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THE NEXT GEN GAME!!! Vote for your franchise game and changes it should have!!!!


Ok, so we all saw that video I'm sure of that next gen game(crappy looking btw) that showed hundreds(?) of fully shadowed poly bumped enemies in a pretty flat terrain.

We also saw a really high poly envirnoment with full real world lighting.

The question is, how is this huge jump in technology going to change your favorite franchise?


Should Halo 3 focus on huge battles with hundreds of enemies and assisted AI? How would that change the core gameplay? My thoughts are perhaps have a few huge battles like those every few levels, while keeping the core gameplay intact for the majority of the game.

What changes should be made on your favorite franchise? Just better textures more polys? I would also like to see more npc's in the next Elder Scrolls.

Do all games need realtime lighting? I don't think so.

Your next gens thoughts start..............
now! :D


with that game, the framerate will have to be increase 2x at least, and full anti-aliasing applied. it's fairly impressive. but remember, right now its only what a highend current PC can do (it wasnt even the most powerful PC you can put together now)... the nextgen consoles will all be several times stronger than that PC in most areas. think of it like the early Katana/Dreamcast demos we saw in 1997, compared to what current consoles can do now.


What changes should be made on your favorite franchise? Just better textures more polys? I would also like to see more npc's in the next Elder Scrolls.

That's why I'd love it if they made the cities free roaming again, like Arena and Daggerfall's. As popular as free roaming is these days, this would be the perfect time to revive that old feel of the towns, MW's quests felt just like that, quests. With Daggerfall when I went on a errand in a huge new city, it felt like I was really on important buisness.
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