B-Wing is MM deal of the day. 7.99 Wave 3 model.
BAH! Bought 2 A-wings, 2 B-wings, HWK, and a Falcon last week. Would have been nice to save a little on them.
Also for you X-wing fans:
This is a link to an AI program a dude wrote in order to run X-wing solitaire. You obviously have to make some decisions for the opposing side but it turns an impossible solitaire game into a very very good one. Played a 100 PT. game last night which ended in a Fire-spray and Falcon shooting it out in dramatic fashion. It is also a great way to get used to the movement rules and stuff so when you play against people you can really understand where your ships will be ending up.
My lists were. Jonus Tie-B with steal device, photon torps. 2 Academy Pilot Tie-F, Krassis Firespray with Stealh device and HLC (AI controlled)
Han Solo- Falcon upgrade, Chewie, Luke, Marksmanship. Biggs Darklighter- R2-D2, Advanced Proton Torps, Shield Upgrade.
Gonna switch up the imperial list a bit tonight and give it another go. This worked way better and was way more fun that I thought it would be. Puts it up there with Battles of Westeros for amazing solitaire play.
Also note that the Beta 2 version of that AI site runs fantastic on an Iphone or Ipad. It may even work on other smartphones I just don't have one to check with.