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The Office: Final Season |OT| It's better to burn out than it is to rust

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I don't often use this word, but I thought the episode was cute.

I quite enjoyed it

But whenever the cast talks to the camera crew, I feel like scratching my eyes out.




A lot of the emotional weight of Jim asking them for a favor against the rules is lost because they broke that wall for stupid reasons this season.

If the first time any of the film crew talked was in response to jim in this episode it would have been much better


A lot of the emotional weight of Jim asking them for a favor against the rules is lost because they broke that wall for stupid reasons this season.

If the first time any of the film crew talked was in response to jim in this episode it would have been much better

That wouldn't have held any emotional weight regardless. Pam's "relationship" with Brian combined with her falling out of sync with Jim is what gave this episode that emotional weight.


So...the Jim and Dwight stuff was SURPRISINGLY great. I loved it. The Andy sideplot was completely pointless. The Angela/Oscar/Kevin thing was extremely meh.


That wouldn't have held any emotional weight regardless. Pam's "relationship" with Brian combined with her falling out of sync with Jim is what gave this episode that emotional weight.

that part took away from it actually. Just the fall out from him wanting to start this other thing would have been enough. The brian crap ruined pam honestly.


Modesty becomes a woman
The writers must hate the Andy character as much as we do. Look at how he ended up. He has no job, no family, no money, and he has gone completely psychotic. He is going to end the show as a crazed homeless person.

He'll be back in the 6 month thing as either homeless, a local channel commercial actor, or a huge star. bet.

The Real Abed

I don't often use this word, but I thought the episode was cute.

I quite enjoyed it

But whenever the cast talks to the camera crew, I feel like scratching my eyes out.
When Jim asked for help and the guy said "You got it!" so awkwardly I wanted to cry. We know they're there. They don't need to say anything!
So...the Jim and Dwight stuff was SURPRISINGLY great. I loved it. The Andy sideplot was completely pointless. The Angela/Oscar/Kevin thing was extremely meh.

My feelings exactly. Also, thought Jim talking to the documentary crew scene, "can I get a favor" or whatever felt extremely out of place. I think it would've been even better if she watched those scenes during the actual documentary viewing party and then realized within herself how much Jim has done and sacrificed for her.

Jim and Dwight's interactions were so perfect, even that opening where we get Dwight talking in his office and then it zooms out a bit to show that Jim is there as well. It felt like a call back to earlier seasons when Michael would be talking to the doc crew and suddenly Dwight would be there too.

I would say last week's episode ranked higher than this week's, but I think the only way this show can end on a high note is if Jim and Pam leave Scranton, and we see some Michael Scott at Dwight and Angela's wedding.

The Real Abed

Yeah, I really loved the Jim and Dwight stuff. Classic Jim pranks. I really hope he didn't decide not to go on the trip. Seriously. Assistant to the Regional Manager is not the job you've been building to, Jim. There's so much better out there. Next week better start with them both living in Philly having gone on the trip three months prior.

So next week will be 6 months later. Much like the Christmas special for the original show. Hope it's worth it though. 9 years deserves a good finale. Hopefully it's more than just a wedding episode.

Also, I'm glad Dwight finally got Angela, but what about the milkmaid? Is the still free? If I give you my number will you make sure she gets it? I don't own a farm but, I got a heart.
Sorry it's a really bad off-screen recording but this clip makes a pretty good case for just how far Kevin has fallen over the years.

It does.

I think the main problem was when they did the "Kevin is retarded" sub-plot with Holly. It was actually pretty funny as they played up his character to lead her on. But then she found out that he wasn't retarded and they either decided to keep his character that way because it was "funny"...or they just forgot it was supposed to be finished.

I'd say both of those seem equally likely.


The Autumn Wind
When Jim asked for help and the guy said "You got it!" so awkwardly I wanted to cry. We know they're there. They don't need to say anything!
Yeah, that was bad. He says it so quickly and with do much energy, too, as if he were waiting for Jim to ask. I think a moment of silence followed by a somber "What do you need?" would have hit the mark much more effectively.
Sorry it's a really bad off-screen recording but this clip makes a pretty good case for just how far Kevin has fallen over the years.

Seeing Kevin in season 9 reminds me of the last thing Micheal said to Kevin. Something along the lines of "don't be caricature, Kevin".

Feels crazy that show is ending. I'm kind of glad Dwight has a happy ending out this, though.


When Jim asked for help and the guy said "You got it!" so awkwardly I wanted to cry. We know they're there. They don't need to say anything!

The delivery was what killed that the most, it felt so cheap. Like maybe that scene was originally silent after Jim spoke and in the editing bay they felt it needed punching up so someone just quickly recorded the line and stuck it in


listen to the mad man
Season 7:
Pam, without apparently consulting Jim, invests in Ryan's social networking company because she wants some extra cash. Although we're not given the size of the investment, she's apparently enough of a stakeholder to vote on whether or not Ryan should sell--so pretty clearly it's not a $100 investment or anything. Everyone is yelling at Ryan about it. Incidentally, Wuphf is an idiotic concept and that's an idiotic sub-plot. But, just, in the context of Season 9...

Aside: six years ago, and I'm amazed I actually remember this, an anonymous person added an uncited statement to BJ Novak's Wikipedia page saying that he had invested in a social networking venture. The same person repeatedly added details about the project falling apart. There's absolutely no source on the web for any of this information, so I have no idea if it was elaborate vandalism or something real. The programmer cited as working on the project is a real guy who has worked on some startups. Subsequent edits added a bunch of nonsense information. The edits were made from Los Angeles IPs. So maybe a joke by Novak and some friends?

Also the senator has a kid from a previous marriage. So uh, there's that. Did that ever come up again?

In the next episode we see Michael and Oscar, err, "debate" US-China relations while Pam negotiates the Offices' lease with Dwight. This is stupid. It's stupid first of all because Dwight owning the building is stupid. His office is stupid. The fact that he has Nate de-plying toilet paper in his office is stupid. Actually, Nate's entire character is stupid. Not really sure where they were going with him. Has he been in season 9 or did they just ignore his character?
Didn't give 2 shits about Jim and Pam's video. I can't believe I didn't, but I didn't. Even though it was to a Snow Patrol song, I felt distant from it and detached. Pam's face acting, from which we used to be able to pick up nice subtle cues, has gotten exasperating to watch since they started the decline (then instantaneous rebound) of their relationship. The frowning, the lip biting. It is so Lifetime Original.

I maintain the same feels I expressed earlier - that I no longer care about them as a couple. Not when sappy, not when fighting and not while alluding to fucking. Nothing, none, none of it.

I liked the Jim & Dwight stuff, but they really REALLY failed to make a connection with me on this episode. Darryl was never a popular enough guy to get his own fucking dance-off, after the guy bolts and gets caught trying to even out-douche Jim and leave without saying goodbye. He is probably least deserving of any of the originals to deserve that kind of send off. But even at that - the send off wasn't even cool (except the part when he said he liked Kevin dancing up on his front and Erin pretend humping him from behind)!

Funny Kevin stuff. Funny A.R.R.M. thing. Andy sub plot didn't do it for me.

This episode was a whiff for me, mostly due to the absolute zero zilch amount I care about Jim and Pam as a couple at this point.

I don't want to see this show end. But god damnit, I can't deal with seeing Jim and Pam on screen together any more - I just don't care, there is something very offputting about their relationship now, I don't want to see them anymore. And I am 3 seasons late saying that, as most people who don't like their arc started hating their relationship at Season 5.


^I felt nothing for the Jim/Pam stuff either. Their relationship just lost all appeal somewhere along the way. Their wedding episode was some of the worst TV I've ever suffered through, and then as soon as they had kids Pam became so much more lame. From there they just became annoying, I guess. Who knows, maybe I stopped liking them before that. It's so hard to remember now. All I know is that I never once bought into the marital issues that came out of nowhere. The whole part with involving the documentary crew because Pam was crying over a phone call probably ruined any chance the arc ever had.


The Jim/Pam video montage was more about nostalgia and reflection on the show than purely on their relationship, at least for me.

But in the finale we'll certainly get our fair share of those two things for the other characters.

Davey Cakes

Pretty much all of the Jim/Dwight plot was what people probably want out of The Office.

The Andy plot was the complete opposite.

I actually thought the Jim/Pam scene with her viewing the video was sufficiently nostalgic and also touching. The inclusion of the "teapot card" was great. They've made plenty of mistakes with Jim and Pam as a couple but good moments are still possible, at least.

Really makes you want to return to the pre-marriage days. Things were just so much better back then.


The video montage was extremely predictable. I can't site specific instances but I feel like they must have used that idea several times already for a bit of cheap nostalgia.


I don't understand why they've ignored Jim's $10,000 investment in Athlead now that a buyer is lined up. Shouldn't he and Pam be excited whether or not he goes back to Philly even if it's not a ridiculously huge payout?


I lost interest in this show about four or five episodes after Michael left, though I consider S1-S5 some of the best I've seen on TV. I just watched the last two episodes, and I guess the gap was a good thing, as the Jim/Pam stuff still worked for me and I thought it was a nice touch with Jim's speech to Dwight. I think the hiatus and seeing a lot of final fan service stuff that I once cared about probably helps.

Never connected with Andy, so that stuff really didn't register.

The writing is still not where it once was, but knowing it's winding down to the end and seeing some stuff reach a conclusion (like Dwight and Angela) has been enough that I'll probably pay attention for what's left.

And yeah, Dwight should have been manager as soon as Michael was gone.


^I felt nothing for the Jim/Pam stuff either. Their relationship just lost all appeal somewhere along the way. Their wedding episode was some of the worst TV I've ever suffered through, and then as soon as they had kids Pam became so much more lame. From there they just became annoying, I guess. Who knows, maybe I stopped liking them before that. It's so hard to remember now. All I know is that I never once bought into the marital issues that came out of nowhere. The whole part with involving the documentary crew because Pam was crying over a phone call probably ruined any chance the arc ever had.

Kids almost always ruin shows for me. They're a good idea at the time but they always either become "the point" where you always have to account for them or they just disappear all together. Both equally annoying.

But yea not much resonated with me in this episode. I've always been annoyed by Pam and Jim so there's that but the Angela Dwight thing lacked build up so there wasn't much of a "pay off" feeling. That's what this show has always been good at. Build up and pay off. Kind of missed it here. Too much going on. There were four storylinees.

I did LOVE the subtle moment when Dwight asked for help and Jim tried the whole A.A.R.M. thing. Dwights' "No seriously, I need you" response said to me "I know you're fucking with me but I really need you right now". It was an interesting little button.
This episode was hit and miss. I LOVED that Pam was upset when she saw how Jim was acting. It was actually the first time this season where she seemed to get what I think most of the audience understood since Athlede took off....Jim can be more than some average joe just pulling pranks at a paper company. I'm glad that she was teary eyed when she saw that...it's the first time in a long while that me and her were on the same page. It was sad to see Jim back to that shit. Even if it was funny, having been on this journey with him, that felt like a major step down for him.

But the show fucked it up...here I was thinking that they were being clever. Juxtaposing the humor of Jims prank while also touching on how pathetic it is for him to be doing it. Right when everything was coming together for Pam to finally see the error of her ways and release Jim from Scranton forever...they pulled the video montage thing. Ugh.

The production crew should have pretended to give Jim what he asked for, but actually DAGGERED Pam with a montage showing all of her bullshit over the years. Imagine her playing the video, and she see's a clip of her talking about her dream to be an artist. And another clip of her and Jim meeting half way when she was in art school. And a clip of him being the only person from the office to support her shitty art show. Lots of grade-A ether to be found.

Regarding Darryl. In general, I like the character. Since everyone on the show seemed to continuously get dumber/more eccentric, I feel like his heightened presence in later seasons has been a good way to balance that out a bit. He's another "not completely nuts" person, pretty similar to Jim actually. I don't think it's ridiculous that people would be sad to see him go, they've established just earlier in the season that even Dwight wanted him to stick around. Still, his actual send-off felt more like homage to Craig Robinson the actor, and not so much something specific to Darryl.

I liked everything with Dwight, his relationship with Jim is special. If the show ends with a bunch of good-byes, that'll be the one that hits me the hardest. Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica!

I haven't watched much broadcast television over the years. Outside of Arrested Development, The Office is the only sitcom that I've ever *followed* and made sure to see every episode of. Hope they pull it off. Michael Scott or bust, far as I'm concerned. I NEED a moment of Michael giving Toby the cold shoulder one final time.


listen to the mad man
More of season 7:
Michael's eventual relationship with Holly is actually very well telegraphed. Typically in comedies, the eventual outcomes of seasons or plots are kind of herky-jerky, where they go a long time without being mentioned or it's unclear how it's actually going to come together until the very end... but in this case the writers did a very good job. There's a natural escalation. She comes back, it becomes clear she still has feelings for Michael, her and AJ break it off, her and Michael get together, PDA where they decide to move in together, it's mentioned that when Toby comes back things will change but they decide that this time it won't. Even the shoehorned plot of having Holly needing to go to take care of her parents comes up in a pretty organic way--Michael calling Holly's parents to seek their permission to propose.

And the actual proposal scenes work very well. It's good acting by Carell. He starts off in this sort of hushed-muffled tone when he asks her to go for a walk. She knows exactly what's coming, which I think is pretty true to life for a lot of couples. The scenes they choose to highlight are good choices. And having him do the proposal in a Yoda voice and get interrupted by a sprinkler going off is basically perfect (especially in light of Michael worrying that "bad weather" took away from Jim's proposal to Pam). And then in the last 10 seconds of the episode, Michael tells a stunned room he's moving to Colorado with Holly. That works really well because not only has he not told anyone prior to that, he didn't even discuss it with Holly. She said she had to be closer to her parents, and he immediately internalized it.

Really slick work, and it's a pity they couldn't have excised so much of the garbage of season 6 and 7 and done the proposal and had Carell leave without having to flounder for quite so long.


the thing I really hate about this show (and thsi season in particular) is how pointless plot threads are. There are so many plots, relationships, etc., that are seemingly important but in fact build up to nothing.

It feels like they keep changing the end goal and just fit in a bunch of random storylines to reach the intended goal in some contrived way.

Andy and Erin is a good example of this - it felt like they were building them up to have a good r/s, and the season started with Andy chasing after her and bringing her back. But then they decided they shouldn't be together and now its all kinda swept under the rug. Another is the whole Brian-Pam thing which seemed like it was going to be a big moment since its the first time they ever broke that barrier but it lead to literally nothing.

And that's my main problem - take away these plots and nothing changes in the end. Dwight hooking up with that hot farmer girl? No difference. Senator being gay and cheating on Angela withg Oscar? No worries, Angela was in love with Dwight the entire time.

I hate the Jim and Pam arc too - it's pretty depressing that Jim can't follow his dreams and is forced to stay working at a paper company in the name of love. I mean, they made a big deal the entire series of Jim wasting his potential here and sticking around because it's too comfortable...and now they are going say it's okay to waste your potential and be stuck doing a boring job that you probably don't like because your wife likes being an office supply manager (lol)? I'm sure they'll do something where he goes any ways but in a way that pleases everyone, but whatever it is going to be a shitty resolution to their most important story arc this season. I'm personally hoping they just ditch Scranton and move to Philly as a family.
I don't understand why they've ignored Jim's $10,000 investment in Athlead now that a buyer is lined up. Shouldn't he and Pam be excited whether or not he goes back to Philly even if it's not a ridiculously huge payout?

I was thinking the same thing. Even if he doesn't go out west for three months, he should still have a huge payout when they sell since he was a principal investor. Good thing he came to the table with $10,000 even after his partners said they didn't need the extra cash infusion.

Buuuuuut, they probably won't even mention this in the final episode.


Yeah, if you take away the really awful stuff from the episode, it was one of the stronger eps in the season. The Dwight/Jim stuff was good.

I have never understood who Darryl appeals to. The actor never seems to know how to act out the scenes. Everything just feels off. He's really never been funny or endearing in any way. He's definitely one of the most forgettable characters on the show. If Darryl had been able to sneak out and never be seen again, no one in the office and no one watching would have noticed.

I liked Darryl but thought the dance at the end was pretty stupid and random. Especially having Stanley so excited to dance with him...wtf?

I really hope the next episode shows us that Jim went off for 3 months and finished his dream. Would be pretty stupid to not go, and at least Pam only has to hang in there for a finite amount of time before their lives can go back to "normal." He might even make enough money for them both to retire.


The Autumn Wind
I really hope the next episode shows us that Jim went off for 3 months and finished his dream. Would be pretty stupid to not go, and at least Pam only has to hang in there for a finite amount of time before their lives can go back to "normal." He might even make enough money for them both to retire.
While that would be better than stranding Jim in Scranton, it's still a total copout. They created all this conflict between them about it, and then they're just gonna have a timejump saying "Yeah, Jim went and everything worked out!"?


Episode made me cry. I thought the part where Jim still had that card and gave it to Pam was so romantic. Was great to see their relationship bloom and blossom over the years. Got pretty emotional when they started fighting because I didn't want to see what I defined as a perfect relationship end. That 6 months later thing better not have them on a break or someshit. Screw that.

I loved the whole AARM thing. That was classic office. Jim and Dwights antics were great.

Thought the whole Darell thing was dumb too especially with Stanley being excited.

I liked Andys bit and thought Mark Mcgrath and the rest of the cast of Americas Next Acapella Star was hilarious but when he lost it at the end it was no longer funny and just stupid.
Confession...I really liked the wedding/niagra episode.
The first half of the episode is about Pam not wanting her stickly old aunt to know she was pregnant (a character we had never met before), the 'why can't Pam drink?' scene is so awful. Then Andy sits on his balls and needs Pam to take him to the hospital (because no one in the office knows anyone not in the office), and then it all culminates in an earnest reprisal of a then-popular Youtube video (again, featuring Office-only people). It was a garbage episode. I guess it is fitting that Jim convinces Pam she is enough for him with what amounts to a fan-made Youtube compilation of their Greatest Hits.

As it is wise to consider 'Goodbye, Michael' the true end of The Office, I think the end of 'The Job' was the best end for Jim & Pam. Pretty crazy to think that after we were so invested in them the first few seasons, we will end up with almost twice as many seasons where they are rather inconsequential or annoying. If the finale reveals Jim stayed in Scranton and left Athlead it will ruin the entire show for me. Like it got burned down and the ground salted behind it ruined. Michael, the perpetual manchild who loved Dunder Mifflin as if it were his family, will have moved on more than everyone else combined if that turns out to be the case.


It was so perfect that Stanley couldn't wait to dance with Darryl, a guy that he had never shown any interest in befriending.

This show sucks.

I liked the Jim/Dwight stuff a lot, though.


Also, I wish that Jim and Pam were still on the outs and then Jim tried to get her back and used the edited thing.

They were already fine so it wasn't impact full, just a confirmation.

That whole arc about them was so awful, the sound guy stuff was promising but ended up being as half-baked as everything else.


listen to the mad man
Season 8:
Pam trains Cathy to replace her while she's on maternity leave. Cathy, within a few months, tries to hook up with Jim. I get the appeal of hooking up with a married man, but I don't think very many people quite do it that way. It'd have worked better had they kept Jordan around from the previous season so that it was someone with a little bit of history at the company and a reason to be there.

What is Gabe's job at this point? When Jo is in charge, Gabe's job as corporate liason is pretty clear (and they have a bunch of ) but the second Robert California shows up we only see him meet with Andy. Dwight runs the meeting to announce the Sabre tablet marketing initiative. Gabe doesn't appear to be doing anything.


Season 8:
Pam trains Cathy to replace her while she's on maternity leave. Cathy, within a few months, tries to hook up with Jim. I get the appeal of hooking up with a married man, but I don't think very many people quite do it that way. It'd have worked better had they kept Jordan around from the previous season so that it was someone with a little bit of history at the company and a reason to be there.

What is Gabe's job at this point? When Jo is in charge, Gabe's job as corporate liason is pretty clear (and they have a bunch of ) but the second Robert California shows up we only see him meet with Andy. Dwight runs the meeting to announce the Sabre tablet marketing initiative. Gabe doesn't appear to be doing anything.

Season 8 was such a trainwreck.

If I ever do any rewatches, I'm just leaving 8 out entirely.
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