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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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That's a really slick gaming area. Building a house now and will have roughly 250 sq ft of finished basement of man cave I'm figuring out how to set up. Already planning on a comfy video game area with access to the NES, SNES, N64 and PS3, but something like that for the boardgames would be pretty neat. Shamelessly stealing this idea, thanks for the inspiration!

I wanted a geekchic table, but shipping was going to be more than the table. These style of poker tables work great for general gaming and having a standard table top on the other side is nice option.

It's a cheaper one I got from Amazon, was almost going to get a pro poker table from local game room shops here but those usually are 2k minimum.


Although I know almost nothing about it I am kinda excited for Glück Auf. A game by Kiesling and Kramer about mining. The theme is very dear to my heart since I grew up in the part of Germany which has big mining history and the saying "Glück Auf" is something I learned quite young. Hehe one of the rare times a theme gets me excited about a game.
It's pretty crazy how you can pick up this hefty game like Eclipse, expect to only play it once in a great while, and then pick up a game like Tichu for $7 and have it be demanded to be played every single week.

I guess that's the nice thing about board games. They're a long term investment. We still pull out and play games I've picked up years ago.


Got my new game table finally, opens up more room on the rest of the sides for more shelves, for more games >:)


Table top can be detached and flipped for a standard flat dining table surface if I need more space.
That is pretty damn awesome. Oh to have space and not live in an apartment!


Got my new game table finally, opens up more room on the rest of the sides for more shelves, for more games >:)


Table top can be detached and flipped for a standard flat dining table surface if I need more space.

Dominion in the white card box? I see Guilds too; give it a try yet?
Saw this new kickstarter pop up and the game looks interesting

The Agents

Like the concepts and more importantly, it seems cheap!

Yeah I saw that yesterday. Backed the $28 one. My first kickstarter!

Games I plan to invest in the future: Kemet, 7 Wonders, Conflict of Heroes, Tzolk'in, Ticket to Ride Europe, Puerto Rico with 7 Wonders and Kemet most likely being my next pickup at the end of the month.


Anyone have opinions on Smash Up? After watching it on Table Top, it looks like it has the kind of card interactions/synergy and planning that I like in a game. But I can't tell how replayable it is.


Anyone have opinions on Smash Up? After watching it on Table Top, it looks like it has the kind of card interactions/synergy and planning that I like in a game. But I can't tell how replayable it is.

Is replayable if you can get people to not always use the same factions, I also got the expansion, so far everyone I played it with has enjoyed it, is easy to pick up and play and quick for the most part. I am looking forward to the new expansion to add more stuff.


Played my first Tzolkin session with my mother of all people. We both liked it and she actually liked it more than Stone Age. Mechanism of the gears did it for her. What I have to say though is that the first game is hard. We did not get past 30 points. This will need a couple of plays before tactics get really developed.
Anyone have opinions on Smash Up? After watching it on Table Top, it looks like it has the kind of card interactions/synergy and planning that I like in a game. But I can't tell how replayable it is.
I hate it. There are better games out there that do the same thing. My problem with Smash Up is it takes too long to play for a game that has no depth. You are spending more time bookkeeping than actually making decisions. If you want a game that does the same thing as Smash Up (fight over territories with mixed teams) pick up Blood Bowl Team Manager. Both play in the same amount of time but BB:TM is more strategic and feels like a game with actual decisions.

The other reason why I hate Smash Up is the theme is pandering as fuck. "Der here's a team of Robot Zombies versus a team of Pirate Ninjas who will winzors!! derp da derp." Also that expansion name, Power Level 9000, fuck you Smash Up people.
Played my first Tzolkin session with my mother of all people. We both liked it and she actually liked it more than Stone Age. Mechanism of the gears did it for her. What I have to say though is that the first game is hard. We did not get past 30 points. This will need a couple of plays before tactics get really developed.
The first few games will be like that. The nice thing about Tz'olkin is there are a number of different viable strategies out there.
OzGameShop gave me a 20% off voucher... someone help me trim this list a bit.


(mostly play 2p with my wife, for reference)
Farmers of the Moor is pretty hardcore. My wife and I love Agricola and played it more than 20 times but we don't play with Moor. It adds too much complexity (like needing to heat your house) and Agricola doesn't feel like it really needs it.
Rattus is nice but it boild to a tiring back and forth with just 2. Still, nice game.
I agree that Moor is just too much, skip that.
Forbidden desert doesn't really look better than Forbidden Island.
Can't comment on Village but it looks pretty average to me.


Cheers for the advice on Agricola, it is our most played game by a distance.

Forbidden Desert was there because I don't own Forbidden Island and was after something a bit shorter and simpler when we don't have much time.
Yah, picked up the NL deck the other week, nice to change things up... what's the content of the expansion like? (already have animeeples printing of Agricola)
Animeeples and vegimeeples, new boards, a couple new decks including the X Deck which is just a deck of event cards that are alien related, and stickers to put on your player discs. It's kind of frivolous, to be honest, but its cute if you are into customizing your game.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Guys, I've kept thinking of a game but I'm not sure which one it is. It's basically Neuroshima Hex but with animals. Could it be Hive?

Also I keep looking at my wishlist... Are the Netrunner&GoT LCG's 2player-friendly? Like the LOTR LCG?


Hail to the KING baby
Guys, I've kept thinking of a game but I'm not sure which one it is. It's basically Neuroshima Hex but with animals. Could it be Hive?

Also I keep looking at my wishlist... Are the Netrunner&GoT LCG's 2player-friendly? Like the LOTR LCG?

Probably Hive.

NR is I think the #2 rated 2P game on BGG so yes. :D Usual caveats about complexity and whether you're comfortable with LCGs in general.


Cheers for the advice on Agricola, it is our most played game by a distance.

Forbidden Desert was there because I don't own Forbidden Island and was after something a bit shorter and simpler when we don't have much time.

I posted my impressions of Forbidden Desert earlier. I would recommend Forbidden Island over it. If you want some more meat get Flash Point. About the same play time as Forbidden Desert and fun with all player numbers. Since it is a coop you can always just play more than one character.

PS: I also never used the Agricola expansion. It always felt like too much.


Hail to the KING baby
I moved and I'm kinda scared to go to the gaming group I found on MeetUp. What if I don't like them?

That happened to me back in NJ -- terrible group. But go get 'em! (Or just move up to NorCal and you can come to our game night :D)


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Played some games with my cousin over the weekend:

- Mage Knight: Really deep and fun game. Took us probably 3+ hours to get through it, but I really enjoyed everything about it. Probably the most intense game I've played in terms of rulesets, though. A good hour of that gametime was spent just going over the new mechanics as they revealed themselves.

- Black Spy: Basically hearts with an Uno element thrown in. I nearly did the "shoot the moon" equivalent and lost the very last trick and ate all those points. It hurts...

- Coup: Very basic game with a nice bluffing element that naturally pulls me in. Nothing like lying to everyone and getting away with it for awhile and dicking with people's heads. Lots of family people enjoyed it despite not being into games.

- Bohnanza: Yet another card game where you collect and barter for beans. Sounds dumb, but another free-form game where you can wheel and deal for bean cards makes it instantly fun for me. Everyone wanted to play immediately once the game was over so it definitely was a hit.

- Risk Legacy: We've been playing on our board for about 12 games now and finally added in the secret packet...which made things a little interesting, but naturally the effects that took place ended up handicapping me and I yet again had a shitty game. I hate to admit, but I went full on bitch mode and was furious with everyone for shitting on me in the early game, basically hamstringing any kind of a game I was going to have. I can apparently still throw a tantrum which is sad at this age. Great game in general, though.

...overall a nice week of games!


I got bored a few weeks ago and ordered a full playset of the FF Star Wars LCG. So far I really love it. I was worried about the strange deck construction rules but now that the game has a larger card pool than just the base set I sit and build decks constantly. It has a very unique feel because when you have to make choices based on taking out and putting in sets of 6 cards at a time it really does change everything. My wife and I have been playing a few games of it a week and the ruleset is stupidly solid. So far we have not had any rules questions and for once the rulebook comes with a great layout of action windows and more advanced stuff like that.

I play Netrunner and GOT and I really think I am liking it a little better than both. GOT at this point is very complicated and filled with errata and restricted stuff. Netrunner is fucking amazing and I have no complaints about at all, but as awesome as the asymmetrical stuff is for my gamer friends my wife was really not into having to learn 2 games. Star Wars has some asymmetry but the base rules for the two sides are much more similar than in Netrunner.

I can't wait for the deluxe expansion for SW to come out next week (hopefully!) and really blow the card pool for the Smuggler faction and Scum and Villainy up. Apparently the game is selling very well (STAR WARS.) but I also think there is a really solid game under all of it.

Ultimately I cant keep up with 3 LCGs at the same time and I think Thrones is going to have to get dumped off the pile.
Star Wars LCG is really good, love the deck building rules of it, makes it lot harder to be a min max game and does somewhat enforce some fluff to be put into the card theme. Thrones I don't care for, bloated mess of a game to me.


Star Wars LCG is really good, love the deck building rules of it, makes it lot harder to be a min max game and does somewhat enforce some fluff to be put into the card theme. Thrones I don't care for, bloated mess of a game to me.

I did not realize in what a bad state Thrones was until I tried to teach it to a buddy recently. It is a fucking mess. With Star Wars and Netrunner FF has some amazing card games though.


I really want to buy SW LCG and LoTR LCG but already have a full plate with Magic and Netrunner. Will probably get LoTR because of the solo play.


I really want to buy SW LCG and LoTR LCG but already have a full plate with Magic and Netrunner. Will probably get LoTR because of the solo play.

I just burnt out of LotR about a month ago. I have played a ton of that game and had some great times but ultimately it started to feel like the same thing over and over. Also was not having many close quests anymore, just win easy or get run over. It's a neat game for a while though.
I just burnt out of LotR about a month ago. I have played a ton of that game and had some great times but ultimately it started to feel like the same thing over and over. Also was not having many close quests anymore, just win easy or get run over. It's a neat game for a while though.

The new easy modes and extra difficulty options we have enjoyed, some quests just feel unfair and require more luck than anything.


Had a short but fun game night last night. Busted out Neuroshima Hex 2v2 and Ticket to Ride Africa. Both were first time plays for most of the foursome.

I'm not so sure about NS Hex 2v2 with the default game. The Moloch faction adds some complexity (for example, they can injure their teammate) that seems to make it hard for that team to win. I may pick up an expansion to replace them and see how it plays.

And Ticket to Ride Africa may be my new favorite version of the game. It's very challenging with 4/5 players and the terrain cards add an interesting element without overloading the game with complexity. Great stuff.

Oh yeah and player Ticket to Ride Switzerland when one guy left. Love that one too.


Had a short but fun game night last night. Busted out Neuroshima Hex 2v2 and Ticket to Ride Africa. Both were first time plays for most of the foursome.

I'm not so sure about NS Hex 2v2 with the default game. The Moloch faction adds some complexity (for example, they can injure their teammate) that seems to make it hard for that team to win. I may pick up an expansion to replace them and see how it plays.

And Ticket to Ride Africa may be my new favorite version of the game. It's very challenging with 4/5 players and the terrain cards add an interesting element without overloading the game with complexity. Great stuff.

Oh yeah and player Ticket to Ride Switzerland when one guy left. Love that one too.

Man I hop Day of Wonder does a reprint of the India/Switzerland map. I really want it for lower player counts and just so i have all the extra maps.


Does anyone do the Team Covenant FFG LCG Subscription?

I watch their videos and stuff but honestly I just order stuff as it comes out. TC seems like a nice group of people though and I am sure they are reliable. They have a fine reputation.

As a note I wish I lived anywhere near that store. They support the hell out of the games they play.


I watch their videos and stuff but honestly I just order stuff as it comes out. TC seems like a nice group of people though and I am sure they are reliable. They have a fine reputation.

Yeah I really enjoy their crew. Looking forward to drinking some beers with them at GenCon.


Man I hop Day of Wonder does a reprint of the India/Switzerland map. I really want it for lower player counts and just so i have all the extra maps.

Weird - I never noticed it went out of print. I think my FLGS may have a copy - I'll check if you're interested in paying for shipping from Dallas, TX.


Weird - I never noticed it went out of print. I think my FLGS may have a copy - I'll check if you're interested in paying for shipping from Dallas, TX.

No, thank you. The shipping to Germany will probably cost a fortune and it's not worth it for just one game. At least not for me.


After seeing it mentioned so often in this thread I think I'm going to try Agricola. A couple of years ago when I got into board gaming I was was in a store holding the boxes of both Agricola and Puerto Rico. The guy from the store explained both games to me, outlined their similarities and differences, and I ended up buying Puerto Rico mostly because I valued player interaction most.

The more I look at videos of the game the more I get the impression that the playing experience is quite different from Puerto Rico (and Race for the Galaxy which I also own and find similar to Puerto Rico from a playing experience viewpoint). I hope Agricola is a nice complementary game for me and my group.

* Or I might pick up Through the Ages instead
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