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The NFL's nightmare week continues: Adrian Peterson indicted for child abuse

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Junior Member
If it draws blood, in my opinion it's abuse, no ifs ands or buts about it.
After reading the description, this does not rise anywhere near any of the other shitty things done by players.

Child abuse is terrible but I take into account his ignorance and his intent. I specifically quoted your last sentence because corporal punishment may cause blood. The inherent risk of hitting anyone is that you may draw blood. I think there could be, at least, one if.

Either way, from his intent, he missed the memo about how severe corporal punishment can be.

And I laugh that this indictment generated a faster response than what Ray Rice went thru. It's a sad reminder of a woman's place in this country that a clear video of an assault allowed the league to waffle for months and Peterson is almost immediately deactivated once the indictment.

I worry having subjective interpretations by different groups (the league versus individual teams) lead to confusing applications of rules. We need one source to distribute punishment with clear boundaries for the rules. We all have biases but having different groups administer different punishments is frustrating. Peterson is deactivated immediately for at least a game with an indictment, Hardy is awaiting an appeal but convicted, Ray Rice was suspended for a whole year which violates the new policy (he would have only been eligible for 8 games suspension except for 'reasons'). And a few weed tokes still gets you a worse suspension than beating a human being.

They need to revamp all this. First, realize that the Goodell system is flawed. We need strict rules. Stop with the interpretation. Stop making punishment rules then ignoring it. They are just making up rules and punishment based on public opinion. And the public is more confused with the lack of direction.
People have to remember Gordon is a repeat offender. I don't agree with his punishment, but it simply wasn't for weed. It's for showing no respect for the rules.

I think you have to take into account Peterson's intent. Don't separate him from his kids, I'm sure he wants what's best for them. just get him educated on the subject and have him teach others what he's learned, if possible. If he does it again then he should be separated and the NFL should come down hard. But punishing people for being uneducated is pretty terrible, not as terrible as child abuse, but it's still terrible.


Oh come on. Ray Rice punched a girl in the face over nothing. We saw it. The cases are similar but I think AP is a little more forgivable ASSUMING somehow we prove he just doesn't understand how physical hitting a little kid with a stick can be. Both cases are forms of anger management issues.

You have to understand my side of it. Hitting a woman...never...nope. Hitting a kid....well give me the details. But again I am not a parent and do not know anything about raising a 4 year old. But I would never resort to this type of shit over anything. AP is definitely in the wrong here.

I think the worst case of the shit going on in the NFL right now is the Greg Hardy shit. That dude should not be playing. What he did is WAY worse than Rice but since we don't have a video to outrage the people the dude just keeps playing. So ridiculous.
It's ok to hit a kid but not a woman? Lol ok.

There's no need for violence against children. If you cant get your message across any other way, you're doing something wrong.

"I was beat as a kid" isn't an argument.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
I think you have to take into account Peterson's intent. Don't separate him from his kids, I'm sure he wants what's best for them. just get him educated on the subject and have him teach others what he's learned, if possible. If he does it again then he should be separated and the NFL should come down hard. But punishing people for being uneducated is pretty terrible, not as terrible as child abuse, but it's still terrible.
Ignorance and upbringing doesn't free you of consequences.

His intent was to harm.
Ignorance and upbringing doesn't free you of consequences.

His intent was to harm.
I don't think separating him from his kid improves the situation. His intent was to teach his kid a lesson, he's not some drunk who unleashes his frustration on his kids. He just needs to be educated on why this is such a bad way to handle kids. This is somebody who is the most successful in the world at what he does because of how tough he is. This doesn't excuse it, but he was doing what he thought was best for his son. Just show him why it's not the best way.
It's ok to hit a kid but not a woman? Lol ok.

There's no need for violence against children. If you cant get your message across any other way, you're doing something wrong.

"I was beat as a kid" isn't an argument.

This is what I always try to say and no one seems to get it. If this isn't a way that you would try to get a point across to, say, a 17 year old, or your wife, or your friend, why would you hit your child? I just don't get the reasoning.


Open wounds = abuse...hell bruising = abuse...anything that causes visible damage is abuse.

He made his kid BLEED.

You want a kid to grow up and respect you (not fear you).
I don't think separating him from his kid improves the situation. His intent was to teach his kid a lesson, he's not some drunk who unleashes his frustration on his kids. He just needs to be educated on why this is such a bad way to handle kids. This is somebody who is the most successful in the world at what he does because of how tough he is. This doesn't excuse it, but he was doing what he thought was best for his son. Just show him why it's not the best way.

He threatened the kid to keep quiet or he'd punch him in the face.

The kid needs to be removed from the situation.
People have to remember Gordon is a repeat offender. I don't agree with his punishment, but it simply wasn't for weed. It's for showing no respect for the rules.

I think you have to take into account Peterson's intent. Don't separate him from his kids, I'm sure he wants what's best for them. just get him educated on the subject and have him teach others what he's learned, if possible. If he does it again then he should be separated and the NFL should come down hard. But punishing people for being uneducated is pretty terrible, not as terrible as child abuse, but it's still terrible.

Gordon's suspension was 100% drug test failure related. People keep bringing up the DUIs and such (which are reprehensible, don't get me wrong) but that did not factor in his suspension at all. Gordon was suspended 16 games for smoking weed while others continued to play or got much lesser suspensions for far greater offenses. That's what set off so many people's bullshit meters and why Gordon has been brought up so much the last couple of weeks.

As for Peterson, I don't really care about his intent. He abused a child. To me what he did is worse than what Ray Rice did (lets remember that not too long ago it wasn't so taboo for men to beat their wives as a way of correcting or disciplining them). At least a grown woman has the capacity to walk away from an abusive relationship. What can a 4 year old child do? What options does he have? If Ray Rice gets a year I don't see how Peterson get's anything less. And to be honest he should. It's high time for the NFL to start sending serious messages to their players to stop being fucking scumbags. Enough is enough. The time for "warnings" has come and gone.


Saw this in today's StarTribune (Minnesota's newspaper):


One tailgating Vikings fan reeled in a whopper of unwanted attention for Minnesota in the wake of last week’s child abuse allegations against Viking superstar Adrian Peterson.

Yes, many fans arrived Sunday at TCF Bank Stadium in Minneapolis wearing replica Adrian Peterson jerseys, but one pregame celebrant threw in a prop: a stripped-down tree branch, an apparent nod to the tool of discipline that Peterson wielded on his 4-year-old son earlier this year, resulting in criminal charges.

The identity of the switch-clutching fan, her smiling visage dominating the cover of Monday’s New York Daily News, has yet to surface. “Sick fans hail star who beat son with stick,” reads the down-page headline.

The Getty Images photo taken by Hannah Foslien has been furiously passed around since Sunday afternoon on Twitter, Facebook and other social media, along with prominent display on the nationally popular Deadspin sports website.

Accompanying online comments range from jaw-dropping “how could she’s?” to scrutiny of her late-20th century fashion choice of Zubaz pants.

“The hell is wrong with this woman?!?!!” wrote one Twitter commenter.

“Just no words. Way to represent MN. We need a paddy wagon to collect those people,” another posted on Twitter.

The woman filled out her Vikings fan get-up with Helga braids, a horned helmet and an oversized strand of purple and gold beads. Yes, that’s a Coors in her left hand.

Do you know the identity of the woman in the photo, if so email us here.
Minnesota Vikings: Child abuse is bad, but losing football games is worse.

Vikings PR Spin Machine said:
Eden Prairie, MN (September 15, 2014) – Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson will fully participate in this week’s practices and meetings and is expected to play this Sunday in New Orleans.

The following statement is from Vikings Owners Zygi Wilf and Mark Wilf:

Today’s decision was made after significant thought, discussion and consideration. As evidenced by our decision to deactivate Adrian from yesterday’s game, this is clearly a very important issue. On Friday, we felt it was in the best interests of the organization to step back, evaluate the situation, and not rush to judgment given the seriousness of this matter. At that time, we made the decision that we felt was best for the Vikings and all parties involved.

To be clear, we take very seriously any matter that involves the welfare of a child. At this time, however, we believe this is a matter of due process and we should allow the legal system to proceed so we can come to the most effective conclusions and then determine the appropriate course of action. This is a difficult path to navigate, and our focus is on doing the right thing. Currently we believe we are at a juncture where the most appropriate next step is to allow the judicial process to move forward.

We will continue to monitor the situation closely and support Adrian’s fulfillment of his legal responsibilities throughout this process.
Gordon's suspension was 100% drug test failure related. People keep bringing up the DUIs and such (which are reprehensible, don't get me wrong) but that did not factor in his suspension at all. Gordon was suspended 16 games for smoking weed while others continued to play or got much lesser suspensions for far greater offenses. That's what set off so many people's bullshit meters and why Gordon has been brought up so much the last couple of weeks.

As for Peterson, I don't really care about his intent. He abused a child. To me what he did is worse than what Ray Rice did (lets remember that not too long ago it wasn't so taboo for men to beat their wives as a way of correcting or disciplining them). At least a grown woman has the capacity to walk away from an abusive relationship. What can a 4 year old child do? What options does he have? If Ray Rice gets a year I don't see how Peterson get's anything less. And to be honest he should. It's high time for the NFL to start sending serious messages to their players to stop being fucking scumbags. Enough is enough. The time for "warnings" has come and gone.

Weed is federally illegal in this country. Stop skipping over that fact.
Just heard on 94WIP (Philly sports talk radio) AP's returning to the team this week and will play week 3...

Not sure how I feel about this, objectively, as a Vikings fan.

Yes- I want the team to support Adrian. Not because he's the best in the game at his position and gives them a chance to win every time he's on the field, but because of how much he's done for the organization and community since he joined them in '07. Other than a few ignorant public comments (comparing the NFL lockout to slavery) & an occasional heavy foot on the highway, he's been by all accounts a great teammate and model employee. He's done everything that team has asked of him and more- and even in some of the worst years never bitched about it in public.
The NFL (hell, pretty much all sports) treat the inner-workings of a team as "a family". Anyone here that has been a part of a team (be it athletics or military) knows this feeling.
A "family" should step up and offer as much help as possible to someone that made a mistake- especially someone that has done as much to build a foundation as Adrian has.

Support him. Work with him so he gets help. Allow him to show that he can change.
He was conditioned this way as a child. Allow him to be conditioned in the opposite direction. This is a correctable problem in my belief.
I believe he can change.

However, I would not bring him back this soon. In fact, I'd sit him for the rest of the season, allow him to concentrate on getting help, review his progress, and the team /organization/community can welcome him back with open arms in 2015.
I use to get worst marks than that by Mother. Super Nintendo cords while you in the shower would put anyone straight. She only went to extreme measures when the situation was extreme, and that happen rarely. Now what my Father did was not discipline, but straight abuse. "Why you wearing that shirt!"*Punched in the face* "Why didn't you finished your meal?" *Get force feed, then beaten* And it was on and on. If what AP did was constant beatings with no reason, then I have a problem, but if it was a simple old school ass wooping..I don't see the beef.

No offense, but I think your mother went too far. Visible marks and cuts = abuse, period. That shit could lead to scarring or worse, infection. And I say this as someone who supports spanking as a last resort method of discipline for extreme violations. If the parent's heart and intent is in the right place, then she or he can spank without causing visible injuries, and hopefully get the point across to the kid that what he or she did is unacceptable and won't be tolerated. You want your kids to respect authority without fearing them.

It's when parents are in the heat of the moment and angry without thinking clearly that they are more likely to "lose control" and abuse their child. Or worse, when the parents have psychological issues themselves.

Now, I'm sure your mother didn't hate you or anything. She was simply ignorant, and resorted to disciplinary methods that she knew from her own childhood.
Weed is federally illegal in this country. Stop skipping over that fact.

I'm not skipping over anything. I'm saying that people keep bringing up Gordon's DUIs and arrests when that had nothing to do with his suspensions. The personal conduct policy (which would deal with things like arrests and DUIs) and the drug policy (which deals with failed PED or drug tests) are two completely different things. When the dust settles Gordon will likely have to deal with consequences for his other off the field shenanigans, but the fact still remains he was suspended 16 games for failing a drug test. That's it. It has nothing to do with any other arrests or DUIs and saying "But Gordon also did this and that..." in response to the comparisons between Gordon's (and Welker's) suspension and guys like AP or Ray Rice are being disingenuous.


It's crazy how many NFL pundits, former players, and broadcasters are defending the league.

It's so similar to the blind faith Penn State supporters depicted after the allegations of child abuse by Jerry Sanduvsky came out.

Whether it was Joe Paterno or Roger Goodell, both had evidence to handle the situations more appropriately, but chose to sweep it under the rug for the sake of their respective instituition's image.


It's crazy how many NFL pundits, former players, and broadcasters are defending the league.

It's so similar to the blind faith Penn State supporters depicted after the allegations of child abuse by Jerry Sanduvsky came out.

Whether it was Joe Paterno or Roger Goodell, both had evidence to handle the situations more appropriately, but chose to sweep it under the rug for the sake of their respective instituition's image.

Their livelihoods depend on the NFL indirectly that's why. Their employers are also in bed with the NFL.
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