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The next GTA needs to take place across a chain of islands (like Hawaii.)


If only for the fact that you could use a cargo plane to transport your cars to and fro, and do missions inside an active volcano.

Not to mention doing surf-bys...


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Or like....JAPAN. LOL WANT 2 FITE?

Ok, but seriously. I agree, we need a wild and crazy setting. Something not in America.
I want to see a GTA in the 2000's. Wait that would be boring as all get out with horrible music of today as the backdrop. Nevermind.
DeadStar said:
GTA: World Tour

They've said the next version is going to be online so that'd make the most sense. Take some of the biggest locations from around the world and link them together.


I still want Grand Theft Horse, set in the 1850's and you can do unique jumps over gulches on horseback and stuff.
GTA: WWII, bitches. American spy in Berlin 1941-1942 makng sabotage missions. Ok, ok...no kickass soundtracks no 100s of cars, no planes and stuff :(.


I really want to see GTA tackle the southern united states.

Grand Theft Auto: Goin' Down South
The city or fictional state would be a cool mix of Dallas, New Orleans, St. Louis, and Atlanta. Plus the countryside would pay homage to all the backwoods places in Mississippi, Kentucky, Alabama, etc.


Hehe, I was wondering earlier while playing SA what could the next GTA be about. I was thinking of a futuristic setting too. That'd be pretty neat. I guess they can always go back in time, too. Not too far back, though. :p


Unconfirmed Member
max_cool said:
GTA: North Dakota

fight your way to the top of government subsidized farm loans!
To be fair, North Dakota does boast the tallest man-made structure in the world. Of all the places in the world...


Cel-shaded GTA would not only own, it would make sense. GTA has always gone with comic book style storytelling.


Well I always thought that Fear Effect and GTA had a similar style. Would Fear Effect fit in a Cel-Shaded environment ? Yes, of course, in fact this was the original purpose of the canned Inferno. Hence my answer is that it would also work with GTA.
GTA is all about a parody of the stereotypes people has of a country, not about giving a crime simulator...At least for me.


SolidSnakex said:
They've said the next version is going to be online so that'd make the most sense. Take some of the biggest locations from around the world and link them together.

They said that the next one will be online?

Ranger X

Grand Theft Auto Quebec.
You could travel from mountains to beaches, go skiing right after your sun tan and play in the underground of Montreal. GOTY.


Chili Con Carnage!
GTA: Scotland would be better, 24 hour pubs, finally characters I can understand but YOU cant (hah, the novelty), skiing, Catholic vs Protestant violence....did i mention 24 hour pubs?
Several mock-cities across Europe. There's so many possibilities and stereotypes you can make fun of I wouldn't know where to start.

Though I bet the next one will take place in Vegas, god damn you all yanks :(.


the man who sold the world
I'd love to see one in Rome or something, but that won't ever happen. To sell to a large as possible userbase, you have to set it in somewhere that everybody can identify with. Everybody who's going to buy a GTA game can identify with an American...
GTA World Tour sounds like a great idea... quite ambitious too.

It would include a couple of cities in the US... a reimagined Liberty City, and a modern Vice City and Los Santos?

It would include a corrupt city in South America.

It would include a few areas in Europe... London, Sicily, Moscow.

A city in Asia... Hong Kong, Tokyo?

Ranger X

It would be cool a GTA where the story make you travel around the world. Well, it could be 3-4 cities again but at each corner of the planet. Would be real cool.


I think the world tour thing sounds better.

You would start in a City Of God type city, then work up the ladder


I'd like to see GTA Tokyo done in Kill Bill Vol. 1 style...or another GTA set in New York/East Cost. GTA3 was great, but I don't think it really did the east coast justice.


Docpan said:
GTA: East Coast

All of it.



Naw, I bet they do EU or somewhere in Asia next. I just hope they put in a vigilante aspect to the series. Games with both a good and evil path just plain kick ass imo.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
aerodynamik said:
Though I bet the next one will take place in Vegas, god damn you all yanks :(.

They already did that in San Andreas so I don't think you'll have to worry much.

I don't think they'll do Europe since it'd be too much like the Getaway and they already did London.

They should do GTA:Tokyo and let you play as a Yakuza guy or something.

Bob White

+1 GTA: World and modern day San Andrea and Vice City.

Another thing....

Spoiler from a cool mission in San Andreas. Very big.

Seeing Liberty City covered in snow rocked hard. Mo matter what Rockstar does, I want a city that gets snow.
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