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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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MichaelBD said:
I no longer fear Lords of Vegas. I just played a game with a friend and my daughter (she rarely plays games with me these days, I had to pretty much muscle her into playing). It went well. Real simple game once you get some of the subtle stuff under your belt.

I've only played it once, but like it. The only issue that I have with it is that there's a bit more banking than I really enjoy. I think next time I play I'll use poker chips instead.


Unison said:
I've only played it once, but like it. The only issue that I have with it is that there's a bit more banking than I really enjoy. I think next time I play I'll use poker chips instead.
There is definitely a lot of money being thrown about, but as of now I like that. Makes me feel like a high roller.
StoOgE said:
speaking of, who is the hold up on Arkadia and St Pete?

Bombermouse is holding up Arkadia, and joeyjoejoeshabadoojr is holding up st pete

AstroLad said:
yeah, i think it's kinda unfortunate that you don't really get the breakdown of all the points just final totals at the end. guess i'm spoiled by carc on the iphone though

If you go into your stats and look at the game again, you can mouseover some part of the right side to see it. Oddly, it's the player's population count. Even more oddly, I think you can see all the info DURING a game, which I don't think you can when playing in person? Cards are secret right?


First tragedy, then farce.
I actually *really* enjoyed Lords of Vegas when I played it.

If the card backs were the logo with a green poker table background and the money were poker chips the game would become 100000x better.

Also, the casinos should be themed like the 50s era Vegas casinos, not look like modern ones.

Other than that, stellar game... kind of like Aquire meets Las Vegas and it really drips with theme. It has dice rolls, but you are playing the odds and its a game based on Vegas for pete's sake.


First tragedy, then farce.
So, two games tonight.

Played an 8 player game of Shadows over Camelot + Merlin's Company.

The expansion is good, not great. I don't see any reason to ever play without the expansion, but I don't see it as a real game changer. There are some more nasty special black deck cards, but there are also some pretty awesome new white deck cards. Similarly, the travel deck can really kick your ass, but getting Merlin on your quest (especially Excalibur) is insanely useful.

So, I don't really see it as making the game harder so much as it is making the game a bit more strategically deep. Not a lot more, but you have the thought of "well, changing quests could bring out a bad card.. or it could move Merlin off of that quest he is helping on". So, it kind of makes it beneficial to stay on one quest and not be so cavalier about moving around the board. I would say the biggest improvement is it feels thematically like you are actually going on a quest since there is danger in even attempting the move.

The game itself was long. 8 players is too many. There was about 15 minutes of downtime between moves and several people were waning in interest towards the middle. The games end was so close that everyone got really into it. I named one traitor, then we completed the grail quest which left us with a majority white swords and only one spot left. The kicker being if we didn't uncover the second (potential) traitor we would lose the game when two swords flipped at the end. My friend Jon chose between two of the people I suspected and was wrong so we lost by 1 sword after two white swords were flipped. Super intense game. Ton of fun other than the downtime issues. Though, even that had its plus side, we got to bullshit a lot during the game and everyone was really nice.

My second game was London. WOW.

I had heard this was "Martin Wallace does a card game". I didn't realize this was "Martin Wallace does Race for the Galaxy". Cards are played in a tableau, cards are resources but your card draws aren't completely blind either. You can build a large tableue or keep it small and build over existing cards. It's a risk reward system as having too large of a tableau (and too many cards in hand) leads to VP losses at game end. So it really pushes a streamlined efficient deck.

There is a board, but half of it is a place to put cards face up for a draw pile, and the rest is a map of London. You can buy parts of London for VP points (and forced card draws) and there are some interesting cards that give you VP points for ever parcel you own next to the Thames or North of the Thames.. and in the late game you can add Underground stations to your parts of the city for 2 extra VP per connected area. But the board while integral to the game really plays 2nd fiddle to the tableau building game.

Phenomenally good game, and extremely simple for a Wallace game too. Dare I say it is an elegant, streamlined Wallace game?

It certainly felt simpler than RFTG with more depth based on 1 play.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Unison said:
I have this. It is awesome. It's basically an over-elaborate Choose Your Own Adventure book, but it's amazing all the same. I have the Mansion Murders expansion as well, though I haven't run out of main game mysteries yet. The other expansions (The Queen's Park Affair / West End Adventures) are TRULY hard to find for a reasonable price.

Sigh... so jealous. I'm a big mystery fan and a fan of the original ACD Holmes stories so I'm sure I would love it.

There is one copy on the BGG marketplace for $62, which is more than I can afford. There is also a lot on Amazon that includes the base game, Mansion Murders, and Queen's PArk affair for $120.

Why is it that as soon as Xmas is over I think of a bunch of awesome stuff I want, bu in Nov-Dec I never have any gift ideas for anyone? :/
platypotamus said:
Bombermouse is holding up Arkadia, and joeyjoejoeshabadoojr is holding up st pete

If you go into your stats and look at the game again, you can mouseover some part of the right side to see it. Oddly, it's the player's population count. Even more oddly, I think you can see all the info DURING a game, which I don't think you can when playing in person? Cards are secret right?

Sorry, I'm not accustomed to the new yucata interface, I just accepted the invitation.

Cards an buildings are not secret information in Stone Age
platypotamus said:
Bombermouse is holding up Arkadia, and joeyjoejoeshabadoojr is holding up st pete
Shit, sorry about that. I thought I set it up to notify me when it was my turn. I'll get to it when I get to the office in about an hour.


Hail to the KING baby
Arkadia looks fun. I also sent out a Stone Age invite to a few of you guys a couple days ago (don't remember whom atm) so check for that too.


Flynn said:
The iPad version of Ra just got OpenFeint support. That means online multi. I'm Triphibian on OpenFeint.

I played this for the first time the other day (not iPad version) with people who had played before and I won. Not sure what that says about the game.


Mashing said:
I played this for the first time the other day (not iPad version) with people who had played before and I won. Not sure what that says about the game.

Yeah, I'm not entirely crazy about the game either, but it'll be good for a laugh between games of Neuroshima Hex.


Made it to my weekly game night for the first time in a few weeks (thanks work & sick kids!). Other table played High Frontier, crazy complicated space race game. We played 4 player Tammany Hall followed by 3 player 7 Wonders.

I was the only player who'd played Tammany Hall before... I stressed how important it was to not let someone run away with it & so I hammered someone who went ahead early at the midpoint of the game, practically wiping him off the board & preventing him from being mayor 3 times in a row. Ended up being really tight & nail biting game. I won by about 6 points... Went over really well.

7 Wonders was its usual light fluffy filler self. 2 games, won the second by about 20 points. I find it almost no different playing with 3 players vs 7 players (only notable difference - you see less cards). Not sure if that's a good thing.


First tragedy, then farce.
fenners said:
I was the only player who'd played Tammany Hall before... I stressed how important it was to not let someone run away with it & so I hammered someone who went ahead early at the midpoint of the game, practically wiping him off the board & preventing him from being mayor 3 times in a row. Ended up being really tight & nail biting game. I won by about 6 points... Went over really well.

I'm bringing it to the table (finally) on Saturday night at a game night. I think it will go over well, it's such a tight game and it plays so quickly.

I think the key things to stress:

1) Don't let someone get a big lead
2) Try and win at least 1 immigrant bonus especially in early rounds
3) It's a political game, make and break alliances to get what you need. There is no reason not to make a deal to allow someone to be mayor if they put you in the a job you want. And no reason for the Mayor not to renege on that promise :)


StoOgE said:
I'm bringing it to the table (finally) on Saturday night at a game night. I think it will go over well, it's such a tight game and it plays so quickly.

I think the key things to stress:

1) Don't let someone get a big lead
2) Try and win at least 1 immigrant bonus especially in early rounds
3) It's a political game, make and break alliances to get what you need. There is no reason not to make a deal to allow someone to be mayor if they put you in the a job you want. And no reason for the Mayor not to renege on that promise :)

Yep, after the game two of the players commented that they let me get too many of the "waterfront" bonuses in the last two elections. In the very last election, I got 3 out of 4 with only one of them contested!
Damn, Arkham Horror has gotten way too easy for our group of players. We even had someone playing as a GM last night, controlling the Old One- his goal was to kill the players, and whenever an encounter or Mythos card would be drawn, he got to draw 2 and pick the one he wanted to resolve- we still won by permasealing gates easily. 4 games in and we've still never had to fight an Old One. How do we make this stuff harder?


First tragedy, then farce.
I think I like Arkadia, but think I must have been confused.

It only let me set one of my guys and close out a single building when I wanted to place 3 and close out two different buildings. Can you only place workers until a building is surrounded? Only place 1 worker at a time?

Also, that special blue card up in St Pete right now lets you hold 4 cards in hand instead of the normal limit of 3, but remember it's minus 5 VP for every card in hand at gmes end.

The rest are straight money for VP cards.


First tragedy, then farce.
In fact here are the special cards since the rest of the game is straightforward.

Two special rules:

When the player has a gold smelter in his play area, he pays 1 ruble less for each red card he buys (after he has the gold smelter).
When a player has a carpenter workshop in his play area, he pays 1 ruble less for each blue card he buys after he has it.


Mariinskij Theater
The aristocrats love theater: When scoring the buildings, the player earns 1 ruble for each aristocrat that he has in his play area.


Potjomkin's Village
The virtual village pays for itself: The player pays 2 rubles when he buys/places the card. If he displaces the card with a trading card, it is worth 6 rubles.

StoOgE's note: remember, the cost of the "upgrade" cards (4th phase) is the cost of the upgrade less the cost of the card you are using to displace it with.. so this is a good bang for your buck card to buy an upgraded building and play over Potjomkin's Village


Tax Man
Unattractive job, but important: When scoring the aristocrats, the player earns 1 ruble for each worker that he has in his play area.



Good, but dangerous: The player can have up to 4 cards in his hand


Don't spend too much: Immediately after each scoring of buildings, the player can buy up to 5 points. Each point costs 2 rubles. (The player cannot "buy" 2 rubles for 1 point.)


Czar and Carpenter
Czar Peter can do it all: He can be displaced by any green trading card.


1 secure point or a good opportunity: The observatory is worth 1 point in scoring if the player does not use the following: once, during the blue actions, he may draw the top-most card from the stack of his choice (it may not be the last card in the stack). He must immediately either buy and place the card or add the card to his hand or discard the card. In each case, he turns the observatory card over and will score not points for it. To begin the next round, he turns it face-up so it is again available for scoring or its special ability.


Hail to the KING baby
Hahah yeah I feel like I'm back at BGG learning all these new games right now. Both seem pretty fun though.

Amibguous Cad said:
No, just the base set.
How many are you playing with again? just so you know with 5 or more the game can get fairly easy. 4 is the real sweet spot imo. nevertheless base itself is considered pretty straightforward, which is why almost all the expansions add many layers of difficulty (some to an almost absurd amount). but nevertheless you should make sure you are playing all the rules right, as with any co-op games because there's no one to serve as a check on exploitation other than yourself. outside of that if you're into the game dunwich is a very popular expansion that makes the game harder and innsmouth is the most recent big one that makes the game MUCH harder.
AstroLad said:
Hahah yeah I feel like I'm back at BGG learning all these new games right now. Both seem pretty fun though.

How many are you playing with again? just so you know with 5 or more the game can get fairly easy. 4 is the real sweet spot imo. nevertheless base itself is considered pretty straightforward, which is why almost all the expansions add many layers of difficulty (some to an almost absurd amount). but nevertheless you should make sure you are playing all the rules right, as with any co-op games because there's no one to serve as a check on exploitation other than yourself. outside of that if you're into the game dunwich is a very popular expansion that makes the game harder and innsmouth is the most recent big one that makes the game MUCH harder.

It's true we've been skewing toward larger groups. Last night we had 4 players, plus a DM, but I think that was the only time we've been below the 2-monster spawning threshold. We've usually been at 5 or 6.


Registered for PAX East tonight, partially because of the word in this threat that there's board gaming to be had... Looking forward to it!


Hail to the KING baby
Unison said:
Registered for PAX East tonight, partially because of the word in this threat that there's board gaming to be had... Looking forward to it!
Whoo just found out I may be going after all! Wife's gonna be with friends on Saturday so I will reserve that for uberhardcore gaming. The nice thing is that now that I know the library is good I don't have to carry around a 25-lb giant gym bag with me to the convention center.

One weird thing I noticed on the site is that for hotels they still list those close to Hynes, but they're like two miles away from the new location. staying at the intercontinental fwiw
My fiance and I are having 1 friend over tonight, he's a huge zombie fan so we're going to introduce him to Last Night on Earth, expect to get 2 games in and maybe some Forbidden Island to fill time

Tomorrow night we're having 2-4 over for Catan (I'm hooked, the fiance is down right addicted though) and once again, hoping to play Forbidden Island as an appetizer. Has anyone tried FI with 5 or 6 players? I know the box says 2-4


First tragedy, then farce.
I think the problem with 5-6 would be the cards aren't balanced to give anyone a good chance of getting 4 of a kind in their hands.

You could certainly try it, but you might have to lean on trading cards.


First tragedy, then farce.
anyone up for some Dominion?

I have a snow day but have to work from home. Which means stuck in front of the computer, but I can fuck off easily.

Also remember: flush the experience player out the airlock, just to be safe.


Anyone play Space Hulk? I preordered a 3rd edition about two years ago but when I got it I just didn't have time to play it. Recently pulled it out of the closet and I have started to paint up the terminator minis, just finished the dead marine. Hoping to get a game in this weekend with a neighbor. Rules seem pretty simple enough and I am looking forward to the squad based feeling the terminators will have. Looking at BGG though Games Workshop asked the site to delete some of their files. Should I print out anything before playing or is the game easy enough to get through after reading the rules a few times?


Hail to the KING baby
StoOgE said:
anyone up for some Dominion?

I have a snow day but have to work from home. Which means stuck in front of the computer, but I can fuck off easily.

Also remember: flush the experience player out the airlock, just to be safe.
i'm down for a few games


First tragedy, then farce.
Cyan said:
My desk got moved. My screen is now easily visible to multiple people. I can browse GAF if I'm careful, but no more Dominion during work for me. :/

not brave enough for Dominion or Yucata on my work computer.


Hail to the KING baby
would dominion at work really be a problem? it looks roughly like a database or spreadsheet! if you play w/o the images of course
Dmorr07 said:
Anyone play Space Hulk? I preordered a 3rd edition about two years ago but when I got it I just didn't have time to play it. Recently pulled it out of the closet and I have started to paint up the terminator minis, just finished the dead marine. Hoping to get a game in this weekend with a neighbor. Rules seem pretty simple enough and I am looking forward to the squad based feeling the terminators will have. Looking at BGG though Games Workshop asked the site to delete some of their files. Should I print out anything before playing or is the game easy enough to get through after reading the rules a few times?

Game is pretty simple, and really there is nothing you need to print to play.

3rd edition is basically just a reprint of 1st edition Space Hulk with the expansion packs added in, and pretty much just updated fancy modern components.

It's a great classic game, it's like playing a game of the movie Aliens. Just note, you need a fairly good sized table to play it on as the tiles make for some big ass hulks


AstroLad said:
hellz yeah

i am going to bring my blinged out arkham horror too if we can get 3-4 people together for that :D

I'm happy to play both this and BSG @ PAX... just keep us posted w/ details, presumably once the schedule drops.
Someone in this thread asked for impressions of one of my new games, and I don't remember which one, so I'm just going to do all of them. Only played two so far though:

Glory To Rome - Played this one two player with the wife. Neverfade is so right, this game is awesome (at least, after one play). It's a lot heavier of a game than I had anticipated from reading reviews (somehow I thought it was about Dominion complexity). The whole game is made up of really tough choices. Roles you lead end up in the pool, and once they're there, they are grabbable by other players (to be used in any of the ways a card can be used--Role, Building, Material). Huge conflict if you really need to lead a role (say... craftsman), but your only craftsman card has a building on it that your opponent would love to build. Fortunately, there's also a good amount of opportunities for massive power plays, (I once managed to clear 8 cards out of the Pool at once, leaving it pretty much empty for my poor wife). Once we figured out what we were doing, every turn was an interesting one, and since you can "follow" actions lead by other players (more than once if you have the right client!), there's not much down time. Really looking forward to playing this one again.

Innovation - Same designer as Glory to Rome. Again, played 2 player with wife. We also both loved this one, though it's perhaps even more brain hurty, and definitely heavier than I expected as well. Basically: You've got cards representing various techs, from prehistory up to present day. All 150 of these has their own special power ("dogma"). Once it's face up in front of you (max 5), you can use the dogma power of any tech each turn. Each one has a key symbol. If your opponent(s) have at least as many of that key symbol as you, they can share your dogma, and also use the power. Powers generally involve moving cards from your to/from tableaus, decks, score piles, etc. Generally, it seems you want to try to get access to higher tech decks (10 total) while preventing access to your opponents. This is hard. My wife and I were in a constant struggle for dominance in light bulb symbols, while I had factories pretty covered and she had leaves. I won by achieving 6 achievements, but she was KILLING me in score at the time, so another game ending condition could have gone her way. We both want to play this one again pretty badly too.

Also had a some newbish-folks over for board games yesterday. Inspired a bit by our yucata games, I busted out Stone Age, and it went over really well. I did much worse than I've done online though. Ended up ballooning my tribe too big to feed too early, and fell behind. Extra dudes aren't that useful if you just have to dedicate them all to hunting/gathering!

One of them wanted to play Blokus too, which I never think of suggesting, but enjoyed the hell out of.

StoOgE said:
I think I like Arkadia, but think I must have been confused.

It only let me set one of my guys and close out a single building when I wanted to place 3 and close out two different buildings. Can you only place workers until a building is surrounded? Only place 1 worker at a tis.

Yep, you place workers to enclose a specific building. If you can fully enclose one, and get a second one in doing so (without placing additional workers), that is allowed, so if that's what you were trying to do, it might have been weirdness with the interface that prevented it (place your dudes in a different order maybe?)

Seth C

Wish I could have stayed and played more Dominion. I think AstroLad let me win, but it was worth it to see the Minions fall.
Good game gents...someday that points gap is going to close. :S

Funny how gaming works, no matter the format - being better than everyone who plays at your house does not necessarily translate into the wild. XD I'm starting to recognize my mistakes, though.
Dmorr07 said:
Anyone play Space Hulk? I preordered a 3rd edition about two years ago but when I got it I just didn't have time to play it. Recently pulled it out of the closet and I have started to paint up the terminator minis, just finished the dead marine. Hoping to get a game in this weekend with a neighbor. Rules seem pretty simple enough and I am looking forward to the squad based feeling the terminators will have. Looking at BGG though Games Workshop asked the site to delete some of their files. Should I print out anything before playing or is the game easy enough to get through after reading the rules a few times?
I own it and love it. I play with a buddy of mine and we are currently working our way through the scenario book. The game itself is really straight forward. The only weird rules are the Librarian and Broodlord's special powers but even then you really wont use them for your first couple of games. Like Battlemonkey said, it's really just like playing Aliens. If you don't quote Bill Paxton at least once you are playing it wrong.


Hail to the KING baby
hahah yeah that was fun sorry about being slow at the end there at first i was trying to both play dominion and explain to someone the issues with their privacy policy and terms of service but realized that wasn't going to work


First tragedy, then farce.
platypotamus said:
Yep, you place workers to enclose a specific building. If you can fully enclose one, and get a second one in doing so (without placing additional workers), that is allowed, so if that's what you were trying to do, it might have been weirdness with the interface that prevented it (place your dudes in a different order maybe?)

Yeah, if I had gone in a different order I would have enclosed two buildings with my dudes.


I'll be at PAX. Two friends from our game group will be there as well and we are all big fans of BSG, so we could help fill some seats if necessary.

Also, introduced Lords of Vegas last night and it went over well. As I had hoped it is a nice addition to my collection.
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