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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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I stumbled across this BGG blog and thought I'd share it for Netrunner Newbies, such as myself.

He's doing a deckbuilding 101 and it's awesome. I've played Netrunner a few times but never with my own set, so I decided to jump in. I acquired a good lot of cards (2 cores, what lies ahead, and C&C) through a trade and while I understood the rules to constructing a deck I had no idea the nuances of picking cards. I've never played Magic so building a deck was a complete mystery to me but his blog is making me understand what goes into deckbuilding.

As a bonus, the Jargon of Netrunner. Now I can understand WTF the Team Covenant people are talking about during their commentary of games. (Yeah, I got that deep in the past week)


Hail to the KING baby
I stumbled across this BGG blog and thought I'd share it for Netrunner Newbies, such as myself.

He's doing a deckbuilding 101 and it's awesome. I've played Netrunner a few times but never with my own set, so I decided to jump in. I acquired a good lot of cards (2 cores, what lies ahead, and C&C) through a trade and while I understood the rules to constructing a deck I had no idea the nuances of picking cards. I've never played Magic so building a deck was a complete mystery to me but his blog is making me understand what goes into deckbuilding.

As a bonus, the Jargon of Netrunner. Now I can understand WTF the Team Covenant people are talking about during their commentary of games. (Yeah, I got that deep in the past week)
Nice! It is so sad that I knew all of the items on the jargon list. Bunch of people at work have been getting into NR too. So much so that we've made a new night just for NR apart from our regular board-game night. Pretty impressive for an LCG to be continually picking up people but the learning curve is seriously quite reasonable.

I've been tweaking my decks so much since C&C came out. Some things were obvious, like 3x Dirty Laundry, or upgrading my Heimdalls to 2.0. But I'm really trying to anticipate the meta -- will Successful Demo be popular (meaning I should make room for FAO)? Will naked remotes continue to be a thing (making Bank Job + Dirty Laundry an absolute killer -- but I haven't run 3x Bank Job since my very first decks)? Etc. etc. I am hugely worried about Siphon spamming though with Same Old Thing out (seems overrated to me, but maybe it's just me). I hope Troubleshooter + Roto on HQ can bail me out of a few tight spots. Might even make room for a third Troubleshooter again just to make sure I can have this counter in place a decent amount of the time. (CT + sentry is also awesome against another meta darling -- Femme.)

So many mind games even with just yourself. :p And you can't really get a feel for meta on OCTGN because at least here people IRL run wildly different decks than people do on OCTGN. You'd think there would be more variety on OCTGN given the fact that it's global, but I see the same garbage there constantly. People testing running into MO, give me eight turns to get mah mega rig etc. Almost nobody actually plays like that here although the few people that do I do quite will against because I think subconsciously I have slightly built my HB to counter Chaos Theory MO spamming decks.

I made a C&C-unrelated shift to my HB superserver though, which is to throw back in Biotic Labor (2-3x). I was rigidly superserver non-FA, and it served me quite well. But with the last couple data packs and now C&C there are just situations where you cannot get daylight as the corp no matter how rich and iced up you are, so scoring out of hand is tremendous. Still running 24-25x ice though. Lots of flexibility unlike most FA decks. Also I see tons of people praising Cerebral Overwriter, and Edge of World is seemingly thought of as a garbage card (or even more of one). Insane. Guess it's because people love their weenie servers. EoW is an absolutely spectacular card. Only downside is that I wish it cost 1-2c to trash.
So, over the weekend I preorderd the Firefly game coming out next month. Anybody else looking forward to it?

I'm doing a full game demo at gencon. I'll be sure to write up my impressions. I'll also be learning how to play serpents tongue which looks physically amazing but I'm still worried about gameplay. A demo from the designer of the game should help.


As someone who was never able to get into Arkham Horror, the new FF Lovecraft game looks pretty neat. I am all about story in games and can see getting into this one.
My problem with all these arkham games is that the themes are all so similar even though the games aren't, that getting them all to the table doesn't seem as likely just due to theme fatigue.


So can someone from the US maybe tell me what shipping of Battle Line would cost to Germany? Nothing fancy, I would not care if it takes a while. I am thinking about getting it but I think I will first see if I can get it in Essen. It would be nice to know.


Hail to the KING baby
It kinda seems like it's Fortune and Glory mixed with Arkham.

I'm actually thinking of selling AH and getting into this. Even though I love AH more than most, it just gets so little play and takes up so much shelf space with the expansions. Last Night on Earth is also in this category.

I love the theming myself, though same theme and reuse of art are two very different things (really hate the latter).
Completely forgot that it might also be available in the UK. That does seem like an inflated shipping price though. I meant more what it would cost if someone sends it to me privately.

Just to check, Shipping is £4-ish - overall cost incl shipping is £21.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm actually thinking of selling AH and getting into this. Even though I love AH more than most, it just gets so little play and takes up so much shelf space with the expansions. Last Night on Earth is also in this category.

I love the theming myself, though same theme and reuse of art are two very different things (really hate the latter).

I have a few of the big box Arkham expansions and I think I may put them in storage and just use select components and keep them in the base game box.

I really like the art for the Arkham games and Eldritch looks really nice.


Hail to the KING baby
What also annoys me about Arkham is that they clearly put very little thought into how the expansions should integrate with the base game. Hastily came up with some rules but they really don't account for almost any of the problems with multiple expansions. Same with the 5+ player rules actually. Arkham is great but is just such a rickety old beast by now.


Unconfirmed Member
What also annoys me about Arkham is that they clearly put very little thought into how the expansions should integrate with the base game. Hastily came up with some rules but they really don't account for almost any of the problems with multiple expansions. Same with the 5+ player rules actually. Arkham is great but is just such a rickety old beast by now.

Haven't played with more the 4 players yet. Wonder if they would do another reboot of it or is Eldritch what they will move forward with.


Hail to the KING baby
Haven't played with more the 4 players yet. Wonder if they would do another reboot of it or is Eldritch what they will move forward with.

3-4 is definitely the way to go. Of the people who outright hate Arkham it's usually because they played with 6+ at some point. Too easy and too long which is not a good mix. I did benefit though from never getting into the Arkham strategy articles about which gates to seal first, where to have encounters, etc. You get a sense just from experience, but then I splashed in a ton of expansion encounters which kept things fresh. But it just comes down to not having more than maybe once a year where I have 2-3 other people who are up for playing a single 3-4-hour game and there aren't better options out there like Eclipse. We'll see what the gameplay is like, but I think this is a really smart move by FFG to keep up with the times.


It kinda seems like it's Fortune and Glory mixed with Arkham.

That sounds like an absolute nightmare. I also saw on BGG that it takes 180 minutes to play. Isn't this supposed to be a smaller game?

How hard is it to create an interesting co-op game within the Cthulhu mythos, that plays in 60-90 minutes, and is more than just chucking a bunch of dice around? Apparently I am expecting too much, because all FFG can do with the theme is create the ameritrashiest games ever.

I especially can't understand that after having played Legends of Andor. I think in that game theme and gameplay work well together. Sure Ameritrashers will probably still think it's weak them but I think it works well.
I'm looking forward to GF9's Firefly game but that other game can go fuck itself. If you aren't aware there is a Firefly card game on kickstarter. Besides the blatant kickstarter abuse, the game looks like trash.

But the Malcom plushie! Thanks for the info about that. Agreed on the trash, but I guess Firefly fans will dump money into anything. Miniature Market had the GS9 one for $32. I couldn't pass that up.
I'm looking forward to GF9's Firefly game but that other game can go fuck itself. If you aren't aware there is a Firefly card game on kickstarter. Besides the blatant kickstarter abuse, the game looks like trash.

Oh wow, really? Could you elaborate?

Also, what are people's thoughts here on the Firefly board and and the Bioshock Infinite one? Initially, the Firefly one sounded, on paper, like a board game port of FTL with a Firefly theme. There's obviously more to it than that. What do you think about them? I haven't heard much talk outside of the few odd press releases so I wanna try not to have that PR tunnel vision opinion of the game.
That sounds like an absolute nightmare. I also saw on BGG that it takes 180 minutes to play. Isn't this supposed to be a smaller game?

How hard is it to create an interesting co-op game within the Cthulhu mythos, that plays in 60-90 minutes, and is more than just chucking a bunch of dice around? Apparently I am expecting too much, because all FFG can do with the theme is create the ameritrashiest games ever.

I especially can't understand that after having played Legends of Andor. I think in that game theme and gameplay work well together. Sure Ameritrashers will probably still think it's weak them but I think it works well.

Delicious ameritrash. I need more tokens and rules

Oh wow, really? Could you elaborate?

Also, what are people's thoughts here on the Firefly board and and the Bioshock Infinite one? Initially, the Firefly one sounded, on paper, like a board game port of FTL with a Firefly theme. There's obviously more to it than that. What do you think about them? I haven't heard much talk outside of the few odd press releases so I wanna try not to have that PR tunnel vision opinion of the game.

Toy Vault putting up kickstarter on a game already printed essentially. With a goal of only 1k. They are just using kickstarter to take preorders.


Delicious ameritrash. I need more tokens and rules

I think there can be good ameritrash. I don't have it but I am still intrigued by Descent 2.0. All their Arkham games though look awful. Just the worst of ameritrash concentrated into game series form. I'll look forward to learn more about Eldritch Horror but if that play time is true it already has no chance with me. When I play something I don#t want to commit to just one game for the whole day.
I hate when I discover a game I want either after it's out of print or even worse right when it sells out of preorders.

1) Fury of Dracula: I really would love to see a new printing of this.
2) Robinson Crusoe: I know it had a limited release last year I think at Essen, but I just found out about it and the Z-man preorders at my preferred place of purchase is sold out.



For those who deal with CSI a lot, have you had problems returning items? They sent me the wrong item in my last order, so I requested a return authorization number, but it's been three weeks since I first requested it. They've told me twice "it's coming!" but I'm starting to get pissed off. Anyone had a similar problem?
I think there can be good ameritrash. I don't have it but I am still intrigued by Descent 2.0. All their Arkham games though look awful. Just the worst of ameritrash concentrated into game series form. I'll look forward to learn more about Eldritch Horror but if that play time is true it already has no chance with me. When I play something I don#t want to commit to just one game for the whole day.

Some of us like those long involved games. Some games obviously are worse than others. Arkham is a really old game though, FFG has just revised and made it prettier but lot of these older games they have published will often be fairly lengthy. I think most newer "ameritrash" has adopted a more quick play mentality. But stuff like TI and Arkham are classics that work great as is.

I hate when I discover a game I want either after it's out of print or even worse right when it sells out of preorders.

1) Fury of Dracula: I really would love to see a new printing of this.
2) Robinson Crusoe: I know it had a limited release last year I think at Essen, but I just found out about it and the Z-man preorders at my preferred place of purchase is sold out.


Aren't online retailers still taking preorder for Robinson? Isn't there a chance it will be available at Gencon?


Hail to the KING baby
For those who deal with CSI a lot, have you had problems returning items? They sent me the wrong item in my last order, so I requested a return authorization number, but it's been three weeks since I first requested it. They've told me twice "it's coming!" but I'm starting to get pissed off. Anyone had a similar problem?

Their customer service is usually quite good but I've never actually had to return anything. Don't know what your situation is but you might be able to ask if they can ship your CORRECT item while you are still waiting for the return info.


Their customer service is usually quite good but I've never actually had to return anything. Don't know what your situation is but you might be able to ask if they can ship your CORRECT item while you are still waiting for the return info.

The game I wanted had been out of stock after I ordered, but it looks like it's back now, so I've asked if they can do that. Guess we'll see what they say.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Yeah, that's with over 8€ of shipping though.

Well guess I'll wait for essen and if i don#t get it thee I'll have to pay a premium price.

My offer to buy anything in NA and bring it with me to Europe when I go back home for Christmas still stands, for anyone. I'd have to figure out shipping from Switzerland to wherever, but it'd possibly be cheaper... and maybe even close enough for pickup, depending on where you live.


For those who deal with CSI a lot, have you had problems returning items? They sent me the wrong item in my last order, so I requested a return authorization number, but it's been three weeks since I first requested it. They've told me twice "it's coming!" but I'm starting to get pissed off. Anyone had a similar problem?

I've only had to exchange something twice, but both times I contacted them, and they sent me a new game immediately and just told me to ship the busted up game back in the box the new one came in, which was pretty awesome.

So can someone from the US maybe tell me what shipping of Battle Line would cost to Germany? Nothing fancy, I would not care if it takes a while. I am thinking about getting it but I think I will first see if I can get it in Essen. It would be nice to know.

I'm looking at the USPS site, and the following option:

Priority Mail International® Large Video Flat Rate priced box**More info about Priority Mail International® Large Video Flat Rate priced box**
Maximum Value for Contents: $400.00
USPS-Produced Box: 9-1/4" x 6-1/4" x 2"
Maximum weight 4 pounds.

is 23.95 US dollars, and I think Battleline will fit in it. I'd have to look around and find one of those specific flat rate boxes though, I've never seen one -- but then again I've never looked for them either.

Edit: Yeah, 18 Euros and change shipped. Hrmm, I guess with added cost of the game that is escalating quickly for such a small game.
They used to sell this game years ago. I owned a copy at one point, but at the time the boxed game had no minis just cardboard standees. They sold metal minis separately and treated it as some sort of minis game. The game itself is decent, it feels like a poor man's Space Hulk. What they are offering during the kickstarter looks a lot better than what they offered when it was for sale on their site.

If people are on the fence and really want Space Hulk but can't afford the price, this is a good approximation as to how Space Hilk plays. For people with Space Hulk, it will feel redundant, but if you are into the art it might be a neat pick up.
They used to sell this game years ago. I owned a copy at one point, but at the time the boxed game had no minis just cardboard standees. They sold metal minis separately and treated it as some sort of minis game. The game itself is decent, it feels like a poor man's Space Hulk. What they are offering during the kickstarter looks a lot better than what they offered when it was for sale on their site.

If people are on the fence and really want Space Hulk but can't afford the price, this is a good approximation as to how Space Hilk plays. For people with Space Hulk, it will feel redundant, but if you are into the art it might be a neat pick up.

Yea they revised the rules a bit apparently, much of it was a knock off of Space Hulk. The minis in plastic is nice too, the quality of the components will be upgraded too. The first edition had some awful cardboard and tokens that would peel from their backing. The game won't be sold at retail for the most part too apparently.

Liked the game, just sad they didn't attempt to upgrade from a board into modular terrain tiles for scenario variety.

The main difference between it and Space Hulk is that players choose the units they will use for the scenario, while Space Hulk has premade forces. Expansion (Snafu) also adds alternate allies force with the British that play much differently from the whole power armored space marine like troops


My offer to buy anything in NA and bring it with me to Europe when I go back home for Christmas still stands, for anyone. I'd have to figure out shipping from Switzerland to wherever, but it'd possibly be cheaper... and maybe even close enough for pickup, depending on where you live.

Ok I might take you up on this offer depending on how Essen will go. I shipped stuff a couple of times to Austria and that was pretty cheap. Doubt it will be much different from Switzerland to Germany.

I've only had to exchange something twice, but both times I contacted them, and they sent me a new game immediately and just told me to ship the busted up game back in the box the new one came in, which was pretty awesome.

I'm looking at the USPS site, and the following option:

Priority Mail International® Large Video Flat Rate priced box**More info about Priority Mail International® Large Video Flat Rate priced box**
Maximum Value for Contents: $400.00
USPS-Produced Box: 9-1/4" x 6-1/4" x 2"
Maximum weight 4 pounds.

is 23.95 US dollars, and I think Battleline will fit in it. I'd have to look around and find one of those specific flat rate boxes though, I've never seen one -- but then again I've never looked for them either.

Edit: Yeah, 18 Euros and change shipped. Hrmm, I guess with added cost of the game that is escalating quickly for such a small game.

Exactly. If it was a big game it wouldn't matter as much but for this? : /


You know that Schotten-Totten is a differently themed version of BL, right? From the name of it, that sounds like something you could find locally.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Ok I might take you up on this offer depending on how Essen will go. I shipped stuff a couple of times to Austria and that was pretty cheap. Doubt it will be much different from Switzerland to Germany.

I also literally live AT the border, so I can just cross the border by car and give it up for the German postal service if that's cheaper, even.
Also I see tons of people praising Cerebral Overwriter, and Edge of World is seemingly thought of as a garbage card (or even more of one). Insane. Guess it's because people love their weenie servers. EoW is an absolutely spectacular card. Only downside is that I wish it cost 1-2c to trash.
I don't think adding a trash cost to EoW would make much of a difference, outside of maybe making it harder to kill when accessed from HQ or R&D. At that point though it's a dead draw because the runner will just expect it.

EoW has the same problem that Snare has if it's ever on a remote; if it's not getting advanced and it's not getting rezzed at the end of the runner's turn, there's a pretty good chance that it's a trap. Especially if one is using Jinteki, players will eventually learn to just be patient, which is really the worst thing for Jinteki. Cerebral Overwriter doesn't have that problem though. It can be advanced, so it looks like something potentially important. With the agendas that can be over-advanced, not only does it not seem as obvious as EoW or Snare, it can also put pressure on the runner to deal with it (Project Beale, Braintrust, and Project Atlus have some pretty awesome bonuses for over-advancing).
Aren't online retailers still taking preorder for Robinson? Isn't there a chance it will be available at Gencon?

Both Coolstuff and Miniature Market are sold out of pre-orders and they're usually the cheapest which is where I generally go because I'm poor. I won't buy at GenCon because, if I'm going to pay full price for a board game I will do so at my local store.
Howdy friends.

I have read the OP, but I was hoping to get some good suggestions for board/card/dice games not mentioned in the OP that would be fun for my girlfriend and I to play. She does have some 'nerdish' leanings, so games of that nature would be fine.

Anything out there right now good for two players?


Howdy friends.

I have read the OP, but I was hoping to get some good suggestions for board/card/dice games not mentioned in the OP that would be fun for my girlfriend and I to play. She does have some 'nerdish' leanings, so games of that nature would be fine.

Anything out there right now good for two players?


This game has my girlfriend asking to play it more than any other in my collection. Laid back card game that is deep enough to have you welcoming the constant plays. I'm a sucker for card games so that is what I mainly play.


Lost the first 2 games of Netrunner in league tonight. 2 brutally close games, that went 40+ rounds and came down to the final play. So draining but so fun.

Started as runner where I ran a Noise Trash deck. I learned that 21 viruses is too much without the proper support. You will have MU and credit problems! Also Freelance Coding only nettted me 6 and 4 and that was dropping entire hands, not too hot. Still, need for the Runner to shake tags a few times and archive harassment put me in a good spot to win until HB got up their SanSan.

Corp I loaded a Weyland Transaction deck. I enjoy their Agendas and making money through events works for me more than assets. I was light on agendas the entire game and had plenty of ice to guard only RD and my one remote against Kate. Had the better Gila Project out and was installing and keeping credits high for 2 clicks a turn. Mid to late runner did work behind 2 fairies smc and scavenge, got his rig up and pulled out a nail biter on the last turn.

Real nice guy, very helpful. Look forward to future games in the league.
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