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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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First tragedy, then farce.
So I decided to say screw it and not get any civ game at all. I see it being hard to get games that meaty to the table in the near future.

Richard III, Washington's War and Hammer of the Scots won.

I really enjoyed Richard III, Washingtons war is a "true" wargame version of the card systems in 1960 and Twilight Struggle.. and Hammer of the Scots is Richard IIIs twin block wargame.

I need more solid 2p games since it's a bit easier to get those to the table.


StoOgE said:

you would be proud.

I've decided to go with Through the Ages instead of Civlization on a whim for my post Xmas self-present order.

Civ is starting to get some backlash (i.e. seems military will win 90% of the time) and I've decided to let the smoke clear a bit since I've had problems with my last "hot item" game not being what I thought it was (Endeavor).
Where is this Civ backlash you´re talking about. Tried to find the appropriate thread on the Geek but couldn´t locate it.


First tragedy, then farce.
Merino said:
Where is this Civ backlash you´re talking about. Tried to find the appropriate thread on the Geek but couldn´t locate it.

It's in the review threads. Some negative (or more negative) reviews, and then some poeple commenting in various reviews.


I'll look into it. In the strategy forums there seems to be an actual preference over anything other than military so that made me wonder.

Regardless I would say your alternative pick-ups are at least just as nice. I soooo want Washington's War but I haven't seen it for sale anywhere here.


I really don't agree that military will win Civ at a higher frequency than other paths. It will win easily if you're playing against people who ignore purchasing units but I doubt the average player will do that more than once... Each other victory path has ample tools to counter a military rush, provided they know how to use them.

EDIT: If anything's overpowerful it's probably the economic victory path. Once you have a clear idea how to accomplish it the other players must be extremely aggressive against you to slow you down.


Hail to the KING baby
BattleMonkey said:
bgg.com is filled with whiney gamers.
bgg.com is like any enthusiast site. i'm sure i said this above but literally every big game has signficant backlash of some sort. you have the people who call FFG games broken overwrought messes that require 10 pages of FAQs before they even come out, the people who call dominion and rftg multiplayer solitaire that can easily be "solved" and thus crap, the people who hate on le havre because they feel loans are overpowered and break the game, etc. etc.

it only bothers me when someone is a total asshole about it and is dismissive of anyone who likes the game they are targetting, as if others haven't attained their own level of true enlightenment yet. a lot of the dominion haters are like this for some reason. but i do generally think the criticism is sharp and warranted, even for games i love. the one thing i will rarely do is follow these people down the rabbithole of houseruling because it's one thing to be a critic and another to be a creator, and even the best fixes have a ton of unforeseen effects on the rest of the game.

AstroLad said:
bgg.com is like any enthusiast site. i'm sure i said this above but literally every big game has signficant backlash of some sort. you have the people who call FFG games broken overwrought messes that require 10 pages of FAQs before they even come out, the people who call dominion and rftg multiplayer solitaire that can easily be "solved" and thus crap, the people who hate on le havre because they feel loans are overpowered and break the game, etc. etc.

it only bothers me when someone is a total asshole about it and is dismissive of anyone who likes the game they are targetting, as if others haven't attained their own level of true enlightenment yet. a lot of the dominion haters are like this for some reason. but i do generally think the criticism is sharp and warranted, even for games i love. the one thing i will rarely do is follow these people down the rabbithole of houseruling because it's one thing to be a critic and another to be a creator, and even the best fixes have a ton of unforeseen effects on the rest of the game.


I find it overall a negative place and really just reading lot of the whining from the "hardcore" uppity just often kills the feelings for a game. Like many things especially here on gaf, you get the cynical group mentality that threatens to draw a person in. It becomes hard to tell who is being genuine or just chronic whiners,or those with some kind of agenda. Frankly just use the site as a database for games, but to hell with the discussion board stuff.


Hail to the KING baby
Yeah actually BGG is pretty much amazing as a database and a place for rules discussion. It's great to be able to post an arcane question about a M44 expansion and get an answer within 10-15m tops. But outside of that yeah I actually don't browse too much, especially in threads where people are picking apart games either for strategy purposes or just to be dicks.

The reviews are generally pretty solid too; at least you get a wide variety.


My favorite thing about BGG is the video reviews followed by the rules discussion boards (I needed this for AH last night).


StoOgE said:
I think most of us live in the OT which is infinitely more bearable than gaming when it comes to that kind of stuff.
Plenty of the same nonsense on the OT side (movie-GAF, anything Apple related, etc).
StoOgE said:

Platy sounds like you were a bit too conservative on your want list. You have to put a lot of stuff down. A lot of the games will submit blank want lists. People will throw crazy shit on there hoping that something awesome will show up.. when it doesn't, it gets yanked from the list.

Agreed. At least I know how to do them now!

I saw a link in the discussion thread for the Math Trade that lets you upload the wants.txt from the math trade, fiddle with your wants, and see what would have happened if you had done that. So I'm going to fiddle a bit and see what I could have done to improve things.


StoOgE said:
I think most of us live in the OT which is infinitely more bearable than gaming when it comes to that kind of stuff.

Never go into a thread about a TV show. It will do it's best to make you hate anything you thought was good.


ultron87 said:
Never go into a thread about a TV show. It will do it's best to make you hate anything you thought was good.

So, so true. Same with music and movie threads. Pretty much anything media-related.

Oh, and religion and politics threads are horrible places.


Chorazin said:
So, so true. Same with music and movie threads. Pretty much anything media-related.

Oh, and religion and politics threads are horrible places.
And anything remotely connected to Apple.

Or discussions about celebrities and who's considered attractive or not.

Like I said, OT is just as bad. ;)


XiaNaphryz said:
And anything remotely connected to Apple.

Or discussions about celebrities and who's considered attractive or not.

Like I said, OT is just as bad. ;)

On the plus side, OT has this thread. Which is great. And oddly not on the Gaming Side.


First tragedy, then farce.
Pretty pumped about my wargame order.

I've been looking forward to another crack at Richard III for a while.

They make a similar Caesar game about the march across the rubicon against Pompey that I want as well, but it is sold out pretty much everywhere.


StoOgE said:
Pretty pumped about my wargame order.

I've been looking forward to another crack at Richard III for a while.

They make a similar Caesar game about the march across the rubicon against Pompey that I want as well, but it is sold out pretty much everywhere.
I really like Washington's War. My friend and I struggled with some of the rules in actual gameplay application. There is a file someone created that is a cheatsheet with pictures of how Brit/American units move and how they can use PCs. It was like someone turned on the lights when I printed them out and we used them.


First tragedy, then farce.
Damnit neverfade.

I just did a direct match search on BGG and you came up as my only hit.. Ascension for Terra Prime. :lol

I just traded it off for Masons in the math trade, which I only kind of want.


Still waiting for Merchants & Marauders to hit TH's warehouse so they can ship my order that includes 7 Wonders. Seeing other stores starting to get their stocks of M&M isn't helping any...the wait is killing me!


Hail to the KING baby
Looking like we're going to be able to make it out to PAX East again this year. Already got our 3-day passes. Hope to see lots of gaffers there!


AstroLad said:
Looking like we're going to be able to make it out to PAX East again this year. Already got our 3-day passes. Hope to see lots of gaffers there!

I'll be there for sure!

Maybe I can try one of these weird-ass Eurogames you love so much.


AstroLad said:
hmmm i saw guys named GAF, PlatypusNinja, and Vinci and yet somehow none were gaffers? :lol

Actually, I went to the site temporarily just to see how it looked. So that was me. I just haven't ever played the game before... :lol


Hail to the KING baby
platypotamus said:
Man, that new interface is slick. Great way to take a few minutes off from work.
Yeah so much better than it used to be. I still had a few misclicks but that was my fault because of this being different from Androminion


Oh my fucking god.

1 hour.

1 hour spent carefully punching the various tokens, counting them to make sure I got them all, learning how to arrange the board and said various tokens and then shuffling the various decks.

Arkham Horror.


Also, I think the player manual has mis-prints, to top it all off. I have one more sanity and stamina token than I should have and I have only four "mask" type monsters where the manual says there should be five (but I have the correct number of total monster tokens).

Then putting all the tokens back in the box caused me physical pain as I realised separating them all again will be a long, tedious process. Tomorrow I shall invest in a bunch of self-sealing plastic bags to store each type of token separately.

Reading as much of the manual as I did, I'm certain this game is going to totally rock tits, but for now... yeah.


Suairyu said:
Oh my fucking god.

1 hour.

1 hour spent carefully punching the various tokens, counting them to make sure I got them all, learning how to arrange the board and said various tokens and then shuffling the various decks.

Arkham Horror.


Also, I think the player manual has mis-prints, to top it all off. I have one more sanity and stamina token than I should have and I have only four "mask" type monsters where the manual says there should be five (but I have the correct number of total monster tokens).

Then putting all the tokens back in the box caused me physical pain as I realised separating them all again will be a long, tedious process. Tomorrow I shall invest in a bunch of self-sealing plastic bags to store each type of token separately.

Reading as much of the manual as I did, I'm certain this game is going to totally rock tits, but for now... yeah.

-1 Sanity


Played Pandemic for the first time tonight. Didn't realize that it was a co-op game when I picked it up. We played with 4 players with 5 epidemic cards. We had a Medic, Researcher, Scientist and Operations Expert (me).

South America got hammered right form the beginning, so our medic ended up spending pretty much the entire game down there. Toward the end Asia started to get lots of cubes as well. Overall, we had a pretty easy time getting all four cures and winning the game. I could certainly see how the game could be a lot harder with fewer players and/or if you don't get the right roles. Overall, it was a good game.

Interested in trying it with the expansion at some point in the future.


Speaking of Arkham Horror, I played a solo game with 2 investigators last night. Got my ass handed to me. I couldn't even damage the ancient one when he awakened (there's no way in hell you can close gates fast enough to prevent it from awakening). I gotta figure out a way to balance collecting clue tokens vs. collecting equipment/skills/spells/allies.


Hail to the KING baby
I picked up a couple Christmas presents (RFTG for my bro, Jaipur for my folks) and finalized another CSI order, so looking forward to some 7 Wonders and Gric+The Goodies over the holidays.

Mashing said:
Speaking of Arkham Horror, I played a solo game with 2 investigators last night. Got my ass handed to me. I couldn't even damage the ancient one when he awakened (there's no way in hell you can close gates fast enough to prevent it from awakening). I gotta figure out a way to balance collecting clue tokens vs. collecting equipment/skills/spells/allies.
Generally with 2-3 investigators you want to win by sealing gates, especially 2. With 5+, it's easier to win by defeating the AO (and it's just easier overall). 4 you can go either way, which is why 4 is the best way to play the game.

Also if anyone wants to play some online Dominion just post.
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