People exaggerate about Parks and Office first seasons. They're perfectly fine and entertaining while very obviously trying to find their footing. Lots of good stuff to find in both, especially the office.. Don't know why they're dubbed as unwatchable by so many.
Just make sure to skip the first season.
Even if I could make it through Season 1 of the Office without a hitch?![]()
Don't skip it. My goodness. The only thing is, if you DON'T like the show during season 1, don't give up on it before watching past that season, because it gets a lot better. I still like season 1 personally (and I really liked season 1 of The Office).
Seriously. There's nothing wrong with season 1. It has a bunch of the best episodes. I mean WTF. Same thing with Parks and Recreation. Only losers skip the first seasons of these shows. I mean I have a friend who always skips the first episode of Community even though it is a great episode, albeit different, but it's still great and only 22 minutes so why bother skipping it?Why would anyone diss the first season of the office? I laughed the hardest at the first 2 episodes and its what got me hooked right away
Except for the Jell-O prank. Which was, like the rest of the episode, copied from the original. But it's still the best part.Only bad thing about season 1 was the first episode >.<
Seriously. There's nothing wrong with season 1. It has a bunch of the best episodes. I mean WTF. Same thing with Parks and Recreation. Only losers skip the first seasons of these shows. I mean I have a friend who always skips the first episode of Community even though it is a great episode, albeit different, but it's still great and only 22 minutes so why bother skipping it?
Man, Pam is the worst. (I've had it on netflix while I'm editing something)
She decides she doesn't like graphic design because she's failing a class, gives up and then bitches about Jim when he's trying to do something with his life.
Sounds like my ex-girlfriend.
Only bad thing about season 1 was the first episode >.<
I felt for her, actually. While the graphic design thing was a bit rash, it's at least understandable. She's a woman who hardly knows how to operate an iPhone, and suddenly jumps into a class about Adobe. She doesn't have a clue what she's doing. It's clear that her forte is painting, and even then, she hardly gets any support from anyone who isn't Jim or Michael. She felt discouraged and gave up, and though that isn't really a good thing to do, it's something everyone does.
Regarding her problems with Jim later on, I didn't think either of them were really wrong, per se. Jim made a huge investment and took a big financial risk. He blew all of their savings on something without telling her first, travelled back and forth between cities as she was left to take care of two children alone whilst also going to work full time, and was making plans to move the entire family. He was happy, but she was miserable.
At the same time, he was also doing it for the good of his family, and it was a much better job for him. There's really an argument to be made for both sides, and the fact that she decided to fully put her faith in him and make the move in the end shows that she was willing to give up stuff for him, just like he was for her.
Jim and Pam are the best couple.
I could be wrong but wasn't there a whole thing where she was content with Scranton?
Jim also bought a house without telling her first.
And don't even get me started on that stupid boom mic guy.
Pam's a woman who's content with giving up when the going gets tough. If she really wanted to do art, she would've stuck around. But no, she decided to quit and then become a receptionist again.
Ugh.Yes I'm pushing my discontent of my exgirlfriend onto a fictional character
So I'm re-watching from the beginning since I skipped S8/S9 and just watched the finale, but man, was Erin always this annoying? I always thought it was Pam, but Erin takes the cake.
Her complete over-reaction to Andy being engaged to someone years before they met really soured me on her character. Like, is it just bad writing? They were 3 weeks into a relationship and she's going mental over something that happened years ago. Then some how, Andy is being made out as the bad guy.
So I'm re-watching from the beginning since I skipped S8/S9 and just watched the finale, but man, was Erin always this annoying? I always thought it was Pam, but Erin takes the cake.
Her complete over-reaction to Andy being engaged to someone years before they met really soured me on her character. Like, is it just bad writing? They were 3 weeks into a relationship and she's going mental over something that happened years ago. Then some how, Andy is being made out as the bad guy.
making andy the boss was such a stupid mistake, they didn't even know what kind of character they wanted him to be.That was one of the stupidest plot points ever. They broke up Erin and Andy. Then had this whole fiasco of them getting back together. Then broke them back up again by making Andy go on the boat and Erin+Pete.
What the hell.
Her complete over-reaction to Andy being engaged to someone years before they met really soured me on her character. Like, is it just bad writing? They were 3 weeks into a relationship and she's going mental over something that happened years ago. Then some how, Andy is being made out as the bad guy.
Rewatching this with my girlfriend from S1 to Final.
At the point now where Erin is playing a bigger role in the story.
Have a massive crush on that actress, no idea why.
Rewatching this with my girlfriend from S1 to Final.
At the point now where Erin is playing a bigger role in the story.
Have a massive crush on that actress, no idea why.
Guys, I'm watching S9 and I don't think I can finish itIt's so bad. I'm only on episode 7. Is it even worth continuing? Feels like a chore watching each episode.
Feel like just skipping to the finale again lol
Guys, I'm watching S9 and I don't think I can finish itIt's so bad. I'm only on episode 7. Is it even worth continuing? Feels like a chore watching each episode.
Feel like just skipping to the finale again lol
Don't feel bad. I slogged through Seasons 7-9 hoping the secondary cast could fill the Michael void. Rewatching 7-9 are impossible due to the way Andy's character was completely destroyed.
I can't even remember anything past Season 8 besides the finale. Felt like a fever dream.