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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Hail to the KING baby
I don't think it's bad or hate it, it's ok little game to pull out if you got a few mins to waste. But I'm surprised at how popular it is.

Most of it has to do with there are very few better light games that easily seat 5+ and can be played in <45 (often <30). This is a very common need for many groups and KoT is one of the few games to address it.
Started a campaign of Descend 2nd Ed. last night. Great fun!

too bad the insert for the box is fucking terrible for the components you get. Any suggestions on insert improvements?
I don't think it's bad or hate it, it's ok little game to pull out if you got a few mins to waste. But I'm surprised at how popular it is.

Its got a fun theme and can have some pretty big upsets. I think that's it's main draw. There was one particular game I played where once person was crushing the group and only needed one victory point to win, but as luck would have it when my turn came around and reset the face up cards two cards popped up that did damage to everybody when I bought them killing the person with 19 points. It basically reset the whole game and was hilarious to see his reaction when it happened.


Hail to the KING baby
Its got a fun theme and can have some pretty big upsets. I think that's it's main draw. There was one particular game I played where once person was crushing the group and only needed one victory point to win, but as luck would have it when my turn came around and reset the face up cards two cards popped up that did damage to everybody when I bought them killing the person with 19 points. It basically reset the whole game and was hilarious to see his reaction when it happened.

It's got:
-Multiple paths to victory
-Tough decision-making with each die roll
-Some pretty serious tactics/synergy when you're deciding which cards to buy (even more so if you play with the expansion power-up decks)
-A real social element in trying to discourage others from attacking you/encouraging others to attack Tokyo
-Rules that can be explained in 5m

Between KoT, RoboRally, and Netrunner, Richard Garfield is my favorite designer by miles.
I drop meeples into that field all the time.

Same. I think the spot is fantastic in a 2 player game, and I usually get at least 9 points out of it, which isn't bad, because I'm usually also the one getting points for those cities themselves.

Between KoT, RoboRally, and Netrunner, Richard Garfield is my favorite designer by miles.

Not to mention Magic: the Gathering, which is pretty good, I guess :)

I gotta go with Vlaada Chvatil, though: Through the Ages (my favorite, ever), Galaxy Trucker, Mage Knight, Dungeon Lords/Petz

Uwe Rosenberg would probably be next for me (Argicola, Le Havre, Ora Et Labora, Bohnanza).

I think actually them, and Donald X Vaccarino (Dominion and Kingdom Builder) pretty much dominate my top 10. 7 Wonders and Innovation are the other two games that spring to mind as immediately falling into that tier for me.


Hail to the KING baby
Ever try Nefarious? It's on my to-do list but I haven't had a chance to try it yet.

I liked it the first couple times I played it (nice aesthetics & theme imo though you'll realize quickly the theme has ZERO to do with the gameplay) then realized there's almost nothing to it and got really turned off. It's just an incredibly simple game with very little strategic depth.


Just got done playing 5 or so games of Mr. Jack with my wife. I think it's a beautiful implementation of a deduction game that actually works for 2 players.

On the topic of favorite designers, mine is hands down Stefan Feld. I've only played three of his games (Macao, Castles of Burgundy, and Trajan), and I absolutely adore them all.
My top designers the typical bunch: Richard Garfield, Uwe, Alan Moon, Dirk Henn and Friedemann Friese. I absolutely loathe anything from Knizia. I don't like all of their games but they are usually good.

I have also enjoyed the few games of Corné van Moorsel that I've played. They are usually very different from the usual and have great themes.
My top designers the typical bunch: Richard Garfield, Uwe, Alan Moore, Dirk Henn and Friedemann Friese. I absolutely loathe anything from Knizia. I don't like all of their games but they are usually good.

I have also enjoyed the few games of Corné van Moorsel that I've played. They are usually very different from the usual and have great themes.

Did you mean Alan Moon? Unless there's some Watchmen board game out there that I don't know of :p

My top three designers are Vlaada, Rosenberg, and Feld. I've pretty much enjoyed every game I've played from those three.


Anyone played the Donald X game Inflitration? (it's in the Android universe)

Yep. I like it. It's like an in depth Incan Gold, if you've played that. Some push your luck, some a touch of take-that, but also some strategy. It's not going to light the world on fire but I find it to be good fun, and I'll play it over IG 10 out of 10 times.

Just got done playing 5 or so games of Mr. Jack with my wife. I think it's a beautiful implementation of a deduction game that actually works for 2 players.

On the topic of favorite designers, mine is hands down Stefan Feld. I've only played three of his games (Macao, Castles of Burgundy, and Trajan), and I absolutely adore them all.

You're not a Feld fan until you own Luna :p


Little late to the Xmas update, but the gf got me LOTR LCG Heirs of Numenor expansion, Y-Wing expansion for X-Wing miniatures, and Twilight Imperium: Shards of the Throne (can't wait to get this one to the table).

I also picked up Lair of the Wyrm for Descent 2.0, Marvel Legendary, and the first Netrunner data pack.

And tomorrow... tomorrow I will post a picture of my newest (expensive) obsession.


Guys, a question,

How casual-friendly is Formula D? How much downtime has it got?

I'm thinking about buying it, but it's expensive and I don't know how much of a success if would be here. As reference, the biggest hits here have been Dungeon Petz, Nuns on the Run, Bang, The Great Dalmuti and Dixit.


Pretty casual. More players means more downtime and you have to figure in that there is player elimination.

Edit: Also got Jaipur today in the mail. Fantastic 2 player trading game. Super fast to learn and play.
Gah, I haven't been able to find my camera charger for the battery! I want to take a picture of my awesome settlers of catan board that I got (the wooden one from Kickstarter) :3
Guys, a question,

How casual-friendly is Formula D? How much downtime has it got?

I'm thinking about buying it, but it's expensive and I don't know how much of a success if would be here. As reference, the biggest hits here have been Dungeon Petz, Nuns on the Run, Bang, The Great Dalmuti and Dixit.

Formula D has a basic rule set which is really simple. The expanded rules also included add alot more detail but I see lot of ppl also just play with the basic rules because they like the simplicity of it.
I liked it the first couple times I played it (nice aesthetics & theme imo though you'll realize quickly the theme has ZERO to do with the gameplay) then realized there's almost nothing to it and got really turned off. It's just an incredibly simple game with very little strategic depth.

Agreed on Nefarious. We didn't enjoy it at all and it's now on my for-trade list at BGG.


If anyone wants to check my for trade list on BGG (same username), I reaaaally need to sell off some of this stuff. I have less than zero room to put anything else. If you're interested let me know. I also will trade multiples for titles I really want.


If you play Dungeon Petz I'd say you can handle most anything short of hardcore wargames.
They say the rules are much easier than other games they have played, they specifically mentioned Ticket to Ride, Mystery of the Abbey, Smallworld and 7 wonders as confusing.
I think Dungeon Petz does such a fantastic job at integrating the theme with the rules that they don't notice all the details, options and planning they do whilst they play.

Pretty casual. More players means more downtime and you have to figure in that there is player elimination.
Formula D has a basic rule set which is really simple. The expanded rules also included add alot more detail but I see lot of ppl also just play with the basic rules because they like the simplicity of it.
I think they could cope with player elimination (after all, they like Bang), I don't know about downtime. Anyway, I called my local shop and they said it's no longer on their discounted items list, so now I'll wait until they do another sale, or until I give in to the pressure.

Thanks for the advice, it helped curb the sudden irrational enthusiasm I had for it.

If anyone wants to check my for trade list on BGG (same username), I reaaaally need to sell off some of this stuff. I have less than zero room to put anything else. If you're interested let me know. I also will trade multiples for titles I really want.
It saddens me to see you want to chuck out Dungeon Petz, Incan Gold, ForbIsland and Bohnanza.


Hail to the KING baby
I think the description of how to pick up and score poop in Dungeon Petz is longer than the entire TTR ruleset. But dsfdf :)


Well, there is a reason behind when to pick up poop in Dungeon Petz, I told them what the manual says, it made sense, and it stuck. It's the same with the rest of the rules, as long as you use the same humour the manual uses, the theme is strong enough that they will understand everything.

As for TTR, we played Europe, and they found the train station mechanic confusing, so in the end all they got is that you score the unused stations. In the end everyone kept theirs for extra points. To be fair, we have only played twice and they didn't think much of it (no action, not much interaction they said) so their confusion would be dissipated after a few more consecutive games.


Anyone going to get Kingdom Death : Monster? The kickstarter is nearing the end and a second gameplay video was released and its an interesting looking game. The whole monster hunter resource collection and rogue-like elements seem pretty cool. Just the upfront cost and lack of more gameplay or play test sessions has me hesitating. The minis (cheesecake aside) are great looking and the weapon and armour sets for wysiwyg are a neat idea. Just unsure on the whole thing and wanted to see if anyone else had any opinions on it.
Anyone going to get Kingdom Death : Monster? The kickstarter is nearing the end and a second gameplay video was released and its an interesting looking game. The whole monster hunter resource collection and rogue-like elements seem pretty cool. Just the upfront cost and lack of more gameplay or play test sessions has me hesitating. The minis (cheesecake aside) are great looking and the weapon and armour sets for wysiwyg are a neat idea. Just unsure on the whole thing and wanted to see if anyone else had any opinions on it.

The combat video turned me off. Seems very not fun.
Grabbed Star Wars LCG. Woot! Haven't played it yet but I got all the decks separated and bagged.

I put some penny (actually .5 cent on sale) sleeves onto the rebel deck but they are too tall and wide. Any idea what sleeves would be good?

Am I crazy to sleeve??


Well, countless magic players sleeve their decks, so no, it's not crazy per se. But I love me some tactical card feel against my fingers.

As for sleeves. The box says they're FFG gray sleeve, which is 63.5x88 mm. Other equivalents are Mayday Green's, Dragon Shield Standards, Ultra Pro Standards, etc etc.


Anyone going to get Kingdom Death : Monster? The kickstarter is nearing the end and a second gameplay video was released and its an interesting looking game. The whole monster hunter resource collection and rogue-like elements seem pretty cool. Just the upfront cost and lack of more gameplay or play test sessions has me hesitating. The minis (cheesecake aside) are great looking and the weapon and armour sets for wysiwyg are a neat idea. Just unsure on the whole thing and wanted to see if anyone else had any opinions on it.

What the entire fuck? That Kickstarter page is the hottest mess I've ever seen. Its a good thing I'm not very interested, as I'd have no idea what to fucking pledge. Christ almighty.


I think Kingdom Death Monster looks a mess as a game, and I don't say that very often. It's quite clear the "game design" comes second to the art & setting. Watched that second gameplay video yesterday & had to shake my head at the fiddliness of it, the amount of "stuff" going on to add stats etc to track etc. Compare it to something like Eclipse that has similar concepts of building up ships (instead of a character) with various small stat changing tiles - Eclipse is /much/ clearer in what each tile affects through its choice of colours & iconography. This just feels like an under developed mess. Oh wait, it /is/ under developed...

It's going to have beautiful looking figures/art though for sure but there's no way my group would want to play it.

Just the upfront cost and lack of more gameplay or play test sessions has me hesitating.

That's putting it mildly.

BTW, back of the envelope calculation suggests he's getting an average of just over $300 per person kickstarting. Wow. Mini gamers, you're crazy guys ;)


Hey guys so I have been really getting into modern board gaming in last few months or so. I was gifted Settlers of Catan for my birthday in August and had a blast playing that with my friends at university. I got Axis and Allies 1942 a little later and had a lot of fun with that as well, since I used to love Risk back in the day and this game is superior in every way. I love the WW2 theme, makes it really interesting seeing all the crazy things that happen and such.

I am posting because I got an $80 Amazon gift card for Christmas and want to use it to add to my little board game collection!

I am interested in a few games and wanted GAFs opinion!

1. War of the Ring: this one looks the most interesting to me. It seems like a similar concept to Axis and Allies and like Axis and Allies I am really interested in the theme since I am a big fan of the Lord of the Rings universe. I hear it is a pretty awesome game as well so that is good!

2. Twilight Struggle: another game with a great theme that looks really fun. I probably won't get this one now because someone else in my res owns it.

3. Pandemic: a more simple looking but fun game. Reminds me of that web game, which is also called Pandemic I think?

Anyway, unless you guys turn me off on the game I am going to get War of the Ring. Just wanted to ask GAFs opinion!
I really want to get Kingdom Death but almost everything (including the second gameplay video) is turning me off. I may just pledge the $11 and get one or two of the discounted expansions now.


Hey guys so I have been really getting into modern board gaming in last few months or so. I was gifted Settlers of Catan for my birthday in August and had a blast playing that with my friends at university. I got Axis and Allies 1942 a little later and had a lot of fun with that as well, since I used to love Risk back in the day and this game is superior in every way. I love the WW2 theme, makes it really interesting seeing all the crazy things that happen and such.

I am posting because I got an $80 Amazon gift card for Christmas and want to use it to add to my little board game collection!

I am interested in a few games and wanted GAFs opinion!

1. War of the Ring: this one looks the most interesting to me. It seems like a similar concept to Axis and Allies and like Axis and Allies I am really interested in the theme since I am a big fan of the Lord of the Rings universe. I hear it is a pretty awesome game as well so that is good!

2. Twilight Struggle: another game with a great theme that looks really fun. I probably won't get this one now because someone else in my res owns it.

3. Pandemic: a more simple looking but fun game. Reminds me of that web game, which is also called Pandemic I think?

Anyway, unless you guys turn me off on the game I am going to get War of the Ring. Just wanted to ask GAFs opinion!

Welcome aboard! All three are great games. Note War of the Ring is primarily a 2 player game, even though there is a 3-4 player team game; it's just a better experience as 2 players. You've got two of my favourite games of all time between it & Twilight Struggle.


Welcome aboard! All three are great games. Note War of the Ring is primarily a 2 player game, even though there is a 3-4 player team game; it's just a better experience as 2 players. You've got two of my favourite games of all time between it & Twilight Struggle.

Yeah, Twilight Struggle looks real fun. I have not been able to play it myself yet but I saw two friends it and it looks really cool. I am glad War of the Ring is top quality too since I really like the concept and theme behind it. Will be my next purchase for sure.

I am okay with it being a two player game. I usually play Axis and Allies 1942 with one of my friends on res and I like it better with just two players than with a group. Usually long games like A&A 1942 (and presumably War of the Ring) are hard to sustain with a big group because some people get bored when their turn has come up for a while. With just two players it is easier to find someone who is dedicated to playing with you and genuinely interested.
Played my first game of powergrid tonight. I really liked it, so did the group.

Yay! Still haven't gotten a chance to play my copy of Star Wars The Card Game.


Hey guys so I have been really getting into modern board gaming in last few months or so. I was gifted Settlers of Catan for my birthday in August and had a blast playing that with my friends at university. I got Axis and Allies 1942 a little later and had a lot of fun with that as well, since I used to love Risk back in the day and this game is superior in every way. I love the WW2 theme, makes it really interesting seeing all the crazy things that happen and such.

I am posting because I got an $80 Amazon gift card for Christmas and want to use it to add to my little board game collection!

I am interested in a few games and wanted GAFs opinion!

1. War of the Ring: this one looks the most interesting to me. It seems like a similar concept to Axis and Allies and like Axis and Allies I am really interested in the theme since I am a big fan of the Lord of the Rings universe. I hear it is a pretty awesome game as well so that is good!

2. Twilight Struggle: another game with a great theme that looks really fun. I probably won't get this one now because someone else in my res owns it.

3. Pandemic: a more simple looking but fun game. Reminds me of that web game, which is also called Pandemic I think?

Anyway, unless you guys turn me off on the game I am going to get War of the Ring. Just wanted to ask GAFs opinion!

If you are into the WW2 theme you might also want to take a look at Memoir 44. It's focused on the squad level and still easy and fun to play.

Played my first game of powergrid tonight. I really liked it, so did the group.

Yay! Still haven't gotten a chance to play my copy of Star Wars The Card Game.

Power Grid is probably my favorite game. I will never say no to a round of it. I think own 6 or maybe even 7 expansions for it. lol
Power Grid is probably my favorite game. I will never say no to a round of it. I think own 6 or maybe even 7 expansions for it. lol

I own Power Grid and for the most part really like the game. The fact that there's an in game economy with resupply rates is pretty darn neat in and of itself. That being said, I sometimes feel like the game does a little too much to give the player in "first" the worst position. A little like the blue shell in Mario Kart. Still a fantastic game though.


Gold Member
Player order management is probably the most critical skill in power grid, at least amongst experienced player in my group. Lagging back to explode out with first or second place buys is a great way to block other players and finesse your income. Novice players usually try to keep their power plant/city ratio at 1:1 the entire game and will often spend $12 buying resources just to power an extra city to get $11 in income :)
Anyone going to get Kingdom Death : Monster? The kickstarter is nearing the end and a second gameplay video was released and its an interesting looking game. The whole monster hunter resource collection and rogue-like elements seem pretty cool. Just the upfront cost and lack of more gameplay or play test sessions has me hesitating. The minis (cheesecake aside) are great looking and the weapon and armour sets for wysiwyg are a neat idea. Just unsure on the whole thing and wanted to see if anyone else had any opinions on it.

Yeah...for all the gameplay related stuff, you now have to spend over $600. It's a bit crazy.

Also, finally got Escape to the table last night. Lots of fun! So many people rolling dice at the same time...very tense too. We completely failed the first time we played, but just BARELY won the second one, and that was without either the traps or treasures expansions.
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