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The new Disney!

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Beauty and the Beast is a fantastic movie. The songs are really good and funny, 'Be our Guest' still rings as one of my favourite Disney songs.

And I can't get over the fact that this Lumier the Candle Stick:


Was voiced by this guy:


Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
FortNinety said:
I haven't seen Emperor's New Groove, nor do I have any interest, at least ever since I heard of what that film was supposed to be (far more epic in scale and scope, no song and dance numbers, no comedy, basically a totally different film, even had a different title).

BTW, where are these pics from?

your loss.. the film turned out absolutely hilarious.. with some very clever jokes.

J2 Cool

Pocahontas was pretty crappy imo. John Smith. boring. Pocohontas. boring. Furry sidekick animals. boring. It was pretty much "let's do this again" after the inspired and kick ass Aladdin, Memaid, B&B, and Lion King. Mulan was pretty good though. Emperor's New Groove enjoyable though not at all masterpiece.

Lilo and Stitch meanwhile had all the elements to be a classic and failed. The sister/sister relationship was very well done imo. Stitch was a great character. It's just that the aliens all sucked and everytime they came on screen to continue their chase I'd cringe. Never let the movie settle down, always a chase. If it was simply hawaii and the bond between Stitch, Lilo, and her older sister it would have been perfect. Have us forget about the aliens and have em return at the end. They ruined it with that.

Best 2d animated movie since Lion King is still The Iron Giant imo. I love that movie. And the main character was the way a kid should be done. Much more appealing than that brooding "I cant not get in trouble" idiot from Treasure Planet. Not to mention the father/son relationship in Iron Giant blew Treasure Planet's away and it wasnt even the focus of the movie. Iron Giant is truly a masterpiece. Can't wait to see what Bird does with The Incredibles. Hoping he can make us care for the characters as much as he's done with Iron Giant. But then again, Pixar and Brad Bird. Dont have too many fears they wont succeed there.

Oh, and for whoever mentioned Oliver & Company as the last of completely 2d looking movies, kudos. That is such a kick ass movie too. I realize why its not put up there with Little Mermaid but I think that movie still rocks. The beginning with the streets of New York and orphan kittens always pulls me in. They did NYC really nicely in that movie. I'd really love to see a movie return to that completely 2d, extremely artistic look. 101 Dalmations is really a movie that we could never see done today because the art while so amazing would never be allowed today. A real shame as that is one amazing movie.

Man, I need to get some disney classics on dvd. Most of my vhs's drowned in a flood years back :(


FortNinety said:
I haven't seen Emperor's New Groove, nor do I have any interest, at least ever since I heard of what that film was supposed to be (far more epic in scale and scope, no song and dance numbers, no comedy, basically a totally different film, even had a different title).

An absolutely hillarious, brilliant MASTERPIECE. It is a comedic masterpiece in terms of Disney Animation, and deserves a look, big time.

And...Pocahontas does NOT belong in the Golden Age of Disney Animation. Any of the FUN created in the Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid and Aladdin was GONE with Pocahontas. It simply didn't work; it was too serious to be entertaining, and while not a poorly made film did not balance it well enough to entertain me.

I loved Meeko has a kid, though.

Hunchback went too far in the other direction, runing the film with the excessively annoying gargoyles.
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