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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Hail to the KING baby
oh man i gotta update the op ITT :lol

not that anyone really checks it for news but just to bring it up to date


AstroLad said:
oh man i gotta update the op ITT :lol

not that anyone really checks it for news but just to bring it up to date

I noticed a typo. The "Where to Buy" header is mislabled in the post.


First tragedy, then farce.
Power Grid still isn't in the OP..

also an idea.. maybe you could do some sort of "new game" spotlight and pick 2-3 big releases from that quarter (including expansions) and give a bit of info on them?

As much as I thought this thread was populated by about 10 of us it does seem in the last few days that a few people are using the info in the OP to get into gaming.


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
it's an honorable mention somewhere in there i don't want to scare people off from the hobby



Hail to the KING baby
i'm just messing around of course like puerto rico it's a game i've only played a handful of times years ago


First tragedy, then farce.
so, game night with the girlfriend and her brother + sister in law.

I'm thinking Puerto Rico (they own Gric, but have never played the other 'big hitter') and a couple games of Dominion since I've got the bug again.

I'm itching to play Carson City or Power Grid again.. but the gf hates Power Grid and while Carson City is great but I think PR has easier to teach role selection. Carson City is hard to teach since it throws so many different mechanics at you at once. They'll have worker placement down.. but they've never done tile laying either.


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
4p? easy. go co-op


next week is Die Macher.. they have a spot open still and the girlfriend asked if she could come to game night again next week.

I think for the sake of my relationship/hobby one of the two isn't going to happen next week.


Hail to the KING baby
Mashing said:
Edit: Oh, and I found me a group to play with. Some of hte people I work with run a gaming society and there's another one I'm thinking about joining on Meetup. I noticed that some of you went to a con in Dallas back in November. I live in Texas, so I was wondering if any of you actually live in Houston?
yeah that was for bgg.con, i would say the biggest open boardgaming event in the us. there were four or five gaffers there but i don't think anyone from houston
Arg, got in my big shipment from CSI. Will need to sleeve my Battlecry cards, somehow even though sealed they got dislodged and wedged within the box bending edges on some cards. Anyways nice game, the amount of scenarios they added to it pretty much doubles the original versions. Components are nice, maybe not as sturdy as that of Memoir 44 though. Putting on all those little flags is a pain in the ass.

Labyrinth looks slick, but seems pretty meaty rulewise, can't wait to give it a read.
Anybody have any thoughts or experience with Crimson Skies the minis game? I love the theme of the game and really enjoyed the Xbox game, I was just wondering if the miniatures game was worth a damn.
Which one, the original FASA miniature game that started it all, the one with planes you had to paint and such. Or you talking about the clix game?
BattleMonkey said:
Which one, the original FASA miniature game that started it all, the one with planes you had to paint and such. Or you talking about the clix game?
Either or, the cheap minis look to be the clix style game from WizKids.


StoOgE said:
As much as I thought this thread was populated by about 10 of us it does seem in the last few days that a few people are using the info in the OP to get into gaming.

Yeah. It probably should be said again. You guys did an AWESOME job on the OP. I think the fairly steady stream of newcomers here speaks to that.


It is sometimes a little intimidating to enter into a megathread if it seems like there is a hardcore group who are the regulars.

Creating the new thread was a great idea, but it is starting to resemble the old thread.

You guys seem like a pretty easy going bunch, but that outsider looking in effect is definitely a factor to new people joining in the discussion.

I would like to join in more but am a little afraid that I will come across as a complete noob...oh well I guess I just need to bite the bullet and do it.
choodi said:
I would like to join in more but am a little afraid that I will come across as a complete noob...oh well I guess I just need to bite the bullet and do it.

This isn't a counterstrike thread or anything though. We like noobs. I mean that sincerely. I think I speak for all the regulars when I say that we get genuine joy from making recommendations to people, and from hearing about people trying games for the first time. It's been awesome watching Stooge go from a newb to probably the most prolific poster in the thread over the last year or so. Of course, considering how much he's spent in a year, maybe it is a bit wise to steer clear of the thread... :lol


choodi said:
I would like to join in more but am a little afraid that I will come across as a complete noob...oh well I guess I just need to bite the bullet and do it.
Noobs drive a lot of new posts and discussions. I don't really post as much as I used to unless it's about a new release that interests me, or to give advice from a newbie asking questions.


Has anyone heard of any game similar to Tales of Arabian Nights? We play it often, but was wondering if anyone else have suggestions for another choose-your-own-adventure game that we might enjoy.

We could use game suggestions for 6 players, but sometimes 4; we have Thunderstone, Arkham Horror, Agricola/San Juan, Shadows of Camelot, Runebound, etc.


Cherubae said:
Has anyone heard of any game similar to Tales of Arabian Nights? We play it often, but was wondering if anyone else have suggestions for another choose-your-own-adventure game that we might enjoy.

We could use game suggestions for 6 players, but sometimes 4; we have Thunderstone, Arkham Horror, Agricola/San Juan, Shadows of Camelot, Runebound, etc.

7 Wonders is brand new, so kinda unproven, but part of its appeal is that it plays up to seven.


Cherubae said:
Has anyone heard of any game similar to Tales of Arabian Nights? We play it often, but was wondering if anyone else have suggestions for another choose-your-own-adventure game that we might enjoy.

We could use game suggestions for 6 players, but sometimes 4; we have Thunderstone, Arkham Horror, Agricola/San Juan, Shadows of Camelot, Runebound, etc.
I've heard some talk on Android as being a good game for character development/story, but it's definitely a lot more complicated than ToAN. Many have said that you have to approach that game as if you're a director/screenwriter figuring out what to do with the player, and not like an an actor playing a role.

As for 6 player games:

7 Wonders (up to 7)
Ave Caesar (up to 6)
Bang (up to 7 base, up to 8 w/ expansion cards)
Battlestar Galactica (up to 6)
Citadels (up to 7)
Dominion (up to 6 w/ Intrigue expansion)
Formula D (up to 10)
History of the World (up to 6)
Isla Dorada (coming out soon, up to 6)
Last Night on Earth (up to 6)
Power Grid (up to 6)
Red November (up to 8)
The Resistance (up to 10)
Saboteur (up to 10)
Senji (up to 6)
Slide 5 (up to 10)
Starcraft (up to 6)
Winner's Circle (up to 6)


Hail to the KING baby
choodi said:
It is sometimes a little intimidating to enter into a megathread if it seems like there is a hardcore group who are the regulars.

Creating the new thread was a great idea, but it is starting to resemble the old thread.

You guys seem like a pretty easy going bunch, but that outsider looking in effect is definitely a factor to new people joining in the discussion.

I would like to join in more but am a little afraid that I will come across as a complete noob...oh well I guess I just need to bite the bullet and do it.
Yeah I know what you mean about megathreads, but this one's a little different in that so many of us still love playing the gateway games, and in fact are introducing people to them all the time and playing with non-gamers as much as we're playing with hardcore people. Like platy said we love newbs.


Hail to the KING baby
I am playing werewolf on BGG. I don't think I could play IRL though I would literally punch people in the face "in character" for stupid voting.


AstroLad said:
I am playing werewolf on BGG. I don't think I could play IRL though I would literally punch people in the face "in character" for stupid voting.
Stick with The Resistance if you want a werewolf style game to play IRL.


First tragedy, then farce.
platypotamus said:
It's been awesome watching Stooge go from a newb to probably the most prolific poster in the thread over the last year or so. Of course, considering how much he's spent in a year, maybe it is a bit wise to steer clear of the thread... :lol

I can speak to how awesome the regulars in this thread are.. like he said, 9 months ago I was the guy in this thread poking in and asking really open ended questions like "what games are fun that I should buy?" and have turned into something of a monster.

It really is mind blowing to think that 12 months ago I owned Catan and Carcassonne.. and only 2 years ago I didn't even own those two. It was something of a leap of faith at first since none of my friends were really into it, but I've managed to go from people unwilling to play Ticket to Ride to being able to pull of Le Havre games somewhat regularly in that time.

Now I have this massive collection of games and even went to BGG Con.

And yeah, I've spent somewhere around 1K on games (including BGG Con) this year.. but I have a somewhat addictive personality when I get into stuff so it happens. I don't regret any of it and feel I've gotten more than my moneys worth out of it.

I also think it is a hobby well worth getting into.. people don't play board games because most board games people play are bad games. Board games are awesome social experiences.. much more so than video games or movies. You get a nice brain burn like you would from a good strategy game, but you get to do it sitting around the table having a beer with friends.

Flynn said:
Yeah. It probably should be said again. You guys did an AWESOME job on the OP. I think the fairly steady stream of newcomers here speaks to that.

All credit for that goes to Astrolad. He really knocked it out of the park.

It is an amazing reference for people looking to get into it. Hell, I go back and look at it for suggestions on games to look into from time to time.


First tragedy, then farce.
Anyway.. Puerto Rico tonight was a huge success.

I knew my girlfriends brother had been wanting to play it for a while since it's the #1 game on BGG. He almost bought it instead when he blind bought Agricola last year.

He and his wife really enjoyed it. My girlfriend had fun too and was winning pretty handily but ignored the 10 cost buildings to her doom at the end. Her little sister actually came along as well and did extremely well.

I won with 52 points which is a bit low, but not horrible. Her sister finished with 51 points and even 5th place had 42. I'm a bit afraid of how close everyone was on their first playthrough :lol

I think this is a case of a game I just tried to jump into before I was ready for it. I really got a bad first impression and avoided it.. but after the last few (recent) plays it's really growing on me.

I think the game lacks the "fun factor" of Agricola, Le Havre or Carson City for me, but I can't really quantify that. It's an extremely good and fun game.


First tragedy, then farce.
Exciting news for Power Grid players..


Coming in early 2011 all of the promo cards will be available + a new promo card (that counts as a city!) will be made available on BGG for the normal (5 dollar) price.

Glad I didn't pull the trigger on the 35 dollar promo pack someone was trying to sell me on BGG.


Theme Park: This guy just counts as an extra city you can connect to for "free". It costs the same as a regular cities minimum, but without having to pay a connection fee of course.

Also comes with:


Flux Generator: Pretty self explanatory, it's the ultimate hybrid deck.. I assume 33 1/3rd is the Euro version of 88.8 MPH, but I don't know.


Transformer Station: Doesn't count as one of your 3 stations and allows you to power 1 additional city when you fire a plant.


Wharehouse: Lets you store all of a type of good on the side, the other two cards aren't bought but either add 3 of the least available resource or subtract 3 of the most available resource from the game when drawn.

Looks like you will either have to use the Theme Park, Transformer Station *or* wharehouse since they are all 10 value cards and you have to replace the 10 value power plant from the base deck to put these in the game.


Not a board game, but played some Tichu last night. Always a good time. One of my favorites. Only problem is I'm not very good.
Heh, got Inavion from Outerspace for LNOE expansion since it works as an expansion to LNOE if you want. Pretty silly concept but wth, the helmets on the aliens need to be glued on? Hobby work in my board gaming?


Hail to the KING baby
Drey1082 said:
Not a board game, but played some Tichu last night. Always a good time. One of my favorites. Only problem is I'm not very good.
Yeah it's fun; if you have an idevice there's a very good version for that too. Learned to play on there.
XiaNaphryz said:
As for 6 player games:

[A bunch of stuff, conspicuously not mentioning Robobrally]


AstroLad said:
I am playing werewolf on BGG. I don't think I could play IRL though I would literally punch people in the face "in character" for stupid voting.

The best part of werewolf are the awesome arguments that ensue. I don't think you'd get as good of arguments online?


BattleMonkey said:
Heh, got Inavion from Outerspace for LNOE expansion since it works as an expansion to LNOE if you want. Pretty silly concept but wth, the helmets on the aliens need to be glued on? Hobby work in my board gaming?

Yeah, they kept the helmets off so people could paint them if they wanted. IMO it was a dumb idea, because the people who would never even think about painting the minis have to far outweight the painters.

I thought about asking for it for Xmas, but the theme barely appeals to me (as much as I love the LNoE system) and I know none of my friends would get into it. Zombies vs Humans is just easily relatable.
Chorazin said:
Yeah, they kept the helmets off so people could paint them if they wanted. IMO it was a dumb idea, because the people who would never even think about painting the minis have to far outweight the painters.

I thought about asking for it for Xmas, but the theme barely appeals to me (as much as I love the LNoE system) and I know none of my friends would get into it. Zombies vs Humans is just easily relatable.

Well it does have rules to play zombies vs humans vs aliens :lol

You can also swap various roles, like replacing the zombies in the original with aliens or vice versa. You can also use it as a source for new heroes to add to LNOE and such. Seemed kind of neat though it's pretty odd.


StoOgE said:
Flux Generator: Pretty self explanatory, it's the ultimate hybrid deck.. I assume 33 1/3rd is the Euro version of 88.8 MPH, but I don't know.

Its also the RPM of a full-length vinyl record. Not sure how that relates to Back to the Future.


BattleMonkey said:
Well it does have rules to play zombies vs humans vs aliens :lol

You can also swap various roles, like replacing the zombies in the original with aliens or vice versa. You can also use it as a source for new heroes to add to LNOE and such. Seemed kind of neat though it's pretty odd.

It is cool that they are so compatable, but Jojo the Dancing Bear doesn't really fit into my B-Movie mental vision of LNoE. Some of the other Carneys might though.

I'm sure I'll pick it up some day when I have cash burning a hole in my pocket. :lol


First tragedy, then farce.
Bought my first Power Grid expansion today. The Russia/Japan map. It wasn't on my xmas list because there was some question about availability when I made the list. So I felt safe spending the 15 dollars for the map.

Pretty cool. Double awesome is the Kanji and Cryllic names being above the English versions.

The Russian map works like a normal US/Germany version of the game with the exception that the power market is very different. Out of date power plants don't go away automatically (i.e. if someone has 12 cities, the power grid marked 11 is not automatically removed) but the lowest cost plant is ditched if the starting player declines to bring a plant to market (instead of when everyone passes). So the leader is at more of a disadvantage. Also seems to be resource starved.

Japan is marked with very expensive connections, limited cities and a pretty standard resource/plant market. The cool thing is you can have 2 power grids going (so they don't need to be connected).. but there are certain cities you have to start your grid out of and each of these cities has 2 phase 1 connections, so two players can build in phase 1. Several cities also only have room for 2 connections and it looks like those cities don't even come onto the board until phase 2.

I think I'm getting several new maps for Xmas and will probably finish off the collection with my after Xmas order since these maps look like they really do change the game up. For some reason I always thought they were just new boards and ignored them.. I mean, the difference between Germany/US is pretty minimal in how you play the game. I just thought the rest was more of the same. Looks like they are pretty substantially different.
Well after this huge board game binge, and dirty looks from my wife at the size of the box it came in, I'm running out of space. I'm trying to find stuff that I can shove off to the garage now to make room for potential future purchases.... guess I need to stop being lazy and sell off other things I don't need now too.


First tragedy, then farce.
BattleMonkey said:
Well after this huge board game binge, and dirty looks from my wife at the size of the box it came in, I'm running out of space. I'm trying to find stuff that I can shove off to the garage now to make room for potential future purchases.... guess I need to stop being lazy and sell off other things I don't need now too.

yeah, I'm trying to do the same. I got rid of about 10 games I didn't want.

I need to get rid of Endeavor at some point too. Just don't see it ever hitting the table again.

I'm also trying to buy the better expansions for current games that see the table a lot instead of just a bunch of new games. At this point I own 40 games.. with the exception of a couple of must haves (Gric) and a few more holes in my collection (more heavy 2p games) I just don't need a lot more in the collection.


So yeah, after actually doing research (ie. asking you guys for recommendations), I've been told that the game I'm getting for Christmas has already been bought... without ever getting the chance to tell them which one I wanted...

"Please tell me you guys at least went to BGG to see reviews?"

They blinked.

Bit nervous now.


Hail to the KING baby
Vinci said:
So yeah, after actually doing research (ie. asking you guys for recommendations), I've been told that the game I'm getting for Christmas has already been bought... without ever getting the chance to tell them which one I wanted...

"Please tell me you guys at least went to BGG to see reviews?"

They blinked.

Bit nervous now.
fuck arkham horror:

they said it was the best one in the whole grocery store!


platypotamus said:
Sounds like someone is getting Star Wars Trivial Pursuit...

Hell no. They know I'd kill them if they gave me that.

Besides, one of the group already has it and I kick his ass whenever we play, so we don't play it anymore.

EDIT, @ Astrolad: .... My god, I just remembered that he actually likes those movies.

Scared now.


First tragedy, then farce.
Vinci said:
So yeah, after actually doing research (ie. asking you guys for recommendations), I've been told that the game I'm getting for Christmas has already been bought... without ever getting the chance to tell them which one I wanted...

"Please tell me you guys at least went to BGG to see reviews?"

They blinked.

Bit nervous now.

Ah, the worst kind of fail. Christmas fail.

Where you are stuck with something forever that you never wanted.

I still have Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City as a result of Christmas fail as a child.


StoOgE said:
Ah, the worst kind of fail. Christmas fail.

Where you are stuck with something forever that you never wanted.

I still have Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City as a result of Christmas fail as a child.

They better keep a damn receipt. That's all I'm saying. :lol
Vinci said:
They better keep a damn receipt. That's all I'm saying. :lol
I always feel like an asshole when I return gifts. Unless it's completely terribad I usually hang on to it then toss it years later after the guilt wears off. The only exception to the rule is when there is an obvious lack of effort with the gift.


StoOgE said:
I refuse to sleave cards.

I buy games to play them, cards get worn out a bit. Deal with it.

I have my Twilight Struggle cards sleeved. Mainly because you shuffle the Early War deck twice before hitting the Mid War and sometimes you never even get to the Late War. For all that shuffling I didn't want the EW cards appearing more scuffed than LW. Could be head trash on my part but that's what I tell myself.

I had also sleeved Washington's War, but that deck is so big it was way too unwieldy to try and shuffle. Since I don't play it very often I ended up pulling the cards out. I'm definitely more on the "don't sleeve" side of the fence. I like the feel of the card stock.

XiaNaphryz said:
I've heard some talk on Android as being a good game for character development/story, but it's definitely a lot more complicated than ToAN. Many have said that you have to approach that game as if you're a director/screenwriter figuring out what to do with the player, and not like an an actor playing a role.

I put my copy of Android up for trade on BGG. I've had once chance to play it and the experience was mixed. I really want to like it because it has cool components and some neat elements but it is really hard to teach and it is tough to get a good feel of the game on a first go around. I'm not sure if I'll get any offers on it but I'm at least hoping to play it one more time before trading it off.

Considering it took a good 5 plus hours to get through I just feel like there are other games that I could be playing in that amount of time.
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