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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Hail to the KING baby
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Where did you get the shelves? I'm thinking I'll need a better storage solution soon. The games are starting to take over the dining room.
I'll double-check with my wife and let you know if otherwise, but I'm 90% sure Target.
I actually think I'm going to cull my collection a bit once I see how the math trade goes down. I have about 10 games I just want to be rid of at this point. I own too many games I just don't ever feel like playing. Mostly stuff I nabbed on sale or on a whim without reading enough about.
Yup I need to do that for my lesser-playeds. Like 99% of people I always dread figuring out shipping and the like though.
like some M44 once in a while, got all the expansions and such, but also enjoy more complicated stuff. Tide of Iron is great but it just is a pain in the ass to play because of all the pieces to set up. Prep and clean up time for that game takes alot of the enjoyment out of it. Conflict of Heroes sounds good, and it doesn't seem to be stupid complex like ASL.
Yeah that's pretty much exactly what it is. Realistic and modestly complex, but not ASL.


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
Yup I need to do that for my lesser-playeds. Like 99% of people I always dread figuring out shipping and the like though..

Yeah, I'm using BGG-Con to dump stuff for 5-10 dollars for stuff I don't play anymore (and doesn't have a market). Obviously since I'm driving it means I can load up a bunch of shit in my truck and drive it up there.


You guys, especially Stooge, should update your trade lists then! I can't count how many times you personally have talked about wanting something I'd like to get rid of. :lol


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
pic of our brand spankin new boardgame closet (not pictured: a few rarely playeds like battlelore and a touch of evil and integrated expansions like rftg and kingsburg):


I was actually at target getting some storage solutions for my way too big BRD collection and picked up one of these wire racks. Stores most of my games pretty well.. but mine is up on a shelf above my clothes rack. I have *just* enough room for a 3 wide x 2 high. Seems *mostly* stable. Holds them pretty well and gives me easier access to my games.

Plus the wife/girlfriend acceptance factor is much higher on this vs. 4 giant piles of games that were there :lol


I just received Bohnanza and Odin's Ravens in a BGG trade.

Had a chance to play a few games of OR and it's a nice little two player game. I'm liking it much better than Balloon Cup, which I had the chance to borrow a few weeks back.


First tragedy, then farce.
Neverfade said:
You guys, especially Stooge, should update your trade lists then! I can't count how many times you personally have talked about wanting something I'd like to get rid of. :lol

Not sure you are going to want any of the things I'm trying to get rid of.

Most of them are things I bought because they were cheap. The only "good" game I'm thinking of parting ways with is Endeavor. I want to play it a few more times to make sure, but the end-game is really starting to bother me in this game.
Wowwwwww....Damn, AL. When are you having me over? :lol

Is that little mini-expansion for Dominion (Alchemy I think it's called?) worthwhile, in your opinion.?


First tragedy, then farce.
echoshifting said:
Wowwwwww....Damn, AL. When are you having me over? :lol

Is that little mini-expansion for Dominion (Alchemy I think it's called?) worthwhile, in your opinion.?

It is generally considered the weakest expansion for Dominion.
I know, but that's not saying much, as all three of the "big" expansions are fantastic. If there are cards in there that can be used without the alchemy mechanic I would consider adding it. edit: hmmmm just checked the visual spoiler and looks like the answer on that is no...

I just spotted the game "Ghost Stories" in that pic and I am immediately intrigued...off to bbg... :D


StoOgE said:
Not sure you are going to want any of the things I'm trying to get rid of.

Most of them are things I bought because they were cheap. The only "good" game I'm thinking of parting ways with is Endeavor. I want to play it a few more times to make sure, but the end-game is really starting to bother me in this game.
I just got rid of that one myself! Hah!


Hail to the KING baby
echoshifting said:
I know, but that's not saying much, as all three of the "big" expansions are fantastic. If there are cards in there that can be used without the alchemy mechanic I would consider adding it. edit: hmmmm just checked the visual spoiler and looks like the answer on that is no...

I just spotted the game "Ghost Stories" in that pic and I am immediately intrigued...off to bbg... :D
yeah i would put alchemy as a distant last in terms of dominion expansions. not bad by any means, and maybe i need to give it more of a chance, but seaside and prosperity in particular just click right away

ghost stories is an uber-tough co-op that i don't get to play nearly enough


First tragedy, then farce.
Neverfade said:
I just got rid of that one myself! Hah!

yeah, I am leaning heavily on trading or selling that one. It is also rated extremely highly on BGG, so I should be able to sell it pretty easily at BGG-Con.

the set up also sucks with that game. I dunno. It isn't bad. It's just not great.

I just can't see a scenario where I would want to play it instead of Le Havre, Carson City, Brass or Puerto Rico which scratch similar itches.

Well, I say scratch similar itches except the decisions in those games actually matter. In Endeavor you never really know who is winning and it's hard to say that there is a "best" decision since every game comes down to 1-2 points.


First tragedy, then farce.
Stumpokapow said:
Unfortunate to see Citadels relegated to the gimp bottom-left shelf!

I like how the RFTG shelf left room for more expansions :lol

I like some of the themes in the cubes.

One of them is by designers (1960, Twilight Struggle, 2008) then there seems to be a co-op one... and a racing game one.


Hail to the KING baby
Stumpokapow said:
Unfortunate to see Citadels relegated to the gimp bottom-left shelf!
Not true! The games aren't sorted by preference but generally by theme or mechanics. Like all the racing games are together, most of the party games are, all the Dominions are together etc. There are pretty much two misc. shelves -- that one for small games and the Alhambra/Power Grid/FITS one for big games.


AstroLad said:
pic of our brand spankin new boardgame closet (not pictured: a few rarely playeds like battlelore and a touch of evil and integrated expansions like rftg and kingsburg)

I see Antiquity up there on top. So. Jealous.
I see Thebes in that picture, is it any good? I read the rules sometime ago and while I liked the sound of the whole dig-in-a-bag mechanic I'm not too keen on the endgame scoring which seemed a little contrived.


BomberMouse said:
I see Thebes in that picture, is it any good? I read the rules sometime ago and while I liked the sound of the whole dig-in-a-bag mechanic I'm not too keen on the endgame scoring which seemed a little contrived.

I've played it a few times & I like it for what it is. It's definitely luck driven (the whole pull tokens out of a bag thing) but a good player has tools to mitigate the luck to a small degree and there's definitely some tactical thinking with regards to time management & which cards to collect. I really like the time management & how it effects turn order, but I'm a sucker for that in games (hi Fresko!).

Not sure what the problem is with the scoring - do you mean the "end of game" time constraint where a player can't use up time for a new year? It works well enough in practice. The scoring bonuses are nice, but I can only remember them swinging a game once.

Oh & it /looks/ gorgeous if that matters to you. Queen put out games with high quality pieces.


First tragedy, then farce.
Math trade results are up.

I'm getting Wits and Wagers, Modern Art and Liar's Dice for 10 days in the USA, Big Boggle and Race to the Whitehouse.

Considering I paid a total of less than 10 dollars for them, I consider it a success.

Now I have a lot of shit to try and dump in the flea market.


I'm getting Waterloo, Hannibal, Mare Nostrum (German, but the game is thoroughly language independent, I've played it before), Arkham Horror (again) & some smaller games including Manifest Destiny which I played twice this year & love despite its awfulness at times.

Of course, trading some good games for that, including Cyclades for Waterloo (which is a trade up). I can see me buying Cyclades again in the future, but it fell completely flat at my regular group.

Wish some more had traded, the trade rate this year is really low because of all the pulled items for the Flea Market sales thread :-/


First tragedy, then farce.
dogbert said:
Wish some more had traded, the trade rate this year is really low because of all the pulled items for the Flea Market sales thread :-/

Yeah. I tried to trade Heroquest for a similarly "big" game (Descent, Space Hulk, etc) and it looks like every single game I put on my want list for it submitted blank wantlists.

I also pulled the same for my copy of Star Wars Duel (submitted blank wantlist) so no hate from me there, but I certainly would have liked to see one "big" trade hit for me. As it is I got some nice filler that I've had my eye on for a while.

Anyway, looks like I'm going to be dumping a lot of games on the Flea Market.. including some I bought in the flea market but am having second thoughts about :lol


Hail to the KING baby
BomberMouse said:
I see Thebes in that picture, is it any good? I read the rules sometime ago and while I liked the sound of the whole dig-in-a-bag mechanic I'm not too keen on the endgame scoring which seemed a little contrived.
Yeah Thebes is a fun light/mediumweight game. Even though it bleeds Euro through and through (the Fresco reference is apt), the theme is actually quite well-integrated with the bag-digging and the like. All that said, it comes out once every few months, tops.

Anyone listen to The Dice Tower Best 2P Games podcast? Man they had some weird choices on there, really leading me to believe they don't play that many 2P games. Like Eric had this Soccer Tactics World game at #5 or something, and it's rated a 6.2 on BGG and really doesn't seem very good. He also preferred the Schotten-Totten variant of Battle Line (no tactics cards, BARF) -- although thankfully Tom gave him a hard time (confirming once again that Tom has way better taste, if you ignore his Ameritrash fetish).


First tragedy, then farce.
Tom speaks pretty highly of Kosmos 2P line at times.

Which is basically all you really need for 2P goodness. At least light 2P goodness.


First tragedy, then farce.
So, my firesale has begun on BGG. I really hate to sell some of this stuff, but the girlfriend is moving in once I get back from BGG (or within a week or so) so I can't take over any more of the closet with stuff :lol

If all goes to plan I will come back from the Con 10 games lighter than I went in. All will probably not go to plan :lol
If anybody is looking for 51st State, Mayday games is selling it through the BGG marketplace. They say they have it in stock and will ship after payment is received. I ended up canceling my order with Funagain and ordered it through Mayday. Besides Funagain's shipment problems I went with Mayday because it was cheaper.


Hail to the KING baby
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
If anybody is looking for 51st State, Mayday games is selling it through the BGG marketplace. They say they have it in stock and will ship after payment is received. I ended up canceling my order with Funagain and ordered it through Mayday. Besides Funagain's shipment problems I went with Mayday because it was cheaper.
Thanks for the info. Very tempting but I'm going to hold off for now. Just have so many games that have come in the past couple months and BGG.con should be a great opportunity to learn and maybe even pick up 51st State.


Hail to the KING baby
Stooge are you making a BGG.con thread or should we just talk about it in here? I'm fine either way! Just one week left....
Props to AstroLad for picking up Prosperity (at GenCon?) before Rio Grande games sank a boatload into the Atlantic.

I still haven't had a chance to play that yet (it was uber popular at GenCon).


Hail to the KING baby
Gaming Truth said:
Props to AstroLad for picking up Prosperity (at GenCon?) before Rio Grande games sank a boatload into the Atlantic.

I still haven't had a chance to play that yet (it was uber popular at GenCon).
I actually pre-ordered it from CSI near the time when it went up so I was fortunate to have dibs on a non-sunken copy.


Hail to the KING baby
Ferrio said:
Sunken copy? Dominion: Prosperity? What?
Prosperity was released in limited distribution at GenCon, then its retail release was delayed for several months. Then only half of the shipment made it across and the second half was delayed for another month. Quite a saga.

(Though not as bad as what's happening with Agricola: The Goodies now, though no one really cares as much about that.)


StoOgE said:
My FLGS had this in their new release section when I bought Monsterpocalypse.

Cant wait to see this on their sale table in January :lol

Heh, I saw that at my FLGS this weekend when I picked up an Arcane Legions starter. Looks terrible!


Hail to the KING baby
But it comes with four pre-painted minis! Does anyone know if those can be integrated into Monsterpocalypse?


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
But it comes with four pre-painted minis! Does anyone know if those can be integrated into Monsterpocalypse?

yes, your monster can eat Ralphie for 2 power die.


First tragedy, then farce.
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
The BB gun is totally overpowered.
I have no idea how to play Monpoc

I don't either. But you destroy buildings to get power die. Which are blue.

Which you can then use to throw your opponent into other buildings for massive damage.
AstroLad said:
Prosperity was released in limited distribution at GenCon, then its retail release was delayed for several months. Then only half of the shipment made it across and the second half was delayed for another month. Quite a saga.

Rumor has it, the other half was waterlogged.


StoOgE said:
Tom speaks pretty highly of Kosmos 2P line at times.

Which is basically all you really need for 2P goodness. At least light 2P goodness.

Yeah, those lists were terrible... I'll offer my personal Best Two-Player games list

1.) Battle Line
2.) Jaipur
3.) Lost Cities
4.) Carcassonne: The Castle
5.) Mr. Jack
6.) Call of Cthulhu LCG
7.) Jambo
8.) Roma
9.) Claustrophobia
10.) 1960: The Making of the President

Runners-up: Blue Moon, Fjords, The Settlers of Catan Card Game, Onirim, Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation: Deluxe Edition, Kahuna, Perry Rhodan: The Cosmic League
I went for Tanga's deal of the day tonight. $20 for Carc and some mystery game or toy. The mystery box is probably going to be garbage but at least I finally own a hard copy of Carc.


First tragedy, then farce.
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
I went for Tanga's deal of the day tonight. $20 for Carc and some mystery game or toy. The mystery box is probably going to be garbage but at least I finally own a hard copy of Carc.

All you need is Inns and Cathedrals + Traders and Builders and you have a real game :D
StoOgE said:
All you need is Inns and Cathedrals + Traders and Builders and you have a real game :D
I take it those are the money expansions. There are so many games branded as Carc I don't know what are expansions and what are completely different games.


First tragedy, then farce.
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
I take it those are the money expansions. There are so many games branded as Carc I don't know what are expansions and what are completely different games.

yeah, those are the two expansions that make the game better. The rest are pretty much garbage.
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