Played some games with my cousin over the weekend:
- Mage Knight: Really deep and fun game. Took us probably 3+ hours to get through it, but I really enjoyed everything about it. Probably the most intense game I've played in terms of rulesets, though. A good hour of that gametime was spent just going over the new mechanics as they revealed themselves.
- Black Spy: Basically hearts with an Uno element thrown in. I nearly did the "shoot the moon" equivalent and lost the very last trick and ate all those points. It hurts...
- Coup: Very basic game with a nice bluffing element that naturally pulls me in. Nothing like lying to everyone and getting away with it for awhile and dicking with people's heads. Lots of family people enjoyed it despite not being into games.
- Bohnanza: Yet another card game where you collect and barter for beans. Sounds dumb, but another free-form game where you can wheel and deal for bean cards makes it instantly fun for me. Everyone wanted to play immediately once the game was over so it definitely was a hit.
- Risk Legacy: We've been playing on our board for about 12 games now and finally added in the secret packet...which made things a little interesting, but naturally the effects that took place ended up handicapping me and I yet again had a shitty game. I hate to admit, but I went full on bitch mode and was furious with everyone for shitting on me in the early game, basically hamstringing any kind of a game I was going to have. I can apparently still throw a tantrum which is sad at this age. Great game in general, though.
...overall a nice week of games!