Is there really a difference between a cheap stylus for like 10 bucks vs a 30 dollar one?
Depends on the stylus, like the basic little rubber dome type has been around for a while now and is branded by seemingly every company out there, and can be had for pretty cheap or relatively overpriced. If it's the same stylus the only difference is the branding itself.
But there are others out there like the Jot, the Wacom one appears to be a modified dome type with a smaller tip and longer pen body, Pogo has some rubber design of their own now, there's some fabric dome one (iFaraday?) that has less friction and more sensitivity, etc. They all have their pluses and minuses.
Paper is neat, but Sketchbook is nicer in almost every way. Honestly, even the undo in Sketchbook is nicer. A simple double tap in the lower left hand corner to undo. Simple, and works great.
There's also a three finger swipe left. My main issue is that SketchBook can lag quite a bit at times, so going back more than a step or two can get really annoying.
Hm, ok I'll have to keep an eye out. If I get another crash anywhere it's back to the store, but so far so good. It wasn't really a crash per se just a really weird glitch/lockup which is why I thought maybe Ascension was to blame (though Ascension has never done the same for me in many hours on my Touch.
Has it been updated since the new iPad came out? Could be some bug specific to the new hardware if it hasn't been fully tested against it yet, maybe email the devs about it.
"Ruins" is a very strong word and it makes it seem you are incapable of rationale discussion.
Yeah it's a strong word...but I'd say it's appropriate for matte protectors on retina displays.
Has there been any sort of update or explanation of the "yellow tint"?
Pretty sure it's like every new device, there's just a lot of variability for better or worse. Get used to it or exchange it...and/or complain to Tim Cook about the complete lack of color calibration/management in iOS.