Yeah they had horrible writing so it's hard to fault most of the actors. Oscar used to be one of my favorite characters because he was understated but consistently funny in subtle ways. Then they made him a part of a Mad TV sketch. The only long-time actor on the show I would say is genuinely bad is Pam. Even in the show's glory days there were some pretty cringeworthy moments due to her bad acting.
She's the worst part of this show by far and I agree with you about Oscar. He was so subtle in the past. Listening to him explain to Michael what a surplus is was one of the greatest moments of the series for me.
Explain to me like I'm a 5th grader what's wrong with Pam. I absolutely adore her character. And I know my shit. Come ate me bor.
As far as this episode goes, for me...
Thought it was a funny, silly, slapstick episode, just 2 complaints...
1. With a prank that epic on Dwight, wherein he practically professes his love for David Wallace, involves nearly the entire office staff in a crazy prank call, I expected the whole gig to be up by the end when Dwight conferenced David Wallace in. And what the hell was up with Toby? Toby seems to be on Xanax or something because he just didn't give a crap about much, and HAD to be aware of the mayhem in the break room and conference rooms. I just expected more consequences to come from that prank. Loved it, but I needed a different payoff.
2. Erin not going on the cruise, come on. Andy gets all competent, and manages to still duff that part of his personal life so hard? If they are fizzling, then it's both their faults. They can't be portraying her so dumb that she couldn't just straight up tell him she wanted to go. I guess they needed that setup for her to start boning Plop though. I don't understand the up & down game they play with that relationship. I like them togather, done. Deal with it.
I loved the focus on Kevin this week. Ice cream cone falling, lol. Kevin giggling, almost busting the secret for Oscar actually made me tense, especially Angela saying "then he wanted a little Mexican". I know the writing was a little forced there but so is every "that's what she said" tee-up and I like those too. I loved Andy fighting the sailor. Funny to see Josh Groban laid out on the boat in that side stateroom. I loved Dwight going crazy, that whole prank was amazing, especially Nellie actually, and really lol'd when I saw Kevin sitting in there in HIS underwear too.
I liked the episode.
I loved Dwight doing his vocal warm up excersies. I was trying it myself after...
Brrrrrttt... BRRRRTTT.. la la la la...
Greta, the tittle tattle, prattled on about the little metal bottle. She spat a bit of spittle… Tricky Siskel spat a bit of wicked biscuit…