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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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So bought 7 Wonders, Dominion Base & Intrigue as well as Stefan Feld's Trajan.

So the boardgames I've got in my library (started my collection in December of last year):

Elder Sign
Tzolk'in The Mayan Calendar
Space Cadets
Dominant Species
The Resistance
Ghost Stories
Exodus Proxima Centauri
Descent 2.0 & LOTW
Police Precinct
Sentinels of the Multiverse & Rook/Relics
So bought 7 Wonders, Dominion Base & Intrigue as well as Stefan Feld's Trajan.

So the boardgames I've got in my library (started my collection in December of last year):

Elder Sign
Tzolk'in The Mayan Calendar
Space Cadets
Dominant Species
The Resistance
Ghost Stories
Exodus Proxima Centauri
Descent 2.0 & LOTW
Police Precinct
Sentinels of the Multiverse & Rook/Relics

Thats one hell of a collection for 3 months of work, haha.

Played 7 wonders last week,what a great game.

Yeah, 7 wonders is a lot of fun. Its really weird how its pockets of 3 player games, haha. We hadnt learned how to play very well yet, so it seemed really unbalanced for who ever was playing Giza! We played 3 quick matches and GIZA WON EVERY TIME!! haha.
recently picked up Talisman on a whim and my family (wife+kid) have been having fun playing it.

any recommendations on similarish games maybe co-op dungeon crawling kind of experience?


Were you playing the 2nd edition of Descent timetokill? Been playing that with my friends and it doesn't feel too long and we're having a blast. Mage Knight on the other hand was terribly long so we sold it. When I told this to some friends of mine in another board game group they were confused until I said we were doing the second edition which is apparently a lot faster.
Were you playing the 2nd edition of Descent timetokill? Been playing that with my friends and it doesn't feel too long and we're having a blast. Mage Knight on the other hand was terribly long so we sold it. When I told this to some friends of mine in another board game group they were confused until I said we were doing the second edition which is apparently a lot faster.

Yeah, we were playing 2nd edition. Maybe it's just my group. We tend to be very thorough and meticulous about everything. The game is just complex in an inelegant way, unlike something like say Eclipse which has a lot of moving parts but works fine for us and is something we play through fairly quickly.


Were you playing the 2nd edition of Descent timetokill? Been playing that with my friends and it doesn't feel too long and we're having a blast. Mage Knight on the other hand was terribly long so we sold it. When I told this to some friends of mine in another board game group they were confused until I said we were doing the second edition which is apparently a lot faster.

Your friends said Descent second edition, or Mage Knight was a lot faster? Cause if its the latter they're certifiably insane.

It's the same game


Played The Resistance with 7 & 8 people over the past two nights. Played it five times.

Holy shit the game is so good. It makes everyone hate one another! Seems a bit stacked against the resistance team, though...


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
Anyone have any good suggestions or personal favourites for solo games?

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
Anyone have any good suggestions or personal favourites for solo games?
I recommend the Lord of the Rings Living Card Game. I've only played with the core set and I've already gotten tons of value out of it purely as a solo play (in fact, I find the solo game better than the co-op). Aside from the great mechanics and theme, it has the variety and strong customization elements that are traditional card game strengths but rare among solo board games.
Anyone have any good suggestions or personal favourites for solo games?
Co-ops work fine. As for non co-ops, I've solo'd CO2 and Agricola. Both work well solo but are mostly high score chases. As for a legit solo game, I really enjoy Friday. It's designed by the guy who designed Power Grid. It's a solo deck building game where you are trying to gain stronger cards in the hopes to defeat the pirates at the end. Really difficult game, but it plays in minutes, it has a small footprint so it can be played pretty much anywhere, and its cheap.
Played The Resistance with 7 & 8 people over the past two nights. Played it five times.

Holy shit the game is so good. It makes everyone hate one another! Seems a bit stacked against the resistance team, though...

Depends on the group. My group has many excellent players that make amazing spies.
Finally played my copy of suburbia. Great game, amazing theme if a little overdone (goals are too much IMO) the only downside is that it's very prone to AP.
Finally played my copy of suburbia. Great game, amazing theme if a little overdone (goals are too much IMO) the only downside is that it's very prone to AP.

Its a joke in my gaming group. They get a kick out of it. I was the first to introduce the term, so I told my cousin he was engaging in AP. My brother and other cousins all turned to look at each other and then all laughed and started mocking my cousin. They also like the schism in board games; "Ameri-trash" and "Euro".


Anyone have any good suggestions or personal favourites for solo games?

Mage Knight is great solo. I play Descent 2nd Ed solo and love it. Lotr lcg is great. Any good historical war game without hidden info is usually good solo. Conflict of Heroes and Lock n Load games are good war games for solo play.


Gold Member
Anyone have any good suggestions or personal favourites for solo games?

Yggdrasil is a nice solo game. It is easier with just one player so you can ramp up the difficulty which is nice.

Elder Sign is fun, but I mostly just play the Omens app.

For dedicated solo games, the Hornet Leader & Thunderbolt/Apache Leader games are AWESOME, especially TAL. DVG really has a good system with TAL, I hope he exploits the hell out of it.

Victory Point Games makes a bunch of solo games. Nemo's War is a classic. Legion of Darkness is a fun fantasy theme to their States of Siege system (which basically has the player trying to beat back 4-5 lines of advancing enemies. The cards all a surprising amount of theme, be it fantasy or historical). I have one of their new boxed games on order, if they can up their production quality to match the game play they will be a force to be reckoned with.

I have Fields of Fire, which is supposed to be a stellar solo platoon tactics game, but was defeated by the rules. There is a new rulebook out, gotta try it out.

Runebound is pretty fun solo, you just race against a clock mechanism. I actually think FFG is gonna reboot both Runebound and Arkham Horror in the next few years, which will probably be for the better, despite the wailing of the interwebs of all the guys (like me) who have the hundreds of dollars of expansions for these games. Getting rid of the movement dice mechanic in Runebound will go a long way to making that game play better. I like the fidelity of the combat system, but it is slow. I don't necessarily want it reduced to a single die roll, but some streamlining might help.
Zombicide season 2 kickstarter already on the way and it's made a ton of money already: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/coolminiornot/zombicide-season-2?ref=CoolMiniOrNot

What's odd is how much people are throwing at the game when there is not even any stretch goals listed.
$252,000 in about 2 hours! It's insanity. I'm only in for the Prison Outbreak and TCM. I might toss in an extra survivor or two but that's about it. It's already expensive with just the two game boxes.
I want to buy my first expansion for Dominion. Any suggestions?

Might depend a bit on what you're looking for, but Intrigue/Seaside/Prosperity are the perennial favorite expansions. Intrigue is maybe the most interactive, Seaside maybe the most game/play style chaning, and Prosperity introduces a lot of really expensive high end cards (plus a new value of money, platinum, to help afford them).


Sailor Stevenson

X-Wing tonight. so goddamn good. can't wait for the wave 2 ships to arrive, they all shipped this week


May contain jokes =>
I want to buy my first expansion for Dominion. Any suggestions?

I recommend Prosperity and a copy of this:


Prosperity adds some interesting new mechanics but still less overwhelming than Seaside is with the new stuff. It also adds the Platinum and Colony cards which are awesome. And the Base Cards upgrade gets rid of the old victory, money, curse cards and replaces them with ones with fantastic art. It really upgrades the look of your whole game substantially.
Zombicide season 2 kickstarter already on the way and it's made a ton of money already: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/coolminiornot/zombicide-season-2?ref=CoolMiniOrNot

What's odd is how much people are throwing at the game when there is not even any stretch goals listed.
I'm honestly surprised this is happening even though none of the stretch goals have really moved along with the first one. The abomination pack has shipped, but non of the kickstarter bonus characters ever happened.
I'm honestly surprised this is happening even though none of the stretch goals have really moved along with the first one. The abomination pack has shipped, but non of the kickstarter bonus characters ever happened.
Supposedly they are going to be shipping sometime this month or early next month. Even during he campaign they said the other promos would ship after Zombicide.


Zombicide season 2 kickstarter already on the way and it's made a ton of money already: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/coolminiornot/zombicide-season-2?ref=CoolMiniOrNot

What's odd is how much people are throwing at the game when there is not even any stretch goals listed.

Time to watch the WatchItPlayed feature of the first season. I really like the art style and the tons of miniatures.
Maybe I'll get the 220 tier with everything. My group loves zombies a lot.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
It's just a glorified preorder system. People are "throwing money at the game" because they want to buy it.

Yeah, it's not even like the people that support them through kickstarter get a discount or anything. They list the MSRP, and the kickstarter tiers are LITERALLY just summed up MSRP's as orders. It's a terrible system and not what kickstarter should be.

Okay guys, a question: What are some good "short" (45mins tops, ish) games that can be played by up to 5 players? I'm looking for some work-lunchbreak games, so they shouldn't be too long... I'm looking for 30-45mins, maybe an hour tops, but keep in mind that we don't just crazy rush through games, since it's a lunchbreak and we try and relax too :p I'm thinking games like 7 Wonders which has been a HUGE success for a lunch game, since it's pretty short, simple, fun and supports a lot of people. And it also has good replayability because of the different strategies, so we can bust it out quite often.

I'm thinking maybe RFTG, but I'm not sure how long it takes and I also don't think it supports 5p? (or maybe with an expansion?)

Again, we don't rush, so I don't think something like Dominion (where you can go REALLY fast if everyone plays fast, but I don't think we would) would work, but I can probably try. e.g. We play 7 Wonders with everyone presenting their picks one after the other, not everyone doing it at the same time ;)
It's just a glorified preorder system. People are "throwing money at the game" because they want to buy it.

Yea I know, the actual game figs are already all done even and shown in plastic in the videos, which means they paid the main portion of the production already by having all the figs made for season 2 and the expansion. They also say the game is 90% done. They can afford to produce the game, the kickstarter is just to sell stretch goals at this point.


Yeah, it's not even like the people that support them through kickstarter get a discount or anything. They list the MSRP, and the kickstarter tiers are LITERALLY just summed up MSRP's as orders. It's a terrible system and not what kickstarter should be.

Okay guys, a question: What are some good "short" (45mins tops, ish) games that can be played by up to 5 players? I'm looking for some work-lunchbreak games, so they shouldn't be too long... I'm looking for 30-45mins, maybe an hour tops, but keep in mind that we don't just crazy rush through games, since it's a lunchbreak and we try and relax too :p I'm thinking games like 7 Wonders which has been a HUGE success for a lunch game, since it's pretty short, simple, fun and supports a lot of people. And it also has good replayability because of the different strategies, so we can bust it out quite often.

I'm thinking maybe RFTG, but I'm not sure how long it takes and I also don't think it supports 5p? (or maybe with an expansion?)

Again, we don't rush, so I don't think something like Dominion (where you can go REALLY fast if everyone plays fast, but I don't think we would) would work, but I can probably try. e.g. We play 7 Wonders with everyone presenting their picks one after the other, not everyone doing it at the same time ;)

King of Tokyo?
Supposedly they are going to be shipping sometime this month or early next month. Even during he campaign they said the other promos would ship after Zombicide.
Yeah, but it's somewhat rubbing me the wrong way that those promos are still "on their way" while season 2 is already announced, shown with great detail, etc...

Just wrapped up working on a quick 2 day prototype at Board Game Jam in Toronto. I've been grinding away at a different game for a while, so this was a good 2 day rush exercise to force me to get something done, and force a bunch of playtesting quick. I've ended up with some heavy euro-style bidding/area control game based on a food truck theme. It probably was more than what could have been properly done in 2 days, but I'm surprised how it all came together.

I'm not sure if there's any interest in this, but I figured I'd mention it here. I was thinking about blogging the design details, and even list the numbers/parts for people to download and make their own to try it out.


Just got back from board games all weekend in Dallas.

Got in some Rune Wars, Resistance, Formula D, Zombicide, SW LCG, Bellfort, and Puerto Rico, amongst others.

First time Rune wars and the SW LCG.

We had 3 people in Rune Wars, and the other first timer didn't quite get a grasp on how the game played so felt he was doing poorly. I thought he could make it back pretty easily given that I was vying for the last dragonrune against the veteran player with our huge armies. Anyway, we voted to draw the match because he felt so far behind he lost interest in playing. I'd still play it again, especially now that I have a better grasp on the mechanics. The game has a good strategy aspect to it (which is pretty core to any game I'd want to play) and has a pretty epic feel with the number of minis you can build for your army. Not too sure about the heroes mechanic of the game. It felt like the heroes I drew didn't do very much but maybe I didn't get the interesting ones. I had one that killed an enemy triangle in his hex upon ending his quest phase. The others seemed more focused on killing other heroes in a duel, so maybe I should've sought out other heroes to kill instead of running around exploring.

The SW LCG I played against my former netrunner buddy (the Rune Wars vet). He didn't like the defensive aspect of being the corp and picked this up in favor of the offense/defense balance choice you can play in SW LCG. It's a neat concept, but I don't think it's as unique as netrunner's asymmetrical deck designs. The deckbuilding part is new to me though, where you build your deck from the objectives, and the objectives determine which cards go into your deck. I didn't really dabble into it to much, as I used the decks he already had constructed to play. I really enjoy the edge battles, even though I'm pretty sure I lost 90% of them. Having that first hit advantage is really, really good, as I found out. ;-; Still, managed to pull out undefeated with tactical bombardment of objectives. Unfortunately, as he's pretty much given up on netrunner, I don't have anyone IRL to play against anymore so I'm probably going to stop buying for the game as well.
Finally played the Uncharted board game after picking it up on a clearance sale. Actually is a fun little game. The card design/artwork on some of it looks pretty bad taking random snips of video game shots and slapping them on cards while some cards have really nice official artwork as well, so it looks inconsistent. The game itself though is a fun race for treasure type of game where players compete over drafting cards. Game is also full of cards that constantly target the lead player keeping victory point scores constantly fluctuating and stopping someone from gaining a massive lead on others. Also includes optional mode rules to play coop style of game and a more competitive variant that is like deathmatch.
Talisman is pretty different game from what you see nowadays, it's an old style of game thats not for everyone and they don't seem to make much like it anymore. For coop dungeon crawler type of game, there is the DnD board game, Mice and Mystics, and such though they are more complex games than Talisman and not as family friendl.y
Talisman is pretty different game from what you see nowadays, it's an old style of game thats not for everyone and they don't seem to make much like it anymore. For coop dungeon crawler type of game, there is the DnD board game, Mice and Mystics, and such though they are more complex games than Talisman and not as family friendl.y

thanks dude, those actually do look like what I'm looking for.

Another thing I like about these board games is I'm thinking about painting the minatures which will let me enjoy that aspect of the hobby without the expense of tabletop gaming.


Not too sure about the heroes mechanic of the game. It felt like the heroes I drew didn't do very much but maybe I didn't get the interesting ones.

If you werent playing with the expansion then it wasn't just you. Heroes suck in the base game. With the Xpack, they support troops and can move outside of the Summer phase.


If you werent playing with the expansion then it wasn't just you. Heroes suck in the base game. With the Xpack, they support troops and can move outside of the Summer phase.

I think we had the xpack then? Unless you meant they actually got their own movements in spring/fall/winter like they do in summer. What we played with, you could strategize, mobilize or conquer with heroes as well. We had a commanding hero and a questing hero to start with. The commander had an ability that would help in battle. Mine wasn't used at all as it gave strength after a battle based on fate draws that depended on my intelligence. I drew a new one with flanking or something that I tossed back to discard before I realized it was a lot better than what I had originally -_-.


Still got my copy heh.

Anyways Descent 1st Ed was the closest thing to it. Some other similar dungeon crawls though like Descent 2nd Ed, DnD board games, Dungeon Run, Claustraphobia, etc

Lucky you, wish I still had mine. As I recall, parts of my copy were scavenged for use in WarHammer games as scenery. Granted, I was probably 10 when I got it, and never thought that I would still want to play it 20 years later...ah well.

Pretty sure Descent was the one I heard form someone at my local game store as being similar, will look into it. Thanks mate.


I think we had the xpack then? Unless you meant they actually got their own movements in spring/fall/winter like they do in summer. What we played with, you could strategize, mobilize or conquer with heroes as well. We had a commanding hero and a questing hero to start with. The commander had an ability that would help in battle. Mine wasn't used at all as it gave strength after a battle based on fate draws that depended on my intelligence. I drew a new one with flanking or something that I tossed back to discard before I realized it was a lot better than what I had originally -_-.

Yep that's the expansion. Even then, I'll agree they're the weakest part of the game. Still like Runewars a lot though.
A buddy and I went and bought a couple new board games this weekend, he got Steam and I got CO2.

Steam is pretty cool, I am generally pretty disinterested in Trains, so the theme does nothing for me, but the tile placement and decision making of when to move the goods, and what other players Links to use when you need to move something far is fun. We played a 5 player match, and it was pretty tight between 3 of us down to the very end, me and the guy who bought it actually tied VP wise, but he was 1 better on the income track, so he won the tie breaker :(

Great game though! He actually bought it because he enjoys games like Power Grid that have bidding in it, but then when we played Steam we played the standard game without any bidding, haha. Oh well! next time!

CO2 we unfortunately didnt get around to playing, we were planning on playing Power Grid: Japan and then CO2 later in the day, but Power Grid took longer than we thought, and our dinner break went a little long as well. Oh well! I might be able to get a game of CO2 in during the week, so it should work out! The art on CO2 is worth the price already though.
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