Really like that game
Yeah, it's great. Too bad the expansion is in limbo.
Going to look into Arctic Scavengers. Seems like the type of theme I would be into. Is it only dice? No minis? ]
I said dice when I meant cards. Go me.
Thanks for the insight. Hopefully my local shop carries it.
Going to look into Arctic Scavengers. Seems like the type of theme I would be into. Is it only dice? No minis? I'm also going to check out K2. I started reading Into Thin Air last night and I've always had a fascination with Everest and K2.
Went to Ikea on Saturday and bought some furniture to display my humble collection so far. Plenty of room for expansion in here:
Going to look into Arctic Scavengers. Seems like the type of theme I would be into. Is it only dice? No minis? I'm also going to check out K2. I started reading Into Thin Air last night and I've always had a fascination with Everest and K2.
Went to Ikea on Saturday and bought some furniture to display my humble collection so far. Plenty of room for expansion in here:
It is. What was the reason for getting rid of the old line? Is it because it's really fucking heavy? I have the large one against the wall in my living room.
And the Kallax was way easier to put together. The wooden dowels weren't as fiddly.
Going to look into Arctic Scavengers. Seems like the type of theme I would be into. Is it only dice? No minis? I'm also going to check out K2. I started reading Into Thin Air last night and I've always had a fascination with Everest and K2.
Went to Ikea on Saturday and bought some furniture to display my humble collection so far. Plenty of room for expansion in here:
I am counting myself pretty lucky that I am still in the country when this new Barnes and Noble clearance sale is starting. Picked up Power Grid for $22 and Castles of Burgandy for $20 today at one store and another store told me to come back at the end of the week. Really hoping to get one of the $20 Puerto Ricos and $20 Flashpoints then.
Reports from the thread on BGG make it seem like only the edition of the game with a sticker showing the plastic fireman on the outside is the one that is half off (possibly the first edition I guess?). The store I went to did not have that sku, but hopefully another one will. There are 4 or 5 more B&N stores within half an hour's drive of me I think.Whoooooaaaaaaaaaa...
Flashpoint for $20 is certainly excellent!
Need more photos of your Lego collection.
I personally like Flash Point more but Castles of Burgundy is very good. I would pick up Flash Point in this sale if I didn't already own it.BN sale has me tempted.
Castles of Burgundy or Flash Point: Fire Rescue ??
I personally like Flash Point more but Castles of Burgundy is very good. I would pick up Flash Point in this sale if I didn't already own it.
Hey thanks man! I think I will grab it. The wife will enjoy the theme of FP more then Castles too.
Played Zombicide Season 2 with just me and a buddy last night, I think that game really shines with two players, probably would also be just as good with three. Any more than that and I think it gets a little slow. Tons of fun, we were able to clear the intro mission and the first "real" mission came down to the very end. Tons of fun!
It doesn't really matter how many players you have in Zombicide, the game doesn't really have a proper scaling mechanic. The leveling system is supposed to technically be it, but really most player groups know how to game that system to only level when they need too.
It doesn't really matter how many players you have in Zombicide, the game doesn't really have a proper scaling mechanic. The leveling system is supposed to technically be it, but really most player groups know how to game that system to only level when they need too.
Hardcore players ruin everything. I'm glad I don't play with anyone like that.
You don't have to be hard core to realize going to the next level is not needed. Timing your level up is pretty much part of the game as a team.
Hey thanks man! I think I will grab it. The wife will enjoy the theme of FP more then Castles too.
That would make the game a bit too easy for my liking. I think you described it best as "gaming the system". It's like playing video games with cheat codes enabled. You can, but why would you? Some people find great enjoyment out of bending every rule and exploiting every single gray area rule in every game they can find. That's fine for them of course, but I'd rather not play with anyone like that. You have to keep the spirit of the game alive IMO. It's especially important for board games because people like I described above will shit up a game and not even care one bit about all the others playing.
How is managing when you go up in xp level in Zombicide "gaming the system" or using cheat codes? It's a natural element of the system - if /one/ person goes up, everyone gets punished, so you try to get as many people go up at the same time and /after/ you've got some weapons to deal with the new hordes.
It's not a gray area, it's not an exploit, it's a natural, obvious tactic, that fits with the spirit of the game. Anyone I've taught it to, it's been part of the conversation - "if you rush & kill too many zombies too quickly, you won't be ready for the tougher spawning".
While I don't think holding back an attack in fear of increasing the threat limit is "gaming the system," I know what SillyEskimo is saying. I've read a lot of people on the internet saying the game is too easy and they are gaming the system, like...waiting in a room and just searching until they find X, Y, & Z weapons.
I do think Zombicide should be played with a sense of urgency though. Sometimes playing to the theme really amps up the gameplay and most importantly, the fun.
Newcomer to the hobby, I've spent the last couple of months picking up a few bits n bobs.
Ascension: Storm of Souls
Legend of Drizzt
Lord of the Rings LCG
Pathfinder ACG
Zombicide Season 2
Thunderstone Advance
Gears of War
I'm entirely drawn to thematic games and I've really enjoyed Drizzt. I'm thinking of picking up Mice and Mystics and Runebound (when I see a copy going for a fair price). and possibly Wrath of Ashardalon. I play solo, so Descent is out, but there's a few solo variants so I might end up getting that at some point too. I was pretty hyped about Myth, but I've soured on the game somewhat.
I kinda want Dungeon Run, the upcoming SDE standalone, and Super Fantasy: Ugly Snouts Assault as well. Oh and maybe Serpents Tongue and that wild west fantasy co-op which name escapes me. This is getting expensive!
I don't see how Dungeon Run would even work solo, major part of the whole game is the backstabbing 2nd portion.
Yeah, thats why I'm not so sure on it. It can be played solo, but as you say, the games ace in the hole really revolves around the threat of being backstabbed. But the game does look fun all the same.
Oh god, I bought into the hype too. I ordered a starter set and 10 boosters at gohastings when they had it in stock for a very brief time. I almost hate myself because I'm not the biggest fan of Quarriors, but I like dice and and my Marvel Dice Masters today (and expansions for Legendary)...I guess make mine Marvel or something.
I pulled the trigger on Star Realms by White Wizard games today. Feel free to reiterate how amazing the game is if you were lucky enough to Kick Start it. Super pumped.
Oh god, I bought into the hype too. I ordered a starter set and 10 boosters at gohastings when they had it in stock for a very brief time. I almost hate myself because I'm not the biggest fan of Quarriors, but I like dice and and
I should have my copy by next week, then we shall see if I made a mistake or not. The total cost wasn't that bad (<$40 shipped) so I'm not in to hole for that much. If I end up hating it, I can sell it for roughly what I put into it, maybe more if demand is still high.
People keep saying that but I it looks like it plays almost exactly like Quarriors. Granted I have yet to play it and basing it off of videos so I may be completely off base.I liked quarriors for what it is, but I like Dice Masters way, way more. The similarities are mostly cosmetic.