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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Just figuring out what/why I would take as my first card is bad enoguh at this point :p

Aristotle seems nice?

Yeah. Note the leaders don't last long so you won't see his benefit forever.
Green = Leader - an on-going benefit. Leaders die at the end of the age after them (e.g. Age 2 for these initial guys).
Yellow = immediate short term discount/benefit. You can use them on turn /after/ you pick it up.
Purple = Wonder. Big on-going benefit for the rest of the game. Cost a lot of actions/ore to build.
Brown = farm/mine upgrade
Grey = Urban upgrade
Red = miltary upgrade.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I just chose some yellow cards that I'll use next turn one I have resources to build...sounds decent? I'll let myself be surprised by the cards that will show up next age LOL


Yeah. Note the leaders don't last long so you won't see his benefit forever.
Green = Leader - an on-going benefit. Leaders die at the end of the age after them (e.g. Age 2 for these initial guys).
Yellow = immediate short term discount/benefit. You can use them on turn /after/ you pick it up.
Purple = Wonder. Big on-going benefit for the rest of the game. Cost a lot of actions/ore to build.
Brown = farm/mine upgrade
Grey = Urban upgrade
Red = miltary upgrade.

Brief overview of TtA:

You get a pool of actions each turn. You spend actions either picking up cards from the card row (ascending cost depending on how new they are to the row - the longer the card's been there, the cheaper it is. 2 cards are removed after each turn). You spend an action to play a card. Upgrade cards will have a cost in science to play. You can spend an action to build or upgrade one of your people - you'll need ore resources for this and the cost is listed on the square location on your "mat" - e.g. a Bronze mine costs 2 to build, but generates 1 ore each turn, a Philosopher costs 3 to build, generates 1 science etc. You can spend an action (and food) to buy a new people.

Three main resources - food, ore & science. You need food to pay upkeep & new people. You need ore + people to build new things, and more ore to upgrade them or build wonders. You need science to buy new tech for upgrade your buildings.

The aim of the game is to earn the most culture points - certain buildings + cards will generate culture.

There's also events you can play at the start of your turn that may trigger later. Armies to build to defend/attack etc. It's a fun game :)


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Brief overview of TtA:

You get a pool of actions each turn. You spend actions either picking up cards from the card row (ascending cost depending on how new they are to the row - the longer the card's been there, the cheaper it is. 2 cards are removed after each turn). You spend an action to play a card. Upgrade cards will have a cost in science to play. You can spend an action to build or upgrade one of your people - you'll need ore resources for this and the cost is listed on the square location on your "mat" - e.g. a Bronze mine costs 2 to build, but generates 1 ore each turn, a Philosopher costs 3 to build, generates 1 science etc. You can spend an action (and food) to buy a new people.

Three main resources - food, ore & science. You need food to pay upkeep & new people. You need ore + people to build new things, and more ore to upgrade them or build wonders. You need science to buy new tech for upgrade your buildings.

The aim of the game is to earn the most culture points - certain buildings + cards will generate culture.

There's also events you can play at the start of your turn that may trigger later. Armies to build to defend/attack etc. It's a fun game :)

I wonder why you guys didn't use all your civil actions during your turn? Is there any advantage to doing so? Or am I just filling my hand up with cards I can't get rid of by doing so...?

Whoever Matt is, you gotta end your turn after taking the cards :D


I wonder why you guys didn't use all your civil actions during your turn? Is there any advantage to doing so? Or am I just filling my hand up with cards I can't get rid of by doing so...?

Whoever Matt is, you gotta end your turn after taking the cards :D

I did! (I think!)


I wonder why you guys didn't use all your civil actions during your turn? Is there any advantage to doing so? Or am I just filling my hand up with cards I can't get rid of by doing so...?

The very first turn is special - think of it more as Turn 0.

First player gets 1 CA to spend on getting a card, second player 2 CA, third 3 CA, last gets 4 CA.

Also note that starting in Turn 2 (assuming we're using Turn 0 to denote the very first) you'll get the opportunity to use Military cards for your Political Action (you draw military cards starting at the end of Turn 1).
Wow, that new run of Cards Against Humanity was just put up this afternoon, but is already gone and back to double the MSRP. All for something that is free to download. Even if you look down your nose at it, you gotta admit that game's a BEAST.


Wow, that new run of Cards Against Humanity was just put up this afternoon, but is already gone and back to double the MSRP. All for something that is free to download. Even if you look down your nose at it, you gotta admit that game's a BEAST.

Amazing game in bursts with 5-6 people (any more and the joke gets old before the judge even has a chance to choose.) Could do without the mega-raunchy stuff though, imo.

My favourite is the "mecha-hitler" card. It's ALWAYS funny.


Fail out bailed
Hey guys!
My filmmaking friends and I are working on a web series about a weekly game night that always goes wrong. Its sort of like if The League was about a board game group, but was also a little wackier like 30 Rock or Community.

Anyway, we're doing a live reading of the 1st 5 eps in Dallas soon. The hope, is to test out some of the jokes and see what works and what doesn't. After this, we'll just be going straight back to the drawing board and making it better, so outsider input is really necessary at this step in the process.

We're all experienced gamers AND filmmakers, but somewhat new to comedy.

Anyway it's at Black 7 comics in Lewisville TX on the 16th. It's completely free and we're gonna raffle off prizes in exchange for filling out a short survey. I hope that some gaffers can make it, have some laughs and introduce themselves.

More info here:

Forgive the silly looking art, it's very placeholder as the project is still really early and a lot of our stronger visual guys are busy with other aspects.
Hey guys!
My filmmaking friends and I are working on a web series about a weekly game night that always goes wrong. Its sort of like if The League was about a board game group, but was also a little wackier like 30 Rock or Community.

Anyway, we're doing a live reading of the 1st 5 eps in Dallas soon. The hope, is to test out some of the jokes and see what works and what doesn't. After this, we'll just be going straight back to the drawing board and making it better, so outsider input is really necessary at this step in the process.

We're all experienced gamers AND filmmakers, but somewhat new to comedy.

Anyway it's at Black 7 comics in Lewisville TX on the 16th. It's completely free and we're gonna raffle off prizes in exchange for filling out a short survey. I hope that some gaffers can make it, have some laughs and introduce themselves.

More info here:

Forgive the silly looking art, it's very placeholder as the project is still really early and a lot of our stronger visual guys are busy with other aspects.

Might help if you livestreamed it. If it's just a reading and mostly just audio there's not really a reason why you couldn't.


Fail out bailed
Might help if you livestreamed it. If it's just a reading and mostly just audio there's not really a reason why you couldn't.

This is actually a great suggestion
Part of me thinks it's not "ready" enough for full-scale internet, but we do need feedback.
This is actually a great suggestion
Part of me thinks it's not "ready" enough for full-scale internet, but we do need feedback.

Yeah that or you could just record it and we could listen at our leisure. I get that you want to keep it to a select few so anything like that would be good. If feedback is your key necessity then yeah, you want to make it as available as possible!


Guys, what's the best drinking game out there?

This past weekend I played the Great Dalmuti with some former workmates and had tons of fun, especially because we let whoever was the Dalmuti at the time to create all sorts of crazy drinking rules until someone else took over. The game was never relegated to just an excuse to drink, and the rules created and abolished added tons of flavour to the game.

We played from right after the super bowl ended until 3am (about 5 or 6 hours). We tried playing pictionary man, and snorta! at some point, but went back to Dalmuti because we didn't have the necessary coordination to play them anymore.

My only problem with Dalmuti is that lawyers and in general people not used to numbers didn't have a fair chance at the game. The rest of us are very casual and even 100% non-gamers who work in finance, risk and accounting, and even drunk we had the advantage because we could count cards (not all, from 1 to 4s or 5s). Is there anything I could have done to fix this?
So Suburbia is awesome and so is Netrunner.

I'm like a junkie now. But I've got Libertalia, Tzolk'in The Mayan Calender, Exodus Proxima Centauri and Dominant Species coming within the next week. My family is trying to make this a weekly event. Very good times.


So Suburbia is awesome and so is Netrunner.

I'm like a junkie now. But I've got Libertalia, Tzolk'in The Mayan Calender, Exodus Proxima Centauri and Dominant Species coming within the next week. My family is trying to make this a weekly event. Very good times.

Where did you nab Exodus and was it expensive?

If you end up not liking it, trade it to me. :p


Hail to the KING baby
So Suburbia is awesome and so is Netrunner.

Playing in our monthly Netrunner tournament this weekend. That thing is so damn fun. Even though I only get to play a handful of games between tournaments it's just great going in and playing a bunch of randoms and you have no idea what their decks are like and vice versa.

More of Netrunner GAF needs to get on OCTGN so we can play GAF games. :)


Playing in our monthly Netrunner tournament this weekend. That thing is so damn fun. Even though I only get to play a handful of games between tournaments it's just great going in and playing a bunch of randoms and you have no idea what their decks are like and vice versa.

More of Netrunner GAF needs to get on OCTGN so we can play GAF games. :)

I'll happily play on OCTGN. My name on there is Joby21


I picked up Ghost Stories the other day and still haven't managed to get it on the table :x

Probably won't get a chance till Sunday at best now! Curse you social commitments.
I picked up Ghost Stories the other day and still haven't managed to get it on the table :x

Probably won't get a chance till Sunday at best now! Curse you social commitments.
Be prepared for an ass kicking, that game is really difficult. Some unsolicited advice, I've found that the two most important locations are the Buddha Statue space and the prayer circle. The Buddha statues are really important and will save your but when things get really bad so use them as often as you can. Prayer circles will help lower the resistance of one color so it helps if you have a lot of one color on the board to use the prayer circle and clean up ghosts. Do NOT rely on the dice rolls, try to gather as many token as possible. One last tip, when placing ghosts, place the easy ones on the corners. Being able to exorcise two ghosts at once is really helpful. Beyond that, success is really dependent on luck and how well you guys work as a team. Even then, expect to get your ass handed to you.
Where did you nab Exodus and was it expensive?

If you end up not liking it, trade it to me. :p

CoolStuffInc. Got it while it was in stock for $54.99. And also got Dominant Species (third printing) too.

Then I got Tzolk'in and Libertalia from funagain; they're located in Oregon and I'm up here in Seattle so the shipping should be fast. CSI is all the way down in Florida; kinda wished it was on the west coast.


Not sure how good a deal this is but Carcassonne is on sale for $20 on amazon.ca with $3 shipping. I've bought 4 boardgames (Catan, Rivals of Catan, Lords of Waterdeep, and Axis and Allies 1941) in the last month so I'm gonna pass. I will let my gaming group know in hopes one of them springs for it. :)



CoolStuffInc. Got it while it was in stock for $54.99. And also got Dominant Species (third printing) too.

Then I got Tzolk'in and Libertalia from funagain; they're located in Oregon and I'm up here in Seattle so the shipping should be fast. CSI is all the way down in Florida; kinda wished it was on the west coast.

The fuuuuuuck. I saw it in stock for 97 and change once, but couldn't bite on that.
Some interesting Zombicide news was announced.
Exclusive interview: Zombicide Season 2 announced!
The TL:DR of the interview is they are releasing a new expansion (known) called Toxic City Mall and a new "season" called Prison Outbreak. Prison Outbreak is going to be a standalone game but is fully compatible with the original release (which they are dubbing season 1) and the new expansion TCM.

Toxic City Mall adds new toxic zombies that will harm you if you kill them with melee weapons (toxic blood and all that) while Prison Outbreak will add berserker zombies that can only be killed with melee weapons. They also are release a mini-expansion which will add zombie dogs to the mix which seem really tough (they get three activations).

I think the thing I'm most excited about is the Zombvivors. These are basically zombie versions of the survivors in the game. The neat thing about them is they have new abilities and take more damage. They are also adding a resurrection mode which will allow you to turn your survivor into a zombvivor if they ever die during the game. It might make the game easier but I'm thinking it'll make big campaigns interesting to play from a story perspective.

I'm pretty stoked for this release. I really enjoyed the original game and Guillotine Games has been really good with support of the base game that I have no problem giving them more cash for the new expansions.
Surprised they are still using kickstarter despite the massive amount they made last time. I guess it's still just an elaborate preorder system.


Surprised they are still using kickstarter despite the massive amount they made last time. I guess it's still just an elaborate preorder system.

Despite? They'll use it again *because* they made a massive amount. They got paid for all their production run up front. I'd use it again if I was them :)
Is elder signs any good two players? Same question for blood bowl team manager.


Elder Sign is OK. It suffers from being too easy out of the box and a lot of people have made house rules in an attempt to balance it. I enjoy it but don't expect my cardboard copy to hit the table ever again. I since got it on iPad and spent more time with that instead, solo though. I don't think I would ever try to play the iPad version with 2.

Because it's dice, the few times I have played the cardboard version, we had some pretty tense moments. I have a buddy who is not quite experienced with games and also suffers from AP, but he took to the game really well. So yeah, it is OK. A flat, neutral, "good" I would give it.


Elder Sign is OK. It suffers from being too easy out of the box and a lot of people have made house rules in an attempt to balance it. I enjoy it but don't expect my cardboard copy to hit the table ever again. I since got it on iPad and spent more time with that instead, solo though. I don't think I would ever try to play the iPad version with 2.

Because it's dice, the few times I have played the cardboard version, we had some pretty tense moments. I have a buddy who is not quite experienced with games and also suffers from AP, but he took to the game really well. So yeah, it is OK. A flat, neutral, "good" I would give it.

EASY?! I've lost probably 75% of the time that I've played with a group. Maybe I suck.
EASY?! I've lost probably 75% of the time that I've played with a group. Maybe I suck.

I've seen this come up a lot on BGG, where most people say it's too easy but then some people say it's too hard. I guess it all comes down to the roll of the dice but I've never played with more than...3 I think. 4 is a possibility. How big are the groups you play with? With more players, a single person has less time to gain strength before each midnight, so I could see that making it a lot harder. Trophies would be more spread out, too.
Interesting news about Zombicide; I was looking at that and Zpocalypse.

But the gaming list so far for my next "big purchase" is: Seasons, Robinson Crusoe, Manhattan Project and either 7 Wonders (plus expansions) or Sentinels of the Multiverse. My family loves co-ops, so I know they'd love the idea of a zombie co-op game.


Any WOTR players tried Lords of Middle Earth? Got a copy waiting for me when I get home tonight. Having more characters is pretty sweet, but still need King Theoden!

PS: I still have a ton of shit on my trade list that's taking up space. Some pretty popular games on there and they're all in great condition. I'd ideally like to sell but still open for trades (check BGG, same name). I need more room!

Descent 2, Seasons, LotR: LCG lot, etcetera.


May contain jokes =>
Got my Kickstarter copy of Tammany Hall yesterday and played it tonight with 5 players. Fantastic game, though as usual I was too focused on teaching to play well so I got reamed. Next time!
Anybody else play Space Cadets, yet? I've played it three times now and I have a problem with it that people seem to be ignoring. I think the game takes too damn long. For a game that forces players to not only take their turns simultaneously and makes them do it in 30 seconds, it lasts three hours easy. I'd say it's fun for the first hour then the following two hours just drag. Maybe it needs more players familiar with the game but after the first couple turns players should have their stations down pat.


Anybody else play Space Cadets, yet? I've played it three times now and I have a problem with it that people seem to be ignoring. I think the game takes too damn long. For a game that forces players to not only take their turns simultaneously and makes them do it in 30 seconds, it lasts three hours easy. I'd say it's fun for the first hour then the following two hours just drag. Maybe it needs more players familiar with the game but after the first couple turns players should have their stations down pat.

Three hours!? We played it at BGG.Con in about half of that, going through one of the intro map setups. I like it for what it is, but no way would I play it for three hours. The individual turns are quick, as you say, but is the captain just holding back & trying to take it slow? Rush 'em!

Emerson said:
Got my Kickstarter copy of Tammany Hall yesterday and played it tonight with 5 players. Fantastic game, though as usual I was too focused on teaching to play well so I got reamed. Next time!

My upgrade kit hasn't arrived yet, but I taught it to 4 friends a week or two ago & it was a huge hit with them. Just the right amount of backstabbing, auctions & kill the leader for that exact grouping of friends. I'm glad it's coming back into print & more people will get to play it.

I've managed to miss game night for the past two weeks thanks to my kids & ear infections, but I get to escape to an afternoon of gaming tomorrow.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Two guys at our boardgameclub-meeting were playing Twilight Struggle today, DAMN that game looked strategic/intense/deep/long. But fun. I knew the game was highly ranked on BGG but I never saw it in person before.


Two guys at our boardgameclub-meeting were playing Twilight Struggle today, DAMN that game looked strategic/intense/deep/long. But fun. I knew the game was highly ranked on BGG but I never saw it in person before.

It's absolutely fantastic & deserving of the ratings. It's not as long if you've played a few times & know the cards, but it's still a deep game of important decisions *constantly*.

I need to get it back to the table.
Two guys at our boardgameclub-meeting were playing Twilight Struggle today, DAMN that game looked strategic/intense/deep/long. But fun. I knew the game was highly ranked on BGG but I never saw it in person before.
Ha. That was my Christmas/birthday present to me.
We played a learning game last week, 3.5 hours before we called it a night.
Going again tonight. Really looking forward to it.
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