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The Office: Final Season |OT| It's better to burn out than it is to rust

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wow they are really pushing the erin/new jim romance. i hope it pays off, if andy comes back and she forgets about all that crap i'm going to be pretty disappointed.

big ander

The B and C plots here of Jim taking Phyllis and Stanley for lunch and Pam/the mural/New Jim/card house were, respectively, alright and pretty good.

The Angela/Oscar fallout? The hell was that. Alternated between so soapy I could see suds and so ridiculous and esoteric (in non-funny ways) I could only frown and shake my head.

Balances out to a slightly below average episode because the Oscar and Angela stuff was just that bad.


The B and C plots here of Jim taking Phyllis and Stanley for lunch and Pam/the mural/New Jim/card house were, respectively, alright and pretty good.

The Angela/Oscar fallout? The hell was that. Alternated between so soapy I could see suds and so ridiculous and esoteric (in non-funny ways) I could only frown and shake my head.

Balances out to a slightly below average episode because the Oscar and Angela stuff was just that bad.

That's fair. I wasn't a fan of any of it really but the card thing was okay. For me it harkened TOO much back to Office Olympics, but I guess there are worse things to call back to.

The show has always been a little over the top just so it has enough humor, but it was always very grounded in reality. This whole Angela/Oscar along with plenty of things I see through the past few seasons makes me wonder how far this show has fallen with the INSANE over the top plots and scenes. It's sad. And also, when Oscar was doing a talking head and talked about how Angela didn't know and how he was so happy about it, the camera very clearly moved to show Angela looking at him angrely, but Oscar just kept talking like the camera didn't move at all! It's unrealistic to think he wouldn't look back or AT LEAST say something about it, like Andy did in a talking head in season 3 where a similar thing happened.


The B and C plots here of Jim taking Phyllis and Stanley for lunch and Pam/the mural/New Jim/card house were, respectively, alright and pretty good.

The Angela/Oscar fallout? The hell was that. Alternated between so soapy I could see suds and so ridiculous and esoteric (in non-funny ways) I could only frown and shake my head.

Balances out to a slightly below average episode because the Oscar and Angela stuff was just that bad.

Should never have let it get as far as it did. It's just so pointless and stupid. Should've remained something to call back on, rather than develop a whole subplot.
Watching the last few seasons has been similar to sitting in a room, with a long lost friend.Looking but not really wanting to look.Gazing into the casket,wondering where all the time went.The good time.Leaving before the service is completely over seems so unfair to them and to you.But, as a cold,lifeless, soulless shell, this isnt how you want to remember your friend.So you just sit there, waiting, hoping it ends sooner rather than later so you can get back to remembering the good times.

its just a tv show


The hitman walking in with the pipe clearly visible inside the sandwich was the best thing the Office has done in at least the last year and a half. I thought this was a really good episode.
All of these people are going to prison when this documentary airs in the world of The Office.

I was pretty close with my murder-suicide prediction! I got the murder part right.

Attempted murder, anyway. The hitman was hilarious.


So I'm enjoying the hype for Dwight's Christmas. The Erin-Andy-Pete stuff about Die Hard is mehing me out though. How could people forget to throw a Christmas party BTW?!


Gold Member
The gay discussion Dwight has with Toby has to be the funniest Office scene ever done, can't believe they actually went there.


where is ed helms? is he filming the hangover 3?

Who cares? I like Ed Helms but Andy Bernard is the worst thing on The Office.

The funny thing is that season 3 episode where Andy engineers Dwight leaving DM pointed out to Michael and the audience how Andy was good in small doses only. Too much Andy led to Michael hating him.

Too bad the writers forgot about this when restructuring the entire show around him.

Also, this show has redefined the phrase 'die a slow death'.


I'm really enjoying this show lately, but only because it's fun to watch it get worse every week. Just when I think it has to get better the next time around, they pleasantly surprise me with an even shittier episode. There is nothing even remotely believable left. I almost feel embarrassed at times for the actors having to go through these awful scenes. I can't wait for next week!


Oh please, this episode was great. Loving the lack of Andy (still angry about that). The Dwight/Jim stuff was great, odd that not even Pam picked up on it. Can't wait till Jim and Dwight really have to say goodbye to each other.


Who cares? I like Ed Helms but Andy Bernard is the worst thing on The Office.

The funny thing is that season 3 episode where Andy engineers Dwight leaving DM pointed out to Michael and the audience how Andy was good in small doses only. Too much Andy led to Michael hating him.

Too bad the writers forgot about this when restructuring the entire show around him.

Also, this show has redefined the phrase 'die a slow death'.

Andy was only a good character in season 3. Ever since he came back from Anger management in that season hes pretty much been useless, for every season since. Wtf is with the Erin/Andy romance? Its just creepy


The Autumn Wind
Who knew that what the Office needed to be much better was to jettison Andy?
I'd say most of us. His character has been maddeningly inconsistent and seems to be altered season-to-season to fit the stories they shoehorn him into.


The gay discussion Dwight has with Toby has to be the funniest Office scene ever done, can't believe they actually went there.

Wow really? I'm not questioning your taste in humor, but I thought it was so incredibly low-ball it belonged on a Family Guy episode instead of The Office.

But I guess that's where this show has decided to go now. A shame, because I thought this season started out so well and fresh again.
I'd say most of us. His character has been maddeningly inconsistent and seems to be altered season-to-season to fit the stories they shoehorn him into.

I agree, I just didn't expect the improvement to be so dramatic.

The show still has problems, but it's 100% more entertaining with just him gone.


Love me some Dwight and Jim bromance (is that the right word? lol). Seeing Dwight bummed out Jim was leaving was great.


I agree with that. Just think that the way it is playing out is kind of lame.

Andy's entire tenure on The Office has been idiotic and inconsistent. What was the point of breaking up with his girlfriend and then traveling to Florida to win back Erin? Didn't that happen just this season????


Andy's entire tenure on The Office has been idiotic and inconsistent. What was the point of breaking up with his girlfriend and then traveling to Florida to win back Erin? Didn't that happen just this season????

Last season. And I don't think there was a person out there even remotely invested in it. I like that they are backpeddling on it.


A surprisingly good and funny episode.

What the hell is up with the writers? 5 crappy episodes then 1 good. 5 crappy, 1 good.

Mr. Fix

I liked pretty much everything that wasn't supposed to be funny about this episode. Still can't believe how they handled Andy this season. I don't mind Erin being with plop, but they way they just did another 180 for Andy (especially after having him get her back) for it to work is so lame.


I liked pretty much everything that wasn't supposed to be funny about this episode. Still can't believe how they handled Andy this season. I don't mind Erin being with plop, but they way they just did another 180 for Andy (especially after having him get her back) for it to work is so lame.

That's how I feel.


it's such a shame what they did to andy who was at one time my favorite during the rit-dit-dit-dit-do days. the season is still terrible but the latest episode wasn't so bad. i love when dwight brings up his family traditions, which i'm sure will occur more as they try to spin him off. i honestly don't know where they are going with several story lines, which at one point would have been great, but most of these story lines aren't interesting at all. new jim and erin meh, jim's new venture and potential failure isn't as captivating as it should be. angela and oscar was pretty funny, i would like to think the fallout from that hasn't yet been dealt with. the only one holding my semi interest at this point is very minor, the whole scranton strangler, which probably won't lead anywhere imo. the office has always had a stellar supporting cast, but it really is amazing how much steve carrell made the show.


Hail to the KING baby
I know my standards are really low now, but I feel like the last three or four episodes have been quite entertaining (only thing that bugs me at all is the lame Jim storyline -- "awkward Jim" is still as annoying as he was when Charles Miner was around.

Almost makes me feel bad that the show is going off the air now hahah. Dwight has been so solid this season.
This season has been soooooo much better than 5, 6, and 7.

Like new Jim a lot, I am actually rooting for him to get Erin.

Holy fuck at the blackface Nate, that was the hardest laugh I've had from this show in years. Also, Darrel splinting the snack table was hilarious. Awesome episode.


This season has been soooooo much better than 5, 6, and 7.

Like new Jim a lot, I am actually rooting for him to get Erin.

Holy fuck at the blackface Nate, that was the hardest laugh I've had from this show in years. Also, Darrel splinting the snack table was hilarious. Awesome episode.
Wut? Easily the worst season with only 2, maybe 3 good episodes.

Yea blackface part got me good too :lol
Funny stuff i laughed a lot. Less Andy is always great.

I'm not sure why everyone is complaining. Andy was crucified last season. Who the hell liked him? He ruined the entire season. I took it as they listened to the fans and by giving us the least amount of Andy as possible. Maybe he is doing a movie so it kind of worked out...But yeah i'm cool with the 180 from last season.

The only thing i'm hating is normalizing Erin. She's been borderline retarded for 2+ seasons, now she's all normal? Her writing is just too back and forth.


the best part about nate in blackface was when he was at the xmas party later with the red lips and black ears still on lol


Blackface Nate and Dwight's "I have to go to my car to take a dump" were the only two parts I lol'ed.

I don't understand this. How can the Manager just leave like that and the company not replace him? They have been running things without a manager and it's okay?


Ok Zwarte Piet making an appearance on The Office was fucking legendary.

Especially with all the latest discussiosn going on about the racial controversies attached to it. Always loving the twisted Dutch-American perspective. Both countries love to obsess about each other yet mostly have no clue about each other's cultures. Eternally entertaining stuff.


I like the Erin subplot. Andy's always been kind of a dick when it comes to her. Might as well move on.

As someone who already dislikes Erin, Andy/Erin was already the most absurd backwards thing going on. Anything else is automatically a plus.

The Real Abed

Toby and Nellie just kissed.

Did I just see that?

Is this the last one before January? Of course it is. What a silly question. It's a Christmas episode on December 6th.

I just caught up with the last two episodes. I completely forgot Andy existed until Erin started reading his text.
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