Common sense mixed with a bit of optimism. Anything else is going to be a huge detriment to your tablet experience, especially on something as big as the iPad.
which is a good screen protector to get?
which is a good screen protector to get?
What do you guys use to clean out the dust that gets into the edges of the ipad?
Probably referring to the rubber trim and glass. Any microfiber cloth will do.
Wouldn't it just be easier and cheaper to get an extension cord?I've been looking for cables around 10feet so I can lay on my bed. However, while looking at cables I've realized that they might now work with the extra power needed to charge the iPad. Anyone know if this will be a problem?
Tech question here.
Can anyone with the new iPad compare the browsing to the iPad 2?
I'm specifically wondering if pages reload as frequently as the iPad 2? I know the video memory doubled, and I was curious if that helped in this regard.
Tech question here.
Can anyone with the new iPad compare the browsing to the iPad 2?
I'm specifically wondering if pages reload as frequently as the iPad 2? I know the video memory doubled, and I was curious if that helped in this regard.
any suggestions for a good stylus and drawing app? Bought my kids an ipad 2 so they leave my ipad 3 alone, and my son is into art so I want to get something that offers more than just a blank canvas and a box of crayons, but not something really complex to use.
any suggestions for a good stylus and drawing app? Bought my kids an ipad 2 so they leave my ipad 3 alone, and my son is into art so I want to get something that offers more than just a blank canvas and a box of crayons, but not something really complex to use.
:|Paper is what I would recommendany suggestions for a good stylus and drawing app? Bought my kids an ipad 2 so they leave my ipad 3 alone, and my son is into art so I want to get something that offers more than just a blank canvas and a box of crayons, but not something really complex to use.
He could've said "thanks for all the work done in the past," instead he makes it sound like he is switching a webhost. It doesn't help that the Mule Network guy is being an ass to people on twitter about it.
I don't really get the John Not sure how to phrase it. I loves me some apple products, I keep up with all the blogs, hell I even write all my notes in plain text and in markdown just in case.
But I have no idea why people put gruber on a pedestal. All he really does is aggregate a few links from the day and barely even comments on them. I've never even heard his podcast, have no idea what 5x5 is, let alone mule.
I guess my point is that he really isn't that popular...or at least as popular as his followers thinks he is. That one guy - Ben Brooks wants to be him so bad it's embarrassing.
In the grand scheme of things he is still just a blogger....I don't get it.
Can anyone catch me up to date with his talk show and where he was before and why he's moving it and why its such a big deal?
He did a podcast called "The Talk Show" with a guy, Dan Benjamin, who went on to create his own network of podcasts afterwards, with "The Talk Show" as one of the podcasts.Can anyone catch me up to date with his talk show and where he was before and why he's moving it and why its such a big deal?
John Gruber takes 'The Talk Show' to Mule Radio
5by5 radio app was released last week, by the way.
Hey mrklaw, how old is your son anyway? Paper, Procreate etc are more for teens imo
Loved the tweet drama that went on about Gruber moving from 5by5, guys were acting like Dan Benjamin had just been assassinated.
Gruber's wife said:Im not mocking. But what do you want to hear? Them trash each other? Theyre both better than that.
Here is a good theory as well as coverage that I had found on The Verge:
Dan launched a paid 5by5 app, and was about to start selling Talk Show T-shirts.
Gruber pushes people to Mule's free app, and is now starting to sell Daring Fireball shirts.
Gruber probably wanted a piece of 5by5's revenue.
Anyway, the above site points out a tweet by Gruber's wife that basically indicates that the split wasn't amicable. She basically says both Dan and Gruber are quiet about the situation instead of trashing each other.
He did a podcast called "The Talk Show" with a guy, Dan Benjamin, who went on to create his own network of podcasts afterwards, with "The Talk Show" as one of the podcasts.
Dan would basically prepare show notes, get sponsors, and prepare a list of topics for each episode, and Gruber would show up on a bad WiFi Skype connection, most of the time half-awake, and a lot of the times clear his throat and mumble some responses to things he wanted to talk about, saying "I dunno" to other topics. He'll randomly talk about Yankees, sodastreams, and movies, and not understand some things like the Xbox. They did about a 100 episodes or so.
Gruber announced that the show (my show") is moving to another podcast network, with the same name, with no explanation or acknowledgement of Dan's past work or why they are splitting up. He basically announced it like he was switching a domain registrar or something.
Also, the new Talk Show sucks because of a lack of order. The dude is no longer kept in check and just rambles and rambles, with intermissions where he monotonously reads a sponsor's text.
Everybody rate up my iTunes review![]()
I was wondering where we were discussing this if anywhere at all. Lol.
Bizarre turn of events, but to be honest, we should have seen it coming. The show hasn't been the same since the James Bond reviews ended. There were points when neither of them seemed engaged.
Thanks for the link, numble.
Gruber still doesn't sound engaged! It appears to more over money. DaringFireball didn't even link to the new 5by5 app :?
I havent listened to Talk Show in a while but I always felt that Dan was necessary to prod and poke Gruber to say anything. It was Dan that made the show somewhat interesting for me to listen to.
I cant imagine Gruber being a decent host on his own - doesnt seem to be in his wheelhouse.
Plus the whole way this shook out seems like a dick move on Grubers part since it doesnt seem like Dan got any advance notice about the move.
Now Gruber is trying out the driver's seat in a format that features rotating guests and the whole thing has become a meandering mess. It is exactly like listening to two guys BS with each other at the next table at Starbucks. For 90 minutes.
I don't know that it's fair to throw Gruber under a bus without any facts. That blog post is interesting, but it's all speculation. For all we know this has been brewing for a while.
Gruber's style was that he would always just show up, unprepared, and talk to Dan. Pretty easy job for a good paycheck (considering the costs of sponsorship), but he shares the sponsor money with Dan. He probably under-appreciated the fact that Dan actually prepared a list of topics beforehand, and "kept his finger on the scale" to make sure the conversation moved in a coherent and focused manner.
But Gruber probably thinks people want to just hear him talk, since people just want to read what he writes on DaringFireball. He's complained about Dan Benjamin "yeah yeahing" on his podcasts (just being a wall to the co-host that does the talking), so he thinks he can do it himself, and he can get that sponsor money and T-Shirt money himself (or at least something more than a 50/50 split which is what I assume his split with Dan Benjamin was close to).
But I think this snippet from an iTunes review says it the best:
I think you're overvaluing Dan Benjamin, and it's way too early to write off The Talk Show after one episode.
I'm willing to give Gruber a chance to get used to hosting, or find a cohost who can do what Benjamin did. Let's be honest, it's a lot easier to replace Dan Benjamin than to replace John Gruber.
At the end of the day, they'll both be fine. Dan Benjamin has tons of shows with other pundits, and Gruber has his show.
I think that sentiment about Dan is shared in most of the iTunes reviews about the New Talk Show, though. It seems properly valued. Them being fine has nothing to do with it. Jobs can still be pissed at Eric Schmidt, even if both of them will be fine at the end of the day.
I don't find Gruber particularly great, except for having sources that don't seem to have been talking to him for the past 2 years or so. And scoops aren't as particularly valuable in this new era. Apple is so leaky now that MicGadget gets tons of scoops (A5X, iPad form factor). It looks like Reuters and the Joanna Stern are now hearing from the same sources that WSJ hears from. Mark Gurman at 9to5mac also now has more scoops.
What you're left what is a lot of relinking (following the proper people on Twitter will get you the same results), LOL at this silly analyst/writer/commentator (shooting fish in a barrel, you can find irrational Apple-haters everywhere), and some random commentary about Apple philosophy.
Why were you listening to his show if you don't like the guy or his work?
Listen to Planet Money and This American Life to save your mind from useless fanboy podcasts.I haven't been a regular listener for a long time. I did listen to the latest show to see how it was like, though. I have a long list of podcasts that I listen to as filler, even stuff like MacBreak Weekly and whatever Rene Ritchies podcast is, because I have long commutes and long runs, and I just don't listen to music anymore. I just run out of things to listen to by the end of a week with 2 hour commutes and hour-long workouts. APM Marketplace comes before others, followed by Verge, followed by 5by5 podcasts, followed by MacBreak Weekly and other filler. I often search iTunes just for random podcast episodes on current events subjects that I'm interested in--I downloaded one talking about the new train line in Los Angeles, and I downloaded a bunch on the Chinese political shake-up a month or so ago. I have 23 podcasts that sync with my iPhone.
They're actually on my list. They require more focus though, so I've kind of stopped listening. They've really just like background noise that I half pay attention to as I do my hundreds of language flashcards on my phone.Listen to Planet Money and This American Life to save your mind from useless fanboy podcasts.
Just ordered my ipad, should be here Monday(<3 amazon). What are some of the must have apps for the new retina?
Dear lord...listening to an old episode of The Talk Show - #88, This is beyond painful to listen to.
How do you guys have all this free time to listen to podcasts? I'm being serious! I only listen to 1 podcast - 99% invisible because it's like 10 minutes long. And I even have a hard time fitting those 10 minutes into my schedule.