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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Wow. Absolutely wow.

$400k in the final 3 hrs. Amazing!! *I'm in for $300!

Hopefully the product will be fantastic. This year is gonna be a long one waiting for this. But I'm sure it'll make for an exciting self-xmas gift.



I suppose that makes me an idiot with poor taste.

But can you really blame me, considering how terrible the instructions are?

There are a ton of videos that explain how to play. And almost anyone here will gladly help. Take the leap of faith, my son!


Hail to the KING baby
I almost felt like the family rules were just as confusing to learn hahah. The cards don't add too much in the way of actual game mechanics except what's on the cards (which is all sorts of cool stuff). They are the fun part though. But I dunno it doesn't sound like Agricola is jibing with you at all so far. It's coo ... I don't like games like Power Grid even though they're super popular. :p


I won $100 gift card from work and I want to get a new game with part of it.

I have X-Wing minis and Star Wars The Card Game on my list. What do you guys think?

I know they are different types of games but I am curious what you guys would recommend.


I picked up 1 X-Wing set +1 of each ship expansion, though only have had the chance to play once. We arranged a 2 player vs. 2 player consisting of equal points sides with 3 Tie + 1 Tie Advanced against 2 X-Wing + 1 Y-Wing. It was a fun match to learn from and everyone enjoyed it. I would have played more though I don't yet have a normal gaming group in the Seattle area (wife and I moved here last Spring and she isn't into miniature games).

Also picked up the Star Wars Living Card Game and I'm really enjoying it. The objective set deck-build style where you build your decks through 6 card 'sets' is a change, but one I'm starting to appreciate. I've only had the chance to play three times in person but hope to get some more sessions in on OCTGN in the near future.
Wow. Absolutely wow.

$400k in the final 3 hrs. Amazing!! *I'm in for $300!

Hopefully the product will be fantastic. This year is gonna be a long one waiting for this. But I'm sure it'll make for an exciting self-xmas gift.

I say goddamn. I really hope this thing comes out as everyone is hoping for otherwise there will be a shit storm. Minis look nice, game not so much.


I almost felt like the family rules were just as confusing to learn hahah. The cards don't add too much in the way of actual game mechanics except what's on the cards (which is all sorts of cool stuff). They are the fun part though. But I dunno it doesn't sound like Agricola is jibing with you at all so far. It's coo ... I don't like games like Power Grid even though they're super popular. :p

What? No, the game is a ton of fun. I'm just taking learning it one step at a time.

And shame on you for not liking Power Grid. One of my favorites. Though it's definitely not elegantly streamlined.


Also, I worry about kickstarter project that greatly exceed their initial estimates. They tend to be the ones that crash the hardest.
What? No, the game is a ton of fun. I'm just taking learning it one step at a time.

And shame on you for not liking Power Grid. One of my favorites. Though it's definitely not elegantly streamlined.
I think Power Grid is pretty good. The end game devolves in just straight up "math but the game" but before the end game it's fun. I will refuse to play it with my group because they will take forever and a day to finish it. Games will take 3 hours + to complete and that is just too much for me.
Netrunner is now the #9 game on BGG and the BGG best card game and best 2p game of 2012. :D

I loves it. Only downside is that I don't get to play it more than a few times a month.

I just found out Card Kingdom has a weekly Netrunner event, so once I know what I'm doing a bit more, I might build some decks and join in. I'll never talk the wife unit into going along, no matter how much she enjoys the game.

I say goddamn. I really hope this thing comes out as everyone is hoping for otherwise there will be a shit storm. Minis look nice, game not so much.

I was just talking about that kickstarter with a friend. We both agreed that regardless of the game, we were too embarrassed by the female minis to even really think about it
Also, I worry about kickstarter project that greatly exceed their initial estimates. They tend to be the ones that crash the hardest.

Which ones are those? Most of the big successes so far have been fairly well received. Purge (which didn't do that great on KS) is only one I can tell that totally screwed the pooch.


I just found out Card Kingdom has a weekly Netrunner event, so once I know what I'm doing a bit more, I might build some decks and join in. I'll never talk the wife unit into going along, no matter how much she enjoys the game.

I'll have to check out Card Kingdom. I've visited a few of the eastside stores but not CK yet.

Might encourage me to pickup Netrunner, since I've enjoyed the other Fantasy Flight living card games.

No Star Wars LCG Event on their calendar, though. I wonder if I can just drop by with my core sets and find a game easily or not.


Which ones are those? Most of the big successes so far have been fairly well received. Purge (which didn't do that great on KS) is only one I can tell that totally screwed the pooch.

I think about the ones that are not board game related, like the Pebble watch. Its just that with Kingdom Death, receiving that much more money than what was initially expected tends to create delays.
No Star Wars LCG Event on their calendar, though. I wonder if I can just drop by with my core sets and find a game easily or not.

They should have some sort of looking for group/game service there. A little bulletin board in the bar or something on their website. Maybe I'll suggest it next time I'm in there.


Wow. Absolutely wow.

$400k in the final 3 hrs. Amazing!! *I'm in for $300!

Hopefully the product will be fantastic. This year is gonna be a long one waiting for this. But I'm sure it'll make for an exciting self-xmas gift.

What did you pick up for $300? I eventually (like with minutes left) decided to jump in at the survivor level ($155) with the thought of picking up expansions later (or homeruling expansions) if the game is as good as I hope (and scouring for info and posts by the designer lead me to think that it will be something ill want to play)


So it finally happened. I've filled up our board game shelf. It started in the coat closet and then we carved out dedicated space on the shelves in the dining room. Our house is tiny so a new shelving unit is out of the question. I've toyed with the idea of combining like components from games or going without boxes, but I love the look and feel of games in their boxes. Why do so many have that much empty space anyway? I'm open to suggestions.
So it finally happened. I've filled up our board game shelf. It started in the coat closet and then we carved out dedicated space on the shelves in the dining room. Our house is tiny so a new shelving unit is out of the question. I've toyed with the idea of combining like components from games or going without boxes, but I love the look and feel of games in their boxes. Why do so many have that much empty space anyway? I'm open to suggestions.

The first question you should ask yourself is, how many you have? Do you really need them all? It's good to set a maximum number and set on it. No more than XXX games. You must do this unless you want to live in a house made of german cardboard.

With that out of the way, the most common ways I've seen are:
- Packing expansions onto the main box.
- Throwing away the boxes of small games in big (ugly) boxes helps a lot too (especially card games). Rio grande boxes are usually fugly anyway.
- I've seen people cutting boxes to half the sizes (think Queen Games, Thebes doesn't need that huge box at all).
- Finally, some people store the components in bags and slice the edges of the boxes so they can lie flat and be stored separately. They you can glue them together if you want them back.


Hi All

I need some recommendations for a boardgame.

Will be played mostly with 2-4 players, and it must be not too deep but also not too shallow.

I mean I would buy games like Eclipse or Arkham Horror, but my GF thinks those games are too deep (as in have too many pieces/cards and take too long).

My GF would buy stuff like Acquire or Monopoly, but I find those kind of games too ''normal'' or shallow even.

Any fun games inbetween?


Kingdom Builder is a good 2-4. Pretty easy to grasp/play, but has potential for deeper strategy. Just picked it up and we've been enjoying it so far.


So it finally happened. I've filled up our board game shelf. It started in the coat closet and then we carved out dedicated space on the shelves in the dining room. Our house is tiny so a new shelving unit is out of the question. I've toyed with the idea of combining like components from games or going without boxes, but I love the look and feel of games in their boxes. Why do so many have that much empty space anyway? I'm open to suggestions.

Same boat. I have a large shelf that's packed to the gills. The underbully of the coffee table is overflowing. My videogame bookshelf is half taken over with them, and I have the stray one here and there in my mancave.

And yes, I need most of them. I am actively trying to get rid of some though.

Kingdom Builder is a good 2-4. Pretty easy to grasp/play, but has potential for deeper strategy. Just picked it up and we've been enjoying it so far.

Lords of Waterdeep.
Hi All

I need some recommendations for a boardgame.

Will be played mostly with 2-4 players, and it must be not too deep but also not too shallow.

I mean I would buy games like Eclipse or Arkham Horror, but my GF thinks those games are too deep (as in have too many pieces/cards and take too long).

My GF would buy stuff like Acquire or Monopoly, but I find those kind of games too ''normal'' or shallow even.

Any fun games inbetween?

Ticket to Ride is a must if you don't have it; I've never seen anyone walk away from it, decent length and beautiful. Carcassonne, play without the farmers for the first few rounds and everyone will love it. If you don't care about the expansions, you could get Carc: Hunters and Gatherers for a more meaty experience (and easier 'farmer' scoring). Blokus is a very nice popular game if you are playing with 4. A lot of people had luck with Lost Cities, Dominion and Through the Dessert, I can't really vouch for those.

For something a little more complicated but still simple, you could try Stone Age, Thebes, Rattus and Alhambra. For some trivia games you could try Fauna and Wits & wagers family edition. Finally for some nice fillers Hey that's my fish!, For Sale, The Magical Labyrinth and Felix: The Cat in the Sack.

I think it goes without saying, but the most important thing when introducing a new game to non-gamers is the theme. If they don't dig the theme (e.g. fantasy stuff) they will simply block their minds around the game. If the theme is good and the rules make sense in the context (i.e. it's not a Knizia game) then it doesn't really matters if the game is complicated or not.
Hi All

I need some recommendations for a boardgame.

Will be played mostly with 2-4 players, and it must be not too deep but also not too shallow.

I mean I would buy games like Eclipse or Arkham Horror, but my GF thinks those games are too deep (as in have too many pieces/cards and take too long).

My GF would buy stuff like Acquire or Monopoly, but I find those kind of games too ''normal'' or shallow even.

Any fun games inbetween?

Lords of Waterdeep would work. It starts up very quickly out of the box, is easy to learn and play, with enough strategy and interest to keep things going a bit.

Another great one if you have at least 4 players is Cosmic Encounter. Easy to play, fantastic variety and lots of hilarious ways for the game to be played out. Really really fun.

You might want to try Pandemic, not a hard game to play but a hard one to win at sometimes :) It's pure co-op though, not sure if you're into it.


Hi All

I need some recommendations for a boardgame.

Will be played mostly with 2-4 players, and it must be not too deep but also not too shallow.

I mean I would buy games like Eclipse or Arkham Horror, but my GF thinks those games are too deep (as in have too many pieces/cards and take too long).

My GF would buy stuff like Acquire or Monopoly, but I find those kind of games too ''normal'' or shallow even.

Any fun games inbetween?

I second BomberMouse's recommendation for Ticket to Ride. It's really easy to understand the rules and everyone will be hooked after one or two rounds.


Spent a bunch of money for a copy of keyflower. Richard Breese better be legit.

Also nabbed a regular copy of War of the Ring. I needed the second edition cards for the limited edition Lords expansion and I can bust out the standard copy with anyone without fearing for my CE's life this way.


I say goddamn. I really hope this thing comes out as everyone is hoping for otherwise there will be a shit storm. Minis look nice, game not so much.

Love the art and I actually like the gameplay. I'm down for session-style campaigns and I think most of my group is as well. We've been doing this with Last Night on Earth and now moving through Descent 2nd ed!

Also, I worry about kickstarter project that greatly exceed their initial estimates. They tend to be the ones that crash the hardest.

I see what you're saying, but I disagree in general. I've yet to experience backing a project that didn't deliver. And many of them were well over 1k% on their goals.

Besides, Poots has been putting out updates and videos, has secured a publisher and has been nominal in his stretch bonuses. It's a dream-come-true scenario for any tabletop designer to see this type of support. I'd doubt it would go squandered.

I was just talking about that kickstarter with a friend. We both agreed that regardless of the game, we were too embarrassed by the female minis to even really think about it

Most of those minis are just pin-ups with no rules. It's obvious many of the characters are sensualized, but it's not on the level of many mediums that detract me away.

What did you pick up for $300? I eventually (like with minutes left) decided to jump in at the survivor level ($155) with the thought of picking up expansions later (or homeruling expansions) if the game is as good as I hope (and scouring for info and posts by the designer lead me to think that it will be something ill want to play)

Pretty much all expansion stuff. I mean, at $155 you get plenty of great extras for the base game such as figs and armor, etc. Like I absolutely HAD to have the Gorm! Once there and Adam kept revealing more monsters, I just wanted...them....all, lol!


Hail to the KING baby
Most of those minis are just pin-ups with no rules. It's obvious many of the characters are sensualized, but it's not on the level of many mediums that detract me away.

Yeah the funny thing is they have nothing to do with gameplay and are just bonuses that I don't think look anything like any of the actual gameplay characters, but as should be expected they got the most attention for better or worse. Once I realized they weren't gameplay, I gave the KS a second look but yeah it looks nice but due to the complexity and theme would be something I'd be guaranteed to never get to the table more than once (if that). Of course I'm not a minis gamer so different set of needs. :)
The reason for the near naked lady minis is because the sculptor is famous for it. He had a fan base already before this kickstarter in doing minis like those back on the Cool Mini or Not board. So he put them as extras in the kickstarter for his fans.
I have a quick question about Star Wars LCG. I was playing it last night and my opponent played a unit card that had no combat symbols. can it still attack an objective?

here it is:


I guess you would just want to use them to defend ?!? or to use there ability. Since they can't do damage? I was not sure if an unopposed attack from a card like that still does damage to an objective.

edit: an a unopposed attack deals 1 damage so that is all that would happen?!?
Course it can. That's the only way it can use it's shielding ability.

Also you can always toss it as a throw away blocker into a fight so you don't suffer the unopposed penalty on an objective.


It can also be enhanced with appropriate enhancement cards as they become available in future packs, some of which may give it combat icons.

That card primarily is used as a throw away defender like BattleMonkey where it can use it's shielding to shield the targeted objective.


I have a quick question about Star Wars LCG. I was playing it last night and my opponent played a unit card that had no combat symbols. can it still attack an objective?

here it is:


I guess you would just want to use them to defend ?!? or to use there ability. Since they can't do damage? I was not sure if an unopposed attack from a card like that still does damage to an objective.

edit: an a unopposed attack deals 1 damage so that is all that would happen?!?

I use it to attack so I can shield my more valuable units. Defending I'd also good. "3" hp is pretty nice.
It can also be enhanced with appropriate enhancement cards as they become available in future packs, some of which may give it combat icons.

That card primarily is used as a throw away defender like BattleMonkey where it can use it's shielding to shield the targeted objective.

alright thanks. Do you guys think it still gets to do 1 damage for an unopposed attack?
Hi All

I need some recommendations for a boardgame.

Will be played mostly with 2-4 players, and it must be not too deep but also not too shallow.

I mean I would buy games like Eclipse or Arkham Horror, but my GF thinks those games are too deep (as in have too many pieces/cards and take too long).

My GF would buy stuff like Acquire or Monopoly, but I find those kind of games too ''normal'' or shallow even.

Any fun games inbetween?

Power Grid is right up your alley my friend. Games take a little under 2 hrs, there's a ton of depth and strategy to the game, but its relatively simple to get the hang of after just a round or two of turns.

I'm also going to re-recommend Galaxy Trucker. The game starts as a tile laying game where players are trying to build a ship as quickly as possible using different tiles with different connectors and engines, guns, crew members, batteries, cargo holds, etc. Then the players fly their ships through a series of event cards where they have to make decisions (though simple ones) that add to the strategy of the game. Games have taken about an hour in my experience.

Also I second BomberMouse's choices of Ticket to Ride and Carcassone.


Over the holidays I played some 7 Wonders. I cannot recommend that game enough. It's a bit daunting at first when the rules are being explained, but once you start playing it starts coming together and is incredibly easy to play.

Not sure if this is old news, I'm rather new to board games myself :)


Over the holidays I played some 7 Wonders. I cannot recommend that game enough. It's a bit daunting at first when the rules are being explained, but once you start playing it starts coming together and is incredibly easy to play.

Not sure if this is old news, I'm rather new to board games myself :)
Love 7 Wonders and the two expansions.
Over the holidays I played some 7 Wonders. I cannot recommend that game enough. It's a bit daunting at first when the rules are being explained, but once you start playing it starts coming together and is incredibly easy to play.

Not sure if this is old news, I'm rather new to board games myself :)

I love 7 wonders and its great with anyone (not just board game people) I have played probably 60 games now its starting to get to the point where the best choices are pretty obvious when it comes around.

might be time to try out leaders.


Hi All

I need some recommendations for a boardgame.

Will be played mostly with 2-4 players, and it must be not too deep but also not too shallow.

I mean I would buy games like Eclipse or Arkham Horror, but my GF thinks those games are too deep (as in have too many pieces/cards and take too long).

My GF would buy stuff like Acquire or Monopoly, but I find those kind of games too ''normal'' or shallow even.

Any fun games inbetween?

Below are some gateway games that really got me into board gaming.
Love them dice.

*Ticket to Ride (2-5p) - Set Collection + Hidden Objectives + Route Building
*Settlers of Catan (3-4p) - Trading + Dice Rolling + Route Building
*Stone Age (2-4p) - Worker Placement + Dice Rolling
*Alien Frontiers (2-4p) - Dice Rolling + Dice Placement + Area Control
*Pandemic (2-4p) - Co-op
Seasons (2-4p) - Card Drafting + Engine Building + Dice Rolling
King of Tokyo (2-6p, not great with 2) - Dice Rolling

Honorable Mentions:
*Summoner Wars (2p only) - Squad Based Fighting + Summoning + Dice Rolling
Memoir '44 (2p only) - Wargame + Dice Rolling
7 Wonders (2-7p, but really needs 4+) - Card Drafting
Loopin Louie (2-4p) - Dexterity + Quick Filler + Ages 4+
Tsuro (2-8p, but really needs 4+) - Tile laying + Quick Filler

I highly recommend checking out digital versions available on iOS if you have an iPad. All of the games marked with a * have an iOS version (Operation: Eradicate on iOS is similar to Pandemic).

If only I had actual people to play my collection with.
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