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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Yeah, my whole core gaming group is all off to different colleges around the US, so we haven't had much time to do stuff. Winter and Summer break are basically the only times we get to play nowadays. Doesn't help that the one with all the games is 12 hours away, so I don't have many of my own games to start a new group with. Plus I'm just busy with school.


Yaboosh said:
I stopped by my local game store on my way home from work and picked up San Juan. Man that is a super easy game to get into. I played a handful of games on that Android app, so I had a decent idea of what I was doing. It only took my wife a few rounds to really get a hang of it and she ended up beating me by 3 points in both of the games we played.

We both really liked it. I definitely think it was the right decision over the fairly cryptic RFTG. And like someone said earlier in the thread, her knowing San Juan will make the RFTG transition much easier.
Which android app? From AstroLad's response, I just downloaded Androminion, but are you talking about another android app?


Super Sleuth
Chairhome said:
Which android app? From AstroLad's response, I just downloaded Androminion, but are you talking about another android app?

I was talking about a San Juan Android app called Condado. Androminion is awesome too.


First tragedy, then farce.
platypotamus said:
Yeah pretty much. Main group consists of a couple parents of young children, for example. Secondary group consists of a guy who comes more for socializing, and three guys who all have new-ish girlfriends (one of them might be down to game though...)

Get some lighter games and do double date game nights.

I assume you have a wife and/or girlfriend?

I do this with my girlfriend and her brother/his wife from time to time. Cook dinner, play 2-3 lighter games.

Stuff like TTR/Dominion/Stone Age would work pretty well. Some more social games (Time's up, wits and wagers, perudo etc) would work as a nice introduction game and then drop TTR on them. Work up to Small World/Dominion and then finally to something like Stone Age.

Almost no one will ever turn their nose up at a party game in a social situation. Then you can transition them into the gateway games.

You aren't likely to get much above a light-medium game like Stone Age with this, but it's better than nothing.
StoOgE said:
double date game nights.

That's exactly what we do all the time with the parent couple, dinner, set up games while they put kids to sleep, and then play for a couple hours.

I just wish I could have the epic marathon 8 hour sessions some of you guys have. Used to have them at the office back at Troika Friday or Saturdays, haven't got to do it really since then.


Yaboosh said:
I was talking about a San Juan Android app called Condado. Androminion is awesome too.
Sweet. Thanks! I've been wanting to try out these games for a while. If you come across any other android board game apps, please let me know!


First tragedy, then farce.
platypotamus said:
I just wish I could have the epic marathon 8 hour sessions some of you guys have. Used to have them at the office back at Troika Friday or Saturdays, haven't got to do it really since then.

Yeah, by the 4th game I'm usually gassed.

That is when the Martin Wallace migrane sets in.

3 glasses of scotch, 4 games in, 2AM and some jackass brings out Brass and wants to play.

Somehow it always seems like a good idea until I'm eating excedrin like candy 30 minutes into the game.
Heads up, Tanga has Campaign Manager 2008 on sale for $10 plus $5.99 shipping. After falling in love with the game on Yucata I've been looking for a good price on a copy.

Tonight we played Tales of the Arabian Nights. The game has proven to be an extremely unique experience. I love it and it seems to be a hit with my fiancé and our roommate as well.


Super Sleuth
Played another handful of games of San Juan with my wife tonight, and still really enjoyed it. I have now won 1 out of 4.

The problem we are having with the game is keeping track of Library use during the governor's second turn. Since you can only use the double privilege once, we keep forgetting about that rule and going ahead and using the double privilege the second role as well. Entirely our faults, but it ends up making the Library quite overpowered.

We have to come up with some way of indicating when the library has been used during the governor's turn so that it can't be used during the governor's second role.
Yaboosh said:
Played another handful of games of San Juan with my wife tonight, and still really enjoyed it. I have now won 1 out of 4.

The problem we are having with the game is keeping track of Library use during the governor's second turn. Since you can only use the double privilege once, we keep forgetting about that rule and going ahead and using the double privilege the second role as well. Entirely our faults, but it ends up making the Library quite overpowered.

We have to come up with some way of indicating when the library has been used during the governor's turn so that it can't be used during the governor's second role.

Haven't played it before, but if it's cards, you could always tap it (turn it sideways).


Gold Member
Finally played Agricola. Man, even the "family" version was a grueling experience! We had five players, 2 new and 3 experienced. I thought I was just barely hanging on turn after turn but somehow both of us new players tied for 1st with 26 points. I think we focused on basic food production early on and once we got a decent food engine going were able to run away with improvements and herds while the more experienced players rushed straight to family growth and seemed to get crippled at the end due to poor food supply. Anyway, it was an interesting game, not sure if I had "fun" or not. Hopefully, like Caylus, once I get some more familiarity with it I'll be able to strategize more and thus have more fun. But damn, this game keeps you on the ragged edge of survival ALL THE TIME! All I wanted to do was go raid my neighbor for food :p

Got Glen More, Survive, and Unspeakable Words on order. Trying to broaden my quick game inventory. Plus the wife has been playing Carcassonne nonstop on the ipad and I don't think I have a chance against her now. Gotta change up the games!


Yaboosh said:
Played another handful of games of San Juan with my wife tonight, and still really enjoyed it. I have now won 1 out of 4.

The problem we are having with the game is keeping track of Library use during the governor's second turn. Since you can only use the double privilege once, we keep forgetting about that rule and going ahead and using the double privilege the second role as well. Entirely our faults, but it ends up making the Library quite overpowered.

We have to come up with some way of indicating when the library has been used during the governor's turn so that it can't be used during the governor's second role.

"Tap" the card (a.k.a. turn it sideways) when it's used. Then un-tap it during the next governor phase.


Hail to the KING baby
platypotamus said:
Haven't played it before, but if it's cards, you could always tap it (turn it sideways).
Hahah yeah, we tap. (I still forget sometimes though.) Bunch of these games actually I have to tap or even use counters to keep track of stuff sometimes.

Finally played Agricola. Man, even the "family" version was a grueling experience! We had five players, 2 new and 3 experienced. I thought I was just barely hanging on turn after turn but somehow both of us new players tied for 1st with 26 points.
You should just go the whole hog and play with Minors and Occupations; adds a lot of flavor to the game.


First tragedy, then farce.
yeah, my father and mother learned the term "tapping" when playing Dominion with the Orange cards. They call it "turn the card sideways", not sure why but they steadfastly refuse to use the term "tap"


Hail to the KING baby
StoOgE said:
yeah, my father and mother learned the term "tapping" when playing Dominion with the Orange cards. They call it "turn the card sideways", not sure why but they steadfastly refuse to use the term "tap"
i do it differently with seaside. i put the new duration cards in a top row and then move them down at the beginning of next turn to make them part of the "current" row. again though this is something where even if you have a system in place you will screw it up half the time. guaranteed in any multiplayer dominion game with several duration cards, several people will go "wait, did i play that orange card this turn or last?"
StoOgE said:
yeah, my father and mother learned the term "tapping" when playing Dominion with the Orange cards. They call it "turn the card sideways", not sure why but they steadfastly refuse to use the term "tap"

Wizards of the Coast actually has a trademark (patent? copyright?) on tap, so game companies are actually not allowed to use it without facing lawyers or licensing fees.

Fake Edit: BattleMonkey beat me.

AstroLad said:
i do it differently with seaside. i put the new duration cards in a top row and then move them down at the beginning of next turn to make them part of the "current" row. again though this is something where even if you have a system in place you will screw it up half the time. guaranteed in any multiplayer dominion game with several duration cards, several people will go "wait, did i play that orange card this turn or last?"



First tragedy, then farce.
So advice needed..

Pitchcar for Kingsburg + expansion.

Is this a good deal or not? Pitchcar has never made it to my table and I'm looking to try and get some more good "gateway" games. Namely Stone Age, Fresca, Tikal, Arkadia and the like.

Stuff the girlfriend might actually want to play.

From what I can tell I'm about 10-15 dollars "short" on this deal.

I've never actually played Kingsburg.. how good is it?


StoOgE said:
So advice needed..

Pitchcar for Kingsburg + expansion.

Is this a good deal or not? Pitchcar has never made it to my table and I'm looking to try and get some more good "gateway" games. Namely Stone Age, Fresca, Tikal, Arkadia and the like.

Stuff the girlfriend might actually want to play.

From what I can tell I'm about 10-15 dollars "short" on this deal.

I've never actually played Kingsburg.. how good is it?

Kingsburg is light-to-medium, so you need to be sure that's what you're looking for... It's very fun, pretty quick, and easy to teach, but there are several similar-weight games out there that might scratch the same itch, such as Alien Frontiers or Stone Age.

It's a far better game with the expansion than without, as the base game can feel somewhat samey and can allow people to too easily play the same strategy every time. I like it and it has gone over pretty well with people I've introduced it to. I certainly like it more than Pitchcar.

There's an iphone version which might help you bite the bullet or decide it's not for you.


First tragedy, then farce.
hoverX said:
Could I teach Race for the galaxy to a few friends (who aren't into huge rulebooks) relatively quickly?

Going to go with no here.

The mechanics alone are going to be difficult to teach. The symbols make it like teaching a game written in Kanji to people who don't read it.


Hail to the KING baby
rftg is hilarious b/c once you've played like ten games it seems like the simplest game ever. then you bust it out as a gateway and it's a total disaster.


So Barnes and Noble must be really hard up to get me to buy something... they've sent me a 70% off one item at BN.com... Can't really pass this up.

Choices below w/ their adjusted price, input as usual would be nice.

Dominion Seaside $13.49
Cosmic Encounter $17.99
Small World $14.99
Nuns on the Run $10.49
Fresco $17.99
Mystery Express $14.99
Ticket to Ride Marklin $14.99
Talisman 4th Ed. $17.99
Tide of Iron $23.99

My bi weekly boardgame group typically consists of 4 to 6... and we typically like heavier games. Biggest hits so far are BSG, Ticket to Ride, Citadels, Dominion, and Pandemic.

I'm leaning towards Mystery Express or Nuns on the Run. They're both far different than anything I've got currently and both seem like very fun games.

Seth C

I think Small World is a really fun war/area control game. I've not played it a lot, but when I have it's been a lot of fun.


Last night, a buddy taught me & another friend Dungeon Lords. He's taught it a number of times & has it down to a fine art - a great mix of rules explanation, combat tutorial & the theme mixing through in how he does it.

The game went fantastically well - really close with my experienced buddy getting stuck with both palladins, every player getting screwed over turn order wise but managing to pull out the resource they needed for payday or feeding.

You like worker placement? Have a group that likes a strong theme & RPG-like elements? Give Dungeon Lords a look.
Artadius said:
So Barnes and Noble must be really hard up to get me to buy something... they've sent me a 70% off one item at BN.com... Can't really pass this up.

Choices below w/ their adjusted price, input as usual would be nice.

Dominion Seaside $13.49
Cosmic Encounter $17.99
Small World $14.99
Nuns on the Run $10.49
Fresco $17.99
Mystery Express $14.99
Ticket to Ride Marklin $14.99
Talisman 4th Ed. $17.99
Tide of Iron $23.99

My bi weekly boardgame group typically consists of 4 to 6... and we typically like heavier games. Biggest hits so far are BSG, Ticket to Ride, Citadels, Dominion, and Pandemic.

I'm leaning towards Mystery Express or Nuns on the Run. They're both far different than anything I've got currently and both seem like very fun games.
Mystery Express is basically advanced Clue minus the annoying roll and move aspect. If you are into that sort of thing it's really well done and can become a brain burner. Nuns on the Run is a decent game. We've only played it once since I bought it last summer so I put it up for trade. If you have ever played Scotland Yard (Mister X makes hidden movements while the rest of the players try to find him) it's like that but in reverse. There is usually one player playing both the Abbas and Prioress. Those characters are actually pawns the rest of the players are moving using a notepad. Like I said we had fun with it but it never got to the table.


StoOgE said:
So advice needed..

Pitchcar for Kingsburg + expansion.

Is this a good deal or not? Pitchcar has never made it to my table and I'm looking to try and get some more good "gateway" games. Namely Stone Age, Fresca, Tikal, Arkadia and the like.

Stuff the girlfriend might actually want to play.

From what I can tell I'm about 10-15 dollars "short" on this deal.

I've never actually played Kingsburg.. how good is it?
Personally I've tried Kingsburg a few times (with expansion) and as much as I love rolling dice it just hasn't stuck with me. Like someone else mentioned, I much much prefer Alien Frontiers. We played AF again last night and I love the way the dice work in the game. It was real close with 3 of us tied for second going into what would be the last round.


AstroLad said:
rftg is hilarious b/c once you've played like ten games it seems like the simplest game ever. then you bust it out as a gateway and it's a total disaster.
Lol that's ok. Our games nights been cancelled.


Hail to the KING baby
oh joey & fenners i have an invite to each of you on yucata.

kinda bummed we didn't get a new game the last couple weeks but ah well still a ton to learn


First tragedy, then farce.
Played two games tonight..

automobile and Merchants & Marauders.

Automobile might be my favorite Wallace game yet. Just fantastic.

M&M was a fun game. Seems way too long for what it is though... it's essentially Fire and Axe with more going on.. just not sure the "more" is actually that engaging other than adding a lot of difficulty to the game.


StoOgE said:
Played two games tonight..

automobile and Merchants & Marauders.

Automobile might be my favorite Wallace game yet. Just fantastic.

M&M was a fun game. Seems way too long for what it is though... it's essentially Fire and Axe with more going on.. just not sure the "more" is actually that engaging other than adding a lot of difficulty to the game.

Ooh. I'm looking forward to trying Automobile.


StoOgE said:
M&M was a fun game. Seems way too long for what it is though... it's essentially Fire and Axe with more going on.. just not sure the "more" is actually that engaging other than adding a lot of difficulty to the game.

Haven't ever played Fire and Axe, but I've played M&M a few times, and I really liked it. I think it goes faster once you know what you're doing. There's plenty of strategies to try as well. Feels like I'm playing Sid Meyer's Pirates! the board game.
The recent Math Trade proved to be fruitful. I got rid of Choas in the Old World, Hive, and Resistance 2 (with Resistance 1) for Fury of Dracula, Fairy Tale (plus three other filler card games), and Shear Panic. I've been wanting Fury of Dracula for ages now and Shear Panic looks like it will be a fun light game to play with the family plus the components are awesome.


First tragedy, then farce.
Yeah, I had zero games trade in the math trade, but I was being super super selective in what I was willing to trade with and for.
StoOgE said:
Yeah, I had zero games trade in the math trade, but I was being super super selective in what I was willing to trade with and for.
I was too on my bigger ticket items. The other three games I was more willing to let them go for cheap. I honestly can't tell you how glad I am to be rid of this Resistance 2 set. I picked it up years ago for dirt cheap on a whim and never had the desire to play it. It's been gathering dust in my entertainment center since.


AstroLad said:
oh joey & fenners i have an invite to each of you on yucata.

kinda bummed we didn't get a new game the last couple weeks but ah well still a ton to learn

Haven't played Hunters & Gatherers, just the base Carc on the iPad/XBLA etc. What's the differences?
dogbert said:
Haven't played Hunters & Gatherers, just the base Carc on the iPad/XBLA etc. What's the differences?

- There are two kind of game pieces, meeples and huts
- Rivers act like roads, forests act like cities and there's nothing like cloisters
- There are animals on the fields (Mammoths, deers and tigers) and fishes on the rivers
- Meeples on rivers and forests score as usual
- Meeples on fields don't score at the endgame for each city/forest like in the base game, they score for each Mammoth plus for each deer minus each tiger. Mammoths + (deers - tigers). Tigers don't eat mammoths.
- Huts can only be placed on rivers and score at the endgame. They score points for each fish on the whole river they live in, no just a river segment
- Unfinished features don't score anything at the endgame
- There are forest tiles with a mushroom, it adds 2 points to the forest
- There are also forest tiles with a gold nugget, the player who finishes a forest with a mushroom tile get to draw a special tile, he doesn't even need to have a meeple on that forest



First tragedy, then farce.
InsertNameHere said:
Haven't ever played Fire and Axe, but I've played M&M a few times, and I really liked it. I think it goes faster once you know what you're doing. There's plenty of strategies to try as well. Feels like I'm playing Sid Meyer's Pirates! the board game.

Fire and Axe has the same basic premise..

1) Ship goods to cities
2) plunder (cities not merchants though)

in Fire and Axe you can also settle the cities after they have been sacked in the plunder action.

Both games have missions that are worth VP to complete, special cards that give you abilities.

In fire and Axe there is no ship to ship combat, no NPC ships to worry about, but you do have storms that determine how many days you can sail at see in a given region without losing men to a storm. The closest direct conflict is having a card that lets you sack another players settlement and make it your own (there are several) and/or shipping a good or settling prior to another player.

The biggest difference is the viking ships in Fire and Axe all have the same stats, it just matters how many vikings you board your ship with before leaving your home port and how well fortified the cities you are trying to sack are.

They are extremely similar games in feel and theme, but mechanically it's like comparing Ticket to Ride to Age of Steam.

I need to play M&M again (and I'm sure I will since my gaming group has fallen in love with it) but I'm just not sure the extra complexity adds anything particularly fun to the game. If anything, if my games are going to come down to almost pure dicerolls I would rather they be a bit quicker with less tactical decisions to make.

again, not bagging on the game. It's a solid 8 out of 10 for me and I would play it almost any time it's brought to the table. It's just that if I had a choice between it and Fire and Axe, I'm not sure which I would choose.


First tragedy, then farce.
Think I'm going to simplify my own collection. i.e. get rid of heavy weight games.

I'm going to keep a few or them because I really really really like them.

But, I figured out the only people I play my Martin Wallace games with already own them. So there isn't much of a point in keeping them when I could try and trade them for easier games that I'm more likely to get to the table with my group of friends.

I had an epiphany last night while playing Automobile. I decided I was going to buy it when I looked around and realized both people I was playing it with already owned the game.
Fletcher said:
Anyone play 7 Wonders yet? And if so, any good?

It's gotten generally favorable reviews around here I think. Still waiting on my shipment though. Been backordered for awhile, was hoping to have it for a newb-fest of a board game party, since I hear it is pretty gateway-capable and supports 7, but the outlook is not so good.


Fletcher said:
Anyone play 7 Wonders yet? And if so, any good?
A friend recently snagged a copy. I've played maybe half a dozen times and I like it. Plays just as quick whether you have 3 or 7 people. It can be tough to keep track of what everyone is doing if you have 7 people playing, and a lot rides on what your neighbors are doing (I've had two games where I was stymied from doing much because of a dearth of resources between myself and my neighbors).

But considering it's only half an hour it's not like the experience drags on if you feel like you can't do anything.
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