Over the past few weeks I've played a few board games, though they are of the non-board variety, but it seems like most in this thread are like that.
My friend brought over Dominion a few weeks ago when I was hanging out with him and some other friends. I had honestly never even heard of the game before, but before long we had delved in and ended up playing it for hours. He also brought the Seaside expansion, which we mixed in a few hours after starting.
The first game we played we started with the preset base game I guess it is, but after that we did the randomizer to decide what cards to use. Well, except for the last game, which was the only one where we did all Seaside and did a preset game that involved the Pirate Ship card. I forget what the specific preset game was called. That last game ended up lasting like an hour to and hour and a half, while the other ones lasted an hour. The combination of Pirate Ship and Embargo pretty much left us with no funds other than what we acquired through Pirate Ship. I will definitely have to buy this game at some point. Are there any specific sets you guys recommend over the others? I know I have to buy the base set first to get the coin cards and such, but when I get to any expansions.
The other game, The Resistance, I had actually played before when the same friend above hosted people at his own apartment and a friend of his from out of town brought it. None of us had ever heard of it then, and he said he only bought it because it was one of the first games to come up when searching for best board games online. We ended up playing this time with even more people than the time before, was nine.
This is really a fun game that can change round to round. One of the times we played I was a spy and had almost successfully made everyone think that a non-spy was in fact a spy. However, one of the other spies screwed up on the fourth round where two have to say yes for the mission to pass. Making everyone doubt someone they trusted all game is one of the best elements of the game to me. Just great party fun.