Jesus, that's rough.Put Edge of World into my H-B megaserver deck. So excited.
Jesus, that's rough.Put Edge of World into my H-B megaserver deck. So excited.
Jesus, that's rough.
Put Edge of World into my H-B megaserver deck. So excited.
shit man, even I still haven't gotten Tammany! And I backed it as soon as he put it up!
Are there even any ways to prevent or heal brain damage yet? That seems a bit fucking much.
At the same time, you can't advance it so it just sits behind a server doing nothing and not being a threat. I don't think I'd run on it unless I was hard pressed to make something happen in the game.
At the same time, you can't advance it so it just sits behind a server doing nothing and not being a threat. I don't think I'd run on it unless I was hard pressed to make something happen in the game.
Not yet, no. But there's always Infiltration, Lemuria Codecracker, and now Satellite Uplink. Always thought Infiltration was too cheap, which helped make Jinteki so weak to start with. But traps are starting to look quite nice, especially in decks where you might not expect them.Are there even any ways to prevent or heal brain damage yet? That seems a bit fucking much.
I don't understand how is trick of light allowed to interact with Edge of World at all?With trick of light, that end of world is now an agenda. It's still risky letting it sit.
Edit: in a Schrödinger's cat way, not literally being an agenda.
I don't understand how is trick of light allowed to interact with Edge of World at all?
Virus programs will often have some interaction with virus counters, which can build up on them in some way and allow for some nasty side effects. Usually it will say "Program: Virus" on the card's type to indicate that.Since we're on the topic of Android: Netrunner.
I recently picked up the game. It's a load of fun. There's one thing my girlfriend and I can't figure out, and I've googled everywhere and read through the instructions several times...
What are viruses? What do they do? I understand the function of tags, but everywhere I look refers to viruses as if I'm just supposed to know. And so far we haven't had any come into play.
Well, I have fallen into the hobby...hard. In the past 6 weeks, I have acquired:
- Ticket To Ride (+ Asia)
- Small World (+ Underground)
- Dominon (+ Intrigue, Prosperity, Hinterlands, Dark Ages)
- Lords of Waterdeep
- Risk: Legacy
- Arkham Horror
- 7 Wonders
- Battlestar Galactica
- Agricola
- Space Cadets
- Pandemic (new version)
- Mage Wars
- Mage Knight: Board Game
- Descent 2nd Edition
- Android: Netrunner LCG
Absolutely overwhelmed with new stuff to dive into, only have managed to get about half of these to the table. Some have gone over better than others, of course, but I can't wait to try the rest. Any "must haves" that anyone sees missing in this list? Tax return coming, and I've budgeted a couple hundred towards filling out any "holes" in the collection.
I love this hobby.
Well, I have fallen into the hobby...hard. In the past 6 weeks, I have acquired:
- Ticket To Ride (+ Asia)
- Small World (+ Underground)
- Dominon (+ Intrigue, Prosperity, Hinterlands, Dark Ages)
- Lords of Waterdeep
- Risk: Legacy
- Arkham Horror
- 7 Wonders
- Battlestar Galactica
- Agricola
- Space Cadets
- Pandemic (new version)
- Mage Wars
- Mage Knight: Board Game
- Descent 2nd Edition
- Android: Netrunner LCG
Absolutely overwhelmed with new stuff to dive into, only have managed to get about half of these to the table. Some have gone over better than others, of course, but I can't wait to try the rest. Any "must haves" that anyone sees missing in this list? Tax return coming, and I've budgeted a couple hundred towards filling out any "holes" in the collection.
I love this hobby.
Well, I have fallen into the hobby...hard. In the past 6 weeks, I have acquired:
- Ticket To Ride (+ Asia)
- Small World (+ Underground)
- Dominon (+ Intrigue, Prosperity, Hinterlands, Dark Ages)
- Lords of Waterdeep
- Risk: Legacy
- Arkham Horror
- 7 Wonders
- Battlestar Galactica
- Agricola
- Space Cadets
- Pandemic (new version)
- Mage Wars
- Mage Knight: Board Game
- Descent 2nd Edition
- Android: Netrunner LCG
Absolutely overwhelmed with new stuff to dive into, only have managed to get about half of these to the table. Some have gone over better than others, of course, but I can't wait to try the rest. Any "must haves" that anyone sees missing in this list? Tax return coming, and I've budgeted a couple hundred towards filling out any "holes" in the collection.
I love this hobby.
Thanks for the feedback so far, guys.
I really just have/had the spare funds to splurge, hence the list. It will surely take a few weeks at a minimum to actually get each of these games to the table more than once and get a real solid opinion on them.
RaySpencer: Yes, Eclipse was one I had originally planned to grab, but watching some reviews and plays showed me that its a bit more Euro than other 4X boardgames. Since then, I've been looking at Exodus: Proxima Centauri to fill that niche. Any thoughts on that title?
Gaming Truth: One of the reasons I purchased such an eclectic mix of games within a relatively short time frame was for that very reason - trying to determine which sorts of themes and mechanics we like best. It's been hard to gauge so far, and opinions of each game have been mixed based on the player. I realize it seems somewhat silly to continue to purchase games at this point in time, but...let's just say I have my reasons . Appreciate the feedback!
MikeDip: I've heard amazing things about Power Grid. Seems like a meatier, more strategic Ticket to Ride, is that correct? Any expansions you could recommend to make the game better for 2p? (half the time I'm at home gaming with just the wife)
Thanks again for all the feedback guys. Look forward to future participation in the thread , subbed.
There are some similarities (as far as having a map goes), but Powergrid has quite a bit more "moving" pieces compared to ticket to ride (which I guess is what you're looking for in "meatier, more strategic").MikeDip: I've heard amazing things about Power Grid. Seems like a meatier, more strategic Ticket to Ride, is that correct? Any expansions you could recommend to make the game better for 2p? (half the time I'm at home gaming with just the wife)
There are some similarities (as far as having a map goes), but Powergrid has quite a bit more "moving" pieces compared to ticket to ride (which I guess is what you're looking for in "meatier, more strategic").
I just know ive played it with a pretty diverse group of people, and they all loved the hell out of it. But obviously its not for everyone, hell even Tom Vassal aka Mr Boardgame doesnt even really enjoy it. so who knows!
This Exodus game looks fucking crazy though, I will be looking in to that for sure. Though I did just purchase Twilight Imperium, and backed Hegemonic on Kickstarter.... I probably dont need Eclipse, TI, Hegemonic and Exodus. haha.
Damnit Mikor!! Ive watched some stuff on Exodus, and now I have to buy it!!
There are some similarities (as far as having a map goes), but Powergrid has quite a bit more "moving" pieces compared to ticket to ride (which I guess is what you're looking for in "meatier, more strategic").
Yeah, pretty much this.
Also, if you are mostly going to be playing 2p games, there are many games designed solely for two players that might fit your needs (I can't recommend any because I almost never play 2p only, sorry)
Random Question. In Ticket to Ride are you supposed to keep your "mission cards" (the routes, I don't remember what they're called) hidden? I think in the instructions it says you're supposed to but it seems like the game would be more strategic if you knew where exactly people were trying to go.
Yes, you are supposed to keep them hidden. If revealed, you could easily block one another.
Random Question. In Ticket to Ride are you supposed to keep your "mission cards" (the routes, I don't remember what they're called) hidden? I think in the instructions it says you're supposed to but it seems like the game would be more strategic if you knew where exactly people were trying to go.
Next ToR should introduce a spying mechanic so we can peek at each other's routes and be butts to each other ;DYeah it's more interesting because you have to sort of guess where people are going if you're inclined toward blocking play.
Exodus looks like such a hot mess of components.
Unfortunately, only the base USA map is included, so it's not the complete experience without buying the additional content separate.
Hey Board Game GAF! I was wondering if you guys could recommend some new games for me and my group, we have a rotation of a couple games going when we meet, but could always have more. We tend to favor more strategic games, our rotation:
- Cosmic Encounter: By far our most played and my personal favorite.
- Risk: Though this was the game we started with, we have slowly moved away from it. Probably because of the long playtime.
- Settlers of Catan: Second most played game, a good standby. I prefer something with more player interaction though.
- Pandemic: Fun, different type of game from the rest. Would be open to more co-op games.
- Ticket to Ride: Newest addition to the rotation, but we all find it very fun.
I always go into shops and can never really tell if a game would be up our ally or not just by looking at the box. I recently looked at Descent and King of Tokyo though, those two seem like they could be fun. The group ranges from 3-5 players.
Hey guys, I come in search of help. Having a get toether this weekend with about 10 peeps and I'm curious if there are any good group games you could recommend. What was that Werewolf-esque game that involved freedom fighters? Was it called Resistance or something? I have Catan (6-player exp.), King of Tokyo, Pirate's Cove and stuff like that but is there any makeshift way you can think of for getting the group playing together?
Hey guys, I come in search of help. Having a get toether this weekend with about 10 peeps and I'm curious if there are any good group games you could recommend. What was that Werewolf-esque game that involved freedom fighters? Was it called Resistance or something? I have Catan (6-player exp.), King of Tokyo, Pirate's Cove and stuff like that but is there any makeshift way you can think of for getting the group playing together?
Descent 2nd Ed isn't really that complicated or long though. And if you have a consistent group it is fun to play the campaign. 'Cause really, you are recommending BSG, yet bagging on Descent?
I recommend Lords of Waterdeep. Great intro to worker placement games and your group will like the fantasy theme.
Yea BSG easily takes longer to play Descent 2nd edition and even 4 player games of Blood Bowl can go very long too.
Though I wouldn't recommend D2 just because it's a piss poor game
D1 4 lyfe!
Our 4-player Blood Bowl games are 2 hours long. I'm not sure how you would possibly make that game take anywhere near Descent length.
Depends on scenario, but D2 2 encounters, we can often run through in under 2 hours. 4 player Blood Bowl we've had drag at times, we prefer 3 player for it because of that.
- Battlestar Galactica is a must for 5 players. Absolutely brilliant game.
- King of Tokyo is a great buy. Plays quick and easy, and everyone always enjoys it.
- Blood Bowl Team Manager is fantastic for 4 players. Don't be turned away by the supposed "football" theme. It's really nothing to do with the sport and my group absolutely adores it, even though I'm the only one who actually likes football.
- Dominion is always good and usually popular for groups.
- Eclipse is an amazingly good strategic game but can get a little long. It also seems extremely complicated at first glance. Notice I said "seems" -- it's actually very elegantly designed and easy to understand once you're playing. But it is intimidating.
- I would recommend AGAINST Descent. It was overly complicated and long-winded for our group. If you're worried about long playtime I wouldn't really suggest it.
Descent 2nd Ed isn't really that complicated or long though. And if you have a consistent group it is fun to play the campaign. 'Cause really, you are recommending BSG, yet bagging on Descent?
I recommend Lords of Waterdeep. Great intro to worker placement games and your group will like the fantasy theme.
I fully admit it could just be my group. But BSG is an extremely straightforward game, and most of the interesting stuff happens in the discussions around it. Your actions are all very simple. The fun is really in how everyone interacts.
Descent is a mess where even something as simple as moving could be using "move points" or "stamina" and oh hey, which dice do I roll right now, oh right I have this ability, do I have line of sight here, treat this figure as a hero except the 50 ways in which they are nothing like a hero, etc. The heroes spend 15 minutes each round before their turn just discussing every possible permutation of the moves they could take this round. Then if anything goes wrong, it's another 10 minutes of discussion. Oh did you realize you could use your Heroic here? Oh shit, okay then what if I did that and.... *cue another 5 minutes* It was also very unbalanced for our group. We played the Intro, 3 First Acts, Interlude, and 1 Second Act, and only 1 of them was close. The others were landslide victories for one side or the other, which made it extremely boring for the losing side especially.
Descent also ran way longer for our group than any other game we play. To get through a single quest (two encounters) we would run upwards of 6 hours, with 5 being the most common. At the end, we're all exhausted. We get through a BSG game in 3 hours, easily, and then people want to wrap up with Tokyo or Waterdeep or something.
Our 4-player Blood Bowl games are 2 hours long. I'm not sure how you would possibly make that game take anywhere near Descent length.