My new iPad fell earlier and it has a crack on the screen. Any chance of the apple store replacing it for free?
And it's engraved![]()
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and if not how much would it be to get it fixed?
I don't know about battery life; but if I open the taskbar and delete apps, a game like Infinity Blade will run much more smoothly on my iPhone. Feels that way, at least.
Really glad I went with white, looks so elegant and when it's dark you don't even notice the bezel, it disappears same as the black.
I know a lady that dropped her iPad2 day one and apple replaced the screen for her for free.
Was it at the store or by phone?
well then iOS is not that efficient.
because, without checking my ram available when i feel its slower, i check it and oh bam im around 20-50.
so yeah Ios will never make it go to 0 , it would crash, but it can go quite low and slow
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and if not how much would it be to get it fixed?
If you have AppleCare+ it's $49.00.
Oh totally forgot about getting Splashtop, thanks for this, need it for my SWTOR fix.My mind still boggles at the fact I can play EVE on my iPad(3) via Splashtop Remote. It's not perfect and I wouldn't PvP but still a mind fuck for me.
I saw a one time purchase for Applecare for $29, might do that if tomorrow doesn't go well. I think i'm gonna start getting Applecare now...
So far I am loving this. I have not had any heating, or yellow screen issues. However the iPad will not charge when I plug it to the charger sometimes. I don't know if this is normal or not. If it isn't is it to late to take it to the apple store?
So far I am loving this. I have not had any heating, or yellow screen issues. However the iPad will not charge when I plug it to the charger sometimes. I don't know if this is normal or not. If it isn't is it to late to take it to the apple store?
are you using the actual included charger, or are you referring to plugging the usb cord into your computer? most computers won't charge it via usb, not enough powah. It'll say "not charging" by the battery to show this.
Is there a reason the ipad can't pull gmail contacts (er, iOS I guess)? If I want to send an email via the email client I have to go look up the address...
Should be setting up gmail using this method .
Then you can get push gmail and contacts.
I saw a one time purchase for Applecare for $29, might do that if tomorrow doesn't go well. I think i'm gonna start getting Applecare now...
Even though it says "not charging" it still is. it is just very, very slow. Underpowered USB is to blame. I love plugging my devices into USB 3.0 slots though. Charges them even while the laptop is off!![]()
When I plug my iPad into my macbook it does charge, but I've noticed that it charges twice as fast just plugged into the wall. I've gotten used to just leaving it plugged in and using the wifi sync so there's really no reason to have my iPad anywhere near my laptop anymore. That is pretty awesome awesome USB3.0 though.
ComicGlass users, is there a way to import an entire folder of comics or to import comics into an already existing folder in the app? Currently I am making an empty folder, adding comics to ComicGlass (which puts them on the main menu), then 1 by 1 clicking them to "move to folder X." Tedious with the amount of comics I plan on reading
Wat. My iPad 2 never charged that iPad 2 would fully charge in an hour or so using it
All this heat stuff is crazy. There must be something wildly different between some of these iPads. I have verizon lte 32gb and have never felt it heat up.
ComicGlass users, is there a way to import an entire folder of comics or to import comics into an already existing folder in the app? Currently I am making an empty folder, adding comics to ComicGlass (which puts them on the main menu), then 1 by 1 clicking them to "move to folder X." Tedious with the amount of comics I plan on reading
Glass kinda does this.I know it's very easy to move stuff into folders and folders within folders using Comic Zeal. Actually if you're already in a folder in comiczeal, start the sync to move, when you get back to comic zeal it's already set up folders using file names within the folder you were in.
Wat. My iPad 2 never charged that fast.
I've only charged my 3 once, from 10% to 100% seemed to take about 6 hours.Maybe it was a bit more than that, but it seemed to charge super fast. Especially compared to this one. Bigger battery now, yeah, but man, this one crawls.
I actually had Clear for awhile, along with a mobile hotspot, and service was decent and speeds were acceptable when you were in one of their coverage areas. The price was solid for unlimited data as well.
That said, I canceled my Clear service yesterday after signing up for Verizon LTE on the new iPad. The two services aren't even close. Verizon is WAY faster, has better coverage and falls back to 3G when ever necessary. The fact that the iPad can serve as a mobile hotspot was simply the death knell for Clear for me. Although I have to admit, they did their damnedest to keep me as a customer when I called to cancel.
Glass kinda does this.
I've only charged my 3 once, from 10% to 100% seemed to take about 6 hours.
I imagine my iPad 2 charged from 10% to 100% in about 3 hours.
Hard to get used to though. I really hope a fast charger is a possibility.This is probably more like what I've experienced. I went from 40% to 100% in a 2-3 hours on the New iPad. That's not really too bad. If you are using USB 2.0 while using it though, it really will take about an hour to move 10%.
Hard to get used to though. I really hope a fast charger is a possibility.
I charge over night, so it could take 8 hours and wouldn't bother me. I can get an extremely full day out of a single charge so I never have to charge when I am not asleep.