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The Office: Final Season |OT| It's better to burn out than it is to rust

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That dance scene was so bad. I cringed so hard I had to fast-forward through it. White people shouldn't be allowed to dance on TV.

Next week's episode looks like it'll be a real shitter. Six months later? An Angela wedding? They sure know how to waste our time.

My eyes moistened a bit when Pam watched the disc. Perhaps I am not a stone cold, heartless bastard after all.
That's what I must be. I skipped through that segment too. It was just predictable clips, one after another. An hour is too long for a poorly-written show and I did not have the patience for something so expected and rehashed.


Whatever happened to Andy's ex girl friend and the young guy in the office? Are they still together?

Also, anyone know the song in the promo?


S1-5 man....best comedy of all time for me. S6 was awful, 7 was solid, and 8/9 were ok, but probably unnecessary.
That's what I must be. I skipped through that segment too. It was just predictable clips, one after another. An hour is too long for a poorly-written show and I did not have the patience for something so expected and rehashed.

it was basically "remember when this show used to be good?"


It will absolutely be Michael. I'm guessing Dwight asks Jim, but Michael surprises everyone and shows up at the wedding. Jim relinquishes the honor to Michael.


Half of the episode was good.

Jim/Dwight was nice, his proposal was funny.
Darryl's shit was bad.
Looking forward to the finale, want to get this show over with.

Still bummed that Toby wasn't the Scranton strangler.
The negativity this show has inspired over the past few years has been almost overwhelming. I think season 6 was a bit of a low point for me. 8 had it's issues too. But even during it's lows I thought the show trumped most comedies out today (which I classify as Parks and Rec, Community, Sunny, and South Park). It's been flawed, sure. But for fuck's sake, some of you guys are so goddamn dogmatic about TV shows that I would never want to hang out with you in real life.

Tonight's episode was fine. It was a bit hokey but it hit the nerve the show was always going to hit at this point. The clips Jim gave to Pam in tonight's episode proved that.
The last few seasons have had lots of bad stuff, but I disagree that it's been more bad than good since season 5. While as as great as seasons 2-4, I still found a lot of the later seasons pretty good.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
S1-3 = 9/10
S4 = 8/10
S5 = 6/10

The rest I don't even care to rank. Suck.


Cringeworthy crap aside, I enjoyed it.
Yeah, if you take away the really awful stuff from the episode, it was one of the stronger eps in the season. The Dwight/Jim stuff was good.

Darryl's shit was bad.
I have never understood who Darryl appeals to. The actor never seems to know how to act out the scenes. Everything just feels off. He's really never been funny or endearing in any way. He's definitely one of the most forgettable characters on the show. If Darryl had been able to sneak out and never be seen again, no one in the office and no one watching would have noticed.


Gosh. Pam and jim at times feel like they really love each other....Like in real life. LOL. Maybe it's just me getting sentimental with the office ending.
I have never understood who Darryl appeals to. The actor never seems to know how to act out the scenes. Everything just feels off. He's really never been funny or endearing in any way. He's definitely one of the most forgettable characters on the show. If Darryl had been able to sneak out and never be seen again, no one in the office and no one watching would have noticed.

Early Darryl (like early everything) was great when he was hanging out in the warehouse and taking the piss out of Michael.

Dinkin flicka

The negativity this show has inspired over the past few years has been almost overwhelming. I think season 6 was a bit of a low point for me. 8 had it's issues too. But even during it's lows I thought the show trumped most comedies out today (which I classify as Parks and Rec, Community, Sunny, and South Park). It's been flawed, sure. But for fuck's sake, some of you guys are so goddamn dogmatic about TV shows that I would never want to hang out with you in real life.

Negativity and positivity are really exactly the same things...just from different angles.


listen to the mad man
RE: Negativity. Negativity would imply, to me, just being totally negative. Any negativity about this show is more of a lament for how things turned out. I absolutely do not believe The Office S6-8 trumped Parks, Community, or Sunny--or Louie, Bob's Burgers, Workaholics, The League, Don't Trust the B-, Happy Endings, Portlandia, Adventure Time, Veep, Archer...

Gosh. Pam and jim at times feel like they really love each other....Like in real life. LOL. Maybe it's just me getting sentimental with the office ending.

Jim is married to Emily Blunt (Actress: Devil Wears Prada, Looper, etc)

Pam was married to James Gunn (Writer/Director: Scooby Doo, Slither, Guardians of the Galaxy) but they divorced and she's now married to Lee Kirk (who is a newbie director who just did The Giant Mechanical Man with her).

I think the only IRL relationships of note in the cast are that Pam and Angela are best friends / each others godparents; Jim and Ryan went to the same high school during the same year but I don't think they were friends; and Ryan and Kelly are friends outside the show... oh, and Michael's IRL wife is the woman that played Carol on the show.

I have never understood who Darryl appeals to. The actor never seems to know how to act out the scenes. Everything just feels off. He's really never been funny or endearing in any way. He's definitely one of the most forgettable characters on the show. If Darryl had been able to sneak out and never be seen again, no one in the office and no one watching would have noticed.

In the first few seasons, the warehouse as a whole was a pretty good foil. Blue collar (versus the white collar upstairs employees), masculine (versus the relatively effete upstairs employees), street smart (versus, well, Michael and Dwight), culturally aware. So Darryl worked on that level. But I don't think anything they've done with him as a character has really worked. There probably could be an interesting plotline involving someone from the warehouse desiring to transition to management, selling out, being less real... but a throwaway gag about the whole warehouse staff winning the lottery and then running out of money and coming back to get their jobs, while simultaneously running the "he wants to be something more" plot with Jim... and Dwight... and Michael... and Pam... and Ryan... I dunno that it really worked all that well. I have no idea why they've chosen him to be in the role he is in this season.
Early Darryl (like early everything) was great when he was hanging out in the warehouse and taking the piss out of Michael.

Dinkin flicka

I hate Kevin.

He has become a mentally handicapped child and is a perfect example of how The Office has turned most of the characters into shallow caricatures that have no business working in an office. At least in the early seasons you could reasonably suspend disbelief and see them as realistic people that can function in an office (outside of the crazy hijinks that occur) - at this point I'm surprised Kevin can tie his own shoelaces.

Last night's episode was pretty good, so long as you skip any scene that focuses on Kevin or Andy.


I really enjoyed last night's episode minus the Andy stuff. I think it's shitty if Pam doesn't let Jim have his dream job. If their love for each other is as strong as they make it out to be, they should be able to make it through something like that.


Dat Jim giving dwight the speech on love + JimPam video note moment.


Its a real shame they went the path they did with the whole "interim manager" thing.

It should had been Dwight from the start. The show is at its best when Dwight/Jim are heavily involved.


this season has been pretty solid compared to last. it hasn't been the best show on tv in a while, but something about it ending makes me feel sad(like 30 rock)


If Jim doesn't stay in Scranton, then everything they showed in this episode meant nothing (since it's 6 months later). And in the next one, it would just be Jim staring at the camera with his goofy face explaining how Pam urged him to go and so he went. We wouldn't see any of it actually happen. All of that buildup would just lead to, "Yeah I went anyway!"
If Jim doesn't stay in Scranton, then everything they showed in this episode meant nothing (since it's 6 months later). And in the next one, it would just be Jim staring at the camera with his goofy face explaining how Pam urged him to go and so he went. We wouldn't see any of it actually happen. All of that buildup would just lead to, "Yeah I went anyway!"

They should just say he went away for a week a couple of times as a compromise and it wasn't a big deal.

big ander

They should just say he went away for a week a couple of times as a compromise and it wasn't a big deal.

expecting this. in the reunion ep he'll talk about how he and pam talked more and then he talked to the athlede people and they figured out a way for Jim to do far less travel and still stay on and profit
I hate Kevin.

He has become a mentally handicapped child and is a perfect example of how The Office has turned most of the characters into shallow caricatures that have no business working in an office. At least in the early seasons you could reasonably suspend disbelief and see them as realistic people that can function in an office (outside of the crazy hijinks that occur) - at this point I'm surprised Kevin can tie his own shoelaces.

Last night's episode was pretty good, so long as you skip any scene that focuses on Kevin or Andy.

Oscar actually poked fun at how flanderized Kevin has gotten last episode.

Angry Fork

Pam really aged, much more so than any of the other characters. But it's not just her looks, there's something about the way she acts that's changed dramatically, to the point where young Pam seems like an entirely different person, it's kind of sad and disappointing.

For me it feels like the show is split between a time where Jim/Pam weren't a serious couple, and after. Ever since Jim and Pam got engaged the scenes with them together have been getting worse and worse, culminating in the dreadful cringe worthy stuff in this episode. The split is also when most of the drama or telling a story went out the window (not that I mind this too much, it's just it was nice in the first few seasons).

Hopefully the finale has the older characters returning for some lines. I feel so much more emotion towards Tim and Dawn from the UK office just because they didn't have 4+ seasons of I LOVE MY KIDS/1st world relationship problems shoved down our throats.


The writers must hate the Andy character as much as we do. Look at how he ended up. He has no job, no family, no money, and he has gone completely psychotic. He is going to end the show as a crazed homeless person.


The episode was actually pretty good in my opinion. I've been a fan since the beginning and will admit that since Michael's departure, it's gone down hill. I will say that it wasn't good for a 2nd to last series ep but I'll take it.

Jim's prank on Dwight

Forcing character choices (Stanley being excited)
Andy's audition (completely unnecessary for the end story)

Dancing. It didn't really make sense but it was fun. I smiled.

I love this show but definitely ready to see these actors in new roles.
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