How would you describe what he was like before?
How would you describe what he was like before?
I remember he was adult enough to have a fiancé and play in a Police cover band. He didn't talk as slowly as he does now.
Are you saying mentally retarded people cant have fiances or play music?
How would you describe what he was like before?
A lot of the emotional weight of Jim asking them for a favor against the rules is lost because they broke that wall for stupid reasons this season.
If the first time any of the film crew talked was in response to jim in this episode it would have been much better
That wouldn't have held any emotional weight regardless. Pam's "relationship" with Brian combined with her falling out of sync with Jim is what gave this episode that emotional weight.
The writers must hate the Andy character as much as we do. Look at how he ended up. He has no job, no family, no money, and he has gone completely psychotic. He is going to end the show as a crazed homeless person.
When Jim asked for help and the guy said "You got it!" so awkwardly I wanted to cry. We know they're there. They don't need to say anything!I don't often use this word, but I thought the episode was cute.
I quite enjoyed it
But whenever the cast talks to the camera crew, I feel like scratching my eyes out.
When Jim asked for help and the guy said "You got it!" so awkwardly I wanted to cry. We know they're there. They don't need to say anything!
So...the Jim and Dwight stuff was SURPRISINGLY great. I loved it. The Andy sideplot was completely pointless. The Angela/Oscar/Kevin thing was extremely meh.
When Jim asked for help and the guy said "You got it!" so awkwardly I wanted to cry. We know they're there. They don't need to say anything!
Sorry it's a really bad off-screen recording but this clip makes a pretty good case for just how far Kevin has fallen over the years.
Yeah, that was bad. He says it so quickly and with do much energy, too, as if he were waiting for Jim to ask. I think a moment of silence followed by a somber "What do you need?" would have hit the mark much more effectively.When Jim asked for help and the guy said "You got it!" so awkwardly I wanted to cry. We know they're there. They don't need to say anything!
Sorry it's a really bad off-screen recording but this clip makes a pretty good case for just how far Kevin has fallen over the years.
When Jim asked for help and the guy said "You got it!" so awkwardly I wanted to cry. We know they're there. They don't need to say anything!
Aren't they always?Really makes you want to return to the pre-marriage days. Things were just so much better back then.
Confession...I really liked the wedding/niagra episode.
Confession...I really liked the wedding/niagra episode.
^I felt nothing for the Jim/Pam stuff either. Their relationship just lost all appeal somewhere along the way. Their wedding episode was some of the worst TV I've ever suffered through, and then as soon as they had kids Pam became so much more lame. From there they just became annoying, I guess. Who knows, maybe I stopped liking them before that. It's so hard to remember now. All I know is that I never once bought into the marital issues that came out of nowhere. The whole part with involving the documentary crew because Pam was crying over a phone call probably ruined any chance the arc ever had.
I don't understand why they've ignored Jim's $10,000 investment in Athlead now that a buyer is lined up. Shouldn't he and Pam be excited whether or not he goes back to Philly even if it's not a ridiculously huge payout?
Yeah, if you take away the really awful stuff from the episode, it was one of the stronger eps in the season. The Dwight/Jim stuff was good.
I have never understood who Darryl appeals to. The actor never seems to know how to act out the scenes. Everything just feels off. He's really never been funny or endearing in any way. He's definitely one of the most forgettable characters on the show. If Darryl had been able to sneak out and never be seen again, no one in the office and no one watching would have noticed.
While that would be better than stranding Jim in Scranton, it's still a total copout. They created all this conflict between them about it, and then they're just gonna have a timejump saying "Yeah, Jim went and everything worked out!"?I really hope the next episode shows us that Jim went off for 3 months and finished his dream. Would be pretty stupid to not go, and at least Pam only has to hang in there for a finite amount of time before their lives can go back to "normal." He might even make enough money for them both to retire.
The first half of the episode is about Pam not wanting her stickly old aunt to know she was pregnant (a character we had never met before), the 'why can't Pam drink?' scene is so awful. Then Andy sits on his balls and needs Pam to take him to the hospital (because no one in the office knows anyone not in the office), and then it all culminates in an earnest reprisal of a then-popular Youtube video (again, featuring Office-only people). It was a garbage episode. I guess it is fitting that Jim convinces Pam she is enough for him with what amounts to a fan-made Youtube compilation of their Greatest Hits.Confession...I really liked the wedding/niagra episode.
The production crew should have pretended to give Jim what he asked for, but actually DAGGERED Pam with a montage showing all of her bullshit over the years.
Season 8:
Pam trains Cathy to replace her while she's on maternity leave. Cathy, within a few months, tries to hook up with Jim. I get the appeal of hooking up with a married man, but I don't think very many people quite do it that way. It'd have worked better had they kept Jordan around from the previous season so that it was someone with a little bit of history at the company and a reason to be there.
What is Gabe's job at this point? When Jo is in charge, Gabe's job as corporate liason is pretty clear (and they have a bunch of ) but the second Robert California shows up we only see him meet with Andy. Dwight runs the meeting to announce the Sabre tablet marketing initiative. Gabe doesn't appear to be doing anything.