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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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I just got a used copy of the first defenders of the realm hero expansion (listed as minor damage) and I have a minor issue the Chaos Wizard card is damaged and I can't make out how much HP he is supposed to have. I am guessing he has 5 or 6 given his abilities but if anyone could confirm how much he is supposed to have that would be great.

Aside from that my set is fine so overall I am happy with my buy, it'd just be nice to be sure I am using the character as designed, and google/youtube hasn't been any help with that.


Is it just me, or is "The Emperor's New Clothes" Kickstarter completely stupid? Unless I'm missing out on something, it seems like a bad joke. I don't know how its so close to funding.
So tried the new Batman: Gotham City board game. It's a Wizkids game. Very simple game, rules are essentially 3-4 pages only but it's actually pretty neat little game with it's theme. The only issue that we had and appears many others are having is that the game just goes on too long. 4 players took us a little over 2 hours to play. We all liked the game but all felt it dragged. Less players will make it go faster for sure but still for a light game like this, it should move quicker. Lot of ideas for speeding it up are being tossed around on the bgg boards and we had an idea of a house rule to speed it up too.
So tried the new Batman: Gotham City board game. It's a Wizkids game. Very simple game, rules are essentially 3-4 pages only but it's actually pretty neat little game with it's theme. The only issue that we had and appears many others are having is that the game just goes on too long. 4 players took us a little over 2 hours to play. We all liked the game but all felt it dragged. Less players will make it go faster for sure but still for a light game like this, it should move quicker. Lot of ideas for speeding it up are being tossed around on the bgg boards and we had an idea of a house rule to speed it up too.
Shame about the length. I'm still looking forward to giving this a shot but now I'll consider less than four players.


Yeah thinking of jumping in on the Inmate level for the Prison set. Doing the Prison+ToxicMall seems like a dumb waste of money as there's no 'extra' value to it, the Toxic Mall will be available separately for less via CSI etc. Ta, Joey.

And that's me In for the Inmate level. Gah :)


does anyone have any recommendations for games that are small/light without too many parts that would be good to take on a short holiday?

forbidden island (that I already have) is pretty good, and was thinking about lost cities. preferably something reasonably deep without being to complicated in terms of pieces.
Shame about the length. I'm still looking forward to giving this a shot but now I'll consider less than four players.

Yea we liked it still, but everyone agreed on the 4p length. Everyone seems to say it gets quicker with 2-3, but I have a hard time getting that few of players.

It's like a light Batman theme Chaos in the Old World, but such light game should not drag on so long. House rules might be called for


does anyone have any recommendations for games that are small/light without too many parts that would be good to take on a short holiday?

forbidden island (that I already have) is pretty good, and was thinking about lost cities. preferably something reasonably deep without being to complicated in terms of pieces.

Lost Cities is awesome, highly recommended. Assuming you're talking about the card game keep in mind it's only two players if that matters.

Monopoly Deal is my most played card game (mainly because it's my kid's favorite). It's Monopoly boiled down to a simple, fast-paced version that is surprisingly fun to play, considering the source material. Very approachable to non-gamers too thanks to the familiar theme.

Have you ever played Race For The Galaxy or San Juan? Both are card games with minimal extra pieces, reasonably deep (RFTG moreso than SJ) and great fun. San Juan is a little more approachable, which RFTG is a little more challenging to learn, but a little more rewarding as well. Both are great though.
does anyone have any recommendations for games that are small/light without too many parts that would be good to take on a short holiday?

forbidden island (that I already have) is pretty good, and was thinking about lost cities. preferably something reasonably deep without being to complicated in terms of pieces.

These are games in my library on the much lighter end. Still fun to play, but I can bring them out to play with almost anyone, regardless of skill level:

Board Games:
Ticket To Ride, really, needs no introduction.
Blokus is a 4-player Tetris-like game where you're just trying to fit as many pieces on the board as possible. Extremely simple rules, very deep/though-provoking gameplay, and quick.
Sequence is like a 4-player Connect Four games with cards and luck. 15 games can be played over 2 hours (and has, many times).

Card Games:
Quiddler is a word spelling game with gin-rummy card drawing rules. Very fun, but you need a dictionary for challenges.
Phase 10 is an interesting twist on gin-rummy where players are trying to build different types of hands depending on what round they're at. It's a fun game and can last a good amount of time.


These are games in my library on the much lighter end. Still fun to play, but I can bring them out to play with almost anyone, regardless of skill level:

Board Games:
Ticket To Ride,
Blokus i

I might be mistaken, but I believe panda21 is looking for games that are light in the sense of "below x kg". In the same line of thought TTR has many parts with its 250 plastic trains and 150 cards.
I just got back from PAX East, which I never associated with board games. It was a full 3rd of the floor space which took me by surprise. I took this pic early on Friday, but on Saturday and Sunday it was completely packed.


I saw lots of great stuff and played a few as well. I only walked away with a few games though because the prices were a goddamn joke. Who charges MSRP + 10$? PAX booth shops, apparently. I actually walked the floor with my Amazon app open and just added games I wanted to buy. That way I didn't have to carry anything or transport it back home. When I got home it was all waiting for me I ended up with around 8 new games and saved 30-40% off of PAX price gouging. I did crack and buy this at PAX because I found a booth that had this game same as the Amazon price but also had extras + swag:


Which, after a semi drunken playthrough with a group of friends at PAX prompted me to immediately order this:

Board game wise, I wanted Zombicide and Zpocolypse but I figured both of those have kickstarters I wanted to research where I can get more bang for my buck. I played the X-Wing miniature game which was surprisingly simple (basic rules, obviously), and my Tie fighters destroyed the Xwing in 3 turns, no losses. I also played Dungeon, which is a childhood favorite of mine. I still intend on picking up Forbidden Island in the very near future.
does anyone have any recommendations for games that are small/light without too many parts that would be good to take on a short holiday?

forbidden island (that I already have) is pretty good, and was thinking about lost cities. preferably something reasonably deep without being to complicated in terms of pieces.

Jambo should still be around as it came back in print recently. Just cards and some tokens, the box is small.
It's easy to learn but there's lots of interactions and combinations.
It's from the 2P Kosmos range. I'm on holidays soon and bought it for that reason.
Also bringing Gloria Picktoria, San Juan and Carcassonne (+Inns & Cathedrals).


Hail to the KING baby
I just got back from PAX East, which I never associated with board games. It was a full 3rd of the floor space which took me by surprise. I took this pic early on Friday, but on Saturday and Sunday it was completely packed.
Oh man, I went to the first two Pax Easts and I think all I did was play board games. :D

At the first one, there was a small library and a nice full room of players, but boardgaming wasn't quite as popular as it is now, seems like Pax East boardgaming has totally blown up since.


Before PAX East I used to attended various Unity Games conventions, etc. I really enjoy playing games at PAX and meeting some of the designers!

I grabbed the game 1st and Goal. I have been staring it down since I first saw it a few years ago. It really is a ton of fun!

I like to support various places like Battlegrounds and indi designers so I left with a few games. 1st and Goal (and expansion), X-wing miniature game (and Slave 1), Gauntlet of Fools, Cards against the Humanity (and all 3 exp packs), Citadel, and a super secret 2 player game for my wife's B-day next month.


PAX originated over the love of just video and tabletop games.

Know Your History. :)

And Eskimo: Nice picks. They're both fabulous. Just got my 3rd Exp for CAH, can't wait to play it (won't open the cards until game time!)

Need a little feedback from GAF:

  • Just picked up Game of Thrones: TBG! Hearing it's much better than TCG. Haven't opened her up yet, but would love any advice or just general knowledge on improving the experience or flow. What should I expect in this game? I don't wanna dig thru reviews on Youtube or BGG. I just want general impressions and some shared experiences.
  • Zombicide. Ordered it off Amazon after diving head first into the Kickstarter for Season 2 stuff. I'm heavily into Last Night on Earth, having nearly ALL of the expansions and add-ons for it. Will I be ditching Last Night? Vice-versa? How are your Zombicide impressions? I saw lots playing it last year at PAX Prime and was highly interested, but was already well invested into Last Night. Lastly, any S1 players of Zombicide seen the Kickstarter for Season 2? What are your impressions?
  • Painting. Please do not lecture me on "You should just paint on your own" or "go and learn yourself", etc etc. I'm tired of hearing it on BGG and elsewhere. Point being: Does anyone have a recommendation for someone or some company to commission miniatures painting to? Mainly for my zombie and generic D&D/fantasy-based miniatures for my board games. Don't need fancy. Just quick (well, I know QUICK isn't the best word), reliable and affordable. As much as I want to learn painting on my own, I simply don't have the time. I absolutely LOVE my tabletop gaming. But I would rather apply that love with having miniatures painted properly, done by someone who truly loves to paint them, and saving myself the time to continue investing in my many other interests.

Ok, I think I'm done for now...lol.


Zombicide and Last Night on Earth have pretty much zero similarities outside of their being zombies in the theme.

I understand the basic elemental differences: PvE vs PvP, pace of combat, etc.

But I want to know nuances, experiences, situational comparisons. That sort of stuff. Stuff you could share a story about from sessions. Did you and/or your party run away from these similar situations? Could I blast my way thru X with Y, but if Z occurred I could only do "this" in Last Night. That sort of stuff. I know what the games represent, but I'd like to know how they FEEL. I think you catch my drift... ;)
Finally got a chance to try out the Blood Bowl Team Manager expansion last night.

I was the only one who didn't get to try a new race (I played Orcs) and I came in last, though it's too early to tell if that means the new guys are too tough or if things just didn't go my way. I will say that the "resurrect" skill is a fucking killer when you're playing Orcs though, since you often want to injure guys over two turns, and having guys stand back up can really mess up your entire goal.

I loved the enchanted footballs though, they added a really great element, and the contracts were fun too.
I understand the basic elemental differences: PvE vs PvP, pace of combat, etc.

But I want to know nuances, experiences, situational comparisons. That sort of stuff. Stuff you could share a story about from sessions. Did you and/or your party run away from these similar situations? Could I blast my way thru X with Y, but if Z occurred I could only do "this" in Last Night. That sort of stuff. I know what the games represent, but I'd like to know how they FEEL. I think you catch my drift... ;)

Err that is pretty wide array of things to say. The games have zero gameplay similarities so it's not easy to compare them at all. LNOE is more survival based with heavy focus on scenario play. Zombicide is essentially Left 4 Dead with dice. You often will avoid zombies in LNOE while in Zombicide you are a zombie killing machine and each players is racking up massive kill counts to level up. Zombicide is much simpler game that is very straight forward even in it's scenarios. While LNOE has much more variety of scenarios and situations due to all the unique cards players can play, as well as opponents playing cards against you. Zombicide is quick paced dice chucker that feels like a video game turned into a board game. LNOE is more like playing out classic zombie movie scenarios, you often want to avoid fights with zombies and they are hard to kill, yet in zombicide you mow them down like they are nothing.

LNOE is no doubt more fiddly especially as you add more expansions with all those unique situations.


Hail to the KING baby
Holy crap -- that new Relic game ha a 240m playing time? Yikes.

Was going to create a new CSI order with stuff like Libertalia in order to get the latest Netrunner data pack. But the data pack actually sucks (imo, at least for my factions -- HB & Crim) so I'll wait for the next one and for there to be more games out. :)
Holy crap -- that new Relic game ha a 240m playing time? Yikes.

Was going to create a new CSI order with stuff like Libertalia in order to get the latest Netrunner data pack. But the data pack actually sucks (imo, at least for my factions -- HB & Crim) so I'll wait for the next one and for there to be more games out. :)

Well it's Talisman basically with slightly less randomness, so yea I can see it.


Whoa. Ed Carter just updated his Glory to Rome Kickstarter page -- apparently he lost his house and just dodged having to file for bankruptcy.

I feel bad for the guy. He also mentioned that his girlfriend is banning him from BGG because of all the negativity he got from there. Would be nice if people were a little less aggro/more understanding about things.

I would hate to be a person that made/sold things nowadays. It is bad enough being a writer.


Whoa. Ed Carter just updated his Glory to Rome Kickstarter page -- apparently he lost his house and just dodged having to file for bankruptcy.

I feel bad for the guy. He also mentioned that his girlfriend is banning him from BGG because of all the negativity he got from there. Would be nice if people were a little less aggro/more understanding about things.

I would hate to be a person that made/sold things nowadays. It is bad enough being a writer.

double you double you double you dot bee gee gee dot com.

I'll make the popcorn.

Edit: Now that I've read it, I have little sympathy for the guy. I certainly don't wish his life to be ruined, but the update is laced with a high concentration of horse shit. He claims he's finally working again after 6 months, but I specifically remember Wake Carter (who left the company because he can obviously tell his brother is a fucking moron) mentioning several times on BGG that they had tried to get an update from Ed but he was too busy with his real job. C'mon buddy.

And the banning from BGG is laughable. The site is a fucking lifeline into what drives boardgames to exist in the manner they do. Cutting that off is shortsighted and spiteful. Are people overly negative on there? Maybe, but it's over a year and a half since the funding and people still don't have their game. If he'd been helpful and informative during the process then he'd have a leg to stand on.

He went overseas and left his crew to take the blame. How many people left their job there? 4? 5? That's a good percentage of the team. That doesn't just happen for no good reason, especially since two of them were hired fairly recently before the funding.

As is?

Fuck that guy.
Whoa. Ed Carter just updated his Glory to Rome Kickstarter page -- apparently he lost his house and just dodged having to file for bankruptcy.

I feel bad for the guy. He also mentioned that his girlfriend is banning him from BGG because of all the negativity he got from there. Would be nice if people were a little less aggro/more understanding about things.

I would hate to be a person that made/sold things nowadays. It is bad enough being a writer.
Sucks that the guy lost his house but he really has no one to blame but himself. The man had $73,000, of real money, to produce a card game that was already designed and existed before. He wasn't a rookie in the business so why did the project fail so miserably? My guess is Ed wasn't as hands on as he thought he was, and if he was he's an asshole for making his largely volunteer staff take the heat while he hid.

This whole thing might make for a good story, Glory to Rome both made and broke that company. An in depth post-mortum might make a good read.


I don't know. Clearly the guy fucked up a lot. But I feel like there's a very narrow margin of error with this stuff. One false move and you're toast. I can see how a situation like this could snowball pretty badly.

If anything he's an object lesson to anybody else who thinks that Kickstarters are a snap.

I guess my position is that everybody deserves sympathy -- even people who make a bunch of bad decisions and even might be an asshole.
I am now the proud owner of Space Hulk 3rd edition. Now to learn to paint..


Great pick up. I still have 1 last sealed copy to sell! I keep hesitating because if the possibilty that the price will keep going up, but I think it peaked a few years ago. I just need to bite the bullet and sell it already.
Kind of excited about the Bioshock Board Game made by Plaid Hat. http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/132428/bioshock-infinite-the-siege-of-columbia

Those guys make excellent games and this looks really cool. Looking forward to the reviews.

I liked both Summoner Wars and Mice & Mystics. I ordered the Limited Edition Bioshock guide just to get the exclusive card for the board game. Got a friend at work that gave me the premium edition handyman mini for the board game too. Glad its available fore preorder now.


Gold Member
I am now the proud owner of Space Hulk 3rd edition. Now to learn to paint..

There is an edition of GWs magazine (White Dwarf?) that is all about Space Hulk and how to paint the minis. I have the one for Dread Fleet, but the Space Hulk one is hard to find and/or expensive. But if you wanna paint it up like the GW guys, it is probably your best bet.


Neo Member
This week was the first time we got descent 2nd edition to the table, and it has left me with some mixed feelings. So far I hadn't any problems with the game itself or its often debated balance between the overlord and the heroes, but.... funnily enough it created a rather hostile mood at our table. People were getting pissed off by my actions as an OL, bad dice luck, stuff they perceive as unbalanced despite the final score being very close etc. I gotta say that this is a group that plays resistance, spartacus, cosmic encounter and other incendiary games regularly and without any troubles, or at least while managing to keep an appearance of joyfulness/friendliness, so all the vitriol will at least give me pause before suggesting playing descent with this group again.


I just got back from PAX East, which I never associated with board games. It was a full 3rd of the floor space which took me by surprise. I took this pic early on Friday, but on Saturday and Sunday it was completely packed.

That is closing in on GenCon levels, nice! I might have to go next year.
I kickstarted Expedition:Famous Explorers. I'm into this board gaming hobby too deep...

Oh and I got Agricola, Die Burgen von Burgund (I'm on a Stefan Feld kick), Power Grid, Escape The Curse of the Temple, Lords of Waterdeep and Twilight Imperium. I should be set for the rest of the year...but I know I'll probably pick up more.


First tragedy, then farce.
I kickstarted Expedition:Famous Explorers. I'm into this board gaming hobby too deep...

Oh and I got Agricola, Die Burgen von Burgund (I'm on a Stefan Feld kick), Power Grid, Escape The Curse of the Temple, Lords of Waterdeep and Twilight Imperium. I should be set for the rest of the year...but I know I'll probably pick up more.

I remember those days. "I have 6 games, that is plenty". Start cleaning out a closet. It'll be your board game closet soon.
I remember those days. "I have 6 games, that is plenty". Start cleaning out a closet. It'll be your board game closet soon.
Yup. Looks like I need a shelf unit now as this stuff begins to pile up.

Cards against Humanity 3rd expansion showed up, haven't tried it yet, but some pretty good questions in there. But with all three expansions, the card stack for this game seems to be ridiculous to place when playing the game.

Tried City of Horror last night: Quite a different game than I had expected, and much less about surviving zombies and more about screwing other people over. At the start of the game I had first move, where I used it to enter into the only empty spot in the map. The three other players were going to vote for my death, so I just blew all the action cards within that round, killing the zombies in that area and blowing up the armoury right away.

Also had recently started Race for the Galaxy: is there a good way to introduce that game to people? I find that explaining the game for a beginner seems to be quite impossible due to the amount of variations in actions you can do based on the planets/production you own.
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