is the Kingdom Builder Expansion worth it?
obviously if we want to play with 5 people, but also for just two?
I think so. The new special move abilities are pretty neat. The caravan in particular is one I really enjoy. You slide a settlement in a straight line until it hits something (another settlement, location, water, or mountain).
The scoring cards in it are really powerful too, and major game changes. They all involve scoring things as you go, so combined with the settlement moving powers, you can sometimes set up little point engines for yourself. I had a game where you got 2 points for placing a settlement with no empty spaces around it. I had the oasis and the move-a-settlement-to-your-current-card ability. I often would move a settlement from my tiny desert to wherever, and then just use the oasis to fill in that hole for 2 points.
I love Kingdom Builder.
Personally I think Leaders is a must, the drafting mechanic at the start gets you thinking re your overall strategy.
Agreed. Knowing that you have a bonus VP for each red card or whatever can really shape the focus of your game. Especially when they have nice synergy with your wonder.
I also really liked the Cities expansion more than expected. The diplomat token and the various black cards--particularly the way they shake up the otherwise fairly uniform distribution of cards--really can force you to make some tough decisions