The B and C plots here of Jim taking Phyllis and Stanley for lunch and Pam/the mural/New Jim/card house were, respectively, alright and pretty good.
The Angela/Oscar fallout? The hell was that. Alternated between so soapy I could see suds and so ridiculous and esoteric (in non-funny ways) I could only frown and shake my head.
Balances out to a slightly below average episode because the Oscar and Angela stuff was just that bad.
The B and C plots here of Jim taking Phyllis and Stanley for lunch and Pam/the mural/New Jim/card house were, respectively, alright and pretty good.
The Angela/Oscar fallout? The hell was that. Alternated between so soapy I could see suds and so ridiculous and esoteric (in non-funny ways) I could only frown and shake my head.
Balances out to a slightly below average episode because the Oscar and Angela stuff was just that bad.
Watching the last few seasons has been similar to sitting in a room, with a long lost friend.Looking but not really wanting to look.Gazing into the casket,wondering where all the time went.The good time.Leaving before the service is completely over seems so unfair to them and to you.But, as a cold,lifeless, soulless shell, this isnt how you want to remember your friend.So you just sit there, waiting, hoping it ends sooner rather than later so you can get back to remembering the good times.
So I'm enjoying the hype for Dwight's Christmas. The Erin-Andy-Pete stuff about Die Hard is mehing me out though. How could people forget to throw a Christmas party BTW?!
where is ed helms? is he filming the hangover 3?
Who cares? I like Ed Helms but Andy Bernard is the worst thing on The Office.
The funny thing is that season 3 episode where Andy engineers Dwight leaving DM pointed out to Michael and the audience how Andy was good in small doses only. Too much Andy led to Michael hating him.
Too bad the writers forgot about this when restructuring the entire show around him.
Also, this show has redefined the phrase 'die a slow death'.
I'd say most of us. His character has been maddeningly inconsistent and seems to be altered season-to-season to fit the stories they shoehorn him into.Who knew that what the Office needed to be much better was to jettison Andy?
Thought that was a damn good episode, minus the Erin subplot.
The gay discussion Dwight has with Toby has to be the funniest Office scene ever done, can't believe they actually went there.
I'd say most of us. His character has been maddeningly inconsistent and seems to be altered season-to-season to fit the stories they shoehorn him into.
I like the Erin subplot. Andy's always been kind of a dick when it comes to her. Might as well move on.
I agree with that. Just think that the way it is playing out is kind of lame.
Andy's entire tenure on The Office has been idiotic and inconsistent. What was the point of breaking up with his girlfriend and then traveling to Florida to win back Erin? Didn't that happen just this season????
I liked pretty much everything that wasn't supposed to be funny about this episode. Still can't believe how they handled Andy this season. I don't mind Erin being with plop, but they way they just did another 180 for Andy (especially after having him get her back) for it to work is so lame.
Wut? Easily the worst season with only 2, maybe 3 good episodes.This season has been soooooo much better than 5, 6, and 7.
Like new Jim a lot, I am actually rooting for him to get Erin.
Holy fuck at the blackface Nate, that was the hardest laugh I've had from this show in years. Also, Darrel splinting the snack table was hilarious. Awesome episode.
I like the Erin subplot. Andy's always been kind of a dick when it comes to her. Might as well move on.