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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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I want to get it but it's a 2 player only game and won't get much play in my board game group.

I'm pretty much the opposite right now. I have a bunch of games for more than 2 players and sometimes when my wife wants to play a 2 player game the only thing we have is LOTR LCG which I'm kinda burned out on.

tm24 said:
I can't get over how these people have not been C&D by Stardock for pretty much ripping off the Fallen Enchantress logo. The color is exact and the font is barely changed. I thought it was associated with Fallen Enchantress until I looked for something saying stardock

Probably because they look absolutely nothing alike except that they are both blue.


Hail to the KING baby
I personally won't get rid of "essential" games, even if I rarely play them, if that's what you mean.

That said, I haven't played the expansion Astrolad mentioned, so one day maybe I'll get on another Pandemic tear.

The base game imo gets a little bit dry, but the expansion adds new EVERYTHING. Ton of rules, action cards, and then some of the new modes. But even without those, just for the roles and action cards it's worth it imo. Oh and the Petri dishes. (This is referring to the old version of Pandemic btw, not the new one with new art.)


Got another game of Kemet in. 3 player short game. Took it with 10-9-6 tally at the end.

If you remember I noted that the 5 player long game is really long. Well the three play short game is really short.

The power balance between the two is also interesting. There's three categories of power tiles, with a lot of uniques. We all went different paths so there wasn't a ton of fighting over who got what. That's a direct contrast to a 5 player game with two more people fighting over the same amount of power tiles.

Looking forward to playing with 4 -- the board gets mixed up a bit in that one of the point-generating areas isn't used in an even numbered game. Depending on how I feel about its exclusion that player count might end up being my sweet spot.

You totally need to just pull the trigger on this one, JJJS. :p


OCTGN doesnt make sense anymore.

I have been thinking about getting one of these programs to play some LCGs online and though everyone usees OCTGN it sounds like it has some annoying automation in it. I will most likely try it anyway but hopefully something nice and simple starts becoming more popular.


Neo Member
Got another game of Kemet in. 3 player short game. Took it with 10-9-6 tally at the end.

If you remember I noted that the 5 player long game is really long. Well the three play short game is really short.

The power balance between the two is also interesting. There's three categories of power tiles, with a lot of uniques. We all went different paths so there wasn't a ton of fighting over who got what. That's a direct contrast to a 5 player game with two more people fighting over the same amount of power tiles.

Looking forward to playing with 4 -- the board gets mixed up a bit in that one of the point-generating areas isn't used in an even numbered game. Depending on how I feel about its exclusion that player count might end up being my sweet spot.

You totally need to just pull the trigger on this one, JJJS. :p

Good to hear. I got so close to buying it, but then a sale at my local flgs happened where I got clash of cultures, belfort and dust tactics for 35€. So I'm covered in games at least till the end of the year.
Kemet is definitely the my next purchase, though.


Hail to the KING baby
I have been thinking about getting one of these programs to play some LCGs online and though everyone usees OCTGN it sounds like it has some annoying automation in it. I will most likely try it anyway but hopefully something nice and simple starts becoming more popular.

OCTGN is really quite easy now, but I think Ray had some issues with figuring out how to install the game itself (UI for this isn't the easiest). Also bonus that you can find a NR game pretty much 24h/day. And for anybody who tried it before when you had to download different sets of markers and cards etc. now it's really easy you just install the game and it updates everything automatically. No card art (though you can swap in your own if you have the files) but all the text so really easy to play once you try a game or two.


There is an executable that ANR OCTGN players use that downloads the entire Genesis cycle of uncensored cards.

My only complaint with OCTGN in regards to ANR, that is all I have played so far, is that some of the automation actions are not apparent and must be learned through trial and error.

For example; I still don't know how to properly handle a card that needs a target coming off a Personal Workshop at the start of the turn.

There is also a timing bug I believe. OCTGN will Refresh Cyberfeeder, allow you to spend the credit on the Darwin pump and then refresh cyberfeeder again allowing you to use the credit a second time during the turn. I believe this is incorrect based on the official timing FAQ.

Just small stuff like that. The rest of it is butter smooth and easier than you think to learn and get into.
I have been thinking about getting one of these programs to play some LCGs online and though everyone usees OCTGN it sounds like it has some annoying automation in it. I will most likely try it anyway but hopefully something nice and simple starts becoming more popular.

OCTGN is really quite easy now, but I think Ray had some issues with figuring out how to install the game itself (UI for this isn't the easiest). Also bonus that you can find a NR game pretty much 24h/day. And for anybody who tried it before when you had to download different sets of markers and cards etc. now it's really easy you just install the game and it updates everything automatically. No card art (though you can swap in your own if you have the files) but all the text so really easy to play once you try a game or two.

Yeah, I think its fine and probably even easier to set stuff up now. But I didnt know it changed and didnt know how to fix it, so I was very confused.
That new Pandemic is pretty stylish. I dig the neon look to it. I mostly just got it because at work and with family, it's the best game to be all like "Hey, let me show you that all boardgaming isn't Monopoly".

I had played the expansion before, so I did pick up On the Brink. The peetri dishes and the inlay seem almost required at this point and it's a shame they aren't included in the base set. Though, I understand that keeps the costs down.

The "badguy" variant is still rubbish though.

And, looks like the inlay has space for the upcoming expansion, so that's cool!


I just picked up Elder Sign, the revised printing which is nice since the FAQ shouldn't be as necessary. There still seem to be some vague things in rules, but hopefully the people I play with won't mind me making executive decisions if those come up. I tried a bit playing solo last night and it seems cool.

I want to get the expansion if people like the base game. I think I saw the expansion was rated even higher than the normal game.

I like the idea of being able to complete in an hour or two, rather than Arkham Horror and 4 hours. =P
I just picked up Elder Sign, the revised printing which is nice since the FAQ shouldn't be as necessary. There still seem to be some vague things in rules, but hopefully the people I play with won't mind me making executive decisions if those come up. I tried a bit playing solo last night and it seems cool.

I want to get the expansion if people like the base game. I think I saw the expansion was rated even higher than the normal game.

I like the idea of being able to complete in an hour or two, rather than Arkham Horror and 4 hours. =P

It's a fun, "light-ish" push your luck dice-chucking game. the theme is fun, and the number of characters makes it fun to replay. Amanda is a fucking beast, though.

I should play that tonight.


With 6 players, I suppose it was easy, in that we got 14 elder signs to win before we even had more than 5/12 doom tokens. No one died.

However, I try to be a polite person and not shout over people, which makes it really difficult to coordinate when at least a couple of group members are not into RPG-style games, and/or talk about different things...OR, if two of the group gets really into optimizing dice rolls, and starts loudly talking whenever someone else is taking a turn, trying to tell them exactly what to pick or which dice to take. =P

That's group dynamics though. With the right group it might be fun to read the flavor text as well. The expansion might make it harder if the right cards show up. I think I've heard it's also challenging with 1-2 players, and 4 might be good.
With 6 players, I suppose it was easy, in that we got 14 elder signs to win before we even had more than 5/12 doom tokens. No one died.

However, I try to be a polite person and not shout over people, which makes it really difficult to coordinate when at least a couple of group members are not into RPG-style games, and/or talk about different things...OR, if two of the group gets really into optimizing dice rolls, and starts loudly talking whenever someone else is taking a turn, trying to tell them exactly what to pick or which dice to take. =P

That's group dynamics though. With the right group it might be fun to read the flavor text as well. The expansion might make it harder if the right cards show up. I think I've heard it's also challenging with 1-2 players, and 4 might be good.

I haven't played it a TON, but I think the biggest factor in difficulty other than (bad) luck is what Ancient One you are fighting.


Going to pick up Netrunner tomorrow. The theme sounds like it's right up my alley. I've read a few remarks stating that it involves a lot of bluffing. How true is this? I'm not really that into games with a lot of bluffing in them.
Going to pick up Netrunner tomorrow. The theme sounds like it's right up my alley. I've read a few remarks stating that it involves a lot of bluffing. How true is this? I'm not really that into games with a lot of bluffing in them.
The corp team's entire game plan is to bluff the runner. So, yeah, there is a lot of bluffing in the game.


Hail to the KING baby
I don't know that I would call corp play in Netrunner "bluffing" per se, at least not as that term's commonly used. It's in many ways a psychological game. As the corporation, your advantage is asymmetry of information -- every card you play is face down. If they were face up, you'd get absolutely annihilated 95% of the time. But since they're not, you have to use this asymmetry to your advantage to beat the runner. There is one (fun) set of deck archetypes -- trap decks, where blatantly tricking your opponent can be critical. But most decks don't primarily rely on traps. Instead, it's more about misdirection -- making the runner waste resources on sub-optimal runs and taking advantage of the narrow windows of opportunity that these sub-optimal runs hopefully create for you.

If I were to liken the psychological aspect to any game, it would be more something like Citadels, where you're often thinking "will this person do what I expect them to do based on the game state, or will they know I expect that and do the opposite?" Except with a ton of added subtlety owing to the complexity of the game.


I had a starting hand of 4 agendas with my Weyland 7 Agenda Draw deck so I iced up my HQ on the opener and let Noise go to town on my R&D. After he trashed a few cards with Virus installs and Imp I threw away a second Government Contracts. It was crazy enough to work. And I rode the first contracts I scored to a fun win on an unprotected Archives. It's all about the ballsy bluffs but I wouldn't consider it a bluffing game.


I don't know that I would call corp play in Netrunner "bluffing" per se, at least not as that term's commonly used. It's in many ways a psychological game. As the corporation, your advantage is asymmetry of information -- every card you play is face down. If they were face up, you'd get absolutely annihilated 95% of the time. But since they're not, you have to use this asymmetry to your advantage to beat the runner. There is one (fun) set of deck archetypes -- trap decks, where blatantly tricking your opponent can be critical. But most decks don't primarily rely on traps. Instead, it's more about misdirection -- making the runner waste resources on sub-optimal runs and taking advantage of the narrow windows of opportunity that these sub-optimal runs hopefully create for you.

If I were to liken the psychological aspect to any game, it would be more something like Citadels, where you're often thinking "will this person do what I expect them to do based on the game state, or will they know I expect that and do the opposite?" Except with a ton of added subtlety owing to the complexity of the game.

That doesn't sound too bad. I see myself as someone who hates poker but loves chess. I'm not totally against the tricking your opponent I just don't like the whole mechanism in poker where you keep putting your cash in and try to psych out the other guy into thinking you've got a better hand than you do. I'd rather the outcome be dependant on my skill.


I've been playing some more Agricola, both with 4 players and solo, and I'm starting to get a better idea of which actions are worth it in the early stages vs the later stages of the game. I remember the first time I played it with four people I had 25 points and last time I had 39 points while still making some very stupid mistakes. And I still haven't used the Interactive and Complex decks.

I had put some money aside for a Playstation 4 but I'm seriously considering buying some board games instead, Le Havre being the first one. The console and its games will likely go down in price relatively soon anyway and for the past couple of weeks (months even) I've been getting much more enjoyment out of board games. With one group I'm currently playing through all the missions in Gears of War: The Board Game, which kind of plays like X-COM / Fire Emblem and doesn't need a DM, and with the other I'm alternating between Flash Point and Agricola and sometimes Arkham Horror or Battlestar Galactica. The one thing holding me back from buying Le Havre and Through the Ages right now is that I'm afraid some other games won't be played anymore while I still enjoy playing those so much.
That doesn't sound too bad. I see myself as someone who hates poker but loves chess. I'm not totally against the tricking your opponent I just don't like the whole mechanism in poker where you keep putting your cash in and try to psych out the other guy into thinking you've got a better hand than you do. I'd rather the outcome be dependant on my skill.
Same boat as you. I'm not into poker, but I've loved Netrunner so far. I just have the core set at the moment, but am planning on getting the Genesis cycle. The theme, asymmetric play, and different play styles of the factions goes a long way in keeping things fresh and interesting.

Check out the Covenant tournament (http://youtu.be/RI4B2CdDAMk) for a good feel of the game. The commentary is pretty well done an having card explanations at the bottom of the screen helps those not as familiar with the cards.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.


Finally got a chance to break out the Star Wars LCG this weekend for the "test run" - thought it might be a good idea to play a few "solo" games to get a hang of the mechanics before I brought anyone else in for a a game. Think I got the hang of it, still figuring out a few of the nuances, but game is genuinely fun. Played the CCG game back in the day and the pacing of this one just feels right.

Either way, now hooked, definitely picking up some of the expansions. Must play Hoth...
This needs posting.

Asmadi Games saw the Steam Summer sale, and... uh... they're now doing their own boardgame-sale. Games up to 80% off.

The store-page:


Thinking about the Innovation-expansion and/or We didn't playtest this at all... mhmmm.........

Good god Smiley, you just pointed me to Innovation: Iello Edition. Does anyone know if this is just an art-upgrade of the base game and if they're planning on updating the other two expansions too?
This needs posting.

Asmadi Games saw the Steam Summer sale, and... uh... they're now doing their own boardgame-sale. Games up to 80% off.

Thread by Asmadi Games on reddit:


The store-page:


Thinking about the Innovation-expansion and/or We didn't playtest this at all... mhmmm.........

Can't you get all these cheaper at most online retailers like coolstuff and miniature market?
Watch it Played posted a rules primer video for Bioshock Infinite: The Siege of Columbia.

I think it looks pretty good. I'm not too keen on the Booker swing vote mechanic (because thematically it doesn't make sense and mechanically it feels like a rubber band mechanic) but besides that it looks like a lighter War of the Ring to me. Now I can't wait for my preorder to ship.


From some review I heard on the D6 Generation podcast, there is a whole lot of luck involved in the Bioshock game, and is pricey msrp, but I guess it seems like it has a lot of stuff in it.

I like the watch it played videos so I'll give it a watch later.
From some review I heard on the D6 Generation podcast, there is a whole lot of luck involved in the Bioshock game, and is pricey msrp, but I guess it seems like it has a lot of stuff in it.

I like the watch it played videos so I'll give it a watch later.
Just listened to the review, good to see I'm not crazy when it comes to the Booker voting die.


Unconfirmed Member
Picking up Mansions of Madness tomorrow for $50. Looking forward to learning the game and messing around with the components
Picking up Mansions of Madness tomorrow for $50. Looking forward to learning the game and messing around with the components
Can't be stressed enough, before you invite people over to play, make sure you set the game up ahead of time. It takes about 30 minutes to set the game up and if you mess it up you will ruin the mission. Setting the game up while you have people waiting on you is a drag.


Unconfirmed Member
Can't be stressed enough, before you invite people over to play, make sure you set the game up ahead of time. It takes about 30 minutes to set the game up and if you mess it up you will ruin the mission. Setting the game up while you have people waiting on you is a drag.

Yeah, I plan on just playing with just my wife first so I will have it all ready before we play. I will have her use a couple of investigators as well. I will want to go over the FAQ as well and make sure there is nothing critical wrong.

Thanks for the heads up though.
Any other tips/suggestions?

Get expansions lol

As essentially the gm for the game, also see the puzzles that will be used and have them ready to go for the game too. I keep all the individual puzzles in there own little bag but when you know which ones are being used for a particular story, it's best to have those ready to go as well nearby.


Unconfirmed Member
Get expansions lol

As essentially the gm for the game, also see the puzzles that will be used and have them ready to go for the game too. I keep all the individual puzzles in there own little bag but when you know which ones are being used for a particular story, it's best to have those ready to go as well nearby.

Thanks. I heard Call of the Wild is pretty good. I don't mind games with longer setups.

Can the monsters be used with Arkham?
Does anyone know if it's possible to add an item to a pre-order order at Coolstuff? I want to add the daily deal Spartacus expansion to a free shipping shipment in August.


Going to pick up C&C for Netrunner in a couple hours! Go FLGS getting stuff early! The rest of my stuff wont be here till tomorrow but I can mess with the preconstructed decks from C&C tonight!


So Harebrained Schemes 7the guys who are doing the Shadow Run returns video game) are doing a new Kickstarter next month. This one could be interesting for board gamers. It looks like it combines miniature gaming with a stylus and tablet to make keeping track of stats and rules a breeze. They have a short tease for it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0_iVzbj4IU&hd=1
I never played a miniature game where it was a hassle to just use the stat cards or a pencil. Seems a bit silly to involve a tablet and just seems to be done as a gimmick.

Another game tried similar using software to play with it to track stats and do the calculations for you. It failed horribly as most gamers found the need for software to go along with your miniature game was silly. And if your rules are so complex that you need software to help calculate anything, you have failed horribly at rule design.
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