Instantbuy! All the war assets *_*
I also want mass effect monopoly :X never saw anything like it though (speaking of DIY). I only remember someone building a fallout version
What a waste.Dunno if it should be posted here but Risk : mass effect galaxy at war edition has been announced :-D
Dunno if it should be posted here but Risk : mass effect galaxy at war edition has been announced :-D
Well that sucks. I know I will buy it, but I fucking hate Risk...haha
Well that sucks. I know I will buy it, but I fucking hate Risk...haha
Yeah same.
Why don't you just buy figurines/action figures/etc. if you want to display an IP on a shelf. It's still Monopoly.
You guys...come on.
I'm thinking about picking up King of Tokyo sometime soon. Is it too reliant on luck or is there a decent amount of strategy available? I want something light for family/non-gaming friends to play and was considering this.
The amount of Mass Effect stuff I have is just stupid, adding one more game that I will at least play once isnt really that bad![]()
It's completely based on dice-chucking, so yeah there's a lot of luck. But there are also fun strategic/social elements as well, like deciding whether you want to be aggro or turtle and try to collect points. The dice element just means you will very rarely get to do exactly what you wanted, but because of the re-rolls you can help guide the dice to where you want them.
King of Tokyo, Netrunner, RoboRally. Garfield is a damn genius.
You guys...come on.
I still need to get a handle on Netrunner and play my first game. Have just ended up playing other games recently since I'm more familiar or we had more than two of us. The stream of $8-10 card packs will probably be too much for me though so hopefully I can enjoy the base set and a few packs well enough. Seeing all of the LCG packs for AGoT or Cthulhu makes me think the genre really isn't "cheaper" than M:TG, which is why I allowed myself to buy into LCG games in the first place.
Just sounds like a problem when you will be "forced" to buy something you "fucking hate." (Hyperbole and all that aside...still)
I'd rather wait and get a well done original game implementation of the property than support cash grabs.
I still need to get a handle on Netrunner and play my first game. Have just ended up playing other games recently since I'm more familiar or we had more than two of us. The stream of $8-10 card packs will probably be too much for me though so hopefully I can enjoy the base set and a few packs well enough. Seeing all of the LCG packs for AGoT or Cthulhu makes me think the genre really isn't "cheaper" than M:TG, which is why I allowed myself to buy into LCG games in the first place.
Its super disappointing that they are wasting this awesome universe on such a bland board game, Mass Effect could be a really cool version of Descent, or something like Eclipse, hell I think you could even make it play like Pandemic, haha. It should be about killing geth, not about controlling territories. It doesnt even make sense!!
Well some of that sounds like it would just be slapping a name on a box without it really having proper theme of Mass Effect game.
As for wanting a sci fi like Descent again, Privateer Press announced that they are doing a 2nd game in the Level 7 series, though its quite different. Players control a special forces black ops team who goes into area 51 like Level 7 to find out what happened in the previous game. One player plays an overlord who control the aliens/mutants of the base while the rest of the players control the spec ops. To come with miniatures too.
The first Level 7 game was a coop game where players have to escape from the secret base, the sequel is a new game that takes place after where your the military going in afterwards.
All of the millions of themed Monopoly and Risk board games are fun and novel
Fun is relative I suppose, but novel? Okay, I'm done.
Blood Bowl Expansion get released already!
The answer is to play Descent first edition. A much better game.
GF9 did right by the Spartacus license, I'm really interested in seeing how this turns out.In Firefly: The Game, players captain their own Firefly-class transport ship, traveling the Verse with a handpicked crew of fighters, mechanics and other travelers. As a captain desperate for work, players are compelled to take on any job -- so long as it pays. Double-dealing employers, heavy-handed Alliance patrols and marauding Reavers are all in a days work for a ships captain at the edge of the Verse. Firefly: The Game is a high-end thematic tabletop boardgame from Gale Force Nine (GF9). It will be the first in a series of tabletop hobby boardgames and miniatures games from GF9 set in the Firefly Universe.
That DC game is so half assed. Cryptozic just takes their one deck building system and throws a theme on it. The system is the same in the Penny Arcade game, DC, and now in LotR.Played a little bit of the DC comics deck-building game. It was alright, but I think it would function better as some kind of co-operative game. There's a co-op variant on BGG that looks pretty fun, we may give it a shot next time we play.
Speaking of dream licenses, Gale Force 9 (Spartacus) announced they are doing a Firefly game.
GF9 did right by the Spartacus license, I'm really interested in seeing how this turns out.
That DC game is so half assed. Cryptozic just takes their one deck building system and throws a theme on it. The system is the same in the Penny Arcade game, DC, and now in LotR.
Speaking of dream licenses, Gale Force 9 (Spartacus) announced they are doing a Firefly game.
GF9 did right by the Spartacus license, I'm really interested in seeing how this turns out.
That DC game is so half assed. Cryptozic just takes their one deck building system and throws a theme on it. The system is the same in the Penny Arcade game, DC, and now in LotR.
Watched the first 4 episodes of Battlestar Galactica then promptly ordered the board game from Amazon. Really looking forward to playing it. It'll be nice to play a longer game. All the games we have take an hour at the most.
Even without the show it's an incredible game. You're in for a treat. Play with 5 people for the optimal experience.
I only game with 3 others as nobody else is very interested in board games or have conflicting schedules. Still fun with 4, eh?
I only game with 3 others as nobody else is very interested in board games or have conflicting schedules. Still fun with 4, eh?
Watched the first 4 episodes of Battlestar Galactica then promptly ordered the board game from Amazon. Really looking forward to playing it. It'll be nice to play a longer game. All the games we have take an hour at the most.
everything i've heard is that 1st ed. is significantly more complicated, though
So, my group is pretty much done with Descent 2nd ed.
We jumped right into campaign and played up through the first quest of Act 2, at which point everyone decided the game wasn't very fun.
The issue we came across is that the game is very bad at making the game fun for everyone simultaneously. I crushed the heroes in Act 2, and I was having a good time. The heroes weren't. However, in Act 1 the heroes were crazy overpowered and were having a pretty good time rolling through my baddies.
The game has so many weird flaws. The rules are poorly explained and have so many weird exceptions. We hate the "treat this character like a Hero EXCEPT" line which is then followed by all the ways in which the character is actually nothing like a Hero.
There have been several quests where, as the Overlord, I have to put a group of monsters in a room where the Heroes start. The Heroes, on their first move, proceed to wipe out the entire group of monsters. Oh, the respawn rules for this map don't allow me to replace these monsters? Cool. So I never got to use them. Why even have me put them there?
The hero players complained that they had to micromanage every turn, that they couldn't really play themselves because it had to become such a group effort. Meanwhile I had to keep asking them to slow down their turn, take a move step by step so I could play a tripwire or whatever on them, etc.
Anyway, what's most amazing to me is that the game could be simplified and made about a million times better. I may take a crack at it, actually. But in the meantime, my group has basically written it off.
Of those the one I haven't played is Suburbia. Tamanay Hall is a good area control/negotiation game. The game can be cutthroat so make sure players are aware that you can and probably will be screwed over by deals.Trying to decide on the next game to pickup down the road. Narrowed it down to Tammany Hall, Letters From Whitechapel (the FFG one when it comes out), Suburbia, and Tzolk'in.
Of those the one I haven't played is Suburbia. Tamanay Hall is a good area control/negotiation game. The game can be cutthroat so make sure players are aware that you can and probably will be screwed over by deals.
Tzolkin is fantastic. Takes a game or two to feel like you are actually in control. There are a number of different strategies to explore and not one of them is dominant over the other.
Letters from Whitechapel sucks. It has one interesting mechanic (the ability for Jack to wait for the right moment before he kills) but the rest of the game is just dull. For my money, Fury of Dracula is a much better game.
I had the opposite experience. During the first act I was the one overpowering the heroes and by Act 2 the heroes were getting snowballed in powerful items, abilities and etc. which they used to completely steamroll me. The final encounter in the game was basically them murdering the bad guy with me getting 1(!) hit on one of their heroes before he died.
Anyway, yeah, the game has some serious flaws and balance issues, most of the encounters in the game favors one side or the other. For us when we played no encounter played like a "close call", it was one side always winning heavily and quickly over the other.
Yea, it's often like that, though in most games it seems the heroes can just dominate and it's just no fun at all to play the overlord. In Descent 1st edition the Overlord always had ton of cards to choose from for different tactics as well as access to lot of monsters to constantly put into play. In 2nd edition the Heroes can often wipe a board of monsters leaving the Overlord with several turns of doing next to nothing. Yea it moves the game fast, but makes it really boring to be overlord when monster spawning in shit in this new edition.
The simplification of movement rules with how anything can squeeze through spaces completely removed the area control aspect of the game and any of that strategy.
The Walking Dead: Risk
Makes no sense
Yea it is, and why it's so much better. So much of Descent 2nd edition problems stem from the over simplification of things and putting more randomness into it. It's not a complicated game either version though, just 1st has more detail and more rules, and you generally play a dungeon encounter that is about 4-5x the size of what they are in 2nd. Overlord also is more involved in the game with many more cards and options for monsters. In 2nd you do get into many situations as you described where the heroes whipe out the enemies and your left just sitting their with a shitty tripwire card and one spawn a turn of a useless enemy