Thanks Kark, I read a few reviews on amazon as well and it seems interesting. I'd like to play a game of it before I commit to buying. Same goes for Formula D. I know the place I go for board game nights has it available, or at least did at some point. I love car racing so it seems like a game that would be perfect for me.King of Tokyo is a pretty reliable crowd-pleaser and I've never seen anyone come away from the game disappointed. It's not a very complex game, but it's executed very well in terms of the mechanics being simple but requiring some strategy, and the quality of the components being nice (I love the energy cubes, and the feel of the dice is quite nice).
Played some more Ascension tonight and was destroyed by my friend. He said he had been playing the iOS version, I just played for the first time last night. D:
edit: Gah I keep going back and forth on that Star Wars miniatures game. The fact it doesn't come with a board or 3x3 placemat for it just sours the package for me for some reason.