I couldn't think of any. The closest I thought of was reference stuff like the 7 Wonders app that keeps track of stats and helps score the game. I know some games come with QED codes so you can watch tutorial videos but nothing where it is integral to the gaming experience.Would anyone be able to recommend a card or board game that has an interesting use of technology (integrated RFID chips, LED screens, etc.) - something outside of the norm? Just something I'm interested in and that you don't see too often!
If it's already funded, why not just wait? Unless they are doing something exclusive that you absolutely must have wait until retail.Speaking of the Sentinels guys i really am thinking about backing out of the Tactics kickstarter, I'm not really a mini's guy to begin with but was hoping my love for the world they've created would pull me in. But here i am a few weeks later and from what little gameplay I've seen the game just doesn't look that appealing, just a lot of straightforward dice rolling. Not to mention the fact that i still don't really like the way they've run their kickstarter, with the stretch goals really feeling like add-ons all the way through. Right now I see very little reason to not just wait it out and pick it up in-store once I see some reviews.
Would anyone be able to recommend a card or board game that has an interesting use of technology (integrated RFID chips, LED screens, etc.) - something outside of the norm? Just something I'm interested in and that you don't see too often!
If it's already funded, why not just wait? Unless they are doing something exclusive that you absolutely must have wait until retail.
Speaking of the Sentinels guys i really am thinking about backing out of the Tactics kickstarter, I'm not really a mini's guy to begin with but was hoping my love for the world they've created would pull me in. But here i am a few weeks later and from what little gameplay I've seen the game just doesn't look that appealing, just a lot of straightforward dice rolling. Not to mention the fact that i still don't really like the way they've run their kickstarter, with the stretch goals really feeling like add-ons all the way through. Right now I see very little reason to not just wait it out and pick it up in-store once I see some reviews.
Speaking of the Sentinels guys i really am thinking about backing out of the Tactics kickstarter, I'm not really a mini's guy to begin with but was hoping my love for the world they've created would pull me in. But here i am a few weeks later and from what little gameplay I've seen the game just doesn't look that appealing, just a lot of straightforward dice rolling. Not to mention the fact that i still don't really like the way they've run their kickstarter, with the stretch goals really feeling like add-ons all the way through. Right now I see very little reason to not just wait it out and pick it up in-store once I see some reviews.
Fund Mercs: Recon instead
It's a really fun game. It's basically 7 Wonders with the added element of tile laying. Unless you want the stretch goals, you might want to hold off on backing it. They are getting US distribution through Stronghold and you should be able to preorder it through them for less than what they are charging for the kickstarter.I never heard of Among the Stars before it went out of print so I am contemplating backing it since I have like 3 space games and it seems fun.
It's a really fun game. It's basically 7 Wonders with the added element of tile laying. Unless you want the stretch goals, you might want to hold off on backing it. They are getting US distribution through Stronghold and you should be able to preorder it through them for less than what they are charging for the kickstarter.
Have anyone tried the new Race for the galaxy expansion, Alien Artifacts? I was thinking of buying it and put it into my second copy of RotG.
I wish I could say I have... but alas while I bought it the week it came out I still haven't...
the new rules are intimidating to learn lol.
i've been meaning to... the main issue is I introduced race to my gaming group... and one of the guys loved it, bought it and all of the expansions, and then forced his GF (part of our gaming group) to play it with him until she grew to really dislike the game... so I have had to let it sit for a while so it isn't as bad for herYou should play without the new stuff (just use the cards).Heard it's actually pretty solid without it.
The gameplay videos are just terrible. So confusing as to what he's doing with no indication of why he's making certain moves, etc. The game comes off as really complex to me.
I'd love to back it, but that project is going to see an absurd amount of production delays with so many rewards. I just get a bad feeling about the KS, itself.
I may bite from a retail standpoint. The game certainly looks like a lot of fun, thematically.
I'm super excited for Among the Stars but that kickstarter is ridiculously expensive and none of the items are exclusive, so again, I'll pick them up at retail for halfish the price later.
Will the random add-on things be available for sale later as well? Some of them look alright. But yeah $100 + whatever add-ons you want creates a hilarious price tag that's probably $100 higher than what it should be.
We encourage Northern Americans to support Stronghold's release of AtS since this will ensure that the game, its current expansions and any future expansions will quickly become widely available in the US and Canada.
Artipia's and Stronghold's versions will be identical. All KS material will be later on offered as a boxed expansion from both companies. There are no exclusives.
You should play without the new stuff (just use the cards).Heard it's actually pretty solid without it.
Quite the opposite, IMO. The Orb game is the definitive way to play Race. If you just play with just the new cards, you'll find the game very much becomes who can get the most alien cards on their tableau will win.
The Orb game adds an entirely new layer to the game that makes it way more meaty.
Every review I've read says the Orb doesn't integrate very well at all and is just an uninteresting distraction. I guess I should actually play it myself if I care this much...but tbh even though RFTG was one of my first boardgame loves I've been over it for a few years now.
I didn't bite on the Sentinel Tactics Kickstarter either, mostly because I have decided to stay away from miniature games that usually just cost tons, so I backed the Catacombs Kickstarter instead. Been wanting a dexterity game for a while and Catacombs sounded like a lot of fun from the impressions of the first print, flicking discs at stuff and constantly wailing as they roll over the table edge.
Is Dominion for $23.XX with damaged packaging a good deal? I just ordered one but then realized that I have always wanted the Big Box and that buying everything piecemeal would still run me more than the Box, even with a cheaper base game right now.
Thinking I will cancel the order, that I can wait for a deal on the Box. Is that the right move?
I think even if I were to not care for it, I would still want it in my collection because of its status as one of the 'big' games. I feel the same about 7 Wonders I guess. Didn't care for it when I learned it but I will own it eventually, just so I can have it on my shelves.Not bad for the base set. I ended up selling my copy a few years ago. Played it with my son, and one day it hit us that there was no interaction between us; just taking turns playing our hand. He was 11 at the time.
I feel like I come into this thread mainly just to say "Suburbia is great" but man, Suburbia is great.
Hmmm, sounds pretty cool. I know I have seen some praise for the game but I have never looked into it. There was a copy of it on the 60 or 70% off wall at Miniature Market when I went and I thought I should have blind-bought it. Maybe if it is still there when I pass back through on my way home...K2 is a great race game that is very unforgiving. You are climbing up K2 and not only do you have to manage your speed but you have to watch out for the weather. You gain points for how high you can make it, but only if your climber survives. The only downside is turn order and luck can screw you but it's short enough that it really doesn't matter.