n64 games you should play
*Everything* published by Nintendo/Rare, with the possible exception of those Hudson Mario Party games and Donkey Kong 64, was just phenomenal. Mario 64, Pilotwings 64, Wave Rave 64, Blast Corps, Mario Kart 64, Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo Kazooie, Star Fox 64, Zelda 64, Jet Force Gemini, F-Zero X, Super Smash Brothers, Goldeneye 007, Excitebike 64, Mario Golf/Tennis, Banjo Tooie, Majora's Mask, Perfect Dark, Paper Mario, Conker's Bad Fur Day, even Yoshi's Story and Mickey's Speedway are quality games. The only one I can't speak to is Killer Instinct, but I know it has a fanbase.
but also,
Tetrisphere - A proper puzzle game, not the time wasting casual crap we have now
Aidyn Chronicles - the strange world and gameplay systems of this game should interest the type of nerd who knows about pen-and-paper fantasy role-playing systems outside of dungeons and dragons, unfortunately the battles are agonizingly slow and graphically bland
Ogre Battle 64 - a "train and supply your army" type strategy game with no tedious moving characters one-by-one
Shadowgate 64 - yep, a proper sequel to the NES/Macintosh classic
Castlevania Legacy of Darkness - why can't games have atmosphere like this anymore
Rocket: Robot on Wheels - perhaps the second best platformer after mario 64, made by the team who later dumbed down their physics and gameplay to make Sly Cooper
Beetle Adventure Racing - no racing game has ever had as many interesting secret pathways
Goemon's Great Adventure - great soundtrack, tight 2d platforming
Sin and Punishment - this game and Wild Guns on the SNES are the definitive examples of this rare style of arcadey shooter
Animal Forest (original japanese version of animal crossing) - I just want to credit this game to the n64 console to remove all doubt that it had the MOST innovative and exciting console library in history