The Le Havre rule book can not be worse than the Agricola one.
It's not. BM is just crazy. ;p
Le Havre is kinda confusing. "I get how many more actions before I gotta feed people?" "Wait, how do I get fuel?" "What's the difference between coal and coke?" "How can I tell if I can build something or buy something?"
Just a little dense is all
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding 'dense' in this context, but I really don't see how most of the answers to those questions can be any clearer. I pulled up the pdf and found the answer to all those in about a minute in concise wording.
-The turn in which a ship is placed on the seventh Supply tile is the last in
a round. At the end of this turn, the current Round card is resolved
(see “End of a Round” page 7)
-How do I get energy?
Energy (identifi ed by the light bulb symbol) is used for processing many
• There is wood (1 energy) on the “Wood” Offer space.Wood is upgraded to
charcoal (3 energy) at the Charcoal Kiln.
• There are 3-4 coal (3 energy each) in the Colliery.
• Coal is upgraded to coke (10 energy) in the Cokery.
• Any 1 good may be exchanged for 1 charcoal (3 energy) in the Business
Offi ce.
• Players can often receive 2 wood from the Black Market.
• The Special buildings include the Smelter, which provides 1 coke and
1 coal for a total of 13 energy, the Town Square, which contains 1 coke
and 1 charcoal for a total of 13 energy, the Coal Trader, where players can
exchange food for energy, the Labour Exchange, where players receive
1 coal for each hammer, and the Wind Farm, which saves 3 energy on each
-Only buildings in the Building Proposals can be built
The topmost buildings in the Building Proposals piles can either be
bought or built. Buildings that belong to the town cannot be built but can
only be bought (The buildings have already been constructed).