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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Can never figure out if I want to sign up for a game event at gencon or not. Part of me just wants to stick to generic tix and see whats around. Hate buying any tickets and dedicating myself to some event.


I am also VERY interested in Amerigo, but I am waiting for the final rules of that to come out. Then I can make a better decision. I also like Castles of Burgundy, but I don't think it's great with more than 2 players. I don#t think it's that complex and the playtime with more than 2 i just too much.
I play Burgundy mainly with two players as well. I've only played it a couple times with more than that. I don't mind the additional playtime though, as I enjoy the game and it goes pretty quick if everyone pre-plans their turns.

Rialto is less complex than Burgundy at least from a mechanics perspective. You basically only have six actions and you have the potential to take those every turn. Whereas with Burgundy, you've got the building tiles which do additional things, and the special yellow tiles as well, as well as just the decisions of what you're going to do with your dice.
Can never figure out if I want to sign up for a game event at gencon or not. Part of me just wants to stick to generic tix and see whats around. Hate buying any tickets and dedicating myself to some event.

We should pick a time and meet up for a King of Tokyo tournament. They're free and you can win prizes!

I'm signed up for Heroclix battle royales and the Giant Catan game. Other than that I think the only thing I'm really, really interested in doing is demo-ing Firefly.


I am only signed up for the Modern Masters Sealed event, Painting classes and True Dungeon. Kicking myself for not signing up for the Netrunner warmup.

I left Thursday open so I could run to FFG and scoop any surprises that may exist. Was also excited for Star Trek attack until I saw the models on BGG.
We should pick a time and meet up for a King of Tokyo tournament. They're free and you can win prizes!

I'm signed up for Heroclix battle royales and the Giant Catan game. Other than that I think the only thing I'm really, really interested in doing is demo-ing Firefly.

Yea I'm with a bunch of friends and my GF, don't want to do any tourney or play stuff I already tried before. Kinda want to just see and try the new stuff like Firefly. Though I'm kinda more interested in the card game than the board one from their descriptions.

I am only signed up for the Modern Masters Sealed event, Painting classes and True Dungeon. Kicking myself for not signing up for the Netrunner warmup.

I left Thursday open so I could run to FFG and scoop any surprises that may exist. Was also excited for Star Trek attack until I saw the models on BGG.

Yea Wizkids quality is pretty spotty, the paint jobs are nowhere near what FFG has done with X-Wing. Their component quality is also not so hot. The game sounds interesting though, apparently a bit slower paced version of X-Wing essentially since the ships have more shields and hull points.


Hail to the KING baby
That NR regional is going to be badass. Probably the biggest one right? How many freaking rounds will it be? Hell in the KublaCon one we were there from about 9 AM to 8 PM and there were ~35 of us.


Has anyone had experience with people who would normally not pick up Descent and getting them into it? I kinda want o get and play it, but my group is basically a bunch of Euro gamers whose favorite game is Power Grid.

I would still like to know if anyone has any experience with this scenario.


Bioshock Infinite: Siege of Columbia shipping notification: I has it.

Fist bump, me too. Hopefully it will be here by the weekend.
Ugh, so jealous

I would still like to know if anyone has any experience with this scenario.

If you want to buy a copy on the cheap, i do have a 2.0 edition that i only opened the wrapper. Everything is still intact and unpunched. The people i was going to play with broke up and now the descent group is splintered


Neo Member
I play Burgundy mainly with two players as well. I've only played it a couple times with more than that. I don't mind the additional playtime though, as I enjoy the game and it goes pretty quick if everyone pre-plans their turns.

Rialto is less complex than Burgundy at least from a mechanics perspective. You basically only have six actions and you have the potential to take those every turn. Whereas with Burgundy, you've got the building tiles which do additional things, and the special yellow tiles as well, as well as just the decisions of what you're going to do with your dice.

Player interaction in Rialto is, I feel, more interesting than in Macao/Burgundy/Trajan. Perhaps it was the 2p-ness of it, but there was a good amount of strategy to make sure you got certain phase bonuses, like placing bridges (which can give you up to 11 points) or or gondolas (allowing you to sneak councilmen into districts). I'm worried it might be a little too In The Year Of The Dragon-y where certain things are just way too good/bad depending on what round you're in, but it was quick and fun and I'm looking forward to beating XShagrath in it again, because he's not allowed to win games he owns


Ugh, so jealous

If you want to buy a copy on the cheap, i do have a 2.0 edition that i only opened the wrapper. Everything is still intact and unpunched. The people i was going to play with broke up and now the descent group is splintered

I doubt you are also from Germany. ;)


I played another game of Arkham Horror with a couple of friends. I'm still not sure what to think of this game, I enjoy aspects of it such as the location dependent encounters and the mini-stories but the core experience is quite dull IMO. Most of the time there's hardly an interesting choice to make, "I guess I'll just pick up these clue tokens". After three hours we sealed six gates and that was it.

I really want to enjoy this game as my friends love playing it; is there maybe an expansion I could buy to give players more meaningful things to do or spice things up another way?


Unconfirmed Member
I played another game of Arkham Horror with a couple of friends. I'm still not sure what to think of this game, I enjoy aspects of it such as the location dependent encounters and the mini-stories but the core experience is quite dull IMO. Most of the time there's hardly an interesting choice to make, "I guess I'll just pick up these clue tokens". After three hours we sealed six gates and that was it.

I really want to enjoy this game as my friends love playing it; is there maybe an expansion I could buy to give players more meaningful things to do or spice things up another way?

Insmouth Horror adds personal stories, which gives some optional objectives for the investigators to complete.


Insmouth Horror adds personal stories, which gives some optional objectives for the investigators to complete.
Optional objectives sounds good, I'll check it out, thanks.

That's why I picked up Elder Sign and traded away Arkham. Elder Sign gives me the same feel as Arkham but it sets up and plays in a fraction of the time.
For my group the extended playtime of AH is appreciated because we usually block an entire day just to play a board game, yeah I can definitely see the value in Elder Sign.
I played another game of Arkham Horror with a couple of friends. I'm still not sure what to think of this game, I enjoy aspects of it such as the location dependent encounters and the mini-stories but the core experience is quite dull IMO. Most of the time there's hardly an interesting choice to make, "I guess I'll just pick up these clue tokens". After three hours we sealed six gates and that was it.

I really want to enjoy this game as my friends love playing it; is there maybe an expansion I could buy to give players more meaningful things to do or spice things up another way?
That's why I picked up Elder Sign and traded away Arkham. Elder Sign gives me the same feel as Arkham but it sets up and plays in a fraction of the time.


In case you didn't know, they have their own site.


Best video reviewers in the game. Even to the point where they can take a game like that, something I'd guaranteed fucking hate, and make it look at least alright. Watching their reviews can be dangerous!

That's why I picked up Elder Sign and traded away Arkham. Elder Sign gives me the same feel as Arkham but it sets up and plays in a fraction of the time.

SUSD makes me want Terra Mystica really bad, but I think I have a good counter to their mystical "buy this!" charms. I have a game group of 4 that has one person who only likes co-op games and hates any game involving competing over points.

Finally decided that until I get a different game group going, I don't have to spend any more money on games that include:

-Length longer than 2 hours

I'll save so much money!


Do either of you have impressions of the Elder Sign expansion?
I just got the Elder Sign expansion but haven't played it yet either. It has high reviews, higher than the base game if I recall correctly. It does indeed look like it makes the game harder, especially if you happen to get the red mythos cards. Random OCD gripe, the rule thing is folded weird, and if you unfold it to full size it's too big to put in the base Elder Sign box so you're stuck with a folded up rule sheet. =P

Elder Sign would probably be a good game in general if you want to play co-op but don't want to take 4 hours, and everyone is cool with the cthulhu theme. Even with people who weren't that into the theme, people seemed to get into cheering the active player's dice rolls on. Plus you can play a SECOND game of something in that 4-hour period that one game would have taken!
Best video reviewers in the game. Even to the point where they can take a game like that, something I'd guaranteed fucking hate, and make it look at least alright. Watching their reviews can be dangerous!

Their review of Terra Mystica actually convinced me not to buy the game.
Trading Arkham for Elder Signs? I'm gonna faint

Sometime the quality of the game isn't what matters. I have a hard time justifying doing anything that lasts longer than two hours. It's why I don't play jrpgs anymore. It's even harder to get everyone in the room to want to commit to something for that long.
I'm a filthy, filthy, Ameritrash loving, dice-chucking mofo. Eclipse is almost too Euro for me. Games with a bunch of tiny wooden cubes: ain't nobody got time for that.

come at me, bro

My designer friend has designed a game called King's Forge that currently has a kickstarter up and is being published by Game Salute.


It has some pretty awesome dice rolling mechanics with the elegance of a euro game.


My designer friend has designed a game called King's Forge that currently has a kickstarter up and is being published by Game Salute.


It has some pretty awesome dice rolling mechanics with the elegance of a euro game.

But I'm a dirty UK resident and can't pledge for this! Man, it looks like alot of fun too. I hate when kickstarter projects restrict who can and can't pledge...


Unconfirmed Member
I need to get the Elder Signs expansion soon. I love all the Arkham/Cthulu games. Haven't tried the Chtulu card game yet though.

Edit: also, I can't decide if I should glue to monsters to their bases in Mansions of Madness. It will make storage a bit of a pain.


Fail out bailed
Hey guys!
Don't wanna do too much shameless self promotion, but my web series about board games has a trailer up for Season 01: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jg_j1L7ewI

We've done a few comedy sketches, but it really kicks off next week with Ep01 of the actual series which is about Tammany Hall.

Hope some of my fellow gaffers dig it.

Their review of Terra Mystica actually convinced me not to buy the game.

Me too! They really are the best in the fucking business though.
I love the, video for people who are new to games. Brilliant shit.

We had the chance to meet the Sentinels designer, artist and their friends at PAX Australia last month. They demoed the game for us and one of my mates got sucked in and bought everything. Nice bunch of blokes. We haven't played enough of it to make an informed decision on it but it seems OK.

Woah, new game in the Arkham series, Eldritch Horror.


I'm interested.
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