flash Point Fire Rescue? I've been pondering a co-op game for my group (closest we have now is BSG), and it looks pretty solid. I know Pandemic is the gold standard but for whatever reason that one never really appealed to me. Any thoughts?
That's pretty much what I'm thinking :) we've been meaning to make a boardgame collection, as we already own Stratego, Creationary, Clue and a couple of other casual ones... but we've been wanting to try more complex stuff for a while now, and I've seen pretty favorable reviews for Forbidden Island as a gateway into the more elaborated games :p
Forbidden Island is a good choice.

If you like Clue Mystery Express is a good next step. It removes the roll and move aspect and adds more cards so it plays kind of like "advanced" Clue. For example, instead of one of each card there are two so you need to make sure you see both cards before ruling it out. The game also last a certain amount of rounds and the winner doesn't even need to have every piece of the crime figured out. I find it's a game that can easily be brought out with non-gamers since it's so much like Clue and everyone is familiar with Clue.

Slacker said:
Speaking of co-op, any love for Flash Point Fire Rescue? I've been pondering a co-op game for my group (closest we have now is BSG), and it looks pretty solid. I know Pandemic is the gold standard but for whatever reason that one never really appealed to me. Any thoughts?
Flash Point is great. It's pretty chaotic since the fire propagation is random, but it's not too random that it's unbeatable.
Fireblend, your next assignment is to pick up Ticket To Ride. It's the ultimate gateway into the 'designer' game world.

Speaking of co-op, any love for Flash Point Fire Rescue? I've been pondering a co-op game for my group (closest we have now is BSG), and it looks pretty solid. I know Pandemic is the gold standard but for whatever reason that one never really appealed to me. Any thoughts?
I liked Flash Point the few times I played it :) There are some roles which are somewhat better/more necessary than the others, but it's a very tense game overall.
Any guesses as to how long the Recon starter scenario will take for 2 people in Mage Knight? Trying to figure out if we have time to try it out tonight or Thursday... Read the walkthrough and feel like I know the game, but I kind of have no idea how big our decks will get or how many turns it will actually take...


Any guesses as to how long the Recon starter scenario will take for 2 people in Mage Knight? Trying to figure out if we have time to try it out tonight or Thursday... Read the walkthrough and feel like I know the game, but I kind of have no idea how big our decks will get or how many turns it will actually take...

Not long, relatively speaking. I'd guess 60-90 minutes tops. The game ends when someone uncovers the city, so it depends on how long you guys explore on the way there. Set everything up before hand and follow the walkthrough and it should go pretty quick, assuming you've got a good grasp on everything. If you have to check the manual every minute, it'll take longer. ;) Make sure you don't overexplain everything at the start. You'll be playing together, so you can explain how it all works as you're going along.

Don't forget the dummy player, it'll keep the rounds from taking too long, as he only gets one more card per round.

Edit: Checking the manual I see I'm thinking of the other co-op scenario. The dummy player is not used in the starter scenario.


Fireblend, your next assignment is to pick up Ticket To Ride. It's the ultimate gateway into the 'designer' game world.

Forbidden Island is a good choice.

If you like Clue Mystery Express is a good next step. It removes the roll and move aspect and adds more cards so it plays kind of like "advanced" Clue. .
Thanks for the recommendations. Ticket to Ride is definitely in my list, since it seems to be a pretty established classic, and I'll be looking into CME soon :D I guess I'll also report back with our impressions on Forbidden Island as soon as it gets unwrapped, that should tell me if we'll be looking to get more games.
Pretty figs and art, kinda feels like it's Demons Soul board game type deal, but the small board is unappealing. Another thing is that the figs are 35mm which is going to be a big attraction for some as they are going to be some very large figs compared to the norm.

Even says on their site this is a small batch and they are going to take feedback from this to potentially release an updated version for mass market.


yeah the thing that caught my attention is that there is no gameplay mention.. not even a basic breakdown or something.. figures look cool.. but damn people.. I am not backing it just found that interesting since it raised soo much cash
Yeah that's actually why I came here to ask, saw the review, looked interesting, came here looking for impressions ;)
One of my favorites, but its not the easiest game to just jump into for new players. The game is an engine building game. However, instead of making money you are trying to lose it. The flow of the game takes a a couple rounds to a full game to get a feel for it. The game is broken up into three phases. There is the action selection phase where you are choosing the amount of cards, the number of workers, and the number of actions you get for the round. Next is the worker placement phase, basically you place workers in order to get more cards or manipulate the housing market. Finally is the action phase where you play the cards you received in the first couple phases. It's also a game that heavily uses icons which can take a game or two to get comfortable with them. Once you get past those, ultimately, small hurdles it's not a super hard game to play.
Twilight Imperium has stopped being fun for me. Sinking 8+ hours into a game, only to come out the other end feeling regret is not my idea of fun.


Twilight Imperium has stopped being fun for me. Sinking 8+ hours into a game, only to come out the other end feeling regret is not my idea of fun.

I try to play it once a year at BGG.Con, normally with roughly the same group of people. This year, they decided not to play. Instead, played with someone who turned out to be hardcore of the hardcore - custom rules, custom maps, variants out the wazoo. Worst TI3 game I've ever played. Completely 'unfun', unbalanced, poorly run, and had a couple of players continually target me at times that made no sense for them. Worst 10 hours of the Con by far. Won't be playing it again any time soon, back to Eclipse I go.
I try to play it once a year at BGG.Con, normally with roughly the same group of people. This year, they decided not to play. Instead, played with someone who turned out to be hardcore of the hardcore - custom rules, custom maps, variants out the wazoo. Worst TI3 game I've ever played. Completely 'unfun', unbalanced, poorly run, and had a couple of players continually target me at times that made no sense for them. Worst 10 hours of the Con by far. Won't be playing it again any time soon, back to Eclipse I go.
I can totally relate. For some reason people think TI is Axis and Allies or Risk. The first two times I played it I had a guy (same guy both times) sit next to me and all he did was just attack me. For no reason at all, it turned out, because both times his hidden agenda had nothing to do with attacking the home world of another player. So for 7 hours each game I did nothing but play defense and couldn't do anything else. It soured me on the game but I did give it another shot without that guy playing and had a better time. It's a good game if played with the right people.
I prefer to play smaller games of TI. The biggest issue is set up and often having to reteach the game to everyone since it's not a game that gets tossed down alot, but we enjoy it in smaller player numbers, the full 6-8 player games just go on way to long.
Let us know how it went. Hopefully I wasn't too far off. :)

I think I was off in how well I understood the game and should have soloed first to teach after like had been suggested in this thread previously.

Got through Day 1, and left it set up to maybe finish tonight or tomorrow, depending on how things go.

My wife is kicking my butt so far :(


Bought Forbidden Island for my girlfriend's christmas gift and it will be our first tabletop game. Good call? Hopefully we'll have fun with it and be able to justify buying more of these

Same here. I picked up that and Castle Panic. I hear people talk about Forbidden Island a lot but never Castle Panic, is it any good? I wanted a game that's playable with 2 people but could do with up to 4 or 5 in case people come over. We're both completely new to board games.
So, I've been playing quite a bit of Zombiecide (borderline just overplaying it). What are people's take on the game? The missions with cars seems to be just too overpowering, and I'm actually looking at making maps to see if it's something that can/should be addressed.

I had played Power Grid a couple of times with two players. After playing with five, I don't think I'll bother playing 1v1 again. The game is different and much more compelling with more players, especially when resources start getting scarce.
Power Grid is a perennial favourite. I actually have all the maps, and depending on the type of people you're playing with, the game has a very different feel.
If you want try something that is really resource scarce - the Korean map, which has two separate markets, is always interesting, especially if you have players who play with the intent to screw people over in addition to winning.


Same here. I picked up that and Castle Panic. I hear people talk about Forbidden Island a lot but never Castle Panic, is it any good? I wanted a game that's playable with 2 people but could do with up to 4 or 5 in case people come over. We're both completely new to board games.

I haven't played it but I can say with some confidence that yes, it is a good game. I like the idea that there are a couple different ways to play it. It's on my Christmas list for next year when the kids are a little older.

Power Grid is a perennial favourite. I actually have all the maps, and depending on the type of people you're playing with, the game has a very different feel.
I'm trying to keep myself from buying every expansion to every game I get (Carcassonne taught me not to do that). Is there one map that stands out as a winner? We'll typically have 4-5 people playing. Is the Robots expansion worth a purchase?
I'm trying to keep myself from buying every expansion to every game I get (Carcassonne taught me not to do that). Is there one map that stands out as a winner? We'll typically have 4-5 people playing. Is the Robots expansion worth a purchase?
I'd tell you to pass on robots unless you really want to pad 1/2 more player than you have people for. It generally is somewhat slow to manage, doesn't make logical choices (causes it's just conditional cases), sometimes cheats, and is easily gamed. If you want anything out of PowerGrid that isn't maps, I highly recommend the new Powerplant deck, which feels more balanced and is more interesting than the base deck. I'll go through the map packs (each pack comes with 2 maps):

France/Italy - definitely the weakest of all - Italy's shape makes positioning interesting (and more scares starting resource count); France has Paris as "super city", which, again, leads to early positioning strategy gameplay.
Brazil/Spain + Portugal - An interesting variation on resource distribution - Brazil is heavy on Garbage (Biogas), and this skews the power plant distributions; Portugal is Nuclear free, so anyone starting in it can't bid on Nukes, whereas in Step 2, Nuke prices drop off dramatically for an interesting variation.
Benelux/Central Europe - A shorter variation of the main game - Benelux is a much smaller map, and results in a faster game; Central EU has 3 countries that are anti-nuke, so similar to the Spain+Portugal setup, with other oddities sprinkled in the map.
China/Korea - Definitely the biggest change out of all the maps - China is a structured growth, all plants are sorted in order, but there's always one less plant than # of players so it always creates a bidding war. Resources are plentiful until step 3, which forces people to plan correctly or be left without ways to power cities; Korea has a "2 market system", where players can only buy from one or the other - Coal is dirt cheap in the north, but they don't have nukes, which forces players to strategically think about where to buy from.
Russia/Japan - Somewhat odd map variation - Russia has a pretty weird modification for plant bidding (and slightly less plants to bid on); Japan's map is narrow, which has limited cities and prevents players from certain areas in different stages.
Quebec/Baden-Werttemberg - Most recent set of map, and limited to one print run - Quebec is heavy on "hydro" power, and has a very centralized map layout with the two main cities taking up 7 spots; Baden-Wuerttemberg is another small map, and the game turn order is reversed which forces people to strategize differently.

With our group, Korea has always been the standout winner, whereas the Brazil/Spain + Portugal, Russia/Japan pops up once in a while.
Same here. I picked up that and Castle Panic. I hear people talk about Forbidden Island a lot but never Castle Panic, is it any good? I wanted a game that's playable with 2 people but could do with up to 4 or 5 in case people come over. We're both completely new to board games.

Castle Panic is basically like a tower defense board game. Kinda ugly art but that's fine as it's simple fun. Though seems a bit easy as we've yet to lose it yet... dunno random luck perhaps. Expansion adds lot of options and variety to the game which is good since after a while the base game might get stale.

So, I've been playing quite a bit of Zombiecide (borderline just overplaying it). What are people's take on the game? The missions with cars seems to be just too overpowering, and I'm actually looking at making maps to see if it's something that can/should be addressed.

Found all the missions the game shipped with, to be way too easy. It's very easy to munchkin the heck out of it with the mix of abilities and weapons (shotguns are broken). Course I would invest time in looking through the official game site and getting all the new scenarios they released for the game, as they are more challenging. They also put up an article on the zombie cards which explains why they are numbered and how to use those numbers to adjust the games difficulty or style of play.
Found all the missions the game shipped with, to be way too easy. It's very easy to munchkin the heck out of it with the mix of abilities and weapons (shotguns are broken). Course I would invest time in looking through the official game site and getting all the new scenarios they released for the game, as they are more challenging. They also put up an article on the zombie cards which explains why they are numbered and how to use those numbers to adjust the games difficulty or style of play.
I've been tinkering with a few ideas, but just wasn't sure how people are finding the game.

Since the guy who bought it (think he has a GAF account but can't be bothered to post) actually pitched in on the kickstarter back then, we're also using the three upcoming characters, and Nick's "Tough" ability seems to be completely overpowering right at the start of the game, along with El Cholo's dual machetes...
I was wondering if people in this thread could recommend me some casual friendly board games. Last winter I picked up a copy of Ticket to Ride so that I could play something with my visiting family that wasn't the usual party games. As it turns out the game was a huge success so much so that we played way more of it than just about anything else. I was curious if I could get suggestions of games of about that level or maybe a little more complex. I already picked up 7 wonders which I think should appeal to everybody and Ticket to Ride Asia board. Its worth noting there are about 24 people all hanging around for two weeks so the bigger the player count the better. I really appreciate any help you guys can give.
I've been tinkering with a few ideas, but just wasn't sure how people are finding the game.

Since the guy who bought it (think he has a GAF account but can't be bothered to post) actually pitched in on the kickstarter back then, we're also using the three upcoming characters, and Nick's "Tough" ability seems to be completely overpowering right at the start of the game, along with El Cholo's dual machetes...

The biggest issue I have with the game is mainly bad mission design in the games starter, so tweaking the decks or playing the other missions helps. Issue with the main books missions is that they start slow with blue level danger causing very slow zombie spawns which are often far away from players. Player can basically just rush into nearest building and cycle through the deck of cards for the items they all need while the zombies take several turns to even reach you. Before the zombies become an actual threat, most players are loaded for war and it's a bit too easy. Better to have the missions that start with zombies on the board already near by or closer zombie spawns so that players don't just sit around collecting weapons and gear before any real fights.

It's a fun game but just needs more tighter scenario design. Like I mentioned, the other scenarios they have put out have more challenge and you can make your own with that mission editor software.

Cholo is bad ass, but being melee hes also risky to use unlike the uber gun combos you can make. Bad dice rolls and he often gets stuck standing in middle of a horde. Cholo so far has often been the first to die in our games since hes always rushing into hordes. Yea he takes out hordes by himself but a few unlucky rolls and hes basically stuck. Right cards/characters with the basic shotgun.... yea zombies go poof


I was wondering if people in this thread could recommend me some casual friendly board games. Last winter I picked up a copy of Ticket to Ride so that I could play something with my visiting family that wasn't the usual party games. As it turns out the game was a huge success so much so that we played way more of it than just about anything else. I was curious if I could get suggestions of games of about that level or maybe a little more complex. I already picked up 7 wonders which I think should appeal to everybody and Ticket to Ride Asia board. Its worth noting there are about 24 people all hanging around for two weeks so the bigger the player count the better. I really appreciate any help you guys can give.

Sounds like you've got a good starting bunch of games already. 'The Resistance' might work well too - good for large groups, easy to learn, kinda Werewolf-y but with a better structure.


My copy of FoxMind's version of String Railway just came in.

Why did they change the art to this boring generic stuff? Even if they wanted to "westernize" the art, they could still do something fun and cute with it. Now it's all serious and boring!

I also got Sewer Pirats. We got 1 play of the basic version (no character abilities). It was pretty neat. Seems like another good filler type game. I'll need to get more plays before I can say but initial impressions is that it'll be in our regular rotation with games like Takenoko, Ingenious, and Carcassonne.


I was wondering if people in this thread could recommend me some casual friendly board games. Last winter I picked up a copy of Ticket to Ride so that I could play something with my visiting family that wasn't the usual party games. As it turns out the game was a huge success so much so that we played way more of it than just about anything else. I was curious if I could get suggestions of games of about that level or maybe a little more complex. I already picked up 7 wonders which I think should appeal to everybody and Ticket to Ride Asia board. Its worth noting there are about 24 people all hanging around for two weeks so the bigger the player count the better. I really appreciate any help you guys can give.

7 Wonders would have been one of my suggestions, so good call there. You may want to pick up another standalone version of Ticket To Ride (like Europe) which comes with everything you need to play a separate game. You can use the trains and cards from either TTR US or TTR Europe with the Asia maps (which are excellent too).

For about $75 online you can get enough Dominion to accomodate 12 players (3 separate games going). That'd be the base game, Intrigue Expansion, and one set of base cards. Dominion is simple to pick and the variety in the cards keep it interesting for a long time. You can play with 6 at a table I believe, but it's best with 4 max, so split 'em up. One suggestion is to set up the game on each table (each one will have 10 different "kingdom" cards people will play with), then rotate everyone around so everyone plays one game at each table. Add up everyone's scores when you're done and name a champion.

Dixit Odyssey supports up to 12. I've never played with that many, but I bet it could be good fun. Wits & Wagers is fun too, and supports up to 7 players or teams.

Co-op games are good in this situation, because you just need one person at the table that knows the game and you can set them off to enjoy themselves while you help people elsewhere. Flash Point Fire Rescue supports up to 6 players and is very simple (in Family mode) to learn and teach. The theme is awesome too (fire fighting), so it's a good one for people who think games like Dominion look dumb due to their theme.
So we love BSG but still haven't touched an expansion. Looking over the rules for them, they all seem to add a bunch of complexity to the game which is a big turn off... extra boards also always set off alarms. Are they worth bothering to get at all? Really like how BSG vanilla plays
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