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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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I love, love a game about the crusades where you have a paper tower that you throw your little army cubes in to resolve battles, but no clue how that game is called in english. If you have any other suggestions based on the games I am planning on buying or that we liked to play so far, let me know :) Open for anything, even though my wallet gently weeps.
Sounds like Wallenstein.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...


First tragedy, then farce.
Sirlin has a pretty neat looking game.

Seems to be a poker spin on BS/Cheat with some variable Panda powers.
Sirlin has a pretty neat looking game.

Seems to be a poker spin on BS/Cheat with some variable Panda powers.

I really, really love Sirlin's games but the man is a terrible salesman. He needs to hire a marketing person. I think the game sounds great, but his video introducing it was not. His constant need to remind everyone HOW MUCH OF A GOOD DEAL he's giving them is obnoxious too. Shame really as Yomi and Puzzle Strike are two of the greatest games I've ever played. If he was better at interacting with people I think he'd be a lot more successful. But yeah will totally buy Pandante when it's released, I love bluffing games.

Was going to post about Yomi and Puzzle Strike as I only got them fairly recently, but they've taken over my gaming completely.

Pandante Kickstarter
Golem arcana is in its last week of its kickstarter. Hopefully it gets funded since I'm really looking forward to it. If they'd launched with what the kickstarter looks like now they would have smashed their goal.


Hail to the KING baby
Hahah yeah Sirlin is totally insufferable but he does have some pretty fun game ideas I have to concede. What always bums me out about KS is that for example I see that and I'm like cool I could use some new poker chips! But it's not out until 2014. :/ I'll consider it after checking out the rules.


First tragedy, then farce.
Hahah yeah Sirlin is totally insufferable but he does have some pretty fun game ideas I have to concede. What always bums me out about KS is that for example I see that and I'm like cool I could use some new poker chips! But it's not out until 2014. :/ I'll consider it after checking out the rules.

Lead time is about 4 months if everything goes perfect from the day you press print.

Nothing ever goes perfect :( Or even close to estimates.
Golem arcana is in its last week of its kickstarter. Hopefully it gets funded since I'm really looking forward to it. If they'd launched with what the kickstarter looks like now they would have smashed their goal.

It's a miniature game that kinda goes against a lot of what mini gamers go for. Taking out the hobby aspects and pretty much automating the game feels pointless to a lot of people. It's a video game that you have to set up on a table. It's neat tech but I know theres been lot of debate on it, similar product that came out and failed had lot of mini gamers scratching their head at who the game was for really.

The tech is amazing if it works though, at Gencon it sounded like it wasn't working the best so we would have to see, but I think they would have done far better to try and create generic game tools for people to create their own or use with their own games. Take your tabletop RPG to the next level with our cool tech and software!
It's a miniature game that kinda goes against a lot of what mini gamers go for. Taking out the hobby aspects and pretty much automating the game feels pointless to a lot of people. It's a video game that you have to set up on a table. It's neat tech but I know theres been lot of debate on it, similar product that came out and failed had lot of mini gamers scratching their head at who the game was for really.

The tech is amazing if it works though, at Gencon it sounded like it wasn't working the best so we would have to see, but I think they would have done far better to try and create generic game tools for people to create their own or use with their own games. Take your tabletop RPG to the next level with our cool tech and software!

It looks like a light casual miniatures game like X-Wing, which is right up my alley. I don't see how that connection isn't obvious to everybody who looks at the game.
It looks like a light casual miniatures game like X-Wing, which is right up my alley. I don't see how that connection isn't obvious to everybody who looks at the game.

X-Wing appeals to far more than casual market though, it's a reworking of a classic game system amongst miniature gamers and it's just an overall slick product based on a hugely popular IP.

Golem has many different issues such as how it's a more casual focused game, but the people who are going to get exposure to the product are the more hardcore gamer types who follow kickstarter and game news. Just their opening paragraph description of the product kinda puts it in a odd situation since it's showing their target focus, yet that's not who is going to be buying the product on Kickstarter. You also have lot of factors such as the theme which I think is going to be off putting for many. They went with a very unique concept and setting that will usually limit your audience, and for something targeting casual gamer market, you don't want to do that. It's why most more casual style games go with established and popular IPs, like done with Heroclix products, Star Wars, and so on. And as I mentioned the actual miniature gamers have very mixed feelings on the product, be it they are in it for hobby aspects, or see it pointless to automate rules. You will have some just seeing it as a big gimmick like Ex Illis was where players were like, "what is the point of the miniatures, this is a video game". But Ex Illis still kept the hobby aspect involved, which maybe was a turn off for the more casual market who might have liked it more?


Hail to the KING baby
I may have asked this before, but are any of the pre-set missions in X-Wing worth it? Tempted to try them out, especially with new players.
I may have asked this before, but are any of the pre-set missions in X-Wing worth it? Tempted to try them out, especially with new players.

With the starter setup as described they work good, with more ships and full 100 point custom builds, they can get a bit not right feeling. It's a lot harder to protect a target in the defending shuttle scenario for example when suddenly your opponent has a custom built force with tons of ships, instead of the 1 vs. 2 of the starter set ups. Most folks when using custom build 100 point builds just do straight up battles.

The larger ships come with some unique scenarios that seem to offer more options.


Hail to the KING baby
With the starter setup as described they work good, with more ships and full 100 point custom builds, they can get a bit not right feeling. It's a lot harder to protect a target in the defending shuttle scenario for example when suddenly your opponent has a custom built force with tons of ships, instead of the 1 vs. 2 of the starter set ups. Most folks when using custom build 100 point builds just do straight up battles.

The larger ships come with some unique scenarios that seem to offer more options.

I forget, do they prescribe specific builds?
The scenarios have preset builds in their description, but it notes in the rules you can use custom builds of 100 points each. But with custom builds the scenarios I think get broken in some cases or a certain side can cheese it.


Hail to the KING baby
Ah yes. Would definitely use the recommended builds -- part of the appeal for me w/ new players who can't really put together builds right away.


Hail to the KING baby
Ooh ooh two other things that crack me up about Sirlin's KS:
"The luxury version includes all that plus a full set of high-end, custom poker chips. These aren't plastic, or composite with a metal disc in the center, or cheap clay. They're high quality ceramic casino chips."

Clay poker chips are cheap now? Please tell me where I can get quality clay chips for "cheap" as compared to ceramic. Also clay is by far the choice of casinos.

"All the beautiful, minimal graphic design of Pandante was created by European designer Hectore Blivand (@blivand). Blivand is a high fashion designer who likes to remove all the elements of a design that he can without hurting the functionality, and then to remove some more. I think that really shows with his work on Pandante."

Who is this guy? Search me. Apparently a high-fashion designer but I was very curious about that (like, genuinely, oh cool did he get a fashion designer to work on the aesthetics of this game?) and didn't turn up anything other than an odd Twitter feed.

Maybe this is an ARG?
Ooh ooh two other things that crack me up about Sirlin's KS:
"The luxury version includes all that plus a full set of high-end, custom poker chips. These aren't plastic, or composite with a metal disc in the center, or cheap clay. They're high quality ceramic casino chips."

Clay poker chips are cheap now? Please tell me where I can get quality clay chips for "cheap" as compared to ceramic. Also clay is by far the choice of casinos.

"All the beautiful, minimal graphic design of Pandante was created by European designer Hectore Blivand (@blivand). Blivand is a high fashion designer who likes to remove all the elements of a design that he can without hurting the functionality, and then to remove some more. I think that really shows with his work on Pandante."

Who is this guy? Search me. Apparently a high-fashion designer but I was very curious about that (like, genuinely, oh cool did he get a fashion designer to work on the aesthetics of this game?) and didn't turn up anything other than an odd Twitter feed.

Maybe this is an ARG?

I don't know what you'd call it but he seems utterly incapable of holding an opinion without putting down every other alternative. As if he's so completely insecure in his design decisions he has to constantly remind everyone why they are obviously the best and you're an idiot if you disagree. The great tragedy being that his designs stand for themselves and this just puts people off supporting him.


I don't know what you'd call it but he seems utterly incapable of holding an opinion without putting down every other alternative. As if he's so completely insecure in his design decisions he has to constantly remind everyone why they are obviously the best and you're an idiot if you disagree. The great tragedy being that his designs stand for themselves and this just puts people off supporting him.

I think he's /utterly sure/ in his design decisions to the point of not understanding anyone feeling differently. I've experienced that before with other videogame designers and similar brashness and expectation of superiority, if that makes sense - with a a number of video game designers it's all or nothing.... Sirlin is obviously an interesting designer but his brashness & business decisions are utterly off-putting to me... But his style of game isn't a fit for my usual game crowd anyway.


I tried Lords of Waterdeep at game night this weekend.

It reminded me of Agricola with the reserving spaces thing. I think one player ended up way ahead, but I might have come close when the final scores were tallied due to my role card. I had a 6-point-per-building card, and had 4-5 buildings. Unfortunately the first turn I got the first player token, I didn't plan ahead enough to have the right gold for a building. I did manage to keep first player like 5 turns in a row though. Unfortunately near the end, someone stole first player, I stole it back, and they played ANOTHER special incident card or whatever to steal it again.


I tried Lords of Waterdeep at game night this weekend.

It reminded me of Agricola with the reserving spaces thing. I think one player ended up way ahead, but I might have come close when the final scores were tallied due to my role card. I had a 6-point-per-building card, and had 4-5 buildings. Unfortunately the first turn I got the first player token, I didn't plan ahead enough to have the right gold for a building. I did manage to keep first player like 5 turns in a row though. Unfortunately near the end, someone stole first player, I stole it back, and they played ANOTHER special incident card or whatever to steal it again.

Did you use any of the expansions? The one with the corruption counters IMO makes the game amazingly better. There is almost never a "best move" because you can risk taking some amazing spaces and having to take a corruption counter in hopes that you will find a way to ditch it.


B-Wing is MM deal of the day. 7.99 Wave 3 model.

BAH! Bought 2 A-wings, 2 B-wings, HWK, and a Falcon last week. Would have been nice to save a little on them.

Also for you X-wing fans: http://xwing.runbam.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/

This is a link to an AI program a dude wrote in order to run X-wing solitaire. You obviously have to make some decisions for the opposing side but it turns an impossible solitaire game into a very very good one. Played a 100 PT. game last night which ended in a Fire-spray and Falcon shooting it out in dramatic fashion. It is also a great way to get used to the movement rules and stuff so when you play against people you can really understand where your ships will be ending up.

My lists were. Jonus Tie-B with steal device, photon torps. 2 Academy Pilot Tie-F, Krassis Firespray with Stealh device and HLC (AI controlled)

Han Solo- Falcon upgrade, Chewie, Luke, Marksmanship. Biggs Darklighter- R2-D2, Advanced Proton Torps, Shield Upgrade.

Gonna switch up the imperial list a bit tonight and give it another go. This worked way better and was way more fun that I thought it would be. Puts it up there with Battles of Westeros for amazing solitaire play.

Also note that the Beta 2 version of that AI site runs fantastic on an Iphone or Ipad. It may even work on other smartphones I just don't have one to check with.
Journey's score track is definitely my preference. The base game has a lot of color, but Journey's is easier to follow and even has number markings to place your cards next to so you don't have to tell everyone every time which picture is number 1.

PSA: Today's version of Dixit's base game comes with Journey's score tracker, plus inserts for 3 expansions. I just opened and organized mine



PSA: Today's version of Dixit's base game comes with Journey's score tracker, plus inserts for 3 expansions. I just opened and organized mine

[ IMG]http://i.imgur.com/V0oyd8jl.png[/IMG]

What? I...I kinda want to buy another copy now -_- Right now my solution is putting everything under the insert for Journey's box.
What? I...I kinda want to buy another copy now -_- Right now my solution is putting everything under the insert for Journey's box.

it wouldn't last you too long. If you have Base Game, Quest, Odyssey, and Journey, that's 4 decks so this insert would already be full up. With the next expansion, Origin, out next month, there wouldn't be room for it. I personally skipped Journey, maybe in the future


Did you use any of the expansions? The one with the corruption counters IMO makes the game amazingly better. There is almost never a "best move" because you can risk taking some amazing spaces and having to take a corruption counter in hopes that you will find a way to ditch it.
No, we played the plain game.
Sweet! That game is on my short list of next games to buy. Shipping to Canada is brutal though. I recently got D-Day at Omaha Beach but I'm still learning how to play it. :)
Looks like at least two Canadian sites, supernovagames.ca and germangames.com, have it in stock for ~$60. Supernova has slightly cheaper shipping at $8-$10.

Not a bad price at all considering coolstuffinc has it for $54.


Sweet! That game is on my short list of next games to buy. Shipping to Canada is brutal though. I recently got D-Day at Omaha Beach but I'm still learning how to play it. :)

It looks like it's hard to find in Europe too. Amazon UK has it, but shipping to any country besides the UK is 39.99 GBP... :(

Best option I can find is Amazon DE and delivery to a friend in Germany. Unfortunately none of my german friends here in Norway are going home anytime soon.

Damn it boardgame-GAF, why did you make me interested in yet another game?
Golem arcana just added more free figures. If you back at at least the 110 level you get the base set with six golems, plus a codex of four golems, and now in the final push you get a free elite unit pack which were priced at 65 ala carte.
Damn that recommended first scenario for Firefly boardgame is awful. Way to turn people off from your game.

Oh yeah..


Thanks again BattleMonkey for the recommendation.

Such a good game, I'm tempted to buy the new edition because it looks so nice. Old original set had some ugly counters.
It's not even that it's a bad scenario. It's literally the worst one.
I haven't played that scenario but reading through it seemed like it was a bear to complete.

So other than this scenario, decent game? Thinking of ordering a copy.
I've only played through the solo scenario and it's not bad. The solo scenario is a bit dry but the game is solid. I want to play it with other people and see how it plays.

The game is kind of like a beefed up Merchant of Venus with less setup. If you are a fan of the show, you'll get a lot out of it. If you're not, you have to really like pick up and deliver games.


Looks like at least two Canadian sites, supernovagames.ca and germangames.com, have it in stock for ~$60. Supernova has slightly cheaper shipping at $8-$10.

Not a bad price at all considering coolstuffinc has it for $54.

Thanks! Checking out supernovagames now, nice site for Canadians for sure!
I haven't played that scenario but reading through it seemed like it was a bear to complete.

I've only played through the solo scenario and it's not bad. The solo scenario is a bit dry but the game is solid. I want to play it with other people and see how it plays.

The game is kind of like a beefed up Merchant of Venus with less setup. If you are a fan of the show, you'll get a lot out of it. If you're not, you have to really like pick up and deliver games.

Game to me feels like a weaker version of merchants and mauraders.

Problem we've seen is that the game has no real good catch up mechanics due to limited player interaction. Its a long game and its obvious when a player takes a commanding lead, problem being rest of the players have little to do to slow down or stop a winning player. You have to essentially hope the lead just fails badly enough his own rolls. Reavers and Alliance are only means to really mess with a player, but these are extremely easy to avoid. Other players just lose interest since its a long game while you watch the leader win.

Some of the other scenarios seem to have less of a goal barrier though that will make this slightly less of an issue, but I think the game's lack of player interaction really hurts the experience.


Just got home from local game store's game night. Played Pizza Theory which I thought was pretty fun and Betrayal At The House which took a while to set up and learn but ended up being interesting.

Though I caused the haunt to happen early when we had no items and we got rocked hard by some zombies.


I've been wanting to play Betrayal , as those games with modular boards (especially when they're little rooms or something) really appeal to me. I heard it was kind of cheesy, schlocky, b-mpvie type of fun.
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