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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Hail to the KING baby
Suairyu said:
Expansion packs almost cost the same as the main game, though! If you had to pick one of those expansions, which one would it be?

Side question: do you guys tend to keep all expansion tiles/cards/chits/models in their own boxes or just fling everything together in the original box? Carcassonne's box is already near-full with the original set of tiles, but independently separating the original from the expansion tiles at the end of each game for filing in separate boxes sounds like it would get dull fast.
Well if you're really, really interested in getting all the gory details, of course check out the BGG reviews. In short, Inns & Cathedrals is the simpler of the two expansions, just has extra tiles that double the value of roads and cities if you complete them with those tiles -- but now those roads and cities are worth zero if left incomplete. Traders & Builders brings more to the table. Now you have city tiles marked with one of three goods and if you complete that city you get that # of goods (regardless of whether you had any knights within). Also the builder lets you get an extra turn if you add to a road or city where he is and the pig lets you get some extra points for farmers.

I find I&C a better first expansion because of the simplicity. I also think T&B works best with 3 or more. So I'd recommend I&C even though T&B is probably slightly better and meatier overall.

I got the Big Box set which comes with I think five expansions. I keep my base + I&C + T&B tiles mixed since that's how we like to play.
I picked up Kingsburg for my iPhone at lunch today. The game itself is really damn good. So good in fact I think I'll pick it up next week after payday. As for the App, it's decent. There are some interface problems that make it a little tricky to maneuver the various parts of the board. (Items on hand, buildings, building costs, and the King's council) It would also have been nice to get an overhead view of the entire Council to see who I can go after.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I&C is a must IMO, because it fixes roads, which are worthless in the base game. Roads being worth 1 means that when playing with just the base game, you'll pretty much ignore them. In I&C there are several Inn tiles, that when added to a road, make each road segment worth two, not one. Suddenly roads are fought over just as much as cities.

T&B isn't quite as interesting mechanically. Stuff like the Pig is just superfluous.

But really, both expansions are a must. I don't really consider Carcassonne complete unless I&C and T&B are in the mix.

The key (often overlooked) fact about both expansions is that they come with a bunch (20+) of interesting new tiles, as well. They mostly don't change things mechanically, but they cut way down on the number of impossible moves, and just do interesting things, like ending a road in the middle of the tile (with no city), or having four *separate* cities started on all four sides.


First tragedy, then farce.
Suairyu said:
Expansion packs almost cost the same as the main game, though! If you had to pick one of those expansions, which one would it be?

Side question: do you guys tend to keep all expansion tiles/cards/chits/models in their own boxes or just fling everything together in the original box? Carcassonne's box is already near-full with the original set of tiles, but independently separating the original from the expansion tiles at the end of each game for filing in separate boxes sounds like it would get dull fast.

I&C is the one to get, it rounds out the game a bit and ads a lot more strategy and screwing your oponent potential to the game. I would also get the River II with it as it is a nice way to mix up the early game and costs like 4 dollars.

T&B is the one that takes the game from tile laying simplicy and meeple placement and rewards people who actually complete things in unique ways.

Honestly, I would get all 3 games. I also think T&B is the one that ads the 6th player to the game and gives you the handy little fake velvet bag to keep the tiles in.. so you just pull tiles out of the bag and don't have to worry about tile storage.

Edit: nevermind I&C gets you the 6th player. T&B comes with the baggie.

FWIW, I keep all 3 games tiles together in the baggie as I will never not play with them, then I just keep the starting tile and the River riles outside of the baggie for easy access before play.

Also, the word on the street is to avoid all of the other expansions at all costs. One of them has verticle pieces and dragons and another one gives you a little wooden catapult with which to fling meeples. The expansions seem to have gotten progessively stupider.

GDJustin said:
Stuff like the Pig is just superfluous.

Porkulus Maximus Meeple is so amazing that I gave him a cool nick name.

But yes, the amount of new tiles you get is really critical. It will almost double the size of the game, so on top of a bunch of more interesting tiles, it also means more stuff can be completed and you can go for larger cities and longer roads and whatnot. Plus I&C really has the risk reward mechanic.

Do you put a cathedral in a city for double point but risk losing everything? Do you hose your buddy by putting a cathedral in a town he controls getting him no points at the risk of him finishing the city off after all and getting double points?

Lots of interesting mechanics


StoOgE said:
I would also get the River II with it as it is a nice way to mix up the early game and costs like 4 dollars.
Yeah it's running for £4.99 on Amazon.co.uk, so I'll be thinking of that one. But I was confused, I thought some river tiles were meant to come with the base game? Nothing of the sort in my copy - is that also an expansion?


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
The wife and I use cathedrals to fuck each other over late-game, much more often than we use them to complete uber-cities.
Assuring no fucking of the fun kind later on, depending on how heated the match was :(
If you have a city with a cathedral in the first half of the game, you're just making it a takeover/harassment target for your opponent.


Hail to the KING baby
whenever a cathedral gets completed in one of our games (usually 3p) it's truly a wtf how did that happen moment


First tragedy, then farce.
Suairyu said:
Yeah it's running for £4.99 on Amazon.co.uk, so I'll be thinking of that one. But I was confused, I thought some river tiles were meant to come with the base game? Nothing of the sort in my copy - is that also an expansion?

I don't know who the publisher is in the UK so I can't speak for that version, but there are two river expansions.

The River and the River II.

The River is a short 5-6 tile river that comes with the base game in the US now (it did not originally) and the River II is a long ass river that can be combined with the River I to make a super long ass river to start the game with.

Even without the first River (only River II) set you can do what I normally do is begin the game with a pile or River tiles and players go in order pulling River cards and laying them. You can play meeples on the castle, field or road bits on the river tiles if you want (most people don't).. and we play until the river is finished with a beginning and end. Sometimes this means the river is 3 tiles long, other times it means it is a forked river with 15 tiles. It ensures a wide open playing board that is always different to start the game and I love it.

Once the River is "complete" we move on to pulling regular tiles in order and start the proper game.


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
whenever a cathedral gets completed in one of our games (usually 3p) it's truly a wtf how did that happen moment

I never ever ad a Cathedral to a city that I control because the screw over factor is really really high. I would say Cathedral cities get completed about 10% of the time in my games. Part of that is because my friends are not as cut throat as I am.

I am all about the "oh look, you only need one piece to finish your city off. Guess what.. I JUST PUT A PIECE THERE WITH 3 OPEN SIDES. AND NEXT TURN I PLAN ON FUCKING YOU EVEN WORSE!"

Carcasonne is a brilliant game because some people can focus on building their own points up, while other players can focus on destroying others hard work :lol


Hail to the KING baby
StoOgE said:
I never ever ad a Cathedral to a city that I control because the screw over factor is really really high. I would say Cathedral cities get completed about 10% of the time in my games. Part of that is because my friends are not as cut throat as I am.

I am all about the "oh look, you only need one piece to finish your city off. Guess what.. I JUST PUT A PIECE THERE WITH 3 OPEN SIDES. AND NEXT TURN I PLAN ON FUCKING YOU EVEN WORSE!"

Carcasonne is a brilliant game because some people can focus on building their own points up, while other players can focus on destroying others hard work :lol
It's too bad you don't have iPhone Carc. You'd fit right in with the GAF group. :D


Gold Member
I have the carcasonne big box and it all fits nicely (aside from the score board) in a modular 3700 series plano box. I just rubber band the score board to the outside.

If you have storage issues, get PLANO!!! I have the entire 5 boxes of commands and colors armies in 4 3600 boxes with just the smallest game box holding the maps and terrain tiles. Arkham Horror, packaged nicely. Runebound, stashed, Alhambra big box, now in a littler box :p

My stack of empty game boxes is bigger than my stack of full ones at this point, though that it mostly becauseI am an expansion whore :p
jason10mm said:
I have the carcasonne big box and it all fits nicely (aside from the score board) in a modular 3700 series plano box. I just rubber band the score board to the outside.

If you have storage issues, get PLANO!!! I have the entire 5 boxes of commands and colors armies in 4 3600 boxes with just the smallest game box holding the maps and terrain tiles. Arkham Horror, packaged nicely. Runebound, stashed, Alhambra big box, now in a littler box :p

My stack of empty game boxes is bigger than my stack of full ones at this point, though that it mostly becauseI am an expansion whore :p
Plano boxes are awesome. I have all my Space Hulk figures in Plano boxes. Makes moving them around less risky.


jason10mm said:
I have the carcasonne big box and it all fits nicely (aside from the score board) in a modular 3700 series plano box. I just rubber band the score board to the outside.

If you have storage issues, get PLANO!!! I have the entire 5 boxes of commands and colors armies in 4 3600 boxes with just the smallest game box holding the maps and terrain tiles. Arkham Horror, packaged nicely. Runebound, stashed, Alhambra big box, now in a littler box :p

My stack of empty game boxes is bigger than my stack of full ones at this point, though that it mostly becauseI am an expansion whore :p

Trust me, you don't have storage issues until you play Advanced Squad Leader :)

That being said, I've also heard good things about PLANO boxes. Sometimes people create templates to make labels for them as well.


So I have had an occasion to try Agricola and Dominion.

I've had a total of 3 games of Agricola in 2 days, 2 2-players ones and a 3-players one.
I like it. A lot. The more you know how to play the more enjoyable it is and also having more players seems to add to the fun, even if it makes the games a little longer.
I'm curious about the expansion but for now it seems like the base game is already quite enough by itself considering that we only played with the basic set of cards and I have a couple people I still want to teach the game to and the expansion seems to add a bit of complexity and some more layers of decisions.

Domnion is also very very good, simple to explain but rewarding when you pull off a combo. Being able to make a good deck grinding machine powered by Villages, Markets and Cellars with other more powerful cards here and there to be used when you have enough actions to keep your engine going is a wonderful sensation.
For this game, as opposed to the ones for Agricola, the expansions seem really interesting already considering the way the game works.

I've also bought Arkham Horror but between the setup time and the fact that I still had to read the rules I decided to postpone the tryout for this one to next time.
Unfortunately while I was taking one of the chits (a dollar to be exact) out of its cardboard prison, it decided to open like a book. Damn.

By the way, this is my newly made BGG account: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/user/Volodja


I already have the core Carc game (with the one river expansion). Is there a package to get just the other expansions or is it piecemeal only at this point?

Dominion should be here today!


First tragedy, then farce.
eznark said:
I already have the core Carc game (with the one river expansion). Is there a package to get just the other expansions or is it piecemeal only at this point?

Dominion should be here today!

piecemeal only unfortunately.

However, you should be able to pick the expansions up for about 10 dollars online each. Carcassonne is a really cheap game luckily.

If you like the game at all I would grab the two expansions (T&B, I&C, and River II) because they take the game from really basic sort of entry level game and make it a bit meatier and add a ton of strategy to the game.

Also, I bought the Carcassonne iphone app despite the lack of expansions if anyone wants to play.



How to score a 2-tile city in Carc? In the manual says 4 points as other cities, but I've seen lots of websites say it only worth 2 points?


Yeah, count points for each tile an object (road, city, cloister) is comprised of. At least that's how I read the rules.


First tragedy, then farce.
Got all my small world expansions in today.

Have a few friends coming over tonight to watch the horns game, may try and get a game going after that. The card deck looks like it will be fun.. it will really remove a lot of strategy from the game, but will help in a random crazyness fun sort of way.. and I don't really consider Small World a serious game anyway since there is so much randomness involved in it.

From what I've heard there are two new expansions coming by the end of the year, and the one that will be released next month is going to come with a new insert for the main box that will hold everything for all of the expansions.

Hopefully it comes with new Leaders of Small world tokens for the new races being introduced as well.

The BGG guy is going to send me my copies of Lost Cities and Battle Line early next week.. so I probably won't have them in time for next weekends game night. Not a huge deal since I got them mostly for girlfriend play.


Lost Cities is fantastic. We got Babel first but my wife and I both feel Lost Cities blows it out of the water.

Tried out Zooloretto tonight. It's not bad! Pretty simple (really simply actually), but that makes it easy to explain when people come over. We played with two-player rules but I can see how it would really shine with the recommended five.

I have Dominion here too to try out. Any good?


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
luoapp said:
How to score a 2-tile city in Carc? In the manual says 4 points as other cities, but I've seen lots of websites say it only worth 2 points?

Carcassone rules have actually changed some, over the years. That's why there is so much confusion over how to score two-tile cities, and how to score farms.

The old rules stated that two-tile cities were only worth two points, because of how easy they are to make. The new (current) rules state that they are worth four points, to keep scoring consistent.

Likewise, the current rules for farm score are completely different than how it used to be. The change is complicated though, so I won't get into it. Just learn the new way.


luoapp said:

How to score a 2-tile city in Carc? In the manual says 4 points as other cities, but I've seen lots of websites say it only worth 2 points?
I've always played with 2-tiles cities being worth 2 points. We already have tons of small cities as it is.


I was just looking at Carcassonne this morning on xbla and there were various rules (international/US) for various things like farms, roads and cities. I think one of the International rules was 2 point for 2 tiled cities.
I'm finally going to able to play Chaos in the Old World tonight. We are going to have the full compliment of four people so it should be fun. After that I think a game of Cyclades, which is fast becoming a favorite of mine, is in order.


joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
I'm finally going to able to play Chaos in the Old World tonight. We are going to have the full compliment of four people so it should be fun. After that I think a game of Cyclades, which is fast becoming a favorite of mine, is in order.

Only rule we screwed up was regarding Dial Advancement Tokens and how many ticks you could advance.

We started playing where you advanced your dial for each DAT you achieved. That's not how it's played. You put a DAT on your wheel every time you fulfill your DAT requirement. Whoever has the most DATs at the Turn Dial piece of the End Phase can turn his or her dial two ticks, but only the person who has the most tokens. If there is a tie, no one gets the extra tick, just one.

Not sure how I missed it, as it is a big one, but we had to backtrack a bit on our first game.


Gold Member
ianp622 said:
Trust me, you don't have storage issues until you play Advanced Squad Leader :)

That being said, I've also heard good things about PLANO boxes. Sometimes people create templates to make labels for them as well.

I have Fields of Fire, talk about a counter for EVERYTHING!

bTW, how is ASL? Been thinking about getting their starter packs, but not sure I want to put in the time investment. But damn, talk about a classic title....


First tragedy, then farce.
Is ASL the game with the "rulebook" that looks like war and peace?

anyway, got a game of Small World in starting in the 3rd quarter of the horns game. I forced a couple of the new races and powers into the lineup just so I could play with them. They are fun. Hordes of is pretty awesome and leaves you really well defended.

The cards in the other expansion (forgot the name of it) are nice because you have to plan ahead a bit. One one we had the mountains were going to explode on the next turn so everyone scrambled to get off of the mountains the turn beforehand. It is really random and seemed to favor one player ahead of the other, but in many cases it gave you something else you had to plan for.. so in a (very small) way you are playing against the board as well as the other players.

I enjoyed it. We didn't play with Leaders just because I thought it would be a bit much, but I see no reason not to play with all the expansions at once going forward.


jason10mm said:
I have Fields of Fire, talk about a counter for EVERYTHING!

bTW, how is ASL? Been thinking about getting their starter packs, but not sure I want to put in the time investment. But damn, talk about a classic title....

ASL is so far my favorite board game I've ever played. I've spent more hours playing ASL than all other board games combined. The thing I love about it is that the rules give you so much freedom to decide how you want to attack, and they provide a lot of variety in combat results. I have so many great stories to tell.

The starter kits are great. Starter Kit #1 can be a little slow, but it's good if you're new to wargames. Starter Kit #2 is better, and Starter Kit #3 is the best. Each one can be played separately, and contains the rules for the previous kits as well (with errata).

Going from Starter Kit #3 to the full game is pretty smooth. You don't have to "unlearn" anything, just need to add in some details. Beyond Valor also introduces new concepts as you go, so the smoothness continues after you start playing the full game.

StoOgE said:
Is ASL the game with the "rulebook" that looks like war and peace?

Yeah. The size is intimidating, but it's written in a way that, while verbose, avoids complications and ambiguities. It's very teachable though, because most rules are common-sense.
For example, if you throw a demolition charge, you usually get hit with some of the blast. However, if you throw a charge from a second story building down to ground level, you won't get hit with the blast. However, there's a chance that the bottom floor of the building will rubble and you'll get killed as the building collapses with you inside :)

Not a beginner game, but if you find someone who can teach you it, it's pretty easy to follow along. My mom plays (and has beaten me), so it can't be too bad.


First tragedy, then farce.
I've seen people playing ASL and it always looks like the craziest of crazy war games meets a miniature game.

It's one of those things that I am glad I don't know anyone who is into, because I would become addicted to it and spend way too much money on new rule books and little army men.


StoOgE said:
I've seen people playing ASL and it always looks like the craziest of crazy war games meets a miniature game.

It's one of those things that I am glad I don't know anyone who is into, because I would become addicted to it and spend way too much money on new rule books and little army men.

Yeah, I was both happy and sad when my old 40k buddy/opponent moved out of town.

On the one hand, I didn't have anyone to play with anymore. On the other hand, I didn't have anyone to make me want to buy new squads to compete with.


Hail to the KING baby
No pix, but nice evening of boardgaming for us tonight.

Lost my first game! (By 1, but hey I've won by 1 before so I can't complain too much. Played drafting for the first time and that definitely had something to do with it since early on I was way busier getting my cards out than actually growing. Don't think we'll make drafting our default but it was a nice twist on an old favorite.

Carcassonne + Traders & Builders + Inns & Cathedrals
Nothing too notable, just light fun as always.

Race for the Galaxy + The Gathering Storm
Old-school RFTG -- YEEEEESSSSS. Been at least six months since I've played RFTG. It was nice to get back to basics. We didn't even play with goals, but we'll incorporate those back in next time. After a dozen or so games, then maybe we'll make the slow move to Rebel vs. Imperium.
Well ASL is a board game component wise, so no expensive miniatures and terrain to deal with. It's just a very complex game in large part due to crazy volume of rules that they kept adding onto the game over the years.

If that looks imposing, a good war game to get into that is much simpler is Conflict of Heroes.
MichaelBD said:
Only rule we screwed up was regarding Dial Advancement Tokens and how many ticks you could advance.

We started playing where you advanced your dial for each DAT you achieved. That's not how it's played. You put a DAT on your wheel every time you fulfill your DAT requirement. Whoever has the most DATs at the Turn Dial piece of the End Phase can turn his or her dial two ticks, but only the person who has the most tokens. If there is a tie, no one gets the extra tick, just one.

Not sure how I missed it, as it is a big one, but we had to backtrack a bit on our first game.
Yeah we played it the correct way but I can totally see how someone could mess that rule up. It seems almost backwards than what you think it should be (one tick per chit).

So tonight we did get to play both CitOW and Cyclades. I won both games tonight which is always fun.
CitOW - I played Khorne and won with dial advancements on literally the last turn. From what I see that's really his only strategy. He can't compete with others for coruption. The game itself is interesting. I do like that every player has different abilities. What I'm not a fan of is that the board can win. Thematically, I get it but overall it's a little silly.
Cyclades - Still so much damn fun. I won by taking over an island that had a metropolis on it giving me my second and final one.

Overall great night.


I played my first 3 games of Catan over the weekend. It was epic.

Can I get the "board game nerd badge"? :D

I think we are going to make it a regular feature with my friends. What other easy to pick games would you recommend? I'm loving Carcassonne on the iPhone but the points calculations make no sense!


Hail to the KING baby
polg said:
I played my first 3 games of Catan over the weekend. It was epic.

Can I get the "board game nerd badge"? :D

I think we are going to make it a regular feature with my friends. What other easy to pick games would you recommend? I'm loving Carcassonne on the iPhone but the points calculations make no sense!
Pretty much any of the games in the Gateway Games section of the OP would work for a group that's new to boardgaming. What don't you understand about the scoring?

City 2 points per tile + 2 points per pennant, (if not completed, 1 point per tile + 1 point per pennant)
Road 1 point per tile
Cloister 1 point + 1 point for each of the surrounding tiles
Fields (scored at end) 3 points for each completed city bordering the field

also courtesy wiki:
During the players' turns, cities, cloisters, and roads (but not fields) are scored when they are completed—cities and roads when they are completed (i.e. contain no unfinished edges from which they may be expanded), and cloisters when surrounded by eight tiles. At the end of the game, when there are no tiles remaining, all incomplete features are scored. Points are awarded to the players with the most followers in a feature. If there is a tie for the most followers in any given feature, all of the tied players are awarded the full number of points. In general (see table), points are awarded for the number of tiles covered by a feature; cloisters score for neighboring tiles; and fields score based on the number of abutting completed cities.

Once a feature is scored, all of the followers in that feature are returned to their owners.


First tragedy, then farce.
polg said:
I played my first 3 games of Catan over the weekend. It was epic.

Can I get the "board game nerd badge"? :D

I think we are going to make it a regular feature with my friends. What other easy to pick games would you recommend? I'm loving Carcassonne on the iPhone but the points calculations make no sense!

The OP has a lot of good info.

There are a few gateway games on there that are listed.

Ticket to Ride - simpler than Catan, but a ton of fun.
Carcassonne - tile laying game.
Dominion - card based game where you build a deck, a lot of fun.

I would also throw in a few others:
Pandemic - very easy to play co-op game that is a ton of fun.
Small World - a bit gamier than some of the other suggestions and a bit more luck based, but still fun.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Played Alhmbra again tonight. This time with three people. Came in third. *sigh*

The wife won again.

AGAIN, she won it on the final turn of the game. We were tied in purple towers and she used her final turn to buy another purple tower, causing a huge swing in points. I lost a bunch and she gained a bunch. I lost 4 pts, and she gained 4 pts, all with that one tile.

To add insult to injury, in the allocation of the final remaining tiles, I actually GOT a purple tower! But I couldn't place it anywhere :(

It miiight just be the most butthurt I've been playing a board game, ha. I normally take my losses in stride - it's fun just playing and strategizing. But this time I was genuinely peeved.


joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Yeah we played it the correct way but I can totally see how someone could mess that rule up. It seems almost backwards than what you think it should be (one tick per chit).

So tonight we did get to play both CitOW and Cyclades. I won both games tonight which is always fun.
CitOW - I played Khorne and won with dial advancements on literally the last turn. From what I see that's really his only strategy. He can't compete with others for coruption. The game itself is interesting. I do like that every player has different abilities. What I'm not a fan of is that the board can win. Thematically, I get it but overall it's a little silly.
Cyclades - Still so much damn fun. I won by taking over an island that had a metropolis on it giving me my second and final one.

Overall great night.
From what I've read on BGG, the game winning almost never happens. In the 3 games we've played the game has ended on turns 5, 6, and 6 (respectively) and they were all close, with either 2 or 3 people vying for the win.

I really want to get Cyclades. It reminds me of CitOW which I am really liking right now, but there have been too many new games with the guys I've been playing with and people want to take a breather on anything new.

Yesterday we played a 7+ hour game of Twilight Imperium. 7+ is roughly the actual play time, we were at my friends house for 9 hours, but it literally takes about an hour just to set the game up (all the bits and you create the galaxy as a group).

I was able to pull off the win, jumping from 5 to 11 victory points within 2 turns (the game ends immediately as someone hits 10 points, even if it is mid-turn).

I really love the game. It is as epic as any board game I've played. With so much going on it's easy to see how it can be overwhelming to some, but I've lucked into a group of people who like and want to play it (even if it is only 4 players total).

And between the base game and the expansion there are so many different ways to play that I've never felt like it wasn't worth the $100 I paid for the complete experience.


Hail to the KING baby
For anyone else waiting for The Goodies expansion for Agricola, just saw on BGG that it won't even get to customs until the 24th. Went ahead and deleted it from my CSI order so that it wouldn't hold up Prosperity. Order is way too delicious to be waiting two extra weeks for:

-Dominion: Prosperity Expansion
-Fresko (Fresco) Board Game
-Glory to Rome Board Game
-Memoir 44: Winter/Desert Map Board (suck it haters)
-Through the Desert Board Game

Now watch Prosperity get delayed a third time.

Qaz Kwaz

StoOgE said:
So, I'm going to solicit some opinions here on my "Want" list on the trades.

"Last Night on Earth: The Zombie Game" - Not my most wanted game, but it comes with both "Growing Hunger" and "Stock Up" Expansions which makes it good bang for the buck. Plus Zombie theme makes it likely to get a friend to try it. Plus, I'm going to have watch parties for Walking Dead, so this could be fun to play before the show starts.

I'm going to pimp this again: it's awesome, especially with the expansions. We've bought every single LNOE expansion, even the stupid little ones, and I think it was really worth it. The game is a ton of fun, and has great co-op AND PvP play.


First tragedy, then farce.
So, the Race For the Galaxy AI that Astrolad put up in the first post also support multiplayer over the internet.

Like the Dominion game, it is 100% self contained (you don't need the cards) has all 3 expansions and graphics!

I think we should try a game of RFTG + Gathering Storm some night this week.


You have to download and install a program for this one.. but it's good AI play as well. Since I can't get any real friends to play with me computer AI and GAF users will have to do. :lol

Astrolad: I don't hate Memoir 44. I just think it takes too long to set up and has a bit too much of a luck element involved. But yes, at one point (before I got it) when I saw some online videos and thought it looked like the best thing since sliced bread I was already planning all the expansions I would buy for it :lol


Hail to the KING baby
StoOgE said:
So, the Race For the Galaxy AI that Astrolad put up in the first post also support multiplayer over the internet.

Like the Dominion game, it is 100% self contained (you don't need the cards) has all 3 expansions and graphics!

I think we should try a game of RFTG + Gathering Storm some night this week.

YES. I am 100% on board with this. I can play most weeknights after 9 EST. I presume it's live play?


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
YES. I am 100% on board with this. I presume it's live play?

Yep, you log onto a server and there are other players in there.

I haven't tried it out yet, I might get in on a random game this evening to check it out, but it looks like a solid implementation.
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